Chaos ensued after that!
The children screamed and ran taking off into the woods. Even in the darkness, the look of surprise was evident in the men's faces as they stared at the children who ran as fast as their tiny feet could carry them, heading straight to the woods just as I had instructed them
"Well, what the fuck are you all waiting for?" Finch yelled, veins protruding from his lungs as he yelled in anger, "GET THEM!"
The children screamed loudly, their sound filled with terror as they ran. The sound also mixed with the voices of the guards who appeared from every corner. Unsheathing my sword that was around my waist, I raced forward. I leapt in the air, sticking my foot on the wall as I did a little run and then leapt from it kicking one of the guards right in the face. The moment my feet touched the ground, I didn't waste any time in jabbing my dagger in the throat of another guard.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw one of the guards running after the children, his arms outstretched to grab one of the smallest kids who was a little girl holding on to her brother's hand tightly. Without hesitation, I twisted and threw my dagger at him.
The dagger spun in the air a few times before it landed on its target. It hit the guard squarely in the back, causing him to fall down to the ground. The boy, bless him, didn't bother to stop to see what had happened, he grabbed his sister and continued running.
Immediately the guards noticed I was unarmed they advanced with eager smiles on their faces, probably thinking I would be easier prey now. One stepped forward, giving me a kick to my stomach. I was quick to block it but the impact still made stagger backwards. I was lucky I planted my feet to the ground or I would have fallen down. I made a move to get attack when I notice a flash of silver from the corner of my eyes. Instinctively, I leaned backwards, the sword passing between me and the other guard. Grabbing the guards arm, I pulled him closer to me. Shifting my stance, I used my strength to lift him up from the ground and slammed him down, hard!
His body hit the dirt with a thud and I grabbed his arm, twisting it to the side till he let go of his sword. I immediately picked it up turning to face the other guards who were now advancing towards me. One advanced forward, aiming for my chest. I side stepped, narrowly missing the attack, I then knelt down on the ground, turning with my sword as I made a sweeping arc which sliced through the guards legs causing him to fall down while howling in pain.
Fucking cowardly cunt! I thought to myself as I stared at the guard who was still howling and clutching his leg, the cut I had made was not even that deep!
I moved backwards pointing the sword to the rest of the men who now advanced cautiously towards me now. They already knew I was a threat which was good but still they were much more than I anticipated and I needed to get to the children soon. My mind raced as I tried to figure out ways to get out of here.
If I ran, they were going to catch and me and there was a good chance the children would be caught too!
A guard lunged forward and I blocked his blow. He seemed to be an amateur because I wasted no time in disarming him and then spinning him so his back was pressed against mine and my sword against his throat, he was my hostage now.
The man whimpered as I pressed the knife tight to his throat and I glared at the rest of the guards, watching for any sudden movements while my mind tried to figure out a way out. My eyes scanned the arena when I noticed a torch on the wall to my right.
It was risky and probably stupid but it was the only chance I had.
I shifted my stance while still holding the guards against mine. "You know, this isn't really a fair fight!" I said gauging them before they figure out my real plan. "I mean I'm just one person and you lot? You lot are armed to the teeth, doesn't really fair now does it?"
The men exchanged nervous glances amongst themselves, not exactly sure what I was saying but not sure on how to proceed on the matter either. Finch stepped forward a scowl on his face as he glared at me.
"Do you have any idea what you've cost me, boy?" He snarled as he pointed a wicked looking sword at me, "You are going to pay for that? You hear me, you will pay!" He yelled in anger spittle flying everywhere as he did so.
Shit! I had made him mad! I thought to myself as I stared at Finch who lunged forward towards me. On instinct, I shoved the man I was holding forward, not caring that he stumbled into Finch's blade. I then sprinted towards the torch on the wall with speed, my heart almost bursting with relief when my hands closed around it.
"You fucking son of a bitch!" Finch roared in anger.
Smirking at him, I threw the torch forward, watching as the flames roared to life eating the oxygen around us. The men recoiled backwards, watching with a look of horror as the flames licked the path. Without wasting anytime, I dashed into the woods, removing my bow and arrow. I nocked it and turned behind me, pulling it tightly and let the arrow lost at the man who had dared to follow us.
I heard a grunt and a thud but I didn't stop running or dared to look backwards. I ran forward and saw the children hidden behind a tree branch. Heaving out a sigh of relief, I approached them. Upon seeing me, the children screamed in fear.
"Hey guys, hey guy's it's me! It's me!" I whispered, trying to assure them.
The children stopped shouting but there was a still a bit of uncertainty in them. I quickly scanned all of them, assessing them if they were hurt and if they were complete. "Is everyone alright?"
"Yes." A child from the back answered, "Or at least I think so!" He added.
That was good enough for me, there was no time to waste! "Okay, follow me!" I hissed motioning urgently to the children.
I led them down a narrow, overgrown path, the kind easily overlooked unless you knew exactly where to look. My steps were quick but deliberate, my ears straining to catch any sounds of pursuit. I found my horse, Cyrus exactly where I had left him, tied to a tree. He had a mask on his face and behind him was a huge wagon I had brought for Heather's children. But it should be able to fit them, hopefully!
I led them towards the wagon, ushering them inside. "Quietly now," I whispered carrying them inside the wagon. They all fit inside, even though they were cramped in. But it was just for a while, I was going to get them home.
I turned towards my stead and mounted him, gripping the reins I snapped it tightly, "Come on Cyrus, let's go!" I yelled at him.
Obeying my command Cyrus took off into the night. Running faster as I urged him while snapping the reins and together we left the den, taking off into the night.
When I was sure that we had left the enemy's territory. I rode carefully to the village, bringing them safely to the one person I could count to bring them home. I rode to a stop, getting down from the horse, I unlatched the wagon to the horse and unlocked the wagon, then I ran to the door and knocked on it twice.
I headed back to Cyrus just as the door opened. I turned to the side only to see Heather stepping out in her night dress.
"MOMMY!" A child yelled.
"Wha…What…" Heather seemed lost and confused as her children hugged her and she hugged them back, staring at the other children in shock.
Her eyes raised up to meet mine, I saw them swirl in confusion as she stared at me. "Who are you?" She asked me. standing up, she approached me, "Did you save these children? It was you, wasn't it?"
"Take care of them Heather!" I said in a deep voice before I snapped the reins and rode off, my mission for the night successful!
I'm back!
The bell rung again, signifying the arrival of a very important figure. The duke was coming to our manor today and he was also a Reagan's cousin. This was the first time I was going to be meeting him since I couldn't at the wedding. He decided to come see us himself to congratulate us and now he has arrived and I was so late.
It wasn't entirely my fault this time around for being late, I had no maids to help me get ready! Heather and Lagertha decided to take a day off for family reasons and you'd think I would get spared another maid but no, they were all busy attending to Marina. Sourcing for the finest clothing for her and Adrianna to wear for the duke's arrival.
I had to figure out everything by myself. Look for my shoes, lay out my own clothing wear and draw my own bath. By the time I was finished, I couldn't decide which was which anymore. My hair hung out in loose waves and tumbled down all the way to my waist. My dress, well at least I was clothed, that's what counts right and so the race against time begins.
I ran as fast as I could, run down to the hallways and to the courtyard where the rest of the family were waiting. My dress had a lot of layers which I kept tripping on just but thankfully I didn't stumble and I made it to the courtyard in one piece where all of the family were already waiting and the entourage of the duke were already arriving.
Marina cast me a look of disapproval as usual while Reagan just arched a brow up at me because of my appearance. He looked like he was about to say something about my appearance but fortunately for him, he decided to keep his mouth shut.
The duke rode in and in a way he looked like Reagan, the only difference would be his brown hair and he looked a little bit lean than Reagan but still fit all the same. I watched as he got down from his horse, his eyes scanning the premises before they landed on us.
A smile graced his face as he approached us. Reagan and I decided to meet him halfway, to welcome him properly into our home. I kept my walk steady, raised my head high as I walked beside Reagan while keeping my eyes on the duke who was also staring at me.
It remained only two more stairs for me to meet the duke and welcome him when the most embarrassing thing happened. I tripped, I tripped on the many layers of my dress! I was sure I was about to go down and make a fool out of myself and a small gasp escaped me as I stumbled forward, but instead of me to hit the ground, warm hands immediately grabbed me by the waist, steadying me.
I looked up into the eyes of my savior only to meet the duke staring up at me with a small smile on his face. For a moment all I could do was just stare at him, my mouth parted slightly. The first thing I noticed were his brown eyes and when the sun hits it, it changes into the color of honey. The duke was handsome, very handsome. Straight nose, long dark eyelashes and full lips that now curved into a smirk that seemed almost mischievous.
Someone soon cleared their throat behind us and just like that the moment was broken. Feeling my cheeks heat from embarrassment, I immediately eased away from the duke. "I am so sorry my lord." I mumbled an apology,
"Believe me my lady, it's no worries. The pleasure is all mine." The duke drawled out smiling at me and I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion.
"Killian!" Reagan suddenly stepped forward, "Welcome to my abode."
Killian tore his gaze away from mine and turned to look at Reagan, "Ah cousin!" He greeted warmly and he stepped forward and pulled Reagan for a hug which surprised me.
Reagan on the other hand didn't seem too pleased with it, he looked uncomfortable. I watched as he awkwardly hugged Killian back. Killian didn't seem bothered by this and I watched as he immediately began to greet the rest of the family warmly. Marina seemed all too happy to hug him, he was her nephew after all. Killian greeted the rest of the family, even Celeste who seemed all too thrilled to be acknowledged by a duke.
Killian then turned his gaze at me, "And who might this fair lady be?" He asked.
I arched a brow up at that, fair lady?
"This is my wife, princess Dahlia, daughter of the king of Iravia!" Reagan said and I turned to look at him, my eyes swimming with questions because what in the hell just happened?
"Did you say princess?" The duke asked stepping forward, his eyes widening as if he was in awe of me.
Reagan stepped next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer towards him. "Yeah, also my wife?"
It took all my years of training to be able to school my expression because on the inside I was screaming a million colorful questions, like what the fuck was he playing at? Why was he suddenly acknowledging me all of a sudden and most importantly, what was with the possessive tone?
"My lady!" The duke suddenly announced and immediately, he was on his knees in front of me. Before I knew what was happening, he grabbed my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. "Never in all my years did I think I would be so fortunate to bestow eyes on the fairest lady in all the land."
"And just how many of the girls in your court have you used such lines on?" I asked the question before I could even think about it.
"Dahlia!" Marina hissed at me and a snort sounded from somewhere behind me, Reagan?
Shit! I cursed inwardly as I rattled off an apology, "I am so sorry my lord, it has been a very long day for me."
Instead of seeming offended like I thought he would, Killian released a chuckle as he stood up. "Oh please, no need to get so formal." He said brushing off my apology, "Although I will admit, I used the lines on a lot of the ladies in the court and it worked pretty well for me, but seeing as it didn't on you, I should probably look for other lines to swoon the ladies with, right?"
I was laughing before I knew it, "Yeah, you probably should."
"Will work on it then and please call me Killian." He said to me.
"Dahlia." I responded a smile gracing my lips as Killian and I stared at each other.
I had a feeling we were going to be great friends, Killian and I. He seemed easy going and the kind you can fall into a comfortable conversation with and if not too careful, mind up spilling your secrets around him. I have to be careful with this one, he was going to be a good friend but I couldn't let my guard down.
"So," Mariana stepped forward and it was only then I realized that Killian and I had been staring at each other for a very long time. "How about you come inside and I show you to your room and, you can have lunch with us while the servants prepare for the party tonight?"
Clearing his throat awkwardly, Killian nodded his head in agreement. "Of course aunt, please, lead the way!"
Giving me one last look, Killian followed after Marina, leaving me alone. Everyone followed after the duke, leaving me alone with Reagan. The atmosphere in the world suddenly turned more awkward and I noticed that was only because Reagan was still holding me.
Drawing in a deep breath, I decided to leave. "If you will excuse me." I said but Reagan's hand remained firmly on my waist.
I turned to arch a brow up at him in silent question.
"What the hell was that?" Reagan suddenly asked me.
Frowning at him, I gazed up at him. "What the hell is what?"
"Tripping over your dress? Really?" He asked eyeing me with his eyes, "And what the fuck is this dress? You look like a fucking tulip!"
Huffing out a laugh in disbelief, I turned to glare at Reagan. "Is there something you are trying to accuse me of my lord because if that's the case, I would like to advise you not to do something like that and about that question of yours, I'd like to ask the same thing."
"Same what?"
"What the hell was that? When the hell did you get so damn possessive all of a sudden?"
Reagan scoffed at me as he looked away from me. "Don't flatter yourself princess, I am not possessive."
Arching a brow up at him, I looked down at his hand on my waist. "Then mind telling me why your hand is still doing wrapped around my waist sire?"
Seeming to realize his mistake, Reagan cleared his throat awkwardly before he let go of my waist. "What I am trying to say is, you are my wife and you have a reputation to hold."
"Trust me, you don't have to remind me. I've got a lot of other people reminding me of that." I told him, "Keep my mouth shut, be submissive and always obey orders, sit pretty, just like a pretty trophy, right?" I asked while glaring at him.
Reagan opened his mouth to speak, "That isn't what I…" He tried to speak but I was already walking away.
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