73.68% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 28: The Search Begins...

บท 28: The Search Begins...

Kota came back and got off of Shorty and went into his bedroom to see Asami changing Harumi's diaper.

"Any luck finding Korra?" Asami said.

Kota sighed as he walked over to his wife and daughter. "No, the entire Air Nation is scattered around the Earth Kingdom to find her. I looked around for hours and I don't know."

He later picked up Harumi and smiled as he cooed the baby, making her giggle.

"Honey," Asami put a hand on Kota's chest. "You'll find her. I know you will." She smiled and kissed her husband on the cheek, making him smile.


Kota and Asami looked as they saw Tenzin at their doorway. "Sorry to do this to you, but can you come with me to talk to the President? He would be very appreciative if he heard from you regarding how the search for Korra is going."

Kota sighed and nodded. He kissed Harumi on the cheek and handed her to Asami. Harumi reached her baby arms wanting her father to hold her, but Asami reassured her. "Daddy will be back. He just has to go with Grandpa to do some things." Tenzin couldn't help but smile at the scene as his eldest son came with him to ride on Oogi to Republic City.

"You know, I'm really proud of you," Tenzin said. "You are an amazing father, a caring husband, and an astounding son. Look."

The two looked as they saw Jinora, Ikki, Pabu, and Meelo play with Harumi and Asami watching them. Jinora had Harumi in her arms as Ikki and Meelo were airbending and Pabu was wagging his tail for Harumi to grab.

Kota gave his father a smile as they walked to Oogi, "I know. Thanks Dad."


Kota accompanied Tenzin as they approached Mako, Raiko, and Prince Wu in Republic City. They see Prince Wu dancing while Mako and Raiko are talking.

"Is that the guy you want running the Earth Kingdom?" Mako asked.

"No offense, but I'm with him," Kota said, agreeing with Mako.

"Trust me," Raiko said, "We'll be sending a delegation of experienced advisors to handle day-to-day governing."

"I see the Prince is becoming accustomed to the burdens of leadership," Tenzin said.

"You know royals," Raiko said, "they love a ceremony. Have you received any reports on the Avatar's location?"

"Not yet," Tenzin said, "but I have Airbenders all over the world on the lookout for her. Kota has been helping as well, despite his really busy schedule. I hope they find her soon. I heard reports about Kuvira's growing military. They say she has thrown some of her descenters into prison camps."

"Well she'll be stepping down tomorrow," Raiko said, "We can worry about cleaning up her mess later."

"You're not worried about her handing power to Prince Wu?" Mako asked.

"When Kuvira started cleaning up the Earth Kingdom she knew her position wasn't permanent." Raiko explained. "She gave me her word that she'd step down."

Kota had a doubtful expression. "What's wrong Kota?" Tenzin noticed his son's expression.

"Are sure she will keep her word?" Kota asked.

"No," Raiko said. "We just have to play by ear."

"Dad?" Tenzin looked to Kota. "Can we talk for a minute?" he asked, motioning for his father to go to an area more private. Tenzin nodded and the two went inside the Republic City council building.

"What is it, Kota?"

"Dad," Kota started. "I don't think Kuvira will step down."

"Why is that?" Tenzin asked.

"It's Kuvira," Kota said, "She always gets what she wants. Remember she would always do things that were rather questionable."

"Where is this coming from?"

"Think about it," Kota said. "Suyin rejected Kuvira's proposal to assist the Earth Kingdom, now because of that, Kuvira left Zaofu and managed to gain power throughout most of the Earth Kingdom. We have to do something."

"Kota," Tenzin said. "The Air Nation is not going to go on the offense. We are there to do humanitarian missions."

"Yeah, but look how well that went," Kota said. "Kai and Opal's mission at one of the colonies. It ended up with the colony to be under Kuvira's protection. Have you noticed the pattern, every colony the Air Nation has helped out always ended up being under Kuvira's allegiance. We need to go on the offense while she doesn't have power over the whole Earth Kingdom with Zaofu included."

"No, we will not attack," Tenzin said firmly to his son.

"We can't keep doing this, it's either we get Korra or we go on the offensive and take down Kuvira. Because when she takes over the entire Earth Kingdom, she will take over Republic City, and then the whole world." Kota explained, "She won't stop until everything is her's."

Kota later walked out and sighed. As Kota walked out, Tenzin was thinking, Kota could be right on Kuvira's reign, but Airbenders are not meant to attack.


When Kota arrived back at Air Temple Island, he went into the room and saw Asami who was feeding Harumi. Asami's hair wasn't in a ponytail and saw her husband, she noticed his haggard expression which looked exactly like Tenzin's.

"What's wrong?" Asami noticed that the baby was no longer hungry and handed her to Kota as she properly got dressed.

"I was talking to Dad," Kota said, holding his daughter, "I said that Kuvira won't stop until she has the whole world under her heel. I feel like I should find Korra, but I don't. I haven't spent that much time with our daughter." Kota sighed, "Sometimes I feel like I'm an image of Grandpa Aang."

"Don't say that," Asami approached her husband and cupped his bearded cheek, she massaged his noticeable eyebags and gave him a soft smile. "You are there most of the time, you always play with Harumi and do a lot of things for her and for me."

Harumi noticed that her parents were talking and she giggled as well as clapped her hands. The two noticed that their daughter was laughing and they laughed as well.

"Dad wants me to go to the coronation ceremony." Kota said.

"Maybe you should take Harumi with you," Asami said.

"Are you sure?" Kota was not sure about this.

Asami nodded, "It's going to be fine."


It was several minutes before the coronation ceremony and Kota was holding Harumi in his hands as they were by the bleachers. He was laughing as she held on to her father's beard.


Kota looked back to see Suyin. "Aunt Su."

Kota gave Aunt Su a side hug. When they separated, Suyin saw Harumi and coo the baby. She was surprised when Kota handed her the baby. She smiled and held the baby who was giggling. "Hey there Harumi. I'm sure you're happy to see you Great-Aunt Su."

Kota chuckled and looked around. He later saw Bolin and called out for him. Bolin heard and saw the bearded Kota, his eyes widened.


The two ran and gave each other a bro-hug. "Kota, you look great! Though, I agree with Mako, you are Tenzin 2.0."

"You look great as well," Kota said, he pushed his frustration for Kuvira aside. He was happy to see Bolin after all these years. "Congrats on you and Asami man, you are a husband and a Dad!"

"Thanks," Kota said with a chuckle. Suyin walked up and handed Kota his daughter and Bolin's heart melted. "Oh my gosh, she's so cute! She looks like Asami and has your eyes."

"She does," Kota said, looking at his daughter, "Look, meet Uncle Bolin."

"Hey there, Harumi," Bolin cooed, "I'm your Uncle Bolin, your Mom and Dad have written me a letter about you."

The baby giggled as she looked at Bolin; she later lifted her tiny hand and tried to reach up for Bolin's hair curl.

"The Coronation will begin shortly, please take your seats," the announcer said.

"Sounds like we gotta take our seats," Kota said, "It's good to see you Bolin. Say bye to Uncle Bolin."

Kota waved as he walked to sit next to Suyin with his daughter on his lap.


In the stands there were Metal Bending Police officers that were standing behind major figure heads. Fire Lord Zuko and his Daughter Izumi, President Raiko, Eska and Desna, Tonraq, Kuvira, and Tenzin who were sitting in chairs.

After Prince Wu received the Royal Broach, Secretary Gun spoke up. "Now rise Wu of the Hou-Ting Dynasty, king of all the Earth Lands, and glorious defender of Ba Sing Se. Long may you reign."

After the secretary's speech, Wu approached the microphone. "Thank you for that incredibly brief, but that very moving ceremony. I am touched by the love of my devoted countrymen who have worked so hard to restore their beloved leader to the throne. One of them deserves special attention." Prince Wu looked to Kuvira, "Kuvira rise."

Kota was stiffened as he saw Kuvira rise and was snapped out of it as he saw his baby daughter take a nap. He sighed in content and held her close so she could nap, good thing Asami fed her before he brought her here.

As Kuvira approached Wu he gave her the Kiyoshi medal of freedom. Kota later noticed the woman approaching the microphone and sighed.

"Growing up in Zaofu with Suyin Beifong, I learned that the idea of a royal family passing a title from one generation to the next was archaic," Kuvira started, "and that technology and innovation should be what drive a nation forward. It was the pathetic rule of queens and kings that caused the Earth Kingdom to descend into incredible disarray. It has taken me 3 years to get it back on track and there is no way I will allow it to slip back into the dark ages. I'd like to make an announcement to the world. The Earth Kingdom is no more, and from here on out, this man has no authority." Kuvira pointed to Prince Wu.

"Wait, what?!" Wu was in shock. "I just got the Royal Broach!"

"I have created a new Earth Empire and I will continue to lead it into the future myself. Bringing about a new prosperity for my people!" Kuvira announced.

Then a few people have done a standing ovation for their revered leader.

"And let me assure my fellow leaders of one thing," Kuvira said, taking off the medal, "anyone who crosses our borders or stands in our way will be crushed."


Kota was walking with Suyin, the two wanted to confront Kuvira regarding her speech. Kota has asked Tenzin to watch Harumi while he talks to Aunt Su.

"Kuvira has lost her mind," Suyin said.

"I told Dad this," Kota said, "I suggested that we either find Korra or the Air Nation as well as the other nations go on the offensive."

"But the Air Nation is not going to wage war and it never will," Suyin said.

"Which leads us to our only option," Kota said, "We have to get Korra back. Kuvira has gained a lot of power and won't go down without a fight."

"Has your father done anything to find the Avatar?"

"He has sent all the Airbenders except for my siblings all over the world and there is still no sign of her." Kota said.

"Then maybe you should help him," Suyin suggested, "I'll be fine."

Suyin gave him a smile and Kota nodded as he returned to Tenzin. He encountered Tenzin and Lin who were playing with Harumi by Oogi.

"You have eyes like your Grandpa Tenzin," Tenzin cooed the baby. Tenzin laughed as the baby giggled at her grandfather. Lin smiled as she did a raspberry on her granddaughter's stomach, making the baby girl laugh harder at what her grandmother did.

Kota couldn't help but smile as he approached his parents and cleared his throat. Tenzin and Lin looked to see their son and smiled. Lin handed Harumi to Kota, "I could never get enough of her."

Kota chuckled, but they were talking regarding Kuvira, "You were right." Tenzin said, "Which is why we are thinking that we will have you and your brother and sisters to find her."


Kota sighed as he had Harumi in his arms, Asami was walking around the island and smiled as she noticed her husband and daughter walking to her. She walked to them and Kota gave Harumi to Asami. They all were walking and started talking when they were in their room.

"I heard what happened at the Coronation Ceremony," Asami said.

"Yeah," Kota rubbed the back of his head, "It was quite interesting to say the least.

"Uhh, Dad wants me to find Korra with Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo." Kota said, rubbing the back of his head.

"You should go," Asami said, "It will be a good thing for you. You can really bond with your sisters and brother."

Kota sighed, he didn't really want to leave Asami and Harumi behind more than he already has. Harumi was smiling as she muzzled into her mother's chest. Kota sighed and kissed the baby and his wife, he gave in and nodded to Asami's suggestion. A knock on the door was heard.

"Come in."

The door opened to show Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo.

"Dad wants us to meet him at the gazebo," Jinora said.

"Oh great," Kota said, getting. "I wonder what it's for..." he said this sarcastically as he walked with his younger siblings.

As they walked to the gazebo, they all saw their father who was pacing back and forth. "Good you all are here," Tenzin said, "Now this is a mission of the utmost importance. Conflict is coming to the Earth Kingdom and we need to find the Avatar. Can I count on you 4 to bring her home?"

Kota was standing behind Meelo who had Jinora on his right and Ikki on his left.

"You can count on the two of us," Meelo said, pointing to Kota and himself. "I don't know about these two ladies."

Kota snorted as Jinora and Ikki glared at Meelo. They later glared at Kota who put his hands up in surrender, "What? It was hilarious."


It was morning, Kota was packing up food and was putting it on Shorty's saddle. Ikki was catching the food Meelo was sending her with airbending while Kota used Earthbending to make columns that launched the food, making it land on Shorty's saddle.

"Are you sure Koko can watch them?" Pema asked.

"Raiko asked me to stay so we can find a diplomatic solution to the whole Kuvira problem," Tenzin said.

Ikki and Meelo with Poki on his shoulder went up to their parents. "Mom, we're gonna be fine. Grandpa Aang and his friends traveled around the world when they were our age. Besides, Koko is going to be with us and he's responsible."

"Well, at least I won't have to worry about you starving there," Pema said. She noticed Kota and Jinora approaching them as Meelo was talking to Pema.

"Mom we're gonna be in the wild," Meelo said, "Living off the land. We don't need your food!"

Meelo faced away from his mother and crossed his arms. "But I made yours and Koko's favorite treat." Pema said.

"Sweet buns?" Kota said.

"With happy faces on them?" Meelo asked.

Pema showed Meelo another bun. "Well I guess we're not on the road yet." Meelo said, unwrapping the bun's cover.

"You should have one as well Kota." Pema said. "You are still a growing boy."

"Pema, I'm 22 years old, yet I look like Dad," Kota said. "I doubt I can grow any more.

Kota smiled as he saw Asami come out with Harumi in her arms. "I wanted to see you off," Asami said with a smile. Kota smiled as he kissed his wife and gently placed his hand on the baby's cheek. "Is that so?" Kota later held Harumi in his arms, "You just want to say goodbye to Daddy don't you?"


After packing everything all the kids were hugging their parents while Kota was hugging Asami and his daughter.

"Stay safe," Asami said.

"I will," Kota said. "Besides I got 3 Airbenders watching my back."

Asami smiled as Kota went on Shorty's head while Tenzin was talking to Jinora.

"Were you able to get a read on Korra yet?" Tenzin asked Jinora.

"No," Jinora said. "But, once we're further out, I'll be able to hone in on her spiritual energy. We should be able to find her in a few days."

"Good luck!" Tenzin said to all 4 of his children. "And be careful! Remember Kota is in charge!"

"I answer to no man," Meelo said. "Even if he does happen to be my big brother."

"Meelo," Tenzin said.

"Cadet Meelo, reporting for duty Admiral Beifong!" Meelo said. Kota sighed as he whipped the reigns. "Shorty yip-yip!"


After Shorty landed on a landmark, Meelo was the first to jump off. "Finally, I've been holding my pee for an hour!" Meelo said, running to relieve himself. Kota was napping on the bison saddle while all this was happening.

Jinora got off of Shorty and sat down to meditate, Ikki then peered over. "If you get through to Korra, tell her I said hi." Jinora stopped meditating, annoyed at her sister. She resumed back to meditating, "Do you feel anything yet?" Jinora growled at Ikki's question, making Ikki go back to her post. Then after a second, Ikki peered back again, "What's taking so long?"

"Ikki, I can't concentrate if you keep talking." Jinora said, "How about you annoy Koko?"

Ikki later sat by Kota's bison and Meelo approached her.

"Jinora's spirit powers are broken and she doesn't know where Korra is," Ikki said.

"My powers are not broken!" Jinora screamed. "I just need more than 2 seconds, and some quiet."

"While you try to pull yourself together, Poki and I will go into town to see if anyone has seen Korra." Meelo said.

"Sounds like a plan!" Ikki said, "Oh we should have Koko come with us."

"You can also carry the picture of Korra I drew." Meelo showed Ikki a detailed drawing of Korra which made Ikki amazed.

"Wow," Ikki said amazed. "I didn't know you could draw."

"You don't know a lot of things about me, sister." Meelo said, "Now let's wake up Koko."

The two went up to the bison saddle to see Kota napping, "Koko." Ikki called.

Kota slowly got up from his nap, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, Ikki?"

"Meelo and I are going into town to see if anyone saw Korra, you wanna come?" Ikki asked.

"Sure..." Kota said, slowly getting up.

"Yeah!" Meelo yelled, jumping high and landing on Kota's stomach knocking the wind out of him.


After asking around together, Meelo, Ikki, and Kota decided to split. A full day had passed when this happened and Kota, Ikki, and Meelo were at a settlement in the Earth Kingdom. Meelo was talking to a girl who was selling flowers and Kota was watching from the roof.

"Can I trust you?" Meelo asked the girl.

"I guess so," The girl said. The girl leaned in and Meelo whispered in her ear. "I'm on a top secret mission to find the Avatar. Have you seen her?" Meelo showed the girl the drawing of Korra.

"I haven't sorry," The girl later gave Meelo a lopsided grin. "Top secret mission though."

"Yeah, it's been pretty dangerous." Meelo said. Little did he know that Kota was sitting on a roof smirking at his brother's smoothness.

"What's happening?" Kota looked to see Ikki asking the question. Kota shushed her and pointed to Meelo who was still talking to the girl.

"I've seen some things," Meelo said.

"Really?" The girl asked. "What kind of things?"

"Crazy things," Meelo said exaggeratedly.


"I'm Meelo. What should I call you other than beautiful?"

"I'm Tuyen nice to meet you."

"Ooh, Meelo found a girlfriend." Ikki teased.

Meelo and Tuyen look up to see Kota and Ikki sitting next to each other on the roof.

"Go away Ikki," Meelo said. "You too Koko."

Ikki slowly got down using airbending while Kota made a column to step on and made it descend.

"Jinora has been looking for you. We're moving on." Ikki said.

"Looks like you better get back to your mission," Tuyen said, giving Meelo a flower, "Good luck Meelo." She later placed a hand on his head, making him blushed as she walked away.

Meelo glared at Ikki, "Thanks a lot Ikki! You drove away the love of my life!"


It was dawn and the group of kids were still asking around. Meelo was walking until he stopped to see two photos, one of Aang and one of Korra.

"Guys, it's Korra!" Meelo called.

"Wait where?" Kota asked, running to Meelo with Ikki and Jinora following him. When Kota stopped to see the photo, his face dropped into one of disappointment.

"You numbskull, that's just a photo." Kota said.

"Well at least it's something," Meelo said.

"Pretty neat, huh?" an old man said. "She came by here around uhh, 6 months ago."

"Looks like someone just strung up a good ol fashioned lead," Meelo said to his siblings. "Then where did she go?" Meelo shifted his attention to the old man.

"I don't know, but she wasn't looking too good."

"Ikki, Jinora! This is your guy's fault!" Meelo said.

"What we didn't do anything!" Ikki said.

"Exactly, you girls need to start pulling your weight." Meelo then looked to Kota, "That goes for you to so called 'leader.'" He said, walking off.

Kota, Jinora, and Ikki were looking at Meelo, "Do you guys remember how he used to be so nice and sweet?" Ikki asked.

Kota scoffed, "No."


While Jinora was meditating, Ikki was looking for food, Meelo was playing with Poki, and Kota was taking a nap.

"Where's all the food Mom gave us?" Ikki asked.

"I threw it in the river," Meelo nonchalantly said.

Kota woke up when he heard this and his face was showing disbelief.

"You what?!" Ikki yelled, "That food was supposed to last us 2 weeks!"

"Hey keep it down!" Jinora yelled, "I'm trying to concentrate."

"Yeah keep it down, Ikki!" Meelo said.

"Meelo threw away all our food!" Ikki said.

"From now on we hunt for our meals," Meelo said.

"Meelo, everyone here except for Koko are vegetarian." Ikki said, "We don't hunt."

"Enough whining, Poki and I will find some grub," Meelo said walking away.

Ikki groaned and started to walk away. When she was Kota was starting to get his bag. He took out a bag and took out what looked like a slice of PB & J. Kota looked at Jinora who had a look of disbelief.

"You had food?!" Jinora asked.

Kota shushed her as he handed his younger sister a slice. "Asami had me pack PB & J sandwiches that would last us for weeks. It's a perk of having an awesome wife."

Jinora couldn't disagree with that as she bit into the sandwich.


"I'm Koko, the oldest one who doesn't care about anything. I'm so big and strong, because I'm the only earthbender in the family!" Ikki said, mocking her older brother. She then proceeded to mock her other siblings. "My name's Meelo. I like to throw away food and fart at inappropriate moments. I'm Jinora. I am so above all because I'm meditating all the time."

She later airbending to blow away some grasses and saw a flying marmoset. "Oh I'm sorry," Ikki apologized. "Didn't see you there."

The little creature later ran up the tree and then started to fly away, so Ikki decided to chase it. But, Ikki didn't pay attention and hit a branch, falling down. The flying marmoset later landed on Ikki's shoulder, licking a smudge off her face. She started to giggle as she pet it, but stopped as she saw the cut down trees.


Ikki looked back to see two members of Kuvira's army.

"You're trespassing," the fat one said.

Ikki started to run away, but she was now in an earth trap. She was later taken into a base and was interrogated by the two soldiers.

"Alright, Little Airbender," the fat one said. "Tell us what you're doing in the Earth Empire? Are you spying?"

"No!" Ikki yelled. "I swear I'm not a spy! I've been traveling with my 2 brothers and sister. It's our first big mission together and my Dad Tenzin is counting on us. But if we don't find the Avatar he's gonna be really disappointed."

The bigger one looked at the skinnier one, motioning for him to talk in private.

"This kid is Tenzin's kid!" He said, "And she's looking for the Avatar, do you know what that means?"

"No, but try this macaroon," the skinny one said, waving a macaroon in front of the bigger man's face.

"Get that out of my face!" the bigger one said, slapping it down. "Look if we capture the 3 airbender kids and bring them to Kuvira, I bet we get a big time promotion."

"Wait she said brothers," the skinny one said. "Does that mean—"

"Oh no..." the bigger one was now scared. "That means they also have their older half-brother who is an earthbender! We're screwed!"


Meanwhile, Jinora, Meelo, and Kota moved to another location. Kota was exploring the forest trying to find Ikki, Jinora was meditating, and Meelo was finding food.

As Jinora was meditating, she snapped out of it to see Meelo and Poki walking back to her. They had a sack as they were walking.

Jinora noticed her brother having a stomach ache and looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yep totally fine," Meelo said. "I hope you're hungry because we found some—" he gagged before he said, "We found some berries."

Within that moment, Poki vomited while Meelo ran to do the same thing as his companion.

"Ugh," Jinora looked away in disgust, "Looks like you got some bad berries. So much for living off the land." She later threw the sack of berries away.

"They're fine, I just ate too many of them," Meelo said, "because they were so delicious." He looked at Jinora and wiped his mouth as he smiled.

"Did you run into Ikki while you were finding your poisonous berries?" Jinora asked.

"No, did she run off or something?" Meelo said.

"I think so, Koko went off to find her." Jinora said.

"Great, I have to go find the Avatar and her," he said. "This mission is getting worse by the day."

Jinora started to get annoyed, "This isn't only your mission Meelo. I thought we were doing this as a family!"

"Uhh guys." Kota came out of the bushes, "I found a hut nearby, it belongs to Kuvira's army. I used seismic sense and saw 3 and heard Ikki is one of them."

"How do you know Ikki was there?" Jinora asked.

"I heard her, talking about a swamp that hasn't been explored yet," Kota said. "And that's not all, Kuvira's troops are going in on Zaofu."

"That's not good," Jinora said.

"Exactly, we need to go and get Ikki now!" Kota ordered.


As Ikki was talking to the troops, the door opened. Kota was platinum bending the door and sent it flying to the two troops, knocking them out.

"Why did you do that to them?" Ikki asked Kota.

"We're saving you, let's go!" Jinora said.

"I had everything under control, I just found our lost food and I have an idea where Korra is," Ikki said, carrying the sack of their lost food.

"Koko told us, now let's go!" Jinora said.

"Hold on," Ikki approached the unconscious men, "Sorry my older brother attacked you. Nice chatting with you though."

They later left and went to Shorty as they flew off, they were flying to the swamps.

"Those soldiers said there weren't any troopers there and I figure if Korra's not feeling good, she might come to a spiritual place like this to get better." Ikki explained.

"Jinora, you know what to do," Kota said, looking forward.

"Right." Jinora listened to her older brother as she sat in a meditative stance and meditated. She later opened her eyes. "Koko, there is an enormous amount of spiritual energy here, but I don't feel Korra."

"Well that's what you get for listening to Ikki." Meelo said.

"Meelo can you shut up for one minute?!" Kota scolded at his younger brother, "You have been berating our sisters too much. Now, we will look around for a little bit, but if she isn't here..." Kota sighed, "Then we're gonna have to look somewhere else."

They later landed on the swamp and got off Shorty, but then Jinora jerked her head to the side, Kota did too.

"Korra!" Jinora said. Kota smirked as he felt the same thing Jinora felt.

"We got to go now!" Kota said, "Everyone on the bison!"

The siblings got on the bison as Kota told Shorty to fly. As they flew to a big tree, the four saw Korra and Kota's eyes widened after seeing the old blind woman he hasn't seen for years.

"Korra!" the three yelled. They all flew to Korra and hugged her while Kota jumped and landed in front of his grandmother.

"G-Grandma!" Kota was in shock as he saw his grandmother.

Toph smiled as she nodded, "Hello, Kota."

Kota started to tear up as he hugged her, Toph smiled and embraced her now grown up grandson. "I've missed you so much!" Kota said.

"Oh I've missed you too."

After Kota separated from his hug from Toph, Kota looked at Korra who smiled at him. "Kota!"


Korra ran to the elder earthbender and hugged him who returned it back. After they separated Korra cleared her throat. "Congrats on the wedding and your daughter."

Kota chuckled as he looked at his siblings. Toph later cleared her throat.

"Oh, Grandma." Kota said. "These are my sisters and brother. Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo." Toph's eyes widened.

"Are they also my—"

"Uhh, Dad and Mom split up. He later married someone else who is also from the Earth Kingdom," Kota said. "Sorry."

"I see," Toph said. "Still though, I would still consider them my other grandchildren. Even if they don't have the same mother."

Kota looked at Korra with the utmost seriousness, "You need to come with us, Kuvira has taken over the Earth Kingdom and her next stop is Zaofu."

"I don't know," Korra said. "I'm not the Avatar I used to be. I can't even go into the Avatar State."

"That's not good," Kota said, "But we need you. I already have my hands full and the world needs the Avatar."


Later Korra was now slowly breathing. Kota and his siblings were sitting as she was trying to take out the poison out of her body. Kota was staring intently, remembering Asami told him that Korra was poisoning her. As all the poison was taking out, the Airbender Kids were smiling while Kota was smirking.

"Well done, Korra." Toph said, encasing the poison in a hollow earth sphere.

She later entered the Avatar state and Kota nodded in approval. He was proud of what she had done.

"The Avatar is back in business," Meelo cheered.

"Now, we're rollin.'" Kota said with a smirk.

When Korra exited the Avatar state, she looked at herself. "I feel so much lighter, thank you so much for helping me. I'd like to give you a hug now, if that's okay."

"Alright, just this once," Toph relented. Korra hugged Toph as the older woman patted Korra on the back.

After some time everyone except for Kota was on Shorty, he wanted to say goodbye to Toph before they left.

"It was so good to see you after all these years," Kota said, hugging his grandmother. Tears were streaming out of his eyes. Toph embraced her grandson and smiled, "Same here. Tell you father I said hi and congrats on the wedding and your daughter."

Kota nodded, "Thank you."

Kota later used an earth column to get on Shorty's head. Kota wiped the last of his tears as he cleared his throat and took a deep breath. A grown man crying, that will be the thing he will never escape from Harumi when she gets older.

"Shorty yip-yip."

Shorty then flew away and Kota looked at Toph one last time. She gave him a wave as he wave at her back, he didn't care if she didn't see him wave, but he knew she would have.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C28
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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