41.07% The Legacy of Merlin / Chapter 23: Chapter Twenty-Two

บท 23: Chapter Twenty-Two

James stood outside the doors of the Wizengamot, wearing his best robes, mentally preparing himself. This would mark the first time in history that a sitting member of the Wizengamot would be put on trial.

He looked to his right. His solicitor Eliphas Dodge stood beside him, dressed in a set of charcoal coloured robes. "Well, Lord Potter, are you ready to proceed?" He asked.

James nodded, straightening his tie. "Let's get this over with," he said as he pushed open the large oak doors and stepped inside.

He looked around the cavernous room, taking in the faces of all his fellow lords looking down at him from their raised seats, their expressions unreadable.

He walked to his desk in the center of the room and looked up at the Chief Warlock and his former mentor, Albus Dumbeldore.

Eliphas Dodge moved to stand beside him as Albus banged his gavel, getting the attention of his fellow lords.

"We are here for the trial of Lord James Potter. He stands accused of election tampering, and attempted murder," Albus said, staring down at James imperiously. "For the record, who is your solicitor?"

"Eliphas Dodge," James replied.

"Very well," Albus nodded. "So noted, and the claimant?"

Cornelius stood from his seat and moved to stand opposite Potter. "Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic."

"So noted," Albus banged his gavel. "All members of the Wizengamot are present and accounted for."

Eliphas looked at Fudge, recognizing the determination on his face.

He had no illusions about this trial. It would be the most difficult trial of his career. He would have to be at his best, because he knew from the man's reputation alone he would capitalize on any mistakes he made during the trial.

"Point of order, Chief Warlock," Eliphas started. "I ask that Minister Fudge recuse himself from this trial."

"On what grounds?" Albus asked, already having a good idea of what Eliphas was planning.

"Minister Fudge clearly holds Lord Potter responsible for what happened to his wife," Eliphas explained. "Given the highly personal nature of this matter, how can we expect him to remain impartial while performing his duties?"

Cornelius made a fist under his desk, tapping down his anger viciously. He had prepared for this moment for years, even for this very tactic. He reminded himself that he needed to stick to his plan and not let his anger get the better or him.

"Your response, Minister Fudge?" Albus asked.

"As Minister for Magic, I have the authority to prosecute any criminal case I see fit, regardless of its nature. Our laws are clear on that," Cornelius responded.

"That is correct," Albus agreed. "However, your authority is not absolute. If any member of the Wizengamot believes you acted with malicious intent or demonstrated a clear bias, they may call for a vote, which could result in your dismissal as minister for Magic. So I must ask, are you prepared to try this case?"

"I have always conducted myself with honesty and integrity, and I assure you, I am more than capable of remaining professional and acting without bias, just as I am sure every single member of this body is capable of doing the same," Cornelius replied without hesitation.

"So noted," Albus replied, picking up the subtext of Fudge's words.

Not only had many of the Lords in attendance gone to school with James, but he had been a professor and mentor to him. If anyone made an accusation against Fudge's professionalism, he could turn around and point the finger straight back at them.

'It was certainly a clever strategy by Elphias', Albus mused, 'and it would have worked under normal circumstances, but Fudge's response had been equally clever. They could not dismiss him from his post without opening a whole other can of worms, bringing for more attention to this case than it had already received.'

"My Lords and Ladies, are there any motions you would like to make before the trial begins?" Albus asked as a formality.

After a moment's pause, he continued. "Mr. Dodge, you may present your defense."

Eliphas nodded, not really expecting the strategy to work, but he had hoped to at least rattle Fudge a little. Looking at him now, it was clear that it hadn't worked.

"I call on Lord Potter to describe the series of events that took place, leading to the unfortunate and tragic accident that occurred," Eliphas said.

They had practiced for days on exactly what to say and how to say it. It was all up to Lord Potter now.

"It started a few weeks before the election," James replied. "I received a tip from a trusted informant that Cornelius Fudge was a Death Eater, and if elected, he would use his new positions to aid the Dark Lord in winning the war."

"As a sitting member of the Wizengamot, it was my duty to report this to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement so that they could investigate it and act accordingly. That is where my involvement ended. I had nothing to do with what happened afterwards."

Cornelius stared Potter down, a stony look on his face. There was much more to the story. He just had to keep his cool and wait for his turn to question him.

"Lord Potter, did you have any reason to believe the Aurors that visited the Fudge residence would act outside of their standard operating procedures?" Eliphas asked.

"No," James shook his head.

"There was a recent newspaper article that referenced an argument you had with Minister Fudge," Eliphas stated. "It is, in fact, the basis for this hearing. Can you clarify those events?"

"Yes," James replied. "To start with, I think we need to recognize the article in question was printed in a foreign newspaper, and not in Britain."

"Why do you believe that is?" Eliphas asked.

"The story obviously did not meet the journalistic standards of the British press. I obviously mean no disrespect to these foreign newspapers, but they just don't understand the subtleties and nuance of British politics," James replied.

"What did the foreign newspaper miss about your argument with Minister Fudge?" Eliphas asked.

"Minister Fudge was quite rightly upset about what happened to his wife," James explained. "But at the time, I didn't know any of that. I didn't know if he was telling the truth, or if it was some type of political stunt."

"In the heat of the moment, I responded in a way that was unacceptable. For that I humbly apologize."

"I understand Minister Fudge wants to punish the ones responsible. In his place, I would feel exactly the same way, but I am not the one he should be upset with."

"It was the Aurors that performed this heinous attack. They are the ones that need to be brought to justice and answer for what they've done," James concluded.

"I have no further questions," Eliphas said.

Cornelius stood up from his chair. "Lord Potter, you said you were acting on a tip you received when you accused me of being a Death Eater. Is that correct?"

"Yes," James replied.

"Who did you receive this tip from?" Cornelius asked.

"… I must decline to answer the question," James replied. "Revealing their name would put them in danger."

"Chief Warlock," Eliphas interrupted. "We are here to judge if Lord Potter's actions were warranted, not find out the identity of Lord Potter's sources," he said, sticking to the game plan.

This was the shakiest part of their defense. They had hoped Fudge would miss it, but he hadn't. Their best chance now was for the Chief Warlock to throw out the question.

Albus cringed internally. He caught the look on James's face and the hesitation in his voice before he spoke. So had a good number of the other members of the Wizengamot, but there was nothing he could do. He had to allow this to play out. "Minister Fudge, your response."

"If Lord Potter expects the court to believe he acted on information provided by a 'trusted source,' then he must provide some evidence of that source's existence," Cornelius responded.

"Further to that, the dark lord is dead. His remaining followers are locked away in Azkaban, and most importantly, the 'tip' your source provided is a proven lie. Exactly what danger is your source facing that is preventing you from answering, Lord Potter?"

James stared back at Fudge, struggling to find an answer. Dodge hadn't prepared him for these questions.

"Chief Warlock, please instruct Lord Potter to answer my question," Cornelius asked after it became clear he wasn't going to answer on his own.

"Lord Potter, you are required to answer," Albus ordered.

"I don't know," James finally answered. "They didn't tell me what the specific danger was."

"Lord Potter, do you have any evidence you can present at all to prove the existence of your informant?" Cornelius repeated.

"… No," James shook his head. "I don't have any evidence that I can present."

"Lord Potter, if what you're saying is true, it is your duty as a member of the Wizengamot to tell us who this source is. They knowingly lied to a member of the Wizengamot, provided false statements, engaged in election tampering, and impugned the reputation of the highest court of law in Britain." Fudge said while catching the eye of as many members of the Wizengamot as he could to hammer the point home.

Albus took a long look at Eliphas and James. They were not off to a good start. After what Fudge had just said, there was no way he could overrule the question, not without damaging the reputation of the Wizengamot itself.

"Lord Potter, you will answer the question," Albus ordered.

James sighed mentally. Fudge was like a dog with a bone, picking apart the story he and Dodge crafted, effectively backing him into a corner, forcing him into saying something that wouldn't look good for him. "… I don't know the identity of my source."

"How can that be?" Cornelius demanded. "You testified you received the information from a trusted informant. How can you claim to trust them if you've never even met them?"

"They delivered the information by owl post. I've never met them is person, but the information they provided in the past was correct," James replied.

Eliphas did his best to hide his wince. He instructed Potter not to provide any extra information, and with his last answer, he gave Fudge another avenue of question.

"What information have they provided to you that was correct?" Fudge asked.

"Excuse me, Chief Warlock," Eliphas jumped in before Potter could say anything more. "The information Lord Potter's source provided in the past had nothing to do with Minister Fudge and therefore has no relevance to this trial whatsoever. Please instruct Minister Fudge to stay on track."

"Minister Fudge, you will constrain your questions to Lord Potter's actions. I will not allow this case to devolve into a fishing expedition," Albus ordered.

"Of course, Chief Warlock," Cornelius replied, knowing that he could only push so far with this line of question. There were still other avenues open to him.

"Lord Potter, you claimed to have passed on this information to the Aurors. Who specifically in the department did you pass on this information to?" Cornelius asked.

"I sent a letter to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," James replied, glad that Fudge asked a question he had prepared for. "I did not address it to any specific person."

"… Interesting, because I have been in contact with the current head, Amelia Bones. According to their records, they have never received a letter from you. How do you explain that?" Cornelius continued.

"I don't know for certain, but I would assume the Aurors that visited your home intercepted the letter, Minister Fudge." James replied.

It was immediately clear to Cornelius that Dodge had coached Potter on how to answer the question. He knew it would be a waste of time to pursue it further.

"Lord Potter, in the previous election, who did you support?" Cornelius asked, moving on to the next question.

James glowered at Fudge. Dodge had told him this would likely come up. "Bartemius Crouch Sr," he replied.

"What was his official title at the time?" Cornelius asked.

"The Head of Magical Law Enforcement," James replied.

"How did you support him?"

"I campaigned for him, raised funds, and made donations to his campaign," James replied.

"What resulted from your efforts?" Fudge continued.

"Bartemius Crouch sr. withdrew from the election," James replied.

"And the reason for his withdrawal?" Fudge asked.

"His son was a Death Eater," James replied.

"Chief Warlock, what is the relevance of this line of questioning?" Eliphas asked, trying to figure out Fudge's strategy.

"Minister Fudge, answer the question," Albus instructed.

"This is a pattern of behavior for Lord Potter," Cornelius explained. "There was a result he wanted, and he took steps to achieve that result, regardless of the consequences, regardless of who got hurt along the way. He blindly ignoring anything that was counter to his narrative."

Eliphas sighed internally, understanding Fudge's strategy now. Fudge had counted on him to ask that question. It gave him the opening he needed to make statements directly about Lord Potter, which wasn't normally allowed during the questioning period.

He must have known, even with the article in the newspaper, that it was unlikely for the Wizengamot to turn against one of their own.

He used the opportunity to show the other lords that Potter was a liability, an embarrassment to them, and their authority, but most of all, how easy it would be to punish him now so they could distance themselves from his actions.

It was a brilliant strategy, and one he hadn't seen coming.

"You may continue," Albus replied, having also worked out Fudge's strategy, but knowing he didn't have an avenue to stop it.

"Lord Potter, did you act on the tip you received to ensure that your chosen candidate won the election for Minister of Magic?" Cornelius asked.

"No, of course not," James denied. "That had nothing to do with it."

"I see. Would you be willing to answer that question under Veritasium?" Cornelius asked.

Eliphas stood up from his seat immediately, knowing that he had to put a stop to this, and fast. "Chief Warlock, this is absurd! Lord Potter is a sitting member of the Wizengamot. Under the law, we cannot question him with Veritasium unless there is a clear and imminent threat of life. I demand for the question to be stricken from the record and for the Minister to be rebuked for demanding it!"

"I must agree, Minister Fudge. What you are asking for is well beyond the scope of the law," Albus replied.

"I am very well aware of the law," Cornelius rebutted. "And I did not ask the court to authorize the use of veritasium. I asked Lord Potter if he would voluntarily answer the question under veritasium."

"Chief Warlock, the law is clear. Regardless of Lord Potter's willingness to answer the question under veritasium, it is inadmissible. This does not fall under the acceptable uses statutes, and it would be a clear waste of government resources," Eliphas replied, attempting to shut this down as quickly as possible.

Eliphas realized the next step in Fudge's strategy. It wasn't just to put Lord Potter in Azkaban, but also to destroy what remained of his reputation with the wizarding public, and worst of all, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

If Lord Potter submitted to questioning under veritasium, it would force him to admit the truth, which would send him to Azkaban, and by refusing, he all but admitted his guilt to the public.

"We can settle this rather simply," Cornelius said, picking up his law book and opening the relevant page. "Lord Potter, please read the highlighted passage," Cornelius instructed.

James took the book with some trepidation, looking over at Dodge, wondering what to do, but finding no support. "The use of veritasium or any other similar truth potion, charm, spell, or curse may not be administered to a member of the Wizengamot by any government body, unless there is a clear and imminent threat of life."

"The law clearly states that a government body can not administer the veritasium," Fudge explained to the Wizengamot. "It says nothing of Lord Potter volunteering to take it himself."

"Chief Warlock, this is ridiculous. Minster Fudge knows very well Lord Potter will appear guilty for not volunteering. He is being compelled to take it just by asking the question," Dodge rebutted.

"Minister Fudge, you are overruled. The question will be stricken from the record. It is the determination of this court that the use of veritasium within these chambers would be in effect a breach of the law," Albus ruled, recognizing the danger a president like this would set for every member of the Wizengamot.

"Understood Chief Warlock," Cornelius replied. He already knew it was a longshot for the Wizengmont to agree to his interpretation, but even still, the damage to Potter's reputation was done.

Eliphas took out a handkerchief, wiping the cold sweat from his brow. He had expected a challenge at the onset of the case, but nothing like this.

"Lord Potter," Cornelius moved onto his next question. "You questioned the credibility of the newspaper article printed in France. Do you know who the author of the article was?"

"Yes," James replied. "Rita Skeeter."

"Are you aware that she is not French, but a British citizen, currently employed by the Daily Prophet?" Cornelius asked.

"Yes," James replied, thankful to be back to a question he had prepared for.

"You stated the author did not understand the nuance and subtleties of British politics. How did you conclude that considering Ms Skeeter is not only a British citizen, but now one of the most famous journalists in the world?"

"Ms. Skeeter, until recently, was only a gossip columnist," James answered. "To my knowledge, she has published no articles in Britain covering politics or the inner workings of government. Her only claim to fame is a single article about my son."

"Yes, I suppose so," Cornelius replied, taking the opportunity that Potter had unknowingly given him. "The article and WWN broadcast of Harry Potter solving Merlin's Cypher. How is your relationship with your son, by the way?"

"I object to this question, Chief Warlock. This line of questioning is irrelevant to the matter at hand. Minister Fudge has already been warned of that." Eliphas interjected.

"Lord Potter is the one that opened the door by referencing Harry Potter in his answer," Cornelius denied. "I have every right to follow through on this avenue of question now."

Eliphas did his best to cover his annoyance. He warned Lord Potter multiple times not to volunteer any information and just stick to their practiced answers.

"Overruled," Albus replied. "You are required to answer the question, Lord Potter."

"My relationship with my son is fine," James replied testily. The last thing he wanted to do was spend more time discussing the boy.

"Have there been any disagreements or altercations between the two of you?" Cornelius asked.

"We have had some arguments, but nothing out of the ordinary," James replied.

"I see," Cornelius said as he walked back to his desk. "So, viciously yelling at and insulting your son in public is not out of the ordinary for you?"

James's eyes went wide at what Fudge said. The train station. But how did he know about it?

Eliphas looked back and forth between Lord Potter and Minister Fudge, struggling to piece together what was going on. Potter and his wife had told him there was a rift between them, nothing like this.

The case was just going from bad to worse. Potter was making too many mistakes, and Fudge was capitalizing on every one of them, making it all but impossible for them to control the narrative.

When James didn't respond, Cornelius went for the kill. "In my hand, I hold five separate written statements from parents dropping off their children at Kings Cross, sworn on by their magic."

"Every single one of them tells the same story. You, Lord Potter viciously insulting your son, then moving towards him in a threatening manner, forcing him to use a body-bind curse to stop you."

James looked back at Fudge, his face turning white. He had thought no one said anything about it. The Aurors didn't visit him, there was nothing in the newspaper, he didn't receive any angry letters. He thought it was over.

"I have no further questions. Lord Potter's silence speaks for itself," Cornelius said as he went back to his desk.

"Very well," Albus said, banging his gavel. "We will move on to closing statements, then to deliberations."

Eliphas got himself together. His closing statement would have to count for far much more than he originally intended.

"Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot, many things have been said today about Lord James Potter, and he will be the first to tell you, he isn't a perfect. He has made mistakes."

"Minister Fudge is obviously a gifted speaker, and make no mistake, he has been harmed. What happened to his wife is inexcusable, but Lord Potter is not to blame for that. That's what we need to remember here."

"Lord Potter was given a tip which he passed it onto the Aurors to investigate. He believed those Aurors would properly investigate, and then take the appropriate actions, following proper protocol."

"He did everything that was expected of him as a member of this august body. He did what any other member of the Wizengamot would do in his place. We can not punish him for that. He did nothing wrong," Eliphas finished.

Cornelius stood up, straightening his tie as he turned to face the Wizengamot.

"We are here today for truth, for justice. To hold a man accountable for his actions, and most importantly, to stop him before he has the chance to do this to someone else."

"Throughout these proceedings, you have seen what kind of man he is, what he will do to get what he wants. You have seen how little he cares for the people that are in his way, and the mess he leaves behind for everyone else to deal with. What he did not expect was for his lies to catch up with him."

"He started these proceedings by lying to you, claiming he had a trusted informant, but after questioning his statements, he could not provide one shred of evidence that his informant even exists."

"He expects you to believe he received a 'tip' from someone that he has never met."

"When asked to provide other examples of his 'informant' providing actionable information, he dodged the question."

"He had the audacity to call the attack on my wife a miscalculation."

"He attempted to assault his own son just a few short days ago."

"Ask yourselves, what is the more likely scenario?"

"Is it the one where Lord Potter received a tip, which he then sent to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, only for it to be intercepted by two rogue Aurors, who unilaterally decided to illegally search my home and attack my wife?"

"Or is it more likely that Lord Potter saw an opportunity to change the outcome of an election and used his considerable resources to see it done?"

"Throughout this trial, you have seen what kind of man he is, what he will do to get what he wants," Cornelius explained. "And it has only gotten worse overtime. I ask you to see justice done, punish this man for what he has done before he harms someone else."

Albus banged his gavel. "We will now deliberate and vote. Lord Potter and Minister Fudge, you will be called to return when we are ready to deliver a verdict."

Eliphas stood in his office with James, waiting for the results. He didn't show it, but he was seething. Lord Potter had withheld crucial information from him, allowing Fudge to blindside him with every new piece of information he brought to light.

If Lord Potter had simply told him the truth about the fight he had with his son, they could have at least taken steps to mitigate the damage.

Lord Potter sat in his chair, annoyed with Dodge. He had thought with all the money he had spent, and the long tedious hours preparing, he would have done a better job.

Dodge had done nothing while Fudge slandered him in front of the entire Wizengamot. How did the man even amass the reputation he had with a performance like that?

A moment later, there was a knock at the door, followed by a man poking his head inside. "Lord Potter, Mister Dodge, the Wizengamot have reached a verdict."

It surprised Eliphas they had come back so quickly. It had been less than half an hour. In his experience, it wasn't a good thing.

With some trepidation, the two men returned to the Wizengamot chambers. Fudge, along with the Chief Warlock, and the other lords were already there waiting for them.

Albus banged his gavel. "In the matter of Cornelius Fudge vs. James Potter, we have come to a verdict."

"We have put a great amount of thought into everything that has been presented here today."

"Minister Fudge, we sympathize with your situation, and while we all agree those involved in the attack on your wife need to be punished, we do not believe Lord Potter's actions contributed to it."

Cornelius clenched his fists, glaring at Dumbledore in anger, realizing he was going to let Potter walk.

"Lord Potter followed proper protocols," Albus said, ignoring the look on Fudge's face. "We can not hold him accountable for the actions the Aurors took afterwards."

"We will, however, take action against the Aurors that committed this heinous act. They are herby stripped of their positions, and will be re-called to face disciplinary action."

Cornelius realized immediately what was happening. This wasn't justice. It was his punishment for challenging the old families, putting them in a position to be embarrassed.

The place he had exiled the Aurors to was far worse than any jail cell, and he doubted very much their 'disciplinary action' would lead to anything more than losing their jobs.

A small smile formed on James's face as Albus read the verdict.

"As for you Lord Potter," Albus continued. "While we can not fault you for reporting what you have learned, your actions afterwards are another matter entirely. As such, we can not in good conscience allow you to continue on as a member of this institution."

"We thank you for your many years of loyal service, but after careful consideration, we have decided the Potter seat will remain vacant until your son, Harry Potter, completes his education, at which point he will take your place," Albus finished.

James could barely contain his rage at what he was being told. The boy was going to replace him?! It was travesty! It was because of the boy that he was in this position in the first place!

Eliphas quickly jumped in before Lord Potter said something they would both regret. "Thank you, Chief Warlock. Lord Potter will, of course, abide by, and respect, the decision of the Wizengamot."

"I would, however, be remiss if I didn't say that such a thing has never happened in the history of the Wizengamot. Perhaps a less severe penalty could be considered? After all, this will set a precedent that could affect how the Wizengamot administers justice in the future."

"The decision of the Wizengamot is final," Albus replied. "After Lord Potter's actions, we had little choice in the matter."

"We will watch your actions closely from now on, Lord Potter. You are all dismissed."

Eliphas sat in his office, sipping on a glass of fire whisky. It was a miracle the court case had gone as well as it had for Potter. No jail time, no fines. While losing his seat on the Wizengamot was not ideal, it was far better than the alternative.

He was just about to take another sip of his drink when his receptionist stuck her head in. "Excuse me, Mr. Dodge, but there's someone here to see you."

"Tell whoever it is, I'm not in," Eliphas said with a sigh. He had a long enough day already.

"It's Lord Potter, sir," his receptionist replied.

Eliphas closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Of course, it had to be Lord Potter, the person he least wanted to see.

"Send him in," Eliphas said. He might as well get this over with.

"Lord Potter," Eliphas greeted.

"Mr. Dodge," James replied, walking in as if he owned the place, pouring himself a glass of fire whisky.

Eliphas said nothing as the man sat down in front of him, just wanting to be done with him as soon as possible.

"I'd like to know your plans for our next step," James said.

"Next step, Lord Potter?" Eliphas asked, totally confused now.

"Yes, we obviously can't let this travesty stand. How can I get reinstated on the Wizengamot?" James demanded.

"Reinstated? You must be joking, Lord Potter. The decision of the Wizengamot is final," Eliphas replied.

"Nonsense," James replied. "Albus said it himself. I did nothing wrong. Fudge just caught me by surprise and manipulated the situation to his benefit. Bloody politician."

Eliphas just stared at the man. 'Surely he can't be serious?' he thought.

"Well, don't just sit there, or do you not have a plan?" James demanded. "Maybe I should find someone that knows what they're doing?"

Eliphas saw red in that moment, and before he even realized what he was doing, he was shouting. "Someone that knows what they're doing!?"

"Let me tell you something, Lord Potter! The only one that didn't know what they were doing was you! We prepared for this trial for WEEKS! How is it I only found out your 'disagreement' with your son DURING THE TRIAL?!"

"And getting into a fight with your son at the train station?! Have you gone completely mad? Do you have any idea how lucky you are not to be in Azkaban right now!?"

"I pulled off a miracle for you!"

"Fine," James grumbled. "Did you at least find out about who's managing my fortune?"

"I don't represent you anymore, Lord Potter," Eliphas glared. "I suggest you find alternate representation. Now please leave," he said, pointing at the door.

James stood up from his chair, slamming his glass down on the table before he stormed out. He knew the man was an idiot. He should have handled it his way from the beginning.

Jumpin316 Jumpin316

What did you think of the trial? When I originally plotted it out, it was only supposed to be about half the chapter, but as I started writing it I realized there was a lot more.

Fudge’s reaction will be coming up in the next chapter, along with more of James’s thoughts on it.

If you would like to support me so that I can devote more time to my writting, please consider visiting my patreon, it's under the same name jumpin316, the next four chapters are already posted.

Or you can visit my website, jumpinfiction.com where I also post this story, and also the other stories I'm working on


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