49.2% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 28: The Moving

บท 28: The Moving

A/N: Sorry for not uploading the chapter last night(which for me was about 15 hours ago). I was traveling, and hence did not have the time.


1140AD: 176 years(17)

It's been a year since my holiday began, and Loki and Thor had only a month until they had to return to Asgard.

During this time, Loki had managed to learn how to tap into the Universal Energies to make weapons, shields, and portals. Of course, I got him a Sling Ring from Kamar Taj, so he could actually form the portals, but that was easy to obtain.

He had also managed to learn how to summon the Mirror Dimension, and his Astral Form, as the two were very useful when it comes to Espionage.

Loki, unfortunately rejected to learn anything else from Sorcery from me. He did promise to learn more from the Journals I had given to Mother. He had also taken to reading the Wizarding books on Mind Arts, Runes, Rituals, and Elemental Spells.

Thor, on the other hand, had done spectacularly well. While he did not bother with Sorcery, at all, he did take quite well to Lightning Elemental Spells. He used his hammer as the focus, and simply by using the description given, he had managed to replicate a lot of the spells.

A Japanese Spell, called Kirin, would summon high intensity Lightning directly on to the target, in the shape of an animal, which for Thor, was a dog. Another spell, Latin this time, fired a focused lightning bolt from the focus, in a straight line. This one was for piercing power. And many more.

Surprisingly, Enchanted Uru worked for us as magical focuses. The Wizarding Kind. So we were able to use some of the spells, or mimic the others, using our weapons.

Now, one year after the beginning of my trip, once I had returned the Eye of Agamotto, and the Book of Cagliostro to Master Yao, I had called the House Elves, for a meeting in the Great Hall.

"House Elves, of Hogwarts!" I boomed out, looking at the House Elves assembled in the Great Hall. They were stood in a group, without any discipline, but I knew they were paying attention.

I look them over, and say, "I have one, and only one order for you, if you accept."

Toby, being one of the only few personally known to me, comes forward, and asks, "What is God Baldy wanting?"

I smile at the name they hade for me, even if I was a bit insulted, and say, "I want you to scour the lands, and bring anything that belongs to wizards. Books, artefacts, wands. Everything. Can you do that for me?"

The House Elves cheer loudly, which confuses me, so I ask a smiling Toby, "Why is everyone cheering, Toby?"

Toby jumps into the air, and smilingly answers, "We be havings work again! Great God Baldy is the Best Master Ever!"

I groan, loudly, and look at the other elves. All of them had stars in their eyes, so I take that as confirmation. I have fanatics working for me. Great. Hopefully they won't try to "save" me like Dobby did to Harry.

I nod at them, still, and say, "Thank you, Elves. I really appreciate this. Now, Toby, you may stay, others you may leave."

The other elves, still cheering, all leave for.. wherever, while Toby stays. I call him forward and ask him to wait. A few seconds later, the representatives of Goblins and Dwarves appear in the Great Hall, and bow to me.

I was sitting on the stage, so it was not like I was lording them over, and neither did Thor or Loki do anything. So I scowl at them, and simply say, "You don't have to bow, my friends. I did not free you from Ekrizdis's clutches so I could rule over you."

The Goblin nods and stands up straight, while the Dwarf follows the Goblins lead. Huh. The Goblins are still weary of me, and the Dwarves are following their lead, it seems.

"My name is Baldur Odinson, Prince of Asgard. May I know your names, please?" I speak, once I have their attention.

The Goblin comes forward and says, "My name is Sharptooth. I am... I used to be a Guard to the Clan Leader."

The Dwarf comes forward and says, "My name is Yakdrus."

I nod at them, smiling, and say, "Nice to meet you, Sharptooth, Yakdrus. Now, you might be wondering why I called you here. You see, I have a proposition for your races."

"What?" Sharptooth asks, narrowing his eyes at me, while Yakdrus does the same. Good. At least he's suspicious.

I wave my hand towards Toby, and say, "The Elves here, are going to be collecting anything they find which belongs to the Wizards. So, I wanted to ask if you'd like to go and see if anything that belongs to your people is still in your lands. If it's there, then you can take it for yourself."

Sharptooth, and Yakdrus think it over, and finally Yakdrus asks, "What's the catch? You wouldn't do this for free."

I smile at him gently and say, "I don't need anything from your people as of now. Later, I might simply ask you to make tools for me. That's it. Of course, you'll be paid handsomely, in Asgardian Gold."

The two have a whispered conversation, and agree. So I have Toby gather a group of young House Elves that will help the Goblins and Dwarves reclaim their lands. If they find any mines, that won't be available on Venus, I'm going to have them work there if they so wished.

My work for the day done, I returned to the town Loki and Thor were staying at. It's going to be a few hectic months until Venus is ready. Until then, let's look at how those Sanctum Portals were made. So, I take out the Black Mirror.

~~~One Year Later~~~

It's been two years, since I began my vacation, and Venus was finally ready for us to move to.

The task I had left for the Elves to complete was done within a month. Surprisingly, a lot of Wizarding Homes were intact, after the deaths if wizards.

So Hogwarts gained some 7000 new wands, a few thousand portraits of wizarding ancestors, a few invisibility cloaks, which were just about losing their magic, and over a million new books. Of course, many of the books were either copies of the same book, which I had them separate, but there were still a lot of new books.

I and Loki, before he left for Asgard with Thor, had made satellites for us, to deploy into the sky. He had taken inspiration from the Asgardian Shield, which encompasses the entirety of Asgard, and protects the city from enemy attacks.

What Loki did, instead, was use a combination if the different runic languages, to create an illusion of a barren planet all around it. I had provided him with the Illusion of the Planet before Terraforming began.

Goblins provided the Goblin Gold, from their mines, which was just normal Gold, purified using Goblin techniques to be receptive towards Enchanting.

While Loki, and I developed the rune schemes to be used, the Goblins and the Dwarves made the satellite as per Loki's blueprint. And yes, it used both Technology, and Magic. While, the Elves carved the runes under our strict watch.

The Satellites, 14 in total, created a cube, surrounding the planet. 8 in the 8 corners, while 6 were in the centre of the faces of the cube. Powered by magic, the satellites become invisible, and then project an illusion for the outsiders, of a barren planet.

Only Heimdall could see through the Illusions, and only because I wanted him to keep an eye on us too.

Those satellites had already been deployed, a few months ago, and at least till now, it was safe for use.

Now, was finally the part that everyone was waiting for, the most. Moving Hogwarts, and the surrounding 10 acres of land, to Venus. I had personally carved the necessary runes on both Earth, and Venus. The rune scheme created a circle, with Hogwarts as the centre.

The Rune Scheme on Venus however, was a bit tricky. I first had to find a spot which was hard enough, had at least 2 Magical Ley lines passing through, and was stable underground. Lady Jord, who could now come to Venus instantly, helped me with that.

This also meant that Lady Jord had 2 planets under her domain, making her a bit stronger, and bringing Magic to Venus.

After that, I simply used my Sun Divinity to carve the runes in fine detail. Heat rays, baby.

"Are you all ready?" I ask, once every living being was outside the castle, but inside the area to be affected.

"Yes! God Baldy!" a chorus of House Elves sounds. The Goblins and Dwarves, simply nod.

"Geez, tough crowd." I mutter to myself, and activate the Rune scheme.

Immediately, everyone sees a light cover the affected grounds. Only 2 seconds later, I see rainbow coloured lights first coming down fast, and then going up, taking us with them. The motion of flying upwards sends us crashing into the ground, but fortunately, not with full force.

Around a minute later, the lights start dimming, and barely few seconds later, they're completely gone.

"My friends!" I say, once I'm steady. Everyone was looking at the sky in wonder, thanks to a different sky. Thankfully it was still day. I shout again, "Welcome! To Avalon!"


"Are you sure this is going to work?" Lady Aditi asks me, looking at the 20 feet tall, and 15 feet wide arc I erected in the place where Hogwarts used to be.

I roll my eyes, and say, "Yes, my Lady. This, and the 6 other arcs. All of them will work."

The Arcs, or what I call, The Gates, are what will serve as a doorway between Earth and Avalon. You know the best part? Humans, mutants, and Sorcerers can't even see even one of the monuments, thanks to the litany of Wards I'd erected. Wizarding Wards, of course.

"I'm simply afraid, Baldur." Lady Aditi whispers, concerned.

I refrain the urge to hug her again, and say, "My Lady, I wrote the runes myself. You checked them out. You've even travelled through the Gates, many times. It. Will. Work. Don't worry. Simply inform your children where the Gates are, and have them go through."

The 7 Gates, were in Scotland, America, China, India, Africa, Pacific Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean. Aquatic, land dwelling, or Avian. All types of Magical animals have an access point, so they can move to Avalon.

"Fine." Lady Aditi says, and closes her eyes. A minute later, she opens them, and says, "I have sent the message, Baldur."

I nod at her, and say, "Well, my work is done. I'll be in Hogwarts, if you need me."

"Wait!" Lady Aditi says, with a smile on her face. I turn to her with a question on my face, so she says, "I still have to give you your reward, Prince Baldur."

I narrow my eyes in thought, and then suddenly widen them. "I had forgotten about that, actually." I whisper out, chuckling to myself.

Lady Aditi smiles gently and says, "I have thought hard about what you would like, but other than asking you, this was the best I could think."

Saying that she closes her eyes. I feel a pulse of magic leaving from her, into the ground, and spreading away from us, similar to what happened when she informed the animals of the Gates.

Barely a few seconds later, she opens her eyes, and suddenly there's a flash of fire over her shoulder. When the flash dissipates, I gape at the sight.

"Beautiful." I whisper, seeing the mighty bird on Lady Aditi's shoulder.

The bird was orange, and yellow, with flame like patterns all around it. It's body was about 4 feet long, and the tail was about a foot long.

"Yes, he is. His name is Crux, and he will be the judge of whether you deserve your gift or not. If he rejects to give the gift I intend, then don't worry. You may ask, and you will receive." Lady Aditi says, gently petting the bird, Crux, which I'm pretty sure is a Phoenix.

"He's beautiful, My Lady." I repeat, now petting Crux, too.

Lady Aditi chuckles and drops her hand from Crux's plumage, prompting me to do the same.

Crux then looks at me, and keeps staring at me. I feel a mental probe, far stronger than the Hat's, and let it in. This is one thing that I'll have to be completely open with, and I can't lie to it.

A few minutes later, during which Crux saw my whole life in reverse, I finally feel Crux reaching the part where my last life ended.

Crux trills out in shock, widening his eyes. And I simply nod, knowing what he might be feeling. Lady Aditi simply watches us, but I know she isn't intruding in my memories.

A minute later, Crux had finished watching my previous life too, and he nods. Then he starts trilling a tune, during which I hear a voice inside my head, saying, 'You'll do. Take care of my child, Godling. Treat her well.'

Saying that, Crux bursts into flames, leaving a yellow coloured egg in his place. The egg has flame like markings all over it.

"Well." Lady Aditi says, catching the falling egg. She looks at me and continues, "At least we now know you are worthy of such a gift. Take care, Prince Baldur. Having a phoenix bestow it's young upon you to care for, is a very rare thing. In the last 30,000 years that the wizards have existed, only about 10 people have had Phoenixes as companions, but only two of them were selected by the Phoenixes themselves. The rest had gotten the eggs through other.. immoral means."

I nod, taking the beautiful egg from her. This Phoenix is mine. My companion. My familiar. My friend. Family. I will most definitely take care of it.

I look at Lady Aditi, and say, "I will, Lady Aditi. I hope you keep an eye on Avalon for me."

Lady Aditi raises an eyebrow, and asks, "Why? Are you going somewhere?"

I smile, and say, "I have seen very little of the Universe, My Lady. I want to visit more of it. Don't worry, I will visit both Midgard, and Avalon, and keep watch too."

Lady Aditi nods, pats the egg of the Phoenix once, and goes into the ground.

I look at the egg, and whisper, "Now, what to do with you?"

To the Room of Requirements, I go.


A/N: Yup. Avalon. I didn't go the Hindu Swarga, or even Norse Valhalla. The planet is going to be paradise for magicals, so I decided to call it Avalon, as Atlantis is already taken.

Suggestions for the name of the Phoenix? Remember that it's a female. I'm personally partial to Agni, or Ignis, which means fire, but I think Ignis is for males.

Now, you'll have to wait a few more chapters for the big time skip. I have about 3-4 chapters planned, but don't know how many chapters it'll actually take to go through my plans.

Shout out to Daoist198784, who despite having unsubscribed to the story about 2 weeks ago, thanks to me being a "cuckold and faggot"( his words) still finds the time to read the latest chapters, drop bad reviews, and leaves.

And I'm ending the negativity here. Ciao!

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

My story is becoming a bit like "Yeah in these years, this happened, which leads to me doing this, which leads to now.

Hopefully I manage to stop writing summaries.

Anyway, leave reviews, send money if you're inclined. Ciao!

next chapter
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