94.73% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 36: Chapter 2 (Rewritten)

บท 36: Chapter 2 (Rewritten)

It was the night of Korra's kidnapping. Kuo had already taken her back to his father's home. The boys reunited back in the city decided to patrol any Equalists and managed to interrogate one of them with Kuo holding them by their ankle as if they were dropping them on the edge of the building.

The Equalist woke up from being unconscious and was now terrified as he saw three dark figures and the location they were. They were on a rooftop and he was away.

"What are you guys planning?" Kuo asked.

"I don't know anything I swear!" the Equalist said.

"Wrong answer," Kuo said darkly, he took out his tonfa and pressed the button of the grip which led to a blade popping out from the forehead of the tonfa. Kuo started to point the blade at the Equalist's neck as if he was going to slit it.

"Wait? What? Y-You wouldn't!" The Equalist was now terrified as he was going to get his throat slit for not saying anything.

"Then tell me." Kuo said.

"We are going to raid the Finals of the Pro-Bending tournament, we're going to make an example out of the benders!" the Equliast said.

"Appreciate it," Kuo said. He retracted the blade and knocked out the Equalist. They tied him up and let the unconscious Equalist down on the floor gently as they went up the roofs again.

"What are we going to do?" Moe asked, they were now on a rooftop, looking out at the city view.

"What we always do," Kuo said, "take matters into our own hands. We are going to enter the Pro-Bending tournament and when Amon strikes, change and take him down."

Moe and Yuji nodded as they decided to be done patrolling for the day.


Kuo, Moe, and Yuji were walking down the streets and later were encountered by Tarrlok, "Beifong!" he hollered as he approached the earthbender and his friends.

"Councilman," Kuo said in a neutral tone.

"Have you seen Avatar Korra, she hasn't been around for quite some time," Tarrlok asked.

"Well to be fair, she joined the Fire Ferrets long before your useless task force." He said. Tarrlok snreed as he heard Kuo call his task force useless. There has been word around the city where three dark vigilantes have been more effective with taking down the Equalists than Tarrlok's task force. "So, how does the interrogation of those chi blockers go?" Kuo asked, "I have been informed by my father about how stubborn they have been."

"Indeed they have," Tarrlok sighed in anger, "They are very tight lipped about Amon and far too loyal to even talk."

Kuo and the boys heard a honk and smirked as he saw Asami in a satomobile, "Have my mother interrogate them. If they don't talk after that then I don't know what will get them talking." With that, Kuo and his friends walked off and hopped in Asami's satomobile.

As Asami was driving Kuo and the boys were in the Satomobile, she looked towards Kuo. "So you boys are going to enter the tournament?"

"Hell yeah we are," Kuo said, "We still haven't lost our touch. Besides, it would be good for us." As he said this he was thinking for a different reason, it was so they could take down Amon.


In Republic City, snow is falling outside and in the pro-bending arena in the gym Korra is handling a blob of water and then splits it into two. She then rapidly launches small water bullets in different directions while Bolin raises his right hand to make an earth disc follow his motion. He made it hover in front of him. He throws it at Korra who launches the water blob at the earth disc making Bolin stumble back but then Mako twists around and vaporizes the water with a fire arc and delivers two fire punches.

Bolin uses an earth disc but Mako destroys it with a fire blast but Korra fires water bullets at Mako who jumps over it while Bolin throws an earth disc at Korra who shields herself with water from a nearby tank. Mako fires a blast of flames at the two but they both block with their respective elements but a second fire blasts hits Bolin in the stomach and he is flung backwards. He later falls down but he launches an earth disc at Korra who directs the water blob away. The blob gets hit by the earth disc and she's hit in the stomach but the water hits Mako straight in the face flinging him to the ground but they all sit up and laugh and Mako stands up while taking off his helmet.

"It's been great having you at so many back-to-back practices, Korra." Mako said.

"Feels good to be back, although Tarrlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence." Korra said.

"Hey, you joined the Fire Ferrets before you joined his task force." Bolin said.

"I do feel a lot better." Korra said.

"Okay, come on, team huddle time!" Mako said as he, Korra, and Bolin got into a huddle position.

Bolin smiles at Korra who smiles at Mako who smiles at the three.

"It's our first match of the tournament tonight. I know the three of us haven't been a team very long, but even so, the Fire Ferrets have never been this good. Are we ready?" Mako asked.

"We're ready!" Korra and Bolin said.

"Not quite." A voice said and they turned to see Asami walking into the practice room with the Future Industries sponsored gear. "You'll need these." Asami said, holding up a shirt with the Future Industries logo on it.

"Hey, Asami." Mako said.

"Good morning, sweetie." Asami said, making Korra annoyed.

"These new uniforms look great!" Mako said.

"YOU look great, champ!" Asami said and they eskimo kiss, making Bolin have a 'Really?' look on his face while Korra shows her disgust but acts normal when Mako turns to her.

"Well, teammates, I'll see you before the match tonight. Asami and I have a lunch date." Mako said as they left.

"Okay, we'll check you guys later, you know, we'll see ya when we see ya." Bolin said, waving at the two.

Just then Kuo, Moe, and Yuji were in the doorway.

"Kuo?" Korra asked.

Kuo, Yuji, and Moe saw the Avatar running towards them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Korra asked.

"We're signing up for the Pro-Bending tournament," Kuo said. "These are my friends, Yuji and Moe."

The two waved as Korra waved back. "Really, I heard from your Dad that you won several Junior Division titles, is that true?" Korra said.

"It's true," Kuo said, "Yuji and Moe were on the team also."

"That's cool!" Korra said, "Maybe you guys can help our team."

Kuo chuckled, "Nice, but no. I see what you're doing."

Korra smirked, "I had to try."

Kuo nodded as they started to walk away. Bolin walked up to Korra, "Uhh Korra. Who were they?"

"That was Kuo Beifong," Korra said. Bolin's eyes widened, "The Kuo Beifong? As in the Grandson of Avatar Aang and Toph?!"

"He is also the grandson of Katara also," Korra said.

"I know, but his grandmother, Toph, is my hero!" Bolin said.


Kuo, Yuji, and Moe were in the commissioner's office, talking to Buhtaka. "So you boys are rejoining the tournament, this late?" Buhtaka asked.

"Well, it would be a way to get used to getting in the league," Kuo said, "it will be like riding a bicycle."

Buhtaka started to smirk as he stuck out his hand. "Then pay up," Buhtaka said, "40,000 yuans, 30 for entering and 10 for the late fee."

Kuo smirked as he went inside his back and took out seven bands that contained 10,000 yuans in each. Buhtaka was stunned as he saw that Kuo was able to pay up at the spot. "The extra money is because I know Tanho bought you boys out," Kuo said, "this is an additional fee to make things a bit more fair." He took the money and looked at Kuo, "I'll get you boys set up for tomorrow night's tournament. You'll be going against Tanho and the Wolf-bats."

Kuo smirked, he was going to take down the cheating bastard.


Mako and Bolin are in their attic and Mako is making dinner while Bolin is giving Pabu a bath much to the Fire Ferret's protests but Bolin manages to put Pabu into the tub of water but Pabu rises back up and shakes the water off his fur looking defeated.

"Work with me here, Pabu! You wanna look spic and span in your new uniform, don't you?" Bolin said and then turned to his brother. "So, what do you think of Korra, in a 'girlfriend' sort of way?" Bolin asked.

"She's great! But I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami." Mako answered.

"I was talking about a girlfriend for ME! Leave some ladies for the rest of us!" Bolin said, annoyed.

"I know, that's what I thought you meant." Mako said.

"Well...?" Bolin asked.

"I don't know, Bo. It doesn't seem like a good idea for you to date Korra." Mako said.

"You just said she was great two seconds ago." Bolin said.

"Yeah, Korra is a great athlete and the Avatar and stuff, but I don't know if she's really 'girlfriend material'. She's more like a pal." Mako said.

"Bro, you're nuts! Korra and I are perfect for each other: She's strong, I'm strong; she's fun, I'm fun; she's beautiful, I'm GORGEOUS! Okay, I don't care what you think, I'm gonna ask her out." Bolin said.

"Look, it just isn't smart to date a teammate, ESPECIALLY during the tournament. Keep your head out of the clouds and your priorities straight, okay?" Mako said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Gah." Bolin said and he turned to Pabu. "You know what I'm talking about, Pabu. I'm talking about REAL love." Bolin said and Pabu looked confused.


Kuo, Korra, Jinora, and Ikki are feeding fruit to ring-tailed lemurs in the snow. Kuo had agreed to come over and help out, it gave him an opportunity to see his younger siblings this way while keeping an occasional eye on Korra as per his father's request.

"How's it going with the tall, dreamy Firebender boy, Korra? You've been spending A LOT of time together lately." Jinora said.

"Oooh, yeah! Tell us about the MAGICAL romance!" Ikki said.

"What? Listen to you two. I-I'm NOT interested in Mako or any romantic stuff. Besides, he's all about that prissy, beautiful, elegant, rich girl." Korra said.

"You just described Asami and your feelings say otherwise." Kuo said with a chuckle, agreeing with his sisters.

"Oh, whatever! But... let's just say for a second I AM interested in him. What should I do?" Korra asked.

"Well first—" Kuo was about to say something until he was interrupted.

"Ooh, I just read a historical saga where the heroine fell in love with the enemy general's son, who's supposed to marry the princess. You should do what she did!" Jinora said.

"Tell me!" Korra said.

"She rode a dragon into battle and burned down the ENTIRE COUNTRY." Jinora said.

"I don't think that's right," Kuo said with confusion.

"Wait, it gets better. She then jumped into a volcano! It was so romantic!" Jinora said.

Kuo later sighed in disappointment.

"Uhh..." Korra is lost for words.

"No, no, no! The best way to win a boy's heart is to brew a love potion of rainbows and sunsets that makes true lovers sprout wings and fly into a magical castle in the sky, where they get married and eat clouds with spoons and use stars as ice cubes in their moonlight punch. Forever and ever and ever!" Ikki said while Airbending upward in a circular motion out of excitement.

Kuo again sighed at the naivety of his younger sisters.

"The volcano is starting to make more sense to me now." Korra said and just then a laugh is heard and they turn to see Pema. "Oh, hey, Pema." Korra said.

"How long have you been standing there?" Kuo asked.

"Long enough. Korra, trust me, I know what you're going through. Years ago, I was in the exact same situation, with Tenzin." Pema said, shocking the three except for Kuo.

"Daddy was in love with someone else before you?" Ikki asked.

"Was it Kuo's mom?" Jinora asked.

"That's right." Pema answered.

"So, what did you do?" Korra asked.

"Well, for the longest time, I did nothing. I was so shy and scared of rejection, but watching my soulmate spend his life with the wrong woman became too painful. So, I hung my chin out there and I CONFESSED my love to Tenzin, and the rest is history." Pema explained.

"Wooow!" Korra, Jinora, and Ikki said in awe.

"But at the cost of my mother getting angry," Kuo said, "Though to be fair, they grew apart as I got older." He didn't care about what he said as the mood started to dissipate.

"What did Lin do?" Korra asked.

Kuo chuckled and started to walk away, "You should ask Dad, though he may avoid the question..."


"Folks, after a year of waiting, the Pro-bending Championship is finally here! Tonight is the first set of matches in our single elimination sixteen team bracket. I gotta tell ya, these are the most tenacious and talented bending trios this arena has ever seen!" The announcer known as Shiro announced.

"Introducing our first team, the Future Industries Fire Ferrets!" The ring announcer announced and the crowd started cheering. "And their opponents, the Red Sands Rabaroos!" The ring announcer introduces and the match between the teams starts.

"What an explosive opening volley. Both teams quickly recover and unleash a barrage of bending. I am astonished with the level of improvement displayed here by the Fire Ferrets. No wonder the Avatar has been absent from the papers lately. She's obviously had her nose to the grindstone in the gym. The Ferrets advance into Rabaroo territory and are holding nothing back. Nice sprawl there by Mako. Bolin strikes, Ula dodges, and all three Rabaroos are down. The Fire Ferrets easily take round one!" Shiro announced.

"Round two!" The ring announcer said.

"The Rabaroos are looking for payback and they go straight after Bolin. Korra comes to his defense and water whacks Umi back into zone two! The Ferrets are on fire tonight and they win round two!" Shiro announced.

"Round three!" The ring announcer said.

"With the Rabaroos down two rounds, they'll need a knockout to win, and with the way the Fire Ferrets are playing, I don't see that happening. These Ferrets are working together like a well-oiled bending machine. Bolin passes Adi back into zone two and the Ferrets get the green light to advance. The Rabaroos are just fighting to stay at their feet at this point. Out comes Adi, and Ula, and Umi!" Shiro announced.

"All three rounds go to the Future Industries Fire Ferrets to win the opening match of the tournament!" The ring announcer said and the team cheered.

"Already a good start." Kuo said.

"That's what I'm talking about! Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you all, you fans!" Bolin said.

The trio return to the changing area.

"Nice first start. Keep it up and you'll win the championship." Kuo said.

"Yeah. We really connected out there in that ring." Mako said.

"I know! I feel like the two of us have been connecting really well OUT of the ring too." Korra said.

"Oh, shit..." Kuo said, knowing what Korra was going to do.

"Uh, sure." Mako said.

"So, I was thinking we should spend some time together." Korra said.

"Oh, we've been spending lots of time together." Mako said.

"I mean outside of the gym, and not while searching for kidnapped family members or fighting chi blockers." Korra said.

"I don't know. Asami and I have..." Mako was cut off.

"Look, I really like you and I think we are meant for each other!" Korra said abruptly but then quickly turns around and hides while blushing.

"Korra, I'm sorry, but I just don't feel the same way about you." Mako said.

"Forget I ever said anything..." Korra said disappointed.

Just then Asami enters the room with Pabu on her shoulder.

"Congratulations, guys! You were so amazing out there." Asami kisses Mako on the cheek and Korra and Mako looked uncomfortable at each other.

Korra sits down and Bolin sits next to her.

"So, Korra, I was thinking, you and I...we could get some dinner together, sort of a DATE situation." Bolin said.

"Oh, that's really sweet, but I don't think so. I don't feel very DATE-worthy." Korra said.

"Are you kidding me? You're the smartest, funniest, toughest, buffest, talentedest, the most incredible girl in the world!" Bolin said and Korra chuckled.

"You really feel that way about me?" Korra asked.

"I have felt that way since the moment I saw you! Trust me, I know we're gonna have so much fun together." Bolin said.

"You know what, I could use some fun. Okay, sure." Korra said.

"Yes! Who's the luckiest guy in the world? Right here, Bolin!" Bolin said as they left.

Mako watches them while holding onto Asami who clings herself into him and rests on his shoulder but Mako is still thinking about Korra and Bolin.

"Why do I have a feeling this won't end well?" Kuo asked himself as he left the room.


In Korra's room Korra is getting ready for her date with Bolin.

"Korra, are you sure you want to date Bolin?" Kuo asked.

"I don't see why not. We're just gonna hang out together. No big deal." Korra said.

"Bolin's nice and all and I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt him, but I'm concerned you're doing this to get back at..." Kuo said.

"Mako?" Korra asked.

"Basically." Kuo answered.

"Don't worry. It's nothing like that. We're just gonna have fun tonight. Besides, I think it might help with getting my mind off Mako and that way, no one gets hurt." Korra said.

"I hope you're right." Kuo said.

"Everything will be okay. See you later." Korra said as she left the room.


"So, how do you like it?" Bolin asked, slurping his noodles.

"Hmm, it's delicious and totally authentic! I didn't realize how much I missed the Water Tribe grub." Korra said.

"That's great, 'cause this is my favorite joint. See? You love Water Tribe food, I love Water Tribe food, just another reason we are so great together." Bolin said.

"They are good noodles! Hey, who's that creepy guy over there, who keeps glaring at us?" Korra asked, pointing at a young man sitting at a table with a girl in each arm and guys are with him and he has a smug look.

"That's Tahno and the Wolf-bats, the reigning champs, three years running. Don't make eye contact." Bolin said but Korra looks straight at Tahno who gets up and walks over to the two along with his teammates. "Uh-oh, here he comes. Now, don't mess with this guy, he's a nasty dude." Bolin said, eating his noodles.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Fire Ferrets. Pro-bending is the saddest excuse for a team. Tell me, how did a couple of amateurs like you luck your way into the tournament? Especially you, Avatar. You know, if you'd like to learn how a REAL pro bends, I could give you some PRIVATE lessons." Tahno said but Korra stood up close in front of him.

"You wanna go toe-to-toe with me, pretty boy?" Korra asked.

"Go for it. I'll give you the first shot." Tahno said, smirking.

"Korra, don't. He's just baiting you. If you hit him, we're out of the tournament." Bolin whispered.

Korra whistles and then Naga comes bursting through the window roaring loudly at Tahno making him fall over but his teammates catch him and they walk off while Korra and Bolin laugh.

"Whoa, ho, ho! I've never seen someone harass Tahno like that! YOU are one of a kind, Korra." Bolin said.

Korra and Bolin are drinking cocktails and Bolin lets out a burp and is ashamed but Korra burps even louder making Bolin burp again and louder this time and Korra burps again and is even louder this time and they start laughing but the couple next to them give a look of disgust and horror.

Korra and Bolin are now on Harmony Tower with other couples and they look at the view of the city and Korra is enjoying the view while Bolin enjoys having Korra with him.


Kuo, Moe, and Yuji were finished with their practice and were walking over to the arena and they found Mako sitting on a plate of stairs near the entrance.

"Mako? What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be training for the tournament?" Kuo asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm just taking some fresh air to clear my head before the match." Mako said.

"I see." Kuo said.

"Have you seen Korra?" Mako asked.

"Not after she left, no." Kuo answered.

"She's probably going out with my brother. I told him it was a bad idea." Mako said in a bitter tone.

"Do you...have feelings for Korra?" Kuo asked.

"What? No! That's crazy! You were there when I told her I don't feel the same way about her." Mako said.

"Yeah, I heard you." Kuo said and just then he saw Korra arriving at the arena. "Korra's back." Kuo said, walking up to the Avatar. "So, how was it?" Kuo asked.

"We had fun. Nothing went wrong." Korra said as they walked for the arena but Mako stood up looking sternly at Korra.

"What kind of game are you playing?" Mako asked in slight anger.

"Uh, pro-bending? We've got the quarter-final match." Korra said.

"No, I mean with Bolin. You've got him all in a tizzy and I know you're only using him to get back at me." Mako said.

"Here we go..." Kuo said face palming.

"I am not. We're just having fun together. What do you care about anyway?" Korra asked.

"I'm looking out for my little brother. I don't want to see his heart get broken." Mako said.

"Wait a second...you're not worried about him, you're jealous! You DO have feelings for me!" Korra said.

"What? Jealous? Don't be ridiculous!" Mako said.

"I think this is where we leave," Moe said, Yuji and Kuo agreed as they were going back to the arena. He and Yuji have been silent about this, but as they were hearing Korra and Mako argue, they wanted to get out.


"Eight teams have been eliminated and eight advance into the quarter finals, which get underway tonight. The rookies are about to take on the former and longest-reigning champs, the Boar-q-pines. Youth clashes against experience in a battle for the ages, or rather OF the ages." Shiro announced as the bell rings signaling the start of the match. "Korra dodges and, OOH! Slams right into her teammate! Down goes Mako and Bolin and Korra!" Shiro announced.

"This is not turning out well..." Kuo said, shaking his head. Him, Moe, and Yuji were in the changing room hearing the match, they had just finished their training session as they headed out after.

"Round one goes to the Boar-q-pines!" The ring announcer said.

"You were supposed to defend while I attacked!" Mako snapped.

"I had an opening, so I took it!" Korra snapped back.

"What is up with you two? Alright, whatever, just pull together, guys." Bolin said.

"The Ferrets looking to mount some offense here in round two. Bolin lets fly a flurry of attacks, he's a one-man bending battalion. The Ferrets are having a rough time finding their rhythm tonight, but thanks to Bolin, they narrowly notch round two. Not sure what's eating them, but this is not the same team who took out the Rabaroos." Shiro announced.

"Round three is a tie! We go to a tie-breaker to decide the match." The ring announcer said.

"The Fire Ferrets win the coin toss! Which element do you choose?" The referee asked.

"I got this." Mako said.

"I know you usually handle these, but frankly, your head's not in the game. I'm gonna take this one. We choose earth!" Bolin said as a platform in the middle of the stage rises with Bolin and the Earth Boar-q-pine.

"Looks like the Earthbenders will collide in the tie-breaker face-off. Bolin goes in for the grapple. Chang reverses. Bolin strikes from midair, knocking Chang to the edge of the circle. Another strike from Bolin, and Chang is in the drink!" Shiro announced.

"The Future Industries Fire Ferrets win their quarter-final match!" The ring announcer said and Bolin cheered while Korra and Mako were relieved but they looked away from each other annoyed and angry.

"Well, that was close." Kuo said.

"Tell me about it," Yuji said.

"Oh, that was a close one, folks! Youth triumphs over experience tonight!" Shiro said.

Later Korra is at the balcony of the arena and Kuo is with her.

"That was a close call out there. Thought that was gonna cost you." Kuo said.

"Yeah." Korra said, "You boys are done practicing?"

"Yeah," Yuji said, "we're going to a restaurant."

"Have fun," Korra said as they walked off.

Just then Mako came walking toward Korra and spoke up, "Korra, we need to talk. Look, sometimes, you can be so infuriating, but I..." Mako was cut off.

"Just save it, Mako, okay? You already made it clear how you feel about me." Korra said.

"No, I haven't. What I'm trying to say is; as much as you drive me crazy, I also think you're pretty amazing." Mako said.

"So, you DO like me?" Korra asked.

"Yes, but I like Asami too. I don't know. Things are complicated. I've been feeling really confused and..." Mako was cut off as Korra kissed him on the mouth shocking him but he kissed Avatar back making her blush.

The two later pulled away and saw Bolin carrying flowers and he made a shocked expression. Korra then looks down in shame after looking at something behind Mako who turns around to see Bolin standing carrying the flowers for Korra and he starts to burst into tears and runs away crying while dropping the flowers.

"Bolin, this isn't what you think!" Mako called but Bolin was gone. "Great! Look at what you did!" Mako berated Korra.

"You're blaming ME?!" Korra asked, insulted.

"YOU kissed me!" Mako yelled.

"YOU kissed me back!" Korra yells back and Mako growls in anger and then runs after his brother. "Go on. Say 'Well played, Korra'." Korra said.


"Morning, Narook. My brother here?" Mako asks and the man named Narook points to where Bolin is and he's sitting slumped across a table depressed. "Thanks." Mako said, walking for his brother. "C'mon, wake up. Taking you home, bro." Mako said and Bolin looks up at the Firebender and sniffs sadly and dejectedly.

"Don't call me that. You're not my brother! You're a brother betrayer! The only one I can trust anymore is Pabu! Pabu loves me!" Bolin said sadly pointing at Pabu who was lying on a bowl on the table with a big stomach indicating he ate noodles.

"You're a mess. We've got the biggest match of our lives tonight. Let's go." Mako said as he put a hand on Bolin's shoulder but Bolin slapped Mako's hand away.

"No! I'm not going anywhere with YOU! You traitor!" Bolin yelled.

"Guess we'll have to do this the hard way." Mako said as he picked Bolin up and hauled him onto his back.

"No...! Why...?" Bolin asked, sobbing.

"Told you dating a teammate was a bad idea." Mako said.

"YOU'RE a bad idea! Put me down! Put me down!" Bolin cries while Pabu gets off the table and slowly follows the brothers.


Kuo was getting ready for his match and was taking a deep breath as he was going up against Tanho and the Wolf-bats. He was suspicious of Korra's performance against the Wasps and was going to question her later, but he had a match to perform in. He was now in the conveyor that pushed them forward as they were going to go against the Wolf-bats.

"And now the defending champs, the White Falls Wolf-bats!" the announcer said, "Going against them are the unprecedented, formal and possibly returning champions, the Stalworth Sky-bisons!"

Everyone cheered as they heard the Wolf-bats and Sky-bisons. As the two teams went up to the center, Kuo smirked at Tanho.

"Good luck," Kuo said, "something tells me you're gonna need it."

"What makes you say that?" Tanho asked.

"I payed them to make this game fair," Kuo said, "so no more of your bullshit."

Tanho heard this and sneered, making Kuo give a deeper smirk. "Also how's your sister?" Kuo asked in a taunting manner. This made Tanho sneer more as they were in their positions.


"The Wolf-bat's earthbender goes on the offensive, sending them towards Beifong," Shiro said as the action was happening, "but oh no! Beifong's acrobatic maneuver managed to dodge them. And what a move, he caught them right in the middle of him dodging!"

As Shiro was commentating this, the Wolf-bat's earthbender sent a volley of disks towards Kuo who did a butterfly twist, dodging all of them while grabbing two and throwing one of them back at the earthbender and another at Tanho, with the firebender behind him, making all three fall in the water.

Korra, Mako, and Bolin being shocked was an understatement. They were flabbergasted at what Kuo just did, he managed to take down three benders in one move.

"Unbelievable!" Shiro said, "Beifong managed to take down three benders at once! We have seen this move executed by him so many times in the past, but he managed to take down three Wolf-bats in one move!"

As the second round started, Tanho water bended and converted it into ice to hit Kuo, but he dodged it and the ref called for his flagrant play.

"What?!" Tanho was pissed, "I paid you off!"

This led to the ref giving the Bisons a point for the second round as Tanho was now screwed. He looked at Kuo who had a smug look on his face as the third round started. The match started in normal fashion and it led to the Sky-bison's victory.

"And the Wolf-bats are defeated," Shiro said, "they never stood a chance against the Sky-bisons."

Korra, Mako, and Bolin were now looking at Kuo's team in shock, they knew that they were going to start working hard.

next chapter
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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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