A maelstrom of pressure had engulfed the entire Gereign Region. Every animal, monster, human, and Martial Artist felt a mind-churning pressure crash into them. True terror sprung up within their hearts, crippling them.
Many froze, paralyzed.
Others shivered in horror.
Many simply fainted then and there, despite the enormous distance between them and the source of the great pressure that they experienced.
Rui and Zenshin gulped as they stood up behind their Masters, trying to maintain their composure as much as they could. Senior Zenshin in particular, struggled as he did his best to resist the mental pressure crashing into him.
Rui was a lot calmer, yet even he felt a tingling nervousness.
The battle had begun sooner than he had expected. One moment, the two Martial Masters were standing right before them, and the very next moment they disappeared.
Rui and Zenshin grew startled, glancing at each other.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!