96.52% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 111: 111 Doing side quests

บท 111: 111 Doing side quests

[283 AC]


Paul looked down at the latest development in the agricultural and housing sector of Yeen as he opened the new town made up entirely of naturally grown tree houses.


Well not completely natural since it had assistance from magic, it was a town that could be grown from the ground as his most talented sorcerers performed the spell created by Paul with the help of a special breed of mutated Weeping Willows.


It would take a year to finally grow large enough to be considered a town but there would be no need for any building materials to create the whole area, only things that would be used was land, water and abundant sunlight.


The only matters needed to be handled then would be plumbing, interior decorating and some miscellaneous items that a family would need in a house.


Slowly floating down he admired his work while his people stared in awe at their God descending from above with a satisfied smile.


The Sorcerers breathed a sigh of relief as happiness took over since they were ecstatic that their Lord and Savior was not disappointed in their work.


"I believe a feast is in order, call the chefs and we will dine at the Plaza of Willow Town." Paul smiled as he finally landed besides Kaash who still stood guard at his side with Ogap playing with some kids nearby.


"My Lord, Lady Rohanne had sent word she'll be arriving tonight to report to you the developments in Westeros." Kaash said as her usual gruff voice mellowed down as her intelligence had increased due to the special concoction designed for the Great Warriors.


"I see, it is that time already." Paul muttered as he floated slowly towards his ride, Grey Hill the largest Elephant he has in all of Yeen, now standing 6 meters shoulder height with 50 ton of pure muscle mass.


The Howdah of the giant pachyderm could now be considered a small house as Paul sat down on a sofa made from the best fabric found and made in Sothoryos.


The streets of Yeen could be seen with these giant pachyderms now dubbed by Paul as Elephas Titanus since they were bred and raised here in his domain.


But most still call them as Yeenish Elephant, they were now used as bus for the locals to go to work. The average size of these giant Pachyderms are around 4.8-5.3 meters in shoulder height and beyond that were rarely found bit still exist in herds.


They were able to drag giant carriages that could carry around 50-60 people which now became a central part of the life of Yeen's citizens as well as the towns besides the large City.


No other merchants or sailors yet from other places had reached this hidden gem of a city that only a few were lucky to reach but had not found the chance to leave, as the waters of Sothoryos proved to brutal to any vessel that try to sail the rivers of this Green Hell.


Paul looked from his seat the bustling city that came from beings old ruins of black oily stones into a busy metropolis that would make fantasy loving people to drool as the once stone age kind of people now developed into a proper early medieval society.


From Beastmen, Brindledmen to normal men the city now sported a rather assorted mix of various people living in the lands of Titanus.


Other than an assortment of different species, there also exist a few that walk around in large robes with different symbols as well as colors that indicate their specialty.


Sorcerers had become something normal to see in this civilization Paul had created, he felt it was a pity he would not be able to bring them once he left but that was not yet set in stone.


He wouldn't mind another civilization added into his own world items, mostly the Orb World since it was where he placed all living sentient beings he has to live.


Grey Hill trudge back to Egon's Keep, which now flourished with a plethora of exotic plants and small fauna that was domesticated. Just a few moments as Paul got down from Grey Hill he could feel a rumbling in the earth as Cera came charging through some foliage near the gardens to ram itself towards Paul.


Paul smiled as the giant lizard kept acting like a puppy, Cera grew a bit but her mutation were mostly in the durability and endurance so not much change could be observed.


Her scales though gleamed a little bit metallic as she nudged her head towards Paul who was able to handle the giant lizard-puppy of his.


"Alright, alright I'm sorry I spent quite longer outside than I promised. Now come here and bring me to the Great Hall." Paul scratched the chin of Cera as it growled in satisfaction then slowly lowered her body so Paul can ride on her.


"Good girl, sigh… walking, so overrated." Paul said as he sat down the energetic monster, Cera then trotted over towards the Great Hall with happy vibes as her wagging tail leaving gusts of winds behind said so.


Paul arrived with a back full of saliva as Cera stuck out her large tongue to lick him clean so he would be presentable, still Paul went to have a quick bath then arrived on the Great Hall half an hour later.


As he sat down he was served a tray of snacks by his side as Kaash arrived with Ogap who was also given a tray of snacks, the big guy barely developed his intelligence even with the concoctions given for him.


But he did develop in other ways, the guy now stood 7'10 with 600 kg of pure muscle and bronze-like skin. Even without armor, he could tank most strikes from any blade except the ones made with magic like Valyrian Steel or the meteorite sword of Arthur Dayne.


"My Lord, Lady Rohanne wishes to speak to you." A woman with breathtaking features said in a servile tone as her violet eyes looked in curiosity towards Paul.


"Uhmm…" Paul looked at this new maid on the side and seemed unsure.


"Yes My Lord?" the beauty asked a bit confused at the silence of Paul, her face reminded him of a certain woman that turned heads by her presence back then in his original world.


She looked like a purple eyed Megan Fox without the thick make-up as well as a luscious head of black hair.


"Who the f*ck are you? Are you new here?" Paul finally muttered as he looked at the woman that stood nearby.






"Uhm… My Lord I am Ashara Dayne, I have been assigned as your Assistant as well as Head Maid to handle some affairs that needed my attention." Ashara said as she looked towards Paul still unsure about this new Employer of hers, she had recently been taken away from the Red Keep with the Princess and her children.


As she had been spending some time in the rather secretive place called the Flask Basin, she was given something she barely understood. Something about a vaccine that would prevent most diseases known to afflict all men, she did not understand much but she could tell it would be good for her.


A few weeks there then she rode on the infamous Leviathan, the Flagship of the mysterious Blood Lord. Who she would be serving according to Lady Rohanne, someone who should have been dead for a long time but stood before her with a youthful face and sharp no nonsense eyes.


She spent a few days trying to memorize the details on the tome given to her as her duties had been changed from being the handmaiden of the Princess into something she could not get heads or tails with for the meantime.


Her mind wandered about her first meeting with this enigmatic man that was sought out by many Lords and Ladies alike, so she was really surprised seeing the rather young face of Paul who had just shaved his face.


He rather lacked the rugged looks for the moment as he dressed with Cultivator's garbs looking like a tall young master ready to ask people if they really dare.


"…" Paul was silent as his mind whirred thinking how the hell did this supposed to be beauty that would have yeeted herself out of a tower now stood before him saying she'll be his assistant.


He already had Kaash or Ogap, well maybe only Kaash to handle some miscellaneous things besides him yet thinking about it he really does not have anyone to serve him while he travels his domain. Like to serve food or change his sheets, maybe even fan him to satisfy his vanity.


"Okay, Rohanne should have briefed you about my habits already so serve away. Also call her in, I would like to hear the reports of the past years." Paul waved his hand as he looked at the doors which opened just as he finished talking.


"Lord Paul, as you have predicted. Robert Baratheon, was just crowned as the new King of the Seven Kingdoms, it was decided by many Lords that found the young Stag to be rather charisma." Rohanne reported as soon as she arrived without wasting any time at all.


"Whoa, directly into the result huh? Still give me details of how the Targaryen Dynasty fell in the past few months." Paul said as he chewed on some fresh tomato, he looked like he was eating something bloody when the juices dripped on his chin.


Ashara seemed a bit unnerved at this rather contrasting image as the elegant looking man now looked like a blood thirsty vampire with blood on his mouth.


But oddly there was a charm to it that drew her to keep watching as Rohanne seemed to not be bothered at all at Paul's actions.


Ashara looked at Lady Rohanne as she marveled her calm disposition, she was used to the rather empty gestures within the court of the Red Keep as Lords and Ladies kept up false pretenses to appear sophisticated and civilized.


Yet here, a man feared by many filled with mysteries unknown from the general populace, acted like he was not a Lord of a powerful force enough to deter the Free Cities as well as the Triarchy of the Free Cities.


He had been dubbed as the merchant in the Shadows as he unanimously has a seat in every council even when he does not appear at all in any meetings.


No one now schemed for his businesses since there is hardly any conflict to theirs since most of their income came from slaves and spices that Paul does not really focus on.


So seeing this image caused an inner turmoil within the young handmaiden of the Princess, as she could never imagine someone so powerful with a lack of grace in his actions.


Rohanne cleared her throat as she opened up the large tome in her hands to read the details of the whole Rebellion.


"During at the battle of the Bells, Lord Eddard Stark and Lord Jon Arryn arrived in time to save Lord Robert Baratheon. Many died as the battle was fought everywhere in the town, from the streets to the alleyways swords clashed and deaths of nobles were many in the chaos.


Lord Jon Arryn lost his heir, so he and Lord Eddard Stark agreed to a wedding with Lord Hoster Tully's daughters. Lady Catelyn Tully was married to Lord Stark and Lady Lysa Tully was wed to Lord Jon Arryn.


Afterwards, Prince Rheagar returned from the Tower of Joy to finally take command of the Army of the Crown. Lord Doran Martell had first refused but sent a thousand spears after King Aerys had stated that he still has Princess Elia and her two children held hostage in the Red Keep.


King Aerys also ordered Wisdom Rossart to place many caches of Wildfire under the foundations of Kingslanding. It was a rather hard matter to resolve quietly, so we took away all our assets in the City while only leaving the small puppets to spy at the Capital.


Ahem…" Lady Rohanne cleared her throat a bit as she picked up a glass of wine on the side to take a sip.


"…after which we found that Lady Lyanna Stark, had a secret wedding ceremony after Prince Rheagar had his marriage with Princess Elia voided with the help of a rather drunk Septon.


So she was with child when she arrived at the Tower of Joy, then the rebel army marched further south as the crown raised up to 40 thousand men to face the rebel forces.


While the armies marched towards each other, the Spider, Varys the Master of Whisperers had devised a safeguard to ensure the royal line continues on. He had found a child that matched the features of the newborn Aegon VI is prepared to be swapped in case tragedy befalls the Princess.


But his search for a child to assume the Young Princess Rheanys has come to a halt because it was quite hard to change them without the Princess Elia noticing.


At this time, the Greyjoys and Lannisters were still neutral as they stood at the side not taking any actions. On another note, our businesses in the Free Cities are operating in a regular manner, other than some special businesses with some Ibbenese traders that were able to bring in more Giants for us nothing was out of sort.


It seems the situation up North has gone to a deep dive as unrest was observed in the eyes of these Giants. Had ours not calmed them down they would not have cooperated easily to join our ranks.


Also Lord Commander Qorgyle had sent some riders to seek information about us, it seems that some lord had sent ravens to Castle Black trying to pressure the old commander into revealing who it was that kept sending iron and meat into the Wall.


But he was empty handed in his search, still this made many Lords quiet down as they finally have confirmation that The Night's Watch does not know who is donating to them every month.


Some did try to chase after the carriages we sent but all they got were common mercenaries hired from unknown sources.


Still a few were smart enough to think it was us yet they have no proof or evidence to back their theory so all they had were speculations.


Also Lady Gemma had sent a letter saying she missed you, I really don't understand how I have such a granddaughter. I surely never taught Tytos such behavior, but I guess I never taught him to be a better parent too.


Anyways, back to the war, Prince Rheagar went to lead the forty thousand soldiers and tried to cross the river but was met with the battle hardened soldiers of Stark, Arryn, Tully and Baratheon.


The Battle of the Trident they call it, the armies met in the crossing now known as the Ruby Ford. The clash caused a lot of chaos but Lord Robert was able to command the fight with his booming voice.


Many lost their lives while many also made a name for themselves or showed the titles they earned were not empty.


Ser Barristan Selmy still shone as he cut down men in droves.


Lyn Corbray became known, as the Dornishmen tried to flank the left side of the Rebel's army, he picked up his wounded Father's sword Lady Forlorn and fought against Ser Lewyn Martell though the kingsguard was injured before their duel, the boy won and prevented the collapse of the Left Flank.


But before he was cut down, we interfered a little as the ones we placed in disguise spirited the Kingsguard away before he was cut down.


Ser Bartimus was able to save Lord Manderly's life in the heat of battle.


The Son of Lord Goodbrook made peace with Lord Hoster Tully and Robert.


Jason Mallister slew at least three bannermen of Rheagar Targaryen.


And Robert Bartheon defeated Prince Rheagar Targaryen in a duel in the middle of the chaos. He was wounded but was able to land a blow on Rheagar's chest that caved his armor and sent the rubies that adorned it into the river, thus now named the Ruby Ford.


This caused the Loyalist to lose moral and the Rebels gaining momentum in the battle.


Ser Barristan Selmy cut down dozens more men before he was brought captured in front of Robert Baratheon, who graciously spared him even after the suggestion of executing the Knight.



Robert even sent his own Measter's to tend to the knight's wounds while he laid down wounded himself in his tent, this won many hearts of captured nobles that they knelt down and asked for forgiveness from the young Stag.



Then Walder Frey arrived, Lord Hoster Tully then called him 'The Late Lord Frey' in mock to his old age as well as tardiness in the war while questioning his Loyalty.


After hearing of the Prince's death, King Aerys sent Prince Viserys and Queen Rhealla who was pregnant at the time to Dragonstone.


The King kept Princess Elia and her children as hostage since he rambled how Dorne betrayed him when Prince Lewyn lost in the battle of the Trident and presumed dead since no one saw his body after, but they did see the bloodied armor down the river with wolves licking the blood clean.


Which we placed so everyone would think Lewyn Martell is dead, who we had nursed to good health and sent with a few of our knights to spirit away Princess Elia Martell while preparing our own back up puppets to swap them.


Being a Kingsguard does have its uses when he went to Kingslanding using secret passages that some we do not even know of.


We got to the Princess before Lord Varys enacted his swapping of the young prince Aegon. But we did not take her away yet since we got word Lord Quellon finally decided to join the war after being convinced by his sons.


But since House Lannister had not yet made any action, most of the Ironmen's fleet remained at home. He then led fifty Longships in attacking the Reach, they captured some ships and raided some towns or villages.


However while they were at the mouth of the Mander they were faced with the fleet from the Shield Islands. Good thing with our interference, Lord Quellon Greyjoy was saved after a close shave at his life.


But being wounded, the Fleet retreated back to the Iron Islands with nothing much to show for other than Balon Greyjoy scheming to get the Driftwood throne from his father, our investigations summarized the young squid wanted to revoke every reforms his Father had done on Pyke.


So we sent a few shadows to ensure the Lord of the Iron Islands survive long enough for his reforms to finally take root.


While we got focused on the matters of the Iron Islands, King Aerys had started his wildfire plot but was confronted by the current Hand, Lord Qarlton Chelsted.


Someone who I thought was rather craven, but showed a backbone on the last minute. His confrontation with the King made him disappointed and did not want to have a hand in burning innocents.


Unfortunately we were not able to place any contingency besides him so we were not able save the brave man…" Rohanne cleared her throat as she sat down on a table, the venue changed as Paul finished his food fast and they are now in the Gardens sipping tea.


Ogap was sitting on the grass looking at the critters prancing about in the area, Kaash was on the side drinking a hot beverage while Ashara served Paul some snacks as he listened to Rohanne report.


This time Betha and Shiera joined the table as they too brought in their reports on the department they handled.


"…still we had some of our men pass this information as a whisper to the young Baratheon who was rather surprised at the last moments of the once known craven Lord.


We had hoped he'll be rather merciful to house Chelsted because of Lord Qarlton's actions. Wisdom Rossart was named Hand after the ordeal, King Aerys left him to finish the Wildfire plot, scorched earth as the maddened dragon wanted.


This time, Lord Tywin who had refused the call of both rebels and loyalist made a move as he arrived a fortnight after Prince Rheagar's death at the Capital with twelve thousand men.


I had a foreboding feeling of his intentions so I had the contingencies in the Capital stand ready, but I must say such scheming and ruthlessness from my grandson was a surprise. I never knew where he got that from…" Rohanne sipped daintily while Paul, Betha and Shiera looked at Rohanne with disbelieving eyes.


Her being the one in charge of all the information and handled the spies and assassins of Titanus should be the last one pointing fingers at anybody doing cruel things, especially her grandson.


"…well anyways, as I was saying, Tywin had already brought Maester Pycelle into his bidding. Quite a conniving old man I must say, he really has a strong sense of preservation. King Aerys was a bit on the edge already so when the army of the Westerlands appeared in the horizon he was placed in thin ice.


Lord Eddard was already marching close to the capital while Robert Baratheon tended to his wounds as he pursued what remains of Rheagar's army that had already arrived in the Capital.


So the King was torn with indecision as Varys advised to not let the Lannister force by keeping the gates closed while Maester Pycelle seemed to have come to the conclusion that all was lost.


Due to being King Aerys falling into madness and the remaining princes were too young to be declared King. Thus said to the King that the Lannisters had been a friend of the crown which I found laughable, I know the Lions never thought of anyone above them.


King Aerys was then convinced as Tywin had declared his Loyalty to the crown, thus opened the gates which caused a cascade of events. So I had to spirit away the Princess and her children from Meagor's holdfast.


A few of our sorcerers were sent to cast a glamor spell on some clone puppets you had made so make them look like the Princess and the two children.


And of all the people Tywin had to send, it had to be the dumbest brutal ones he had. This young Clegane they call the Mountain, he seems to be taller and almost as big as our Iron Bulwark here…" Rohanne pointed to Ogap who was giving piggy back rides to young Donut, Duncan and Rohanne's son, who still looked young since he was given the special concoction since he was a baby.


"I heard that this kid was brutal even to his younger brother who he burned for some childish reason." Shiera said as she gave the tomes she was holding to Paul who was multitasking as he listened and read the results of research done by his sorcerers.


"…indeed, the brother grew quite into a warrior too. But back to Meagor's Holdfast, the mountain and another Lannister knight Ser Amory Lorch had scaled the walls to get the Princess and her children who we had already swapped.


Lord Varys' also swapped the baby so the one that was left was a real baby of some whore he got from a brothel. I wonder what his reaction would be when he finds out he has a fake baby?


Well, the spies said it was quite a sight to see. Amory stabbed the puppet Rhaenys dozens of times, Gregor slammed the poor baby crushing its skull while he tried to shag the fake Elia Martell…" Rohanne rubbed her brows as she read this part since she thought about what could have happened if they did not swap the princess that time.


"Wait, he didn't notice? Sure I made those puppets humanlike but it was not entirely anatomically correct. I don't remember placing a hole in that part when I created them…" Paul muttered as he stopped reading for a bit thinking what the big Clegane was thinking, was he even thinking though.


"The Sorcerers said the improved Glamor spell you made fooled the boulder for brains knight." Betha answered as she held a small abacus while rechecking the accounts of the businesses Titanus owned in the Free Cities.


"That's right, but while they were scaling the holdfast, King Aerys had commanded Rossart to start their plan since he wanted Robert to be the King of Ash and bones. Ser Jaime had advised to make terms at first but seeing the King wanted to burn the City, the young man went and killed Wisdom Rossart before he even got out of the Red Keep.


Then he came back, told the King he had killed the Hand making Aerys try to run away but he was not as fast as the young Kingsguard. He was thrown and his throat was slit by the young knight, just in time for Roland Crakehall and some of his father's bannermen to arrive and witness the execution.


Thus earning him the title 'Kingslayer', the city was sacked but thankfully we had warned many so only a small amount of the populace was hurt as they had already hid away in their cellars or the sewers.


Stills some men were killed and women got raped while the Lannister men pillaged the whole City. This was all a ploy by Tywin to declare his Loyalty to Robert Baratheon, in time for the Vanguard led by Eddard Stark to arrive as he rode to the Red Keep.


Only to find the Iron Throne with Jaime Lannister sitting on it, after that the main rebel army arrived. Lord Eddard was quite livid hearing the deaths of the Princess and her children as they were presented to Robert on red cloaks.


The face of 'Rheanys' was still visible but the young 'Aegon' on the other hand made many not want to take a second glance as it was nothing but brain and broken bones.


The Young Stark argued with Robert Bartheon who was rather happy hearing the deaths of the Targaryen children by calling them 'dragon spawn'.


Even their father figure Lord Jon Arryn had not been able to abte the anger of both young men. The next day Lord Stark rode south to relieve the siege of the Tyrells on Storm's End, which was still led by that oaf of a Tyrell.


Stannis was able to hold on due to the efforts of a smuggler, who he cut his fingers after the siege ended but also promoted into a noble. Quite a stickler for rules this one is, I knew their grandfather and he was quite a jolly fellow, I wonder how this one came to be so bitter.


Tywin had presented the surviving royalist a choice after the sack, which is to take the black or be executed. Most knights and Lords chose to take the Black, so I sent them an anonymous gift of the small booklet you made about the real history of the Wall.


Then the Lord Stark had marched to the Tower of Joy, where he met three of the remaining Kingsguard, Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Oswel Whent.


Lord Stark along with five others had a brief talk with the Kingsguard trying to have them leave unharmed. The talk was too brief before Duncan who stood on the side was able to interfere.


Ethan Glover, Ser Oswel Whent, Theo Wull, Martyn Cassel, Ser Ryswell died before Duncan was able to charge down from his hiding place.


He was able to tie down Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Gerold Hightower with the ten other knights with him and carry them away before anyone could react to their sudden appearance, only the sword Dawn was left on the ground to tell Ser Arthur Dayne was there.


Confused at first but the young Stark still went inside the Tower to find a fake Lyanna Stark holding a newborn baby. We had to call in Shiera to connect Lady Lyanna to the puppet so she would still think it was her body.


Due to excessive bleeding we had to take her away sooner than we thought so we had Lady Shiera do this since she was the one who was proficient in the mind magic you created.


Lord Stark, Howland Reed and Lord Dustin had their memories tampered a bit too so they would remember killing the Kingsguards as they left, Lord Eddard then made cairns for the dead after he tore down the tower.


He then left with a baby in his arms as he carried the remains of 'Lyanna Stark' back with him. Howland Reed and Lord Dustin did not ask anything about the baby at all as they followed Eddard Stark.


While we had Lyanna Stark nursed back but her bleeding had done a lot to her so she is still in our intensive care hall with our best healers tending to her and her brother Brandon Stark.


After which the young wolf rode further south to bring the ancestral sword Dawn back to Starfall, then he gave it to this girl here who jumped right after hearing the news. Good thing she is quite light or else the Golden Eagle that caught her would not have stymied the fall…" Rohanne looked at Ashara besides Paul who seemed a bit embarrassed when she remembered her fall as she regretted jumping from such a high place.


"Wow, having your former boyfriend bring you news he killed you brother was too much for you huh?" Paul muttered which everybody heard but he didn't care about the new maid he has who already started to look like a tomato.


"…Anyways on the way back to Kingslanding, Lord Dustin died when a wound he had was not taken care of as it festered and brought a great fever to him.


Lyanna's 'death' brought brief to both Eddard and King Robert which reconciled the two. But while Robert now sat as King there is still a resistance going on in Dragonstone as the Royal Fleet held on as currently Queen Rhaella is now close to giving birth.


Our letter arrived her in time which made her not declare he young Viserys as King while they held Dragonstone for now. I have sent Okkun with a hundred knights and a few healers in secret to guard her and to ensure the birth of her daughter.


Meanwhile Robert Baratheon pardoned many people while also keeping Ser Jaime Lannister in the Kingsguard as per Lord Jon Arryn, the new Hand of the King despite Eddard Stark advising that to have Jaime remove his white cloak.


The Baratheon Fleet, led by Stannis Bartheon who recovered after months of suffering in Storm's End, but he still looked up to his brother who is now King.


The Martells on the other hand were rather livid hearing the news of Elia's death, Prince Oberyn almost started a rebellion had not Prince Doran stopped his rash actions.


Our spies found that the Dornish prince plans to have a targaryen revival with his brother, for now the prince had abated the Red Viper from lashing out, still the populace still rage about the treatment of their princess.


But word still reached Lord Jon's ears so he went to Sunspear and had a talk with Prince Doran which was able to bring Dorne to calm down for now.


Also Tywin had sent Tyrion Lannister already, he has already spent a few weeks in the Flask Basin and had all the vaccines needed to stay here. Should we have him sent here? You still have not taken in a page my Lord." Rohanne suggested as she looked eager towards Paul.


"You like your great grandson do you? It seems he impressed you for a bit if he got to have you bring this topic to me." Paul looked at his own Master of Whisperers.


"Well he has talent for court my lord, but he is being denied any chance due to him being a dwarf. I thought he might be able to learn a lot if he could act as your page or even a cupbearer." Rohanne was rather fond of this great grandchild of hers, he was rather quick on the uptake and learned the things taught to him easily.


"Hmm… Well I'll be staying at the Gift for the next few years anyways so why not. There is not much need for my presence for now since I wanted to test out the Ark near the frozen fjords of Skaggos." Paul looked to the side where Duncan was, walking in with a sack on his hand dripping with blood.


"My Lord, I present to you the Blood Tiger. I had to end his reign my lord, his actions had gone too far to be dismissed and overlooked." Duncan knelt in front of Paul feeling a bit apologetic, he knew what purpose Paul had for this warlord beastman for keeping him alive but the recent reports angered the righteous knight into taking action.


"What did he do?" Paul wondered as he knew that this dumb cat must have done something horrendous for Duncan to get angry.


"H-he…he used children and the elderly of his tribe as sacrifices my lord. When he had used willing soldiers into making their monsters I could still pardon such actions but the innocent children being used was too much for my conscience. Forgive me my lord for ruining your plans." Duncan looked ashamed as he felt that the preparations for the Great War have been delayed because of him.


"Hmm, don't worry about it Dunk. We still have the equipment for mock fighting, we can still train elites. Besides the economy is already self-sufficient so there'll be a regular stream of recruits every year now, also I can feel that in the next two decades the Great War would come after a very long summer." Paul waved his hands to lift the knight up from his position.


"Also, how are the three former associates of yours? Guess they were a bit disbelieving at first after seeing you." Paul looked at the back where two knights, Two were old and one at his prime stood waiting with their cloaks marked with a few splashes of blood.


"Well a good fight does clear the mind a bit my lord, I showed them the might of Titanus." Duncan stood proud as he remembered the awed faces of his former fellow kingsguard when he rode his own Wyvern to the sky to cut down the Blood Tiger from his larger Wyvern.


That beast was also captured when Shadow swept down from above dropping a large metal chain net. Still the giant Wyvern raged after the death of its rider, good thing a few Tamers were present to calm the beast enough to be pulled but it was not yet brought to heel.


Meanwhile Lady Ashara walked towards her brother to see if he was hurt or anything but the sword of the morning just sighed and patted the top of his sister's head.


"My Lord, I still do not understand why you would not let us return to the Seven Kingdoms. My Queen is still in distress and I do not have any knowledge as to what her situation is." Arthur Dayne spoke up as he walked fearlessly towards the one they call the Blood Lord.


"Ser Dayne, there is no need to worry. We already have plans to extract the Queen, as for the reasons why we would not let you go back would have to be explained at a further date." It was Lady Rohanne that answered as she looked at the famous knight.


"Don't hassle them Rohanne, they'll see soon why they are not needed for in the affairs of Westeros soon. They'll be coming with me at Steadfast…" Paul said as he stood up while still reading the reports of his R&D team and the income from all sectors in the Free Cities.


(A/N: Steadfast is the copy of Standfast built in the Gift which now serves as the branch headquarters at that area.)


"Okay, keep up the great work while I go on to research something while I stay in Steadfast. Have the young Lannister ported there as well, Miss Dayne, Ser Dayne, Ser Lewyn and Ser Gerold, come with me." Paul then stood up as he walked to Egon's Keep to get to a teleportation circle.


The three knights were confused as they followed behind with an equally confused maid, Kaash and Ogap followed behind as they excused themselves to the others first.


The newbies were totally awed when they found themselves in another continent entirely after just a few minutes. They looked in wonder from the battlements of Steadfast as they could make out the silhouette of the Wall far North.


"How in the seven hells did we arrive here?" asked the rather flummoxed Ser Gerold.


"Not with the Seven's miracles did we arrive here, this is sorcery at its glory." Ser Lewyn said as he looked at the Wall thinking what they just experienced was beyond something they could ever understand.


"Heuph…" Arthur had a hand in his mouth as he tried to stop himself from emptying his bowels in front of his Guard brothers, but his sister was not as good as him in controlling her body.


"Blergh…" Ashara had experience great vertigo after travelling through space, the others thought that maybe she felt sick through the journey but Paul saw something differently.


These two siblings were rather gifted as they sensed more of the workings of the teleportation magic thus caused them an overload in their senses, the brother was truly a prodigy as he somehow remembered much clearer details than his sister.


Paul heard their surface thoughts in the few seconds they had warped crossing through space, it was rather loud that he picked up on them naturally.


"This shall be where you will be spending the next few months to slowly adapt to the process I am about to subject all of you. No one would look for you here, because no one would think any of you would ever go north near the Wall.


Besides, this castle is warded with spells that makes unfamiliar to the details not see what really happens here. They would only see an empty hill, but we have a small town downhill set up as a base for some of our operations." Paul walked out of the Teleportation room as he waved those behind him to follow behind.


"So we are truly in the Gift, from Sothoryos to the North in a breath. I truly wonder how such magical way of travel worked, I felt that the world folded right in front of my eyes…" Ser Arthur said as he looked around as they walked the underground halls of Steadfast.


He could see some servants, squires and a few knights practicing in some training rooms. Soon they were shown their rooms in the castle as they were toured to the facilities by Donut who somehow followed behind as he ran around like a jolly kid that still looked like he was 10.


But in reality he was mostly in his teens already, Paul somehow forgot the child's real age. It was rather confusing since most of his people do not look like their age at all, so he did not bother much in their age but more on when their nameday was.


They were also surprised seeing Paul started working in the rather large smith in the far corner of the underground areas.


The bigger surprise was seeing the storage room filled with high quality swords and armor of many styles and sizes.


But they did not have time to admire as they were subjected with the initial session of the super soldier diet, even Ashara was given some as she faced the pain of thousands of prickling needles on her skin at the first time she took the medicinal bath.


While Paul was in the smithy the young Lannister arrived confused and unsure as to what he is doing in Steadfast, he had just been near the Summer Sea now he stood in a clod bleak place he could only identify as the North.


The young dwarf was then sent to Paul who had the young boy watch over him as he kept on making various things or was in his solar reading and writing something.


But he did not just stand there for nothing, as a page he got to watch firsthand the smithing skills Paul has while also listening from the rambles the Blood Lord speak about.


He tended to the needs of Paul as he worked like handing him the proper tool or fetching Ink. He did not have much to do since there is the pretty lady whose name was 'Shara', she was pretty and followed behind Lord Paul as his maid.


It was two months in after some weird scheduled exercises and specific diet that the young Tyrion was finally subjected to his first ever proper combat training as the busy Lord Paul took out a tome which was given to this knight Ser Art who started training young Tyrion following the contents of the book.


A specialized program that would enable the dwarf to use every muscle he has as well as gain proficiency on his preferred weapon of choice, which the young Tyrion selected to be the battle Axe.


He trained early in the morning up to noon by working him until he heaved even while eating lunch. In the afternoon he got his lessons from a few teachers, each day a different subject for a week.


He learned Literacy on the first day, Basic arithmetic on the second, history at the third, arts in the fourth, music at the fifth and etiquette on the sixth. The seventh day he takes a whole day of rest, the young lion felt he was dog tired as his schedule was totally full besides the one day of rest.


From time to time he would be present in the smithy at the afternoon before night falls to watch the Blood Lord forged artwork like weapons.


The small boy also got to befriend Donut, who technically is his grandfather. Which he did not know off, but still it amused Paul a bit seeing the grandchild chastise his grandfather for being childish sometimes.


Tyrion and Donut then went to play with Ogap if they got the time since they both were subjected to an equally busy weekly schedule.


Ser Lewyn returned from time to time in Yeen to take care of her niece, Princess Elia who was with Betha and Shaera as they bonded over past ties.


Paul does spend some time a week to go to Kingslanding on times he finishes what he does in the smithy. The manse near the mud gate had become something of a secret meeting place for him and his paramours.


Even Gemma Lannister travels to the capital as much as she could since she could not find satisfaction from other men ever since she met Paul.


Betha, Shaera, Kaash and even Shiera also came to visit, only Paul and a few others were allowed to come to the manse.


He would walk the streets of the capital in disguised with a Glamor spell, on the first days he spent here wandering after the coronation of King Robert he was able to witness Jaime Lannister in a cloak hunting down the last pyromancers that knew of the Wildfire plot.


He found that if this young Lion had not developed this infatuation he has of his sister, he would have made a great Knight with great qualities.


And with the precautions placed by Lord Tywin, the initial flame between the twins waned for a bit. But now that Cersei is scheduled to be married to King Robert after the Hand Jon Arryn convinced him that he needed to marry Cersei to stabilize the kingdom he won in his rebellion.


Still grieving about the 'death' of Lyanna Stark, Robert agreed thinking that it might lessen the pain of the loss of the one he loved.


Now it made Paul worried that whatever ember of their past feelings would come to flames should they finally spend a time together again in the capital.


Tywin had prevented unknowingly the meeting of the two when Jaime was knighted and called into the Kingsguard by Aerys personally. Originally it was Cersei that somehow convinced someone to make Jaime into a member of the Kingsguard after they had a night of sexual passion.


Though that was prevented yet Jaime still became a Kingsguard, but it would never hurt to be rather watchful of these two. Since no prophecy had been made by Maggy the Frog, Paul hoped that maybe Fate would not be tempted to follow on the supposed to be prophecy.


It would be a pity since he found Jaime to be rather Hero material, he would fit right in back at Marvel.


Sure he is rather vain and cares more of his looks than other people, he had the makings to be good and righteous. The character profile his spies provided Rohanne even made the great grandmother smile seeing the actions of the Kingslayer.


Though she does not like the name he had been given by others, she was happy after she had read the reports of the spies watching over Jaime.


Tyrion also sent letters from time to time to his brother and only occasional letters to his father and sister out of formality.


Eddard had returned to Winterfel and finaly had is honeymoon with his new wife. Lord Arryn also got a night with Lysa Arryn since Paul had sent some of his famed Blue Pills, though not able to increase fertility it does have a certain effect in increasing libido and stamina.


The Lord of the Vale was able to defend his honor that night that even the young Lysa was quite surprised and glad seeing this much energy from Jon, she had thought that him being old would have dulled her marriage.



She was slowly forgetting about a certain slimy man that still sticks near her and whispered sweet nothings. Though she had given him her maidenhead, she was being turned into a maiden with the great head given by Lord Jon.


Also to prevent bitterness in the marriage of King Robert, a small puppet was sent to cast a simple silence spell so Cersei would not hear the mutterings of Robert while he did her drunk.


Still it pained Paul as he could not bring it to himself to totally stop the infatuation between Jaime and Cersei from rekindling since it was in the task notice that the two wonderful kids and the devil spawn be born.


So for the next few years Paul just focused on those near him and did not have his subordinated bother much about what is happening in Westeros.

(A/N: Most of the next chapters are more fast paced now, soon another five or six then the MC would be moving to another new world. Who he is going to save there is going to be revealed by the bracelet, but I am still hashing out the direction I would have the next story to go. Still I already have a general idea and only needed a few ironing out, but the MC's powers being restricted to a certain degree depending on the world he arrives on would still be implemented.)

next chapter
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