65.78% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 25: The Sacrifice

บท 25: The Sacrifice

In a desert landscape where spirits are casually mingling about Naga starts dashing through with Korra still on her while Asami is driving the jeep while Mako and Bolin are with her and they later arrive at an Earth Kingdom village still tracking down Aiwei and Naga stops to sniff the ground.

"Aiwei has definitely been through here. Nice tracking, girl." Korra said.

"Let's go to the village and ask around. Someone should know where he is." Asami said.

"Agreed." Mako said.

The gang enters a tavern where they see people glance at them and while looking around Bolin finds something on a wall and it's a poster of his face.

"Hey, look. It's a mover poster of me. Someone's a big Nuktuk fan. I should go and say hello." Bolin said.

"It's not a mover poster, it's a wanted poster." Mako said, while seeing more wanted posters of Korra, Asami, and himself.

"There's one for each of us." Mako said, examining the posters. "'Wanted by Her Majesty, the Earth Queen, for crimes against the Earth Kingdom'." Mako read the posters.

"Those Airbenders weren't hers to keep!" Korra argued, "I swear, if I see her pinchy little queen face again, I am..." Korra was cut off.

"Guys." Asami warned, pointing at many people glaring at the gang with one holding a sword while the other is holding a spear. "We should get out of here." Asami said.

Meanwhile at Zaofu at the Beifong Estate with remnants of the battle remaining Suyin and Kota were talking to the guards and Lin arrives.

"Where's everyone? I've been waiting to leave for half an hour." Lin said.

"Good morning to you too, Lin. Now, don't get mad, Korra is fine. I'm just waiting to hear if they'd tracked down Aiwei." Suyin said.

"What?! You let them go?! I thought we were on the same page about this, and then you go and stab me in the back?!" Lin demanded.

She later glared at her son, "And you went with it?!"

"Don't be so over dramatic. You can't control their every move." Suyin said.

"I can try." Lin replied walking off leaving her sister to shake her head.

"She never changes." Suyin said.

"You got that right."

"Kota, you're coming with me!" Lin said.

"But-" Kota was cut off when Lin pulled on his ear, "OW! Stop you old hag!"

"No buts!" Lin said, "You didn't listen to your mother so you will be punished."

While Lin was driving the jeep, Kota was sitting next to her, he was preoccupied with something.


Lin looked to Kota, "Yes?"

"Dad said that you and him wanted to have a granddaughter?" Kota asked. Lin looked at her son with a surprised reaction.

"Why are you asking me this," Lin said.

"Because I thought about it and I am in conflict," Kota said, "I am in conflict, having a kid sounds like fun, but I don't think I'm ready. Dad said that no one is ever ready to take on such a duty."

"He is right," Lin said, "Your father and I were not ready to become parents when I was pregnant with you. But, I just had to just go along and hope that you grow up to become a wonderful young man. Now look at you, you are a wonderful son Tenzin and I raised."

Kota smiled, "Thanks."

"Your father may have said this, but if you need any advice, don't be afraid of asking for help." Lin said.

After hours of driving, Lin and her son had stopped to see two jeeps. Kota was asleep so Lin woke him up.

"Wake up, young man," Lin slapped her son on the cheek, making him initiate the same reaction as his father when she slapped him awake.

"What happened?"

Kota looked around and noticed that there were two jeeps and got out of the jeep he was in. The two inspected one of the jeeps just to hear something roaring.

Naga then realized who the two were and ran around happily.

She licks Lin who was starting to get annoyed, "First you scare me, now you want to lick me…"

Then, Pabu's head popped out and the Fire Ferret jumped to Kota who comforted the rodent and then put it on Naga's back.

"You two play with Kota and leave me alone," Lin said, walking to a jeep that contained a radio.

"Tonraq you read me?" Lin asked.

"Yes, we copy," Tonraq said on the other line.

"We found Korra's jeep, but the kids aren't here." Lin said, "Meet us at the Misty Palms Oasis."

When she hung up, she went to Kota, "Come on, we're going to the Rendezvous Point."

After hours of driving, Lin and Kota arrived at the Misty Palms Oasis with Naga and Pabu following. They were met by Tonraq and Lord Zuko who Kota hasn't seen for 3 years.

"Tonraq, Lord Zuko," Lin said.

They greeted each other while Kota was behind Lin.

"Kota," Tonraq said with a smile.

Kota nodded and then bowed to Lord Zuko.

"It is an honor, Lord Zuko," Kota said, "I don't know if you remember me."

"Oh, but I do," Zuko said with a smile, "I met you during the graduation ceremony at the Royal Fire Navy Academy. And now look at you, you are starting to look like Aang."

"Tell me about it," Lin said, "Now, we need to get down to business."

Instead of that, the four were in a lounge, drinking some tea and eating some snacks, much to Lin's protest. Kota and Zuko were catching up on things with Tonraq chiming in here and there.

"Dad!" a voice shouted.

The group looked to see Korra and Asami by the entrance.

"Korra, you're okay!" Tonraq said, hugging her.

"Asami!" Kota ran to his girlfriend, hugging her. He then spun her around and gave her a soft kiss, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Asami said.

"I'm glad you're safe," Tonraq said.

"Yeah, we made it out of the desert. Thanks to Asami." Korra said.

"Thank you, Asami." Tonraq said. "Do you remember Lord Zuko?" Tonraq asked, addressing the former Fire Lord.

"I met you when you were a very young girl. It's good to see you again, Avatar Korra." Zuko said.

"Nice to see you too, Lord Zuko." Korra said bowing.

"Thanks for ditching me back at Zaofu." Lin said annoyed.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Korra said, "But how did you all find us?"

"I am a detective, you know?" Lin said.

"Did you find Mako and Bolin?" Asami asked.

"Some people at the inn saw them captured by Zaheer's crew." Lin said, "We don't know where they are."

"Did you hear about the Earth Queen?" Tonraq asked.

"What about her?" Korra was irritated about the mention of her.

"Once again, the Earth Queen's reign has come to an abrupt and violent end. Ba Sing Se has descended into chaos. Rioters and looters have overrun the palace." The man in the radio announced.

"The Red Lotus." Korra said.

"What's that?" Tonraq asked.

"That's the name of the group that's been trying to capture me and just took out the Earth Queen." Korra said.

"This is only the beginning, Dad." Korra said fearfully.

The Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se is under fire as chaos ensues all over the city as airships take off while the remaining citizens start raiding the Earth Queen's palace and stealing her valuable possessions and while this is happening Mako and Bolin escape from their dungeon cell and escape from the palace to watch the chaos.

"I can't believe it! The Upper Ring is in chaos!" Mako said.

Just then more looters run for the palace entrance and they run into a royal guard.

"Don't try to stop us! We're taking back what's ours!" One of the looters said.

"Stop you? I wanna join you! I know where the good stuff is." The guard said as he leads the looters into the palace running past the brothers.

"Should we do something?" Bolin asked.

"This isn't our battle. We have to deliver Zaheer's message to Korra, immediately." Mako said.

"Right, find Korra and deliver the message, yeah this should be easy," Bolin said, "We just gotta get outta the city, get into the desert, then somehow find them in the vast expansive wasteland that goes on for thousands and thousands and thousands of miles. This isn't gonna be easy..." Bolin said, sighing.

"We need an airship." Mako said and he found an airship.

The brothers run up to the docking bay and enter the airship where they find looters stealing airship components.

"Excuse me? May I have your attention please?" Mako asked, getting the looters' attention. "I'm with Republic City Police and I need to commandeer this airship to help the Avatar." Mako said but the looters get back to their business.

"Lemme give it a shot. Hey! The Queen's gold's on the third floor of the palace! Second door on the right!" Bolin said, making the looters stop and they ran out of the airship. "You just gotta know how to talk to 'em, bro." Bolin said.

Mako runs for the ship controls.

"What? They took everything! I mean, who rips out a transmission radio?" Mako asked.

"Some folks just do not have respect for other people's property. Now, let's steal this airship!" Bolin said.

"You know how to fly this thing?" Mako asked.

"Technically, no, but how hard can it be?" Bolin asked pulling the lever with his right hand making the ship skid forward making the citizens scatter.

"Up! Up!" Mako said.

"There is no up button! I see levers and switches! Oh, there it is." Bolin said, making the airship fly up.

As brothers fly in the airship they look down to see the whole city in flames.

"This whole city is falling to pieces." Mako said.

"Mako, our family's still down there." Bolin said.

"Move over! We're getting them out." Mako said, taking over the controls.

"Oh, I see. You think because you dated Asami, you know how to fly this better than me?" Bolin asked.

"Yeah." Mako said.

Mako makes the airship fly over their family's apartment and then opens the ship's hatch and Bolin slides down the hatch and enters the apartment through the window finding the whole family not even attempting to leave.

"Bolin? What are you doing here?" Chow asked.

"I came to get you guys out. This whole block's about to go up in flames. C'mon, Mako and I have an airship on the roof." Bolin said.

"We can't. Grandma won't go." Tu said.

"This place is my whole world. I will NOT leave! Oh, but I'm glad to see you, my little Bolin. Come, sit. Would you like some tea?" Yin asked but smoke seeps through the door.

"Grandma, we don't have time for tea." Bolin said.

"Mom, please." Chow said.

"No! I can't abandon this place where I raised my family. It's my home." Yin said.

"Grandma, there's one thing Mako and I've learned from all our years on the street is that it doesn't matter where you go. If you have your family with you, you'll always be at home." Bolin said making Yin tear up but remains firm.

"No. I'm not going." Yin said.

"Fine! You leave me no choice." Bolin said lifting Yin over his shoulder. "We're rolling out!" Bolin said.

"Wait!" Yin said as she takes the portrait of the Earth Queen. "Okay, let's go." Yin said.

Bolin and the whole family climb up to the airship which starts leaving the apartment which is now consumed by flames.

"Thanks for gettin' us outta here. I mean, I probably could've handled it myself if you guys didn't show up, but thanks." Tu said.

"No problem, Tu." Mako said.

"You still owe me a meeting with that Kota guy, so I can see how tough he is." Tu said.

"Don't worry, you'll meet him soon enough." Mako said.

Yin hangs the Earth Queen portrait on the wall of the ship.

"May she rest in peace. This airship is nice. Is this your new home?" Yin asked.

"No, Grandma. I dunno where we're gonna take you, but right now, we need to find Korra." Mako said.

"Did something happen to her?" Chow asked.

"I'm afraid so." Mako said, opening a map. "Their airship went down somewhere in the desert. They were coming from a military base near Misty Palms Oasis and heading to Ba Sing Se. If we retrace their route back to the base, we should find the wreckage." Mako said.

"Then, we better get over there. I wanna meet Kota, badly." Tu said.

"Yeah, I know." Mako said mildly annoyed.

It's now daybreak as the airship arrives at Si Tong Desert and the family begins inspecting the desert looking for the wreckage and later some of the members are bored and tired.

"Guys, there's the wreckage! I found it!" Tu said making Mako and Bolin run to their cousin and they find many pieces of an airship.

"That's a Ba Sing Se airship! Where's the rest of it?" Mako asked.

"I dunno, but there's some tracks." Bolin said pointing at sand-sailer tracks.

The airship flies through the desert following the tracks and they arrive at Misty Palms Oasis where Druk is resting but as he sees the ship landing he flies off.

"See, I told you landing is hard." Bolin said.

"Shut up, Bo." Mako said.

The family walks out of the airship where they find spirits gathering around the iceberg.

"Spirits!" A female relative exclaimed.

"Okay, guys. We think Korra found her way back here. Now, let's split up and into teams and scour the town." Bolin said but as he's talking Pabu climbs up on his shoulder. "Yes, Pabu, we need your help too, so let's..." Bolin stops talking as he realizes. "Pabu!" Bolin cheered hugging his Fire Ferret in joy. "I'm never gonna let you go again!" Bolin cheered.

"Guys! Look, a giant dog thingy!" Tu said as the relatives scatter as something rams into Mako and it's Naga who starts licking the Firebender.

"Okay, Naga! It's good to see you too! Gah, stop! You're licking my mouth!" Mako said disgustedly.

Korra and Asami then walk out of the cantina.

"Korra, Asami!" Bolin cheered.

"You're all okay!" Mako said as they hugged the girls.

"It's really great to see you both again." Korra said smiling.

"Glad to see you're not dead." Lin said.

"Don't get all mushy on me, Chief." Mako said and he saw Tonraq. "Chief Tonraq, sir." Mako said bowing and Tonraq nodded at him.

Just then Bolin sees Zuko.

"Oh, my gosh! It's Lord Zuko!" Bolin said excitedly, trying to suppress his laughter.

"Um, forgive my brother. It's a real honor to meet you, sir." Mako said bowing and Bolin does the same.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both as well." Zuko said bowing back.

Tu walked over to Kota, who sat down on the ground.

"So, you're Kota Beifong, huh?" Tu asked.

"Yeah, why?" Kota asked, standing up.

Tu then saw how tall the earthbending grandson of Avatar Aang was and gulped, "N-Nevermind."

"Oh, yeah, we forgot to tell you, when we were trying to get Kai back, it turns out we found our whole family living in Ba Sing Se!" Bolin said, showing the whole family. "Family, this is Kota Beifong, my earthbending teacher and the Grandson of Toph and Avatar Aang."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Chow, their uncle. You already met my son, Tu." Chow introduced.


"Oh you're so handsome, I bet you got your looks from your grandfather." Yin said, pinching Kota's cheeks.

Kota looks to Lin to help him out, but she gives an amused expression and continues to let Kota suffer.

Yin then sees Asami.

"And you must be the Avatar. Mako told me much about you. You're more beautiful than I imagined." Yin said, making Asami smile awkwardly.

"Uh, that's Asami, Grandma. This is the Avatar, Korra. Korra, my grandmother, Yin." Mako introduces Korra who offers her hand and Yin takes it.

"You're quite muscular for a woman." Yin said.

"Um, thanks... You too?" Korra said.

"What lovely women. Mako, why haven't you dated these nice girls?" Yin asked, making the two girls awkward.

"Where have you been?" Asami asked.

"We were captured by Zaheer and taken to Ba Sing Se. We were there when the Earth Queen was overthrown." Mako said.

"How did you escape?" Korra asked.

"Zaheer let us go." Mako said.

"Wait, why would they do that?" Kota asked.

"Because, Zaheer wanted us to deliver a message to you, Korra." Bolin said.

"What message?" Korra asked.

"Zaheer is headed for the Northern Air Temple as we speak. Zaheer said he's gonna wipe out the new Air Nation and everyone in it...unless you turn yourself over to him." Mako said, making Korra shocked and worried.

"Zaheer is threatening innocent lives just to get to me." Korra said.

"He could be bluffing." Tonraq said.

"They've already taken out the Earth Queen." Mako said.

"We need to radio Dad and warn him that the Red Lotus are coming." Kota said.

"I agree. Unfortunately, we don't have a radio on the airship." Mako said.

"There's a portable radio on the jeep, but the signal will never make it to the Northern Air Temple." Tonraq said.

"We need to get to a place that has a strong radio transmitter." Lin said.

"The Metal Clan will have one." Kota said.

"Exactly." Lin said.

"Then let's go. We'll radio Su on the way. Hopefully, she can get a hold of Tenzin at the air temple by the time we get to Zaofu." Korra said.

The airship and Druk fly their way for Zaofu and land on the dock where they find Suyin waiting for them to arrive and they go to her.

"Su, did you have any luck getting through to Dad?" Kota asked.

"No one's answering. What if Zaheer is already up there? I should have never let Opal go..." Su said worried.

"It's going to be okay, Su." Lin assured her sister.

"I hope so." Su said.

They go to the radio room where a radio operator adjusts the controls.

"We have a strong signal, but no one's answering." The radio operator said.

"I can't just sit around here while a madman is on his way to the Northern Air Temple. We have to do something." Korra said.

"I'll ready my airship. With a full force of the Metal Clan security backing us, we can take them." Su said.

"We'll never make it up there before Zaheer," Mako said.

"There might be another way to stop them. It's a long shot, but Zaheer is always meditating into the Spirit World and I know where he goes." Korra said, "Xai Bau's Grove."

"If I can find him there, maybe I could somehow trap him." Korra said.

"I can't protect you there. I don't like it." Lin said.

"I'll be fine. I have to try." Korra said.

"Asami and I will watch over her while she meditates." Kota said, "I'll go with her to the Spirit World."

"I guess in the meantime, Mako and I will stay here and try to get through to the temple." Bolin said.

"We'll Su get the airship ready." Tonraq said as they all walk out of the room while the brothers remain with their grandmother.

"I'm taking a nap." Yin said leaving.

At a garden Korra and Kota meditate and the two cross over into Xai Bau's Grove.

"Zaheer! Come out! Face me! Leave the Airbenders out of this!" Korra yelled but no answer.

"Maybe he heard you and he left." Kota said.

The two then see a figure approaching them.

"There you are!" Korra said.

"Please don't hurt me, Korra." The figure said, revealing to be Iroh.

"Iroh?" Korra asked.

Kota was also surprised as well.

"What're you doing here?" Korra asked.

"I was just searching for a new teapot to add to my collection, but instead, I found you. In the Spirit World, you always seem to find something you don't know you were looking for." Iroh said but sees the Avatar's troubled face. "You look troubled." Iroh said worried.

"I am." Korra said.

"Sit." Iroh said and Korra does so. "What is on your mind?" Iroh asked.

"There's a maniac that is threatening to destroy the new Air Nation. I don't know what to do." Korra said.

"Just because you are the Avatar, doesn't mean you will have all the answers." Iroh said.

"I know many Avatars have needed guidance, but I'm the only one since Avatar Wan that can't get help from my past lives. Wish I could talk to Aang." Korra said.

"Zuko and Aang were close friends." Iroh said.

"Lord Zuko! Of course!" Korra said.

"Yes, my nephew. Their relationship started off...a little rocky, but they grew to become lifelong friends. Best friends." Iroh said.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! You're right about the Spirit World! I came here looking for someone else, but I'm glad I found you." Korra said as she and Kota returned to the physical world.

"Did you two find Zaheer?" Asami asked.

"No, he wasn't there, but there's someone I need to talk to." Korra said.

Korra finds Zuko preparing to mount on Druk.

"You're leaving? You're not coming with us to the air temple?" Korra asked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm going back to the Fire Nation. If it's true that the Red Lotus are targeting the nations' leaders, I need to protect my daughter." Zuko said.

"I understand. You have to keep the Fire Lord safe, but before you go, I was wondering if you could help me with something." Korra said.

"I was Aang's counsel and I'd love to be yours." Zuko said.

"That's just it. You knew Aang better than anyone. I was wondering if you knew what he might do if he were in my situation." Korra said.

"Hmm, rebuilding the Air Nation was Aang's biggest dream. He would be beside himself with joy with what you've done and if he accomplished that goal, he might have sacrificed anything to protect it." Zuko said.

"So, he would give himself up to save the Air Nation?" Korra asked.

"I don't know for sure. The Airbenders have been closest to Aang's heart, but as the Avatar, he was concerned with people of all nations. No one knew better than Aang that in times of turmoil, the world needs its Avatar the most." Zuko said, placing his hand on Korra's shoulder.

"Thanks. Your uncle was right. It was helpful talking to you." Korra said.

"Wait, you spoke with my uncle?" Zuko asked.

"Yes, in the Spirit World. A couple of times actually." Korra said, surprising the former Fire Lord.

Just then Mako runs to them.

"Guys, we got through the air temple." Mako said.

The trio run to the radio room where Bolin is using the radio.

"Who is this?" A voice asked through the radio and it's Meelo.

"I told you, it's Bolin!" Bolin said irritated.

"Bolin's not here right now. Can I leave a message?" Meelo asked.

"No! I'm not looking for Bolin! I AM Bolin! Gah! Look, I need to talk to your dad." Bolin said.

"He's outside with the bison. Did you know we found a whole herd full of baby bison?" Meelo asked.

"A whole herd? Really?" Bolin asked but was pulled on the collar by Kota.

"Cadet Meelo, this is your commanding officer! Get Dad NOW!" Kota ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Meelo said.

Korra sits next to Kota.

"Come on, come on..." Korra said.

"This is Tenzin." Tenzin said.

"Dad! Listen to me, Zaheer is on his way to the temple. Him and the Red Lotus are coming for the Airbenders. You have to get everyone out of there immediately. Drop everything. Leave now!" Kota yelled.

"Oh, no..." Tenzin said.

At the Northern Air Temple's radio room Tenzin looks out the window horrified.

"Tenzin! What is it? What's happening?!" Korra asked.

"It's too late. They're here." Tenzin said seeing the Red Lotus' airship with Zaheer and P'Li standing there.

"What is it, Daddy?" Meelo asked.

"We need to get everyone out of here. Stay close to me." Tenzin said, opening his glider and then jumps out of the window while Meelo follows him.

Tenzin and Meelo land on a garden where they find Bumi, Kai, and the other Airbenders looking at the airship.

"Tenzin, what's going on?" Bumi asked.

"It's Zaheer. Round everyone up. We need to get to the bison and evacuate immediately." Tenzin said as they started moving.

At the Airbending training area Daw and another Airbender are training but Kai runs to them.

"Guys, we got an emergency. We're evacuating the temple. Come on." Kai said as they leave the area but then lava appears underground blocking their way. "Look out!" Kai said as they eject themselves back but they find Ghazan smiling evilly. "We gotta go!"

Kota was storming out of Zaofu, he was livid.

"Kota, stop!" Korra screamed, "Don't go to the Air Temple!"

"I have to help hold them off so Dad and the other acolytes can escape," Kota said.

He then turned into his Guardian Mode and then flew off, hoping he could get there in time to save them.

Kota and Asami see him fly off and look back to see Lin, Su, Mako, and Bolin running to them.

"Where is Kota?" Lin asked.

"He flew off," Korra said, "He is flying to the Northern Air Temple to buy the acolytes some time to escape."

Lin clicked her tongue, knowing she can't do anything to stop him at this point.

Meanwhile Tenzin attacks Zaheer with an air blast but Zaheer dodges and delivers an air attack, but Tenzin jumps behind them and throws another air blast knocking Zaheer down. When Tenzin was about to land an air attack, P'Li shoots a combustion beam that hits the Airbender, sending him back but Tenzin recovers and tries to attack again only for Ming-Hua to deliver a water blast and Ghazan who sends out rocks, but Tenzin dodges the attacks and tries to attack again but P'Li unleashes another combustion strike and is sent against the wall and he breathes heavily while his clothes are ruined and his face bruised.

"Give up. It's over." Zaheer said.

"As long as I'm breathing, it's not over." Tenzin said as he tried to attack Zaheer, but Zaheer dodged the wind attack and knocked Tenzin down.

Before the Red Lotus could attack Tenzin, they heard screaming.

They looked up to see a streak coming down to them, Kota came in at the last second, but due to how long he flew and how fast, he deformed into his base form.

"Kota?" Tenzin looked up to see his eldest son in front of him.

Kota sees a strong looking combustion beam coming at him and uses platinum bending to block it, only for it to be knocked away from his range to obtain it back. Now with his gauntlets gone, he then uses Earthbending to fight off Zaheer, Ming Hua, and Ghazan who easily overpower him. As he was knocked down, Ming Hua made a sharp Icicle and stabbed Kota on the shoulder, making him scream in pain.

Tenzin stood there horrified as he saw his oldest son being brutally tortured.

Meanwhile Kai is still unconscious but he feels his face being licked, making him wake up and he finds himself upside-down and hanging from a tree and he finds a bison calf.

"Whoa!" Kai falls but he lands on the bison calf's back. "Thanks, buddy. Yip, yip!" Kai said as the bison calf flies off.

Jinora is also unconscious but she later wakes up and finds herself on a tree and she sees a bison calf.

"You found me? Thank you!" Jinora said petting the bison calf and then gets on its back and she sees the airship. "C'mon. Yip, yip!" Jinora said as the bison calf flies off after them.


"N-No," Korra was on the raido, Zaheer is on the other line.

"Your partner is down as well, so do the right thing or he will die first." Zaheer said. After he hung up, he looked to Kota was hanging in chains, scars were present on his body as Ming Hua was creating new ones.

He smiled at Kota, "Let's see how long you last until they arrive."

next chapter
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