54.54% The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire / Chapter 6: Chapter 06: Party Starter

บท 6: Chapter 06: Party Starter

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24 and OoalGown

The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire

Chapter 06: Party Starter

It didn't take long for me to realise that my sneaky fey friend put everyone into a magical sleep, which explains why not even my wolf woke up during our little encounter.

She's talented, but I suppose that's to be expected of a servant of a Daedric Prince.

Still, letting them sleep only benefits me since we are about three hours away from Riverwood and it's still daytime. If I let them sleep for a few hours then we'll arrive after nightfall.

So, reading through my spellbook, I calmly practice casting mage armour, the translucent armour forming around my body with relative ease after only a couple of attempts.

Mending is an easy one as well, but it takes me a few tries to get the hang of magic missile. Mostly because I wasn't targeting anything and it confused the spell, sputtering out with nothing to head towards.

I can't target inanimate objects with it, that was my error, but when it has a valid target the small orbs of magic don't miss, no matter how agile the target may be, as the random birds swiftly learnt.

With nothing left to do, I go back to seeing through my familiar's eyes to pass the time, it's starting to get dark and people are finishing up their daily work.

Nord's get up very early, but it appears they finish work at a decent time at least, the inn is already a hive of activity as men from the sawmill or the small farm go and start spending their hard earned septims.

Nobody really pays my owl any mind as it flies around the town, but the sad truth is that life in a little village like this is pretty boring.

Maybe in Whiterun I'd be able to use her to gain useful information, but for now? Sven is talking to a hooded woman in the tavern, her clothes making it clear she's been travelling and nobody gives her more than a second glance as they talk in a small corner of the inn. A lute attached to the back of the woman tells me all I need to know. She's a bard friend, probably from the bards' college as well. I don't remember anyone like that in the game, but in the game Riverwood has like a dozen people at most so that's not really surprising.

Alvor and Sigrid are still at home, patiently awaiting our glorious return. Well Alvor is, Sigrid is pacing around somewhat less patiently, but that's to be expected.

Flying through their open door, Athena lands on their table making Sigrid jump as she hoots calmly. Athena is as good a name as any for an owl, even if it's a little cliche.

Calming at my owls soothing hoots, Sigrid smiles and gently strokes Athena, Alvor smiling as I break the connection and start to wake everyone up.

"Did you sleep?" Dorthe asks, making me giggle as I ruffle her hair.

"I'm a Ranger, or at least I have a little Ranger training, it'll take a lot more than that little walk like that to tire me out. I spent the time practicing my magic, and watching for danger" I say easily, smiling at her as I help build an image of me as the perfect adventurer in her head. "We only have a few hours left to go, I'll rest back in the village, but I think your family has waited long enough," I say with a gentle smile.

"They must be so worried… I'm such a fool," Dorthe says sadly as Salonia slowly wakes up, making me shake my head as I smile at her gently.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting a little excitement in your life, even if you were a bit reckless," I reassure her, placing my hand on her cheek, internally smirking as she pushes her cheek against my palm.

Smiling, she doesn't reply as the direwolf lazily gets up and yawns, walking up to us as it gives me a respectful look, waiting for me to nod before he approaches.

"Why don't you ride with Fenrir again, I think he likes your touch," I say, making the newly christened Fenrir blink before it shrugs lazily, letting Dorthe reclaim her position on his back as she grins, immediately stroking his fur as his tongue hangs out, panting happily. "You're a good boy, aren't you Fenrir?" I say, kneeling down and stroking the underside of its neck as he huffs happily.

He's so much more obedient now that he's lost his challenge for Alpha, I like that about animals. If you make it clear who is in charge, they'll accept it without the foolish pride you see in the so-called 'civilised races'.

What's so uncivilised about knowing your place?

"How much further is this village?" Salonia asks tiredly, she's probably walked more in the past few days than she has in years. There was a pair of dead horses in the cave, so moving around on foot is something she probably sees as 'beneath' her.

"Three hour's walk if we move fast, a few hours if we take our time." I answer as I pack the tent up, putting it in the Handy Haversack, I should get a bigger tent now that I have the means to carry it.

"Finally, and why does the girl get to ride your pet beast? She rode it all day, shouldn't someone else get a chance to be off their feet?" Salonia asks grumpily, making me chuckle.

"Dorthe rides Fenrir because he likes her, but he's a smart creature… and you shouldn't call him a pet." I drawl, a low growl leaving Fenrir making her jump as she glances towards him, teeth bared as he lets out a low rumbling growl.

"S-sorry! I didn't realise he could under-" Salonia babbles, making him scoff as he turns and heads into the forest, with Dorthe on his back.

He knows where we are going, he's a smart boy like that.

"That attitude is going to get you into trouble, you're a long way from home and your name doesn't carry the same weight in this province," I warn, patting her on the back as she sighs.

"Indeed, I should never have come to this damned frozen wasteland," Salonia says as we follow behind the pair, pausing her words as she glances at me. "You will be well-paid for your services when I return home, but- a noble's reputation is their best weapon, I cannot allow my fellow nobles to know that I was- what happened to me. If they ask, I was taken hostage by their Drow leader to be ransomed back, mostly unharmed and certainly not used as a toy by those things." Salonia spits out, making me raise my eyebrow.

"You want me to lie for you?" I ask, making her nod.

"I do. If my reputation is ruined, I won't be able to pay you for saving me. Surely even a simple mercenary like you can understand that much?" Salonia says, a hint of sarcasm in her tone making me pause as I give her a cold stare, my irritation finally bubbling over as she freezes.

Walking towards her, I stare into her dark brown eyes as she takes a single step back, too slow to stop my approach as I come to a stop inches away from her.

We are a similar height, but even if I don't physically tower over her, the power balance here is very clear, even to an arrogant woman like her.

"And how do you intend to get home? Bruma is a long way away, and your fancy name will do you no favours in this Nord land. You'd die before you made it even a quarter of the way home, you can't afford to hire a bodyguard or a carriage, and even the clothes you wear are mine," I point out, my tone silky as she flinches back with every word, my eyes flashing with suppressed anger. "You have very few friends out here, I suggest you remember that before you open your mouth and burn whatever thin, rickety bridge there is between us. My sympathy only goes so far."

Not replying, she nods quickly as it finally occurs to her that she's in the middle of the forest with a dangerous Mage, looking away from me.

"Good, I'm glad we got that bit of unpleasantry out of the way, shall we keep moving?" I ask sweetly, happy to see the fear in her eyes.

That should shut her up for a while.


Sitting outside his house, he watched down the main road towards the gate Raven had left from. His house was right on the main road, it was necessary for a business.

All the homes were deeper into the village, but his smithy, Lucan's store and Delphine's inn were all on the main road to make it easier for travellers, and for the militia since it meant outsiders had less reason to wander the rest of the village.

His seat meant he could see all the way down the road and see both of the main gates, but even before the gate opened he knew something was happening.

The panicked running around by the militia on the wall told him something unexpected was approaching, and the way the owl perched on his fence perked up and took flight sent his hopes soaring.

Rising from his seat, he watched the gate open slowly and a massive wolf casually walk through as if it owned the place, but even as the horse-sized wolf stalked towards him, he felt nothing but joy as he spotted the young girl sitting on its back, a massive smile on her face as she patted the wolf.

"Dorthe!" he shouted, running down the road, not even pausing as the wolf lowered itself and growled, only stopping when Dorthe patted it again and hopped off its back.

"Daddy!" Dorthe shouted back, running into his arms as Sigrid quickly rushed out of the building.

Dorthe was just wearing a long white shirt, and clearly nothing underneath it which only sent his mind spiraling into dark and depressing thoughts, as it was clearly Raven's shirt…

But that was a problem for later, right now he could only hug his daughter, returned to him, and alive at that. He'd given up hope of ever hearing her voice again, he expected Raven to return with ill news, or her body at best.

Her letter had lifted a veil of darkness of his life, giving him hope where he had all but given up.

And now she'd done exactly what she promised, surpassing his greatest expectations easily.

Letting Dorthe go, he went towards Raven as she and an unknown woman spoke to the militia, Raven clearly amused. He could hear Sigrid fussing over Dorthe behind him.

Any admonishments about leaving the village could wait for another day.

"And I'm telling you he won't be a problem, and Fenrir is a he not an it," Raven giggled, the militia shuffling awkwardly. "But by all means, try and drag him out of the village if you wish."

"Lad, if she says the wolf won't cause any trouble then it can stay," Alvor said, attracting their attention.

He didn't really have a position in Riverwood, but as the man who made and fixed all their armour, they'd heed his words.

"But-" the militia started, before sighing. "Aye, just keep it under control."

"Don't worry, he's a smart wolf, smarter than most men at any rate," Raven said, her voice teasing as the militia left, glancing back at her as she turned to him.

"I doubted you, thought there wasn't a chance in Oblivion that she'd be alive, I've never been so glad to be wrong." Alvor said, grabbing her in a tight hug as she giggled, returning it.

"Just a day in the life of an adventurer, I think? I do have a knack for this business, don't I?" Raven boasted, making him laugh heartily.

He's dealt with plenty of boasting, normally from drunken nords telling tall tales about the time they killed a whole pack of Wolves with just their dagger, only for it to turn out they got chased off by a stray dog instead. He'd happily let someone who could actually back up their words boast to him all night.

"Aye lass, you certainly do." Alvor laughed, patting her on the back before his jovial nature faded somewhat, glancing back at Dorthe (and especially her bare legs). "I… was she-"

Trailing off, he tried to formulate the words as Raven smiled at him.

"You were lucky, the goblins had a Daedric Worshipper leading them and they wanted to use Dorthe in a ritual, she was untouched, just stripped and scared." Raven reassured him as he let out a deep breath.

"By the eight! Daedric worshippers, so close to town?" Alvor breathed, making her nod.

"Worshipper, singular. Fortunately he was as cowardly as his goblin servants, he fled while I fought his servants. I wish I could say I killed him, but he was long gone and I had Dorthe and Salonia to worry about," Raven said, nodding to Salonia, an imperial woman by the look of her. "She was held captive as well, a noble from Cyrodiil taken for ransom."

"Aye, still dragons and cultists… What's the world coming to?" Alvor muttered, shaking his head. "I know Gerdur has asked you to take word of the dragon to Jarl Balgruuf, but he'll need to hear about this as well." Alvor muttered, shaking his head. "But that's a problem for another day. Come on lass, no reason for us to hang around the gate. Your wolf isn't going to be a problem?"

"He won't, Fenrir knows which of us is in charge, and he's been fed. Not that the lumbering brute should need more food any time soon with how much goblin meat he feasted on," Raven giggled, patting the side of the wolf who looked oddly proud of himself. "He's a bit of a glutton."

Chuckling, he gave the wolf a look of respect, he'd heard enough tales of druidic magic to know some animals could be smarter than people, and if the beast killed goblins it was alright in his books.

Heading back to the house, he turned to the pair of women as he walked.

"You two can stay at our house tonight, Hod and Gerdur got into an argument earlier so you might want to avoid their house for a while, you'll have to share a room though," Alvor offered, making Raven smile.

"That's fine, right Salonia?" Raven asked, the imperial nodding after a moment.

"Of course, it can't be worse than the tent," Salonia muttered, Raven rolling her eyes in amusement.

The moment he got home he was breaking out the good booze, the stuff he'd been saving for the right time. He had some spiced wine that Hadvar had brought all the way from Skyrim, and Raven looked like a wine drinker.

Raven - Later

Alvor is a serious, hardworking man, that much was clear from the moment I saw him, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to relax.

"Ha! They should be singing songs about you, lass, not that damnable Radvar." Alvor cheers, patting me on the back as he slammed his flagon down, clearly empty despite just being filled up.

"Ragnar, dear, you're making a fool of yourself," Sigrid adds as she gives me an amused look, drinking some more of the spiced wine Alvor broke out.

Salonia basically jumps into the bed when we get here, though not before taking a bottle of wine upstairs with her, and Dorthe has been put to bed, tired from hours of crying and hugging.

"Aye, fucking Ragnar! Does that poncy bard not know anymore songs?" Alvor agrees drunkenly as I giggle.

"Last time he sang Age of Aggression, the fight that broke out closed the inn for three days so Delphine told him not to sing that or Age of Oppression again," Sigrid added, making me pause.

Huh, that's a good point. Age of Aggression is about how bad the Stormcloaks are, and Age of Oppression is about how bad the Empire is, so I suppose it would be a rather touchy subject.

"He's a bard, ain't he? He should be making songs about Raven, Riverwoods saviour, instead of writing his little love poems to Camilla," Alvor said seriously, slapping the table and knocking several things over in the process.

"Not a fan of Sven?" I ask, making him scoff.

"What Nord man has such small muscles? The poncy little fool couldn't lift anything heavier than his lute. If he had some hair on his chest, he'd have Camilla in his bed already," Alvor grumbles, making me giggle.

'This is a cute little party, but what say we make it a bit more interesting, little succubus?'

A voice echoes through my head, forcing me to stop myself from openly reacting, the voice chuckling in amusement.

Wait… I know that voice, Sanguine?

'Got it in one, there's no party in Tamriel that I can't sense, even if I wasn't watching you already. But while watching drunks make a fool of themselves is always fun, it's not the kind of fun you and I enjoy, is it?'

Heh, he isn't wrong.

'Sheo wasn't wrong, you're a succubus… but you're not a succubus? Not one of the ones I made, nor one of Mephala's girls either, but close enough that I can do this!'

Feeling a surge of power rush through me, I bite down a moan of pleasure at the feeling of Sanguine's power coursing through my body.

'Congratulations, you're a Warlock! You're welcome, no need to thank me, you can do that in person when you come join the festivities, now I've got my own party to get to, so just remember the first (and only) rule of being a warlock of Sanguine… have fun!'

What- is he allowed to just go 'you're a warlock now'? I thought Warlocks had to make a deal and offer something in return?

…was he drunk?

Well, to quote him in the games 'I don't always think my decisions through.'

I can feel three new powers within me, one connected to my succubi nature and two that come from the link he forcibly forged between us.

Do I know how to Eldritch Blast now?

I can't test it, but I'm sure I've gained the power to use the signature spell of all Warlocks, along with some kind of summoning spell.

But the more interesting ability is the one I've gained from my rapidly awakening Succubus nature.

Aura of Lowered Inhibitions - Succubi flourish when inhibitions are put aside, allowing hedonism and degeneracy to spread. With that in mind, they developed the ability to put out an aura that lowered the inhibitions of those around them, giving them the edge they needed to push those around them to indulge in their baser instincts, and feed the succubus's dark thirsts.

The power to make people put aside their silly inhibitions for a while? Yes please.

So, does Sanguine accept human sacrifices or does he prefer a different kind of worship, because if this is what he gives away as a freebie then consider me a devout follower of the Prince of Debauchery.

I'll ask Cira later.

There's no visible effect when I start using my aura, and it's not like they immediately rip their clothes off and jump me but it does have an effect, slowly and steadily as we drink and celebrate.

Sigrid's cheeks grow flushed, drinking more and more as her eyes linger on Alvor's body, and Alvor?

"What about you, lass? With a body like yours, you must have had the men fighting over you." Alvor asks, his words slightly slurred as his eyes roam over my body, making me giggle.

"I did, but I'm not taken if that's what you're asking, I don't like commitment, I value my freedom too much." I reply easily, giving his body an appreciative once over, his work at the smithy has left him with nothing to be ashamed of. "Still, if a big strong man like you wanted me, I don't think I'd be able to say no." I flirt, resting my hand on his muscled arm and squeezing slightly.

"Heh, like I said, Sven should have worked on his body more, not spent his time playing with his lute, no woman can resist a proper nord man." Alvor boasts, the drink loosening him up.

"I'm right here, you know?" Sigrid mutters, making me smile at her.

"Oh, I know." I say, letting Alvor go as I turn to her. "How could I forget someone as beautiful as you? It's no wonder Dorthe is so cute with parents like you two," I reply, Sigrid's eyes widening as my gaze wanders her body.

"Wait-" Sigrid starts, cut off as I lean over and capture her lips, she freezes in place as my tongue forces its way into her mouth, but she doesn't push me away even as I reach over and pull her into my lap, my hands resting on her ass.

"By the gods…" Alvor practically whimpers as he watches his wife make out with the sexy new girl.

Breaking the kiss I give the shocked woman a sultry smile.

"I was promised whatever I wanted if I brought Dorthe back alive, wasn't I?" I ask Alvor, making him nod silently, staring in shock as I grab Sigrid's dress and pull, tearing it from her body as she yelps in surprise, naked beneath it. "What if I want you both, a girl like me has needs and for tonight you two will see to them. That's fair, isn't it?" I ask, Sigrid's eyes as wide as they can go as she glances back at her husband, seeing the hunger in his gaze.

"I… I did say that." Alvor agrees, Sigrid whimpering as my hands maul her soft buttocks, before her hesitant whimpers turn to quiet moans.

"So the only real question… is do you think a big strong nord like you can handle two women at once?" I ask as I let Sigrid go, gently pushing her out of my lap and onto her feet as I stand up and slowly remove my shirt, his gaze immediately lowering to my supple breasts, flickering between mine and Sigrid's.

Sigrid is taller than me, but I'm curvier than her and as my trousers are pushed down, another difference becomes clear. Sigrid has a small red bush topping her slit, while I'm cleanly shaven.

Which is odd because I haven't had a chance for any self care down there in a while, maybe it's a vampire thing? I'm technically dead right? Does my hair just not grow anymore?

"A-aye, I can." Alvor says, not quite convincingly as I move behind Sigrid, pushing my breasts against her back as I kiss her neck.

"And you, Sigrid? I won't force you, if you don't want to do this just say so and we can forget it ever happened." I whisper, even as my hand teases her b-cup breasts, the other running a finger along her slit.

Not saying anything, Sigrid just nods with wide eyes and a quiet moan as I immediately spin her around and kiss her again. She's completely passive at this point and clearly has no idea how she's supposed to act as she just lets me have my way with her before I break the kiss and grab her hand, then grab Alvor's with my other hand and lead them both upstairs to their bedroom.

I can practically feel their disbelief, their shock at what's about to happen but between the drink and my aura there's no stopping now.

As we get to the bedroom, I casually push Sigrid onto the bed, immediately climbing on top of her, claiming her mouth once more.


Staring at the two naked women, he couldn't believe the way his night had gone.

Sigrid was one of the most beautiful women in the village, perhaps second only to Camilla or Gerdur depending on who you asked, and he'd always seen himself as fortunate, seeing Sigrid as the most beautiful by far.

When Raven showed up, he immediately knew Sigrid wasn't the most beautiful anymore, Raven had an unnatural beauty about her that reminded him of stories he'd heard of the fey temptress luring men into the Feywilds.

But his mind was too clouded by thoughts of his daughter's fate to care about her looks, and he truly loved his wife and would never stray from her.

"O-oh Mara~"

As his wife moaned lewdly, he practically tore his clothes off, watching her squirm as Raven kissed her way down Sigrid's body, paying special attention to her breasts before she continued lowered and lower, finally coming to a stop between her legs as Sigrid's hands gripped Raven's hair, her eyes wide as moans filled the room.

Gods he hoped Dorthe was fast asleep, but as he climbed onto the bed, staring down at Raven's ass as she waved it at him teasingly, he couldn't stop himself.

He'd never betray Sigrid, but this wasn't a betrayal, not with Sigrid moaning harder than she ever had for him, something that made him scowl slightly.

This wench thought she could please his woman better than him? Grabbing her hips, he lined himself up with the dripping slit and rubbed the tip of his cock against her, before he thrust forwards.

To say she was tight would be an understatement, and immediately he groaned as her tight, hot cunt clenched down on him, her hips moving back to meet his thrusts.

He couldn't see her face, her head buried between his wife's legs, but he knew she was smirking as he started to thrust into her, pounding her tiny little pussy.

He already knew he wouldn't last long, another hit to his pride even if he mentally blamed the drink, but she was so much tighter than Sigrid, clamping down on his length with a heat that put his furnace to shame, and the sight of his wife leaning back, playing with her own breasts as she moaned and whimpered from Raven's ministrations didn't help.

Sigrid wasn't the most adventurous, and while they had a healthy sex life it was usually just her laying down and spreading her legs for him, so the sight of her leaning back, face flushed as she moaned was lewder than he'd ever heard before.

Raven was a naughty little harlot, but he couldn't bring himself to care, she'd saved his daughter and what she wanted in payment was a good fucking?

So be it, if that's what she wanted it'd be rude not to give it to her.

Slamming his hips forwards, he spanked her soft pale ass harshly, happy to hear a muffled moan come from her, barely audible over Sigrid's own progressively louder moans.

"I haven't heard you moan like this before," Alvor said to Sigrid, watching her face flush in embarrassment as she opened her eyes, clouded with pleasure and drink.

"It feels… she's so - oh gods yess - good at this," Sigrid admitted, breathy moans interrupting her words. "I never knew it could feel so good to have someone- oh fuck~"

Trailing off, she let out a loud moan, her body shuddering in pleasure as she tightened her grip on Raven's hair.

He wasn't doing much better, groaning as she tightened down on him even further, he could feel his balls churning as he fucked her, and as she pulled back and turned around, looking over her shoulder at him with a sultry grin, he let out a groan and let go, pumping his load deep into Raven's young, fertile womb.

Pulling out with a groan, he watched his seed slowly leak from her tight quim as she turned around and kissed him, his wife's juices on her tongue as she guided him onto his back next to Sigrid, sitting on top of him.

Breaking the kiss, she grinned down at him with a teasing smile.

"I hope you're not done just yet, we've got a long night ahead of us," Raven teased as she kissed her way down his chest, her fingers grasping his softening shaft as she placed soft kisses along it, bringing it back to life with ease.

Grinning at him, she grabbed Sigrid and lifted her up and onto him.

"Come on, Sigrid, it's your turn," Raven said as she grasped his length and lined it up, pushing Sigrid down onto it as she moaned. "Start riding, you don't want your husband to prefer my tight little cunt, do you? Put some effort into it and ride that big fat cock."

Sigrid turned to respond, but Raven simply kissed her as Sigrid's hips started to move, his hands resting on her waist.

The sight of Raven and Sigrid making out as Sigrid's breasts bounced brought him completely back to full mast, his cock harder than it had ever been before.

He'd heard the sawmills workers boast of their exploits in the bedroom, but he knew they were all full of shit, and nothing they had ever done would match this moment.

"Come on, big guy, pump a baby into Sigrid's womb, give Dorthe a new sibling," Raven said encouragingly, guiding Sigrid as she rode him, a lewd smile on her face.

His mind briefly wondered if they were ready for another child, but those thoughts were promptly buried under the pleasure he felt, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from cumming even if he wanted to, not with such a feast for the eyes in front of him.

Reaching up, he gently caressed Sigrid's breasts, spotting Raven smiling down at him with a hungry look in her eyes.

Gods save him, he didn't know how many times he could go, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be enough, especially as Sigrid's eyes gained a similar look.

But he'd be damned if he didn't give it his best attempt.

Sigrid - Next Morning

Last night was…

She didn't know what it was, but she didn't regret it.

She was a bit sore down there, but overall she felt amazing, not even the slightest hangover despite the many wine bottles downstairs.

"You have work to do today honey," Sigrid said, laying on her side as she watched Alvor pound the little nymphet into the bed, Raven moaning as Alvor thrust into her.

Her legs were up by her head, in an impressive display of flexibility, Alvor on top of her as he slammed his length into her.

She should feel upset, angry, or maybe betrayed, her husband was fucking this little temptress right next to her, but all she felt was a certain dampness below, her already well-fucked pussy dripping as she watched her husband dominate the tiny body of their saviour.

And Raven was their saviour, how could she be angry at the girl who brought back her precious daughter? If even she didn't enjoy the sight of her husband dominating her, how could she stop them?

But it wasn't a problem, because she did enjoy the sight, as sinful as it seemed, and as she watched the show her hands wandered her body, teasing her dripping slit.

"I know," Alvor growled, the bed shaking with the force behind his thrusts. "I'll get to work after I'm done with this little nymph." Alvor said as he pounded into Raven, her moans filing the room.

Dorthe could probably hear them, but she was old enough to understand that people had needs, she wouldn't interrupt them. She'd be surprised if Dorthe and Gerdur's brat hadn't at least experimented a little.

"Aye, but with how needy Raven is that could be three days from now," Sigrid teased, making Raven giggle between moans.

"Like you're any better, how long did I spend with my head between your legs last night?" Raven asked, her voice a bit breathy but mostly stable as she grinned at her, making her blush in remembrance.

Unwilling to reply, she calmly got out of the bed and stretched, she'd snuck downstairs to get their clothes earlier, not wanting the house to be such a mess when Dorthe and their guest woke up.

Her dress was in tatters, something Raven had offered to pay for but she didn't care, she had spares and it wasn't an expensive one anyway.

"Mhmm, fuck me you brute, pound my tight little pussy." Raven moaned, Alvor growling in response as he sped up, making her moan louder, and yet all Sigrid felt was… pride.

Her man was making this little strumpet moan like that, wasn't that something she should be proud of as his wife? Her husband was a real man, good stamina, big muscles and a fat cock.

He practically towered over Raven, and she could only watch in pleasure as she leaned against the windowsill, enjoying the sunlight on her body.

As Alvor groaned, she smirked as he thrust into her, bottoming out inside Raven's cunt as he released his seed into her. Maybe she should be worried but the idea of this little Breton girl getting a strong Nord baby pumped into her just turned her on.

Turning around to close the window, she froze as she spotted Hod staring up at her in shock, reminding her that she was just as naked as they were, her breasts on display as Hod's eyes lingered on them.

Rolling her eyes, she closed the window and went about her day. Gerdur should see to her husband, if he was getting his needs taken care of at home his eyes wouldn't wander so much.

As Alvor got off the bed, she watched Raven stretch in satisfaction, his seed leaking from her as she sat up, and as she stretched Sigrid felt her eyes being lured lower, she had never found women attractive before but there was something about Raven that changed that.

Her body was a work of art, and shaking her head, she froze as she spotted Raven's smirk.

"See something you like?" Raven asked, making her blush and look away even as she hugged Alvor from behind, nibbling on his neck as her hands roamed his chest.

"Damn girl, you're insatiable. I have work to do at the smithy, I can't spend all day in bed." Alvor said weakly, hesitating before Raven shrugged and pushed him off the bed with a grin.

"Then get to work," Raven teased, standing up as she walked over and hugged Sigrid, making her blush. "I'll find another way to stay entertained, won't I Sigrid?" Raven whispered, biting her ear as she turned bright red, not resisting Raven's wandering hands.

She could see the immense reluctance on Alvor's face, but as he finished dressing he left with one last lingering look.

"Last night I went down on you so many times, and not once did you return the favour," Raven whispered, making her eyes widen as Raven moved them to a chair, sitting down and spreading her legs.

"I… I don't know how to," Sigrid admitted, watching her smirk grow.

"Well, it's a perfect time to learn. Kneel," Raven suggested, no it wasn't a suggestion… it was an order.

Despite herself, she felt her knees give out as she dropped down and stared at Raven's pussy, still leaking her husband's cum.

"But don't worry, this isn't just about me," Raven said as she gasped, feeling invisible hands touching her. "Magic can be useful, can't it?"

As Raven used a floating, translucent hand to guide her head between her legs, she could only stare up into her smirking face as she slowly opened her mouth, and started licking.


Raven's 'Unseen Servant' was amazing, she didn't like magic because it brought up images of necromancers and Daedra worshippers, but having an invisible being doing the chores left more time for… well, other pursuits.

Once it was finished pushing her to the edge, anyway.

Her knees were slightly red, but she still felt amazing even as she blushed at the reminder of how she'd spent her morning. Humming to herself, she watched as Alvor walked back into the house with a groan.

Raven had gone to speak to Gerdur, and Salonia had gone with her, Dorthe had immediately ran off to watch her father work the smithy and was probably still there.

"Taking a break?" Sigrid asked, making him nod.

"Aye, finished fixing up the militia's weapons. I'll get back to making Gerdur's spare saw later, I'm starving." Alvor said as he walked towards the larder.

"Then it's a good job I already have your meal prepared, isn't it?" Sigrid said, making him freeze. "It's on the table, I was going to call you back soon."

"Thanks, love. I'm lucky to have you." Alvor said, making her smirk.

"I know, now eat up." Sigrid teased, watching him eat. As he went to rise, she walked over to him. "There's something you need to see too before you get back to work."

"Oh?" Alvor asked, making her smirk as Raven's suggestion echoed through her ears.

"You spent all this morning fucking Raven's tight little body, but you forgot to see to your wife's needs," Sigrid said as she moved to the table and bent over it, feeling incredibly naughty as she pulled her dress up and over her ass, making his eyes widen in shock. "But you're my husband, and I want you inside me right now."

Raven was right, there was nothing wrong with letting him have a little fun, as long as she made sure he knew exactly who he belonged to.

Despite a hesitant glance to the door, he didn't waste any time as he dropped his trousers and lined himself up. She understood, before they only had sex at night, usually with the windows closed and the candles out, so it felt different to fuck in the middle of the day, right in the dining room no less, but that only made it more exciting as he started to thrust.

He was normally so gentle, her gentle giant, but as he grabbed her head and pushed it against the table, she grinned back at him with a lewd grin (one she'd admittedly tried to copy from Raven), she admitted that this felt pretty good as well.

Raven had opened up a door for them, took down a barrier she didn't realise was between her and Alvor, and she could only be grateful for it.

Elsewhere, a drunken god laughed in delight.


"A cultist, so close… damn it all, the world is going mad. Do you think he'll return?" Gerdur asked, making me shake my head.

"I doubt it, he came here for the goblins, and with them slaughtered there's nothing here worth his time, it'd be better to start anew somewhere else, where people won't be on guard," I say, making her sigh.

"Indeed, it's a problem but not one for us. You've done Riverwood a great service, I've already told the men to let your wolf come and go as it pleases. What are your plans now?" Gerdur asks, making me smile.

"To take today as a day of rest, tomorrow I'm going to head up to Bleak Falls Barrow and reclaim the Golden Claw, and probably wipe out the bandits while I'm at it. After that, another short rest then it's off to Whiterun." I say, making her smile.

"Those bandits have been a problem, demanding a toll to use the road between here and Riverwood, nobody will mourn their deaths," Gerdur said happily, making me smile. "We're lucky you wandered this way, I don't want to imagine what would have happened if you'd headed to Falkreath instead of our way."

"Nor I, I like this place. But I wanted to ask you something, if you knew anything about this," I ask, passing over a rolled up piece of parchment.

It's old, but as she carefully unfurls it, reading through it, her eyes widen.

"This is-"

"The real reason I came to Skyrim," I say as she looks over the deed in her hand, it's got my name on it and the name of my 'grandfather', a fabrication but one made by a powerful magical artifact.

This is the deed of the home I gained from drawing Throne, and I want as much information as I can get.

"I know the location, it's between Riverwood and Whiterun after all, but the castle has been abandoned for as long as I've been alive, and I've heard foul rumours coming from that place. It was owned by a former Thane of Whiterun, your grandfather by the sounds of it, but I'm afraid I don't know any more. Perhaps the Steward of Whiterun would be able to tell you more, what I do know is that even the Jarl won't be able to refute this deed, the castle is undeniably yours," Gerdur agrees as she passes it back over, watching me roll it back up and put it in my pack. "Along with whatever lies within it, problems and treasures alike."

"I suppose I'll have to ask around when I go and see the Jarl, that will certainly be interesting," I agree, rubbing my chin. "It's arrival is what gave me the final push to leave home, but I'm in no rush. The journey matters more than the destination."

"That's the life of an adventurer, I suppose, I'll stick with the mill, I like the stability." Gerdur laughs, making me giggle.

"Stable isn't exactly a word that's used in conjunction with me that often," I admit, rising from my seat.

"I… am not going to comment on that," Gerdur says after a moment, making me giggle again.

I've had my itch scratched, the village sees me as a hero, I got paid a considerable amount of gold (which kinda made me feel like a hooker since Alvor's cum was still leaking out of me when he gave me my payment, but whatever). Today is a good day.

"Raven, can we talk?" Salonia asks as I go to leave, making me pause.

"Sure, what's wrong?" I ask, making her sigh.

"You were right, my name means nothing here and even if it did, the closest they have to a fighter is a elf hunter or some incompetent militia men, I can't get back to Bruma by myself," Salonia admits, making me nod. Of course I was right. "And you aren't going to Bruma, but I've been thinking, my best bet isn't Bruma, it's Solitude. Under Imperial control, my name will carry far more weight, and Vittoria Vici was expecting me and my husband as guests. What I'm saying is I would like to stay with you, until Whiterun at the very least," Salonia says, making me raise an eyebrow.

"You realise that I won't be taking a direct route, I'm an adventurer and I will adventure to my heart's content," I say simply making her sigh.

"I know, but my chances are better with you than alone, or with some incompetent hireling, not that I have the money to hire anyone to protect me," Salonia reasons. "I have no skills in the wilds, but adventurers gather treasure, do they not? I can make sure you get a good price for whatever you want to sell, or negotiate with people who want to hire you, to ensure you aren't cheated," Salonia reasons, making me raise an eyebrow.

"If you come with me, you follow my orders until we part ways, I won't be second guessed in the wilds where a moment of hesitation could be the difference between life and death," I say calmly, making her pause as she scowls for a moment, before nodding.

"Very well, I can accept that. I'll follow your lead, it's better than getting stuck here," Salonia agrees, making me smile.

I'm going to enjoy putting her in her place.

"Then you're welcome to join me on my travels," I agree, making her smile.

"I've gotten Sigrid to agree to allow me to remain in her home until you are ready to leave, thankfully her family supports the right side of this little war," Salonia says with a slight smirk, and I'm well aware of Gerdur's gaze at her words.

"Hm, I'm going to go and see to Fenrir, probably take him out into the woods to hunt a meal for the glutton, I imagine you'll be staying in the village?" I ask, making her scoff.

"Of course, if I never step foot inside that forest again, I'll die a happy woman," Salonia grumbles, making me giggle as I head out, giving Gerdur a wave as Salonia heads back into the village.

As I rested last night, I checked my new skills. I was right, I did get Eldritch Blast, but I also got a power from Sanguine, a gift he gives to his new Warlocks I believe.

Eldritch Blast

A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range.

Summon Lover - Sanguine (Novice)

Sanguine believes that no warlock should go unsatisfied, and as such his Warlocks gain the ability to summon a lover from his realms to see to their needs. Due to the vast variety of species in his realms, the summoned lover can be of almost any race or gender, but generally conforms to the summoner's tastes.

The power to summon someone from a realm of oblivion sounds less epic when you add 'to get laid' but I certainly won't complain about it, he's the Prince of Debauchery after all.

I was so tempted to drain the pair last night, but I decided to use the tantric energies to strengthen them instead, because I want them to associate me with positive feelings. The subconscious is a powerful thing.

I need some privacy to test it out, but I really do need to make sure Fenrir gets his meal, I don't want him causing any trouble.

But as I find him, I realise it might be a little too late as I see the look on his face as someone walks around him, writing in a book.

Fenrir is a good boy, he knows he needs to behave in town, but his patience has its limits, and the woman walking around him is clearly testing it.

"Is there something I can do for you?" I ask, making the woman jump in surprise, her eyes widening as she spins around.

The young woman's honey brown eyes widen as she spots me, brushing long red hair back into place as she smiles.

"Yes! Yes you can, if you're Raven, the hero who saved Dorthe from a cult plot," she says quickly, hugging her book to her substantial chest, grinning up at me.

"I am, is there a reason you're bothering my wolf?" I ask, making her blush.

"Because I've never seen a Direwolf in person, and the chance to study a passive one was too good to pass up, I need my ballards to be factual after all," she says, my eyes wandering to the lute on her back.

Sven's friend, then.

Her eyes widen in surprise before she quietly curses.

"Sorry, let me start over. I'm Anise, a future world-renowned bard, and you are the subject of my first story," Anise says excitedly, making me blink.

"Excuse me?" I say, making her curse again.

"Dammit Annie, slow down. Okay, do you know what the problem with most bards is? They're just telling the same old stories again and again, and you don't get remembered for doing the same as everyone else, the truly brilliant bards are the ones who record the new legends, the ones people will tell when we are all dead and gone, and just as I'm thinking about how to make a new legend, a hero appears in the village I'm passing through?" Anise laughs. "That's called fate, my adventurous friend, and this is perfect, because do you know what the problem with most stories are?"

"I can't say I do, I've never paid much attention to bards and their stories," I admit, making her shrug.

"The problem is that the source is usually 'my brother's friend's second cousin's girlfriend saw it happen, while she was drunk', or 'it came to me in a dream'. It's all rumours, hearsay or 'artistic license'. So what better way to make a truly great legend than for a bard to have been along every step of the way? Basically, I want to come with you," Anise says, immediately cutting in as I go to speak. "All the greatest heroes had their followers, and I won't be a deadweight, I don't look it but I'm a decent spellcaster, illusions mostly."

"You want to join me? I'm going to Bleak Falls to retrieve a stolen item tomorrow, but I don't know how heroic killing bandits is," I say, hearing something in the back of my mind.

"I do, and don't worry! Every story starts somewhere, and if it's truly boring… well, artistic license isn't always a bad thing. Pretty please? I'll carry your things?" Anise says quickly, making me giggle.

"There's no need to beg, you're welcome to join me, I don't mind a little company on my travels," I say easily, making her let out a sigh of relief.

The moment I say that, I hear a cackling in my head, and I know without a doubt that this happened because of the card I drew, this is the whims of Sheogorath's madness.

"I… then there's one thing you need to know," Anise says, pulling out a small wand and casting something over the area we are in, sighing as she points it at herself.

Her pale skin deepens to a bright red, her eyes turning yellow as she looks at me hesitantly, two horns sticking out of the top of her head.

"You'd find out if we travelled together anyway, I can't keep the spell up all the time, so tah dah!" Anise says with false cheer.

"You're a Tiefling?" I ask, making her nod as she brushes her hand through her hair.

"I am, people don't really like my kind, so I learnt quickly to hide it, is this going to be a problem?" Anise asks, making me smile softly.

"Definitely not, aren't the best heroic parties usually filled with unique and interesting characters?" I ask teasingly, making her smile.

"That they are! In that case, Aniza, sometimes known as Anise, bard and warlock, at your service." Aniza says with a deep bow. "I think this is going to be the start of a wonderful relationship."

"Oh, I'm sure of that." I reply, watching her disguise herself again.

Bonus Scene - Sanguine

Waking up literally covered in flesh, he yawned and reached down, grabbing the hips of the little elf girl and pulling her off his still hard cock, tossing her aside.

She was fine, she landed in another ongoing orgy and already has two replacement dicks inside her, even if they weren't a match for his divine staff.

Wait, staff?

Where did he even put his staff? He vaguely remembered using it for a party trick last night, but oh well, his Rose always showed up eventually.

People underestimated him, but they didn't realise how hard it was to make booze strong enough to actually get a god drunk, or how useful that kind of booze could be.

Like the time he spiked Mehrunes drink, edgy little bitch he was, then sat back and watched the drunken lunatic pick a fight with Jyggalag.

He didn't actually get anything out of it, other than the fun of watching Mehrunes get his big red ass kicked.

Of course, Jyggy immediately kicked his ass as well for starting the whole thing, but he could handle himself and drove off the uptight fucker eventually.

Jyggy wasn't as strong as he used to be, now that he and Sheo were actually two different people.

Plus, getting Meridia pissed was always hilarious. He's managed to steal and 'misplace' her Beacon so many times he should be the patron of thieves, not Noct.

Heh, good times.

A quick check showed that this myriad realm was all in one piece, which was good since that wasn't always the case when he got drunk. It's why he kept his thousands of realms separate, just in case he broke one or two.

Everything seemed to be in place, basically how he left it…

Wait a second.

Recounting the many connections he had in the material realm, he blinked.

Did he always have that many Warlocks?

Following the connection, he vaguely remembered agreeing to something Sheo wanted him to do, but as he looked over the incredibly hot naked… something, he shrugged to himself. Oh right, she was the one he invited to the party.

She seemed like a good fit, it was probably fine.

He probably should have cared more, but one of the Golden Seducers Sheo brought with her was giving him those fuck me eyes and what kind of god of debauchery would he be if he left a hot, horny bitch unfucked?

Downing another bottle of his beloved ambrosia, he promptly forgot about his new warlock and went back to focusing on what mattered the most, getting laid.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord.gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: www.*******.com/TheDarkWolfShiro

Author's Note: I’m working on all my fics again, this just happened to be the first to be finished. SV, GtF, SA and NG+ are all still being updated, nothing is being dropped. 

Bugging me for updates isn't going to speed anything up, and I’m a spiteful person so if I keep getting bugged to update one fic I’m gonna be less motivated to work on it.

Be patient, this is free entertainment my dudes.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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