66.66% The First Supernatural (Twilight Fanfiction) / Chapter 6: 5. Grateful People.

บท 6: 5. Grateful People.

Ninki (POV)

All my life, from the day I was born into this world, all I can remember and see is darkness. Never in my life have I seen the faces of my parents and siblings. The way for me to at least have an idea of what they look like, I feel their faces, remembering what size their faces are and more.

But fortunately, it's not all darkness because I am lucky enough to be born into a loving family, although my life has always been hard my family is enough to cheer me up. They are the only source of happiness in life, my mother and appa, and my siblings. Though I think my siblings might not like me too much, even though I love them as much as my parents, I hope they come to love me back one day.

But the tribe on other hand sees me as some sort of cursed child which I might think they're right. I am cursed with no sight. And I always feel down just knowing that to the day I die, I will remain like this. Stuck in this world of darkness. Never able to see the faces of my family.

Furthermore, in the past, I've tried to get along with other children my age and other tribesmen. But I don't need my sights to know how they feel about me, so I always stay inside my home. I don't want to force anyone to play with me since I'm the daughter of the chieftain. It'll only make me feel worse.

Sometimes I feel lonely because I have no one to play with, but my father and mother, and sometimes my uncle comes to play with me. Which I am always thankful for. But most of the time they're busy so I'm alone most of the time. However, one day my appa brought home a gift for me. It was the best gift ever, other than my family who is always number one.

The gift was a new friend, a doll my father told me he made himself, but I doubt it, but I'll believe him so he can feel better. With my new friend who I also named "Friend", my dark days have slightly turned brighter.

And continuing the days, my routine is always the same, I stay home all day and every day, there are times when I come out but I rarely do that. And whenever I'm inside I'm always playing with Friend while eagerly anticipating the arrival of my appa who has either gone out to hunt for the tribe or gone to fight against the bad people who want to cause us harm.

Then one day, everything changed. It started when my appa had returned home badly injured, he thought he could hide it from me but I could feel his wounds that were stitched up recently. I pretended not to notice if he knew I knew he would make up another lie to hide the truth so I just continued to help him improve his mood by playing his favorite game.

On this day, my appa was informed by a warrior of our tribe. He said something about an intruder. I was worried and thought it would be the people who always come to pick a fight with my tribe, but I think it's different this time.

My appa also didn't sound too worried, he sounded as if he knew this was gonna happen. But I don't know how or what is going on so I was really confused.

Then a little while later my mother had arrived to carry me to safety. We were gonna go to where the women and children stayed for safety but we also had to go get my little twin brothers who were playing beside the river with the other children.

When we arrived my little brothers were protesting but my mother ignored them and carried them away, other mothers came to grab their children as well. Ruining the children's playdates. Then we made our way back. However, we bumped into Ibu the shaman, and his daughter Tykka.

This old man was always serious and he was one of the firm believers in me being a cursed child destined to doom our people and the world. He's mean, but I heard he's also talented. But he's still mean. I don't like him. The daughter, on the other hand, is a different story. I have met her a couple of times before and she's very nice. She's also one of the few in this tribe who wasn't afraid of me, nor did she believe in the stories about me. I really like her, she's on my good list with my parents and uncle.

Oh, and I also found out that she really likes my uncle Aru. I knew this because one time when we met, I mentioned my uncle Aru once and she could not stop talking about him. My father also told me that Aru also likes her but he says that with time results will show. I don't know what that means but I believe him. Good luck aunty Tykka.

When we met Ibu and Tykka, Ibu was furious about appa. I knew my mother and I could tell she wasn't pleased with Ibu, and the way aunty Tykka was trying to calm down her father I could tell she didn't like it either. It must be hard for her.

Anyway, we then went back to the tribe together because there was a commotion going on. And once we arrived I sprung in shock when Ibu shouted. He was right next to me when he shouted so it really shocked me, and everyone else. He was really mad. I hope he and appa don't fight again.

When they were arguing back and forth I could hear the whispers of the tribesmen, apparently, the intruder was really big, tall, and really strange as they've never seen any creature like this.

I don't understand, is it an animal? What is this being? Is it one of us? Sigh, this is the curse of being born with no sight. Unlike everyone who can see the being, I will forever be stuck in the dark of never knowing what this looking like, always guessing.

While the arguing continues, my mother moves behind appa and sits down with him. Appa quickly grabbed me and put me on his lap, I like this spot so I hug him tightly while he continues to talk while stroking my hair. I think he's stroking my hair to ease himself, but I don't mind, in fact, I like it. It's also very calming for me. I feel comfortable and safe whenever I'm with my appa.

But then after a while, I could feel the ground tremble, and from what I've heard the being was making his way towards me and appa. I don't know why. Then what happens next was something that I've never felt before, an instant I felt my soul had left my body. For a second there was an immense amount of pain but it was too much for me so I blacked out.

While I was knocked out my body was changing drastically, fixing the flaw. The flaw that has always been the sole reason for torment in my life.

When I woke up I was stunned, I could see. I saw for the first time what the huts which were our homes looked like, their brown color, and furry material. I felt my breathing quickening with excitement and disbelief.

"Haha..." A little laughter escaped my mouth as I was in utter disbelief. Tears beginning to form.

The colors of the clear blue sky were amazing, and the sky was really big too. I never expected it to be this big. I also saw little flying creatures above the sky which I think are called birds. My eyes doted here and there without stopping, taking in the world I was finally seeing for the first time in amazement.

Furthermore, I could see the blessed tree in honor of U'lar Katou. Before I could only guess from feeling it with my hands, but now, I can see it in its full glory. I began to cry. Tears began to flood my eyes which made me panic. I desperately wiped my tears away because I don't want to lose my sight again.

I've had enough of the darkness, I want to see the real world as what it truly is. It's much more beautiful than that darkness.

I prayed with all my heart that this wasn't a dream and it was real, it would be too cruel of a joke from the Gods if it were. But I believed this is true because of what I'm seeing and feeling right now. The darkness that has always been my vision is now cleared, now I can see what the tribe looks like, the place where I was born and raised at. And it was beautiful just as I imagined it to be.

However, too deep in awe, I only just noticed the people on the ground. When I looked at them, I had a hard time figuring out who was who because I've never seen them before, and it made it harder when I couldn't see their faces as they were all facing down.

Although I haven't seen my parents before, I have felt what they looked like with my hands. And I knew my appa had no hair so I searched with that in mind, and I found him. Even though it's just the back of his head, I knew it was my appa. Soon, I also found others, like my mother, uncle, and more.

While I was too busy trying to match everyone, I caught this sight of the being... it was currently sitting down looking at me. It was the first face I have ever seen and seeing it made me freeze.

Its facial features were completely different than the ones of my people. This being's face was clean, no dirt and mud like us, and his features were for some reason were good to look at. I've never felt this way before but if someone asked me what beautiful looked like, I would definitely point toward this being.

Also, his eyes were special like mine, his eye color was a cool color that I've never seen before or heard of but it looks bright like the sun and it looks cool. It really stands out and suits him.

As for his body, compared to my appa who likes to brag about his muscles all the time, this being has a better body than my appa. I've never seen muscles before but my father prides himself about them so he lets me feel his muscles whenever he shows off. But I knew even my appa loses to this being. In fact, anyone loses.

Even though it's my first time seeing muscles as well, but for some reason, muscles are nice to look at too. Oh, those hard things on his stomach look really nice too.

When I remembered what my people and everyone else were calling this being a creature, I've come to realize that this being isn't that different from us. Although he is much taller and bigger, everything else is the same. He's got hands and feet, and hair, and can speak too although in a different tongue. I really do believe we could be similar.

When the being saw me, it showed me the brightest smile, actually the first smile I've ever seen. And it was really beautiful, that I was unknowingly enchanted by it. His teeth are also clean and nice to look at. I wish I had a smile like his.

"Hi there little missy, how are you feeling?" The being says as it stood up and made its way before me. By now I've forgotten about my surroundings, my parents, my people, etc. I was purely focused on this being. Unfortunately, the language isn't the same as ours so I couldn't understand him.

And then I noticed how tall this being really was, he was the tallest being I have ever seen, he might be taller than the mammoths I've been hearing about. I have no idea because I've never seen mammoth, only heard from stories. Yet, just trying to look at this being was difficult as I had to stretch my neck just to see his beautiful smile.

He also blocked out the sun when he stood in front of me, and I only reached his knee caps, he was that tall it was amazing.

Suddenly, without hesitation and warning, he picks me up and carried me carefully, making sure I'm comfortable. Although I'm currently shocked and in panic. For some reason, although my first time feeling this, my cheeks are burning red and I feel my heart is beating rapidly. It's worrying me why I'm feeling this way.

However, this being doesn't seem to notice how I feel and instead moves his face closer to mine, which only made me shy and shrinks away from his deep gaze. My face has also become even redder than before.

For a few seconds, he was busy moving one of his hands around in front of my eyes which also made me follow what his hand was trying to do, then he would inspect my eyes, either by opening my eyes a bit wider and then closing them. Even though it was weird, I couldn't move my body for some reason. The being repeated this for a while, it was as if he healed me himself and was checking if everything was all right.

And then something clicked. Maybe he was the one who healed my condition! I have no proof but when I say this to myself it feels right. And I also believe it. When he wasn't here I was blind but suddenly he arrives and I'm healed.

With this in my mind, now I look at this being differently, I scanned the face of my savior. He even looks like someone who would be able to save me, even though I don't what I meant by these words but I don't care. They feel right.

This being who brought me out of the darkness, words cannot express how happy and grateful I am. If he asked me to do anything, I would do it immediately, and even then it wouldn't repay for what he's done for me. He's completely cured my cursed eyesight.

And I can also see how cheerful this being is for being able to save me as well. Which only made my heartburn furthermore. Soon my eyes began flooding with tears, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I will forever remember this day and my savior from this day onwards. The day I met my savior and also the day I was healed.

The being smiles gently and rubs my back softly. Which made me wail even harder, all of my pent-up feelings from the past days of my dark days were flooding all at once. Now I can see the faces of my family, and my tribesmen and the tribe can stop calling me mean names, especially the old shaman. And this is all thanks to this being, without him, the darkness would keep haunting me. I can live happily in this world now.

"T-thank you...*Sob*" I say with difficulty in between sobs. Unknown to me because I was crying, the face of the being hardened for a moment before softly hugging me, which didn't help me stop crying.

"It's okay little one, let it out. You must've had it rough. But no need to worry because this big brother here has come to help. You can worry less now that I'm here, okay?" The being said, hugging me whilst softly swinging side to side to help ease me. Although I don't know what he's saying, I can feel it in my soul.

The next few hours were nothing but me crying my soul out while being comforted by this being who I know as my savior. Soon, I stopped crying and calmed down. And the women and children who had fled to safety began to come out from hiding as they were curious as to what was happening as it became silent, so they came out cautiously to inspect.

When they saw the state of their tribesmen and husbands, sons, and brothers, they were troubled and thought this being had killed everyone off. Quickly I told them otherwise, showed them that they were just asleep. And yes, when they noticed that I could see they were stunned beyond belief that they had to gather around me to inspect it themselves, forgetting their surroundings. Even the being who they were afraid of. The being, on the other hand, did nothing and continued to sit while resuming his meal. I think he was really hungry.

Seeing my savior is hungry I must go and get him more food, from how big he is, I think the bigger the meal the better it is for him. I will try my best. That's what I thought but then my little brothers came running to me crying, they're so cute.

"Sister! *Wailing*"

"You're safe! *Crying with a running nose*"

I kneeled down before they ran crashing at me. "I'm okay, see. And moma and appa are okay too, everyone else as well. Look, they are just sleeping for now but they will wake up." I said to my little brothers who were busy crying on my shoulders. I softly rubbed on their backs, although we hardly interacted with each other, to see them running to me with snotty noses while crying for my safety warmed my heart and made me tear up a bit.

I guess the day when my little brothers show love for me is now. I'm really happy.

A few minutes later, everyone has once again gathered around, confused, surprised, and still working their heads out about me. I explained to them that it was this being but they seem to not believe me, while some did. They were only a few compared to the nonbelievers.

It was beginning to really frustrate me that they couldn't believe how incredible my savior was but fortunately, Tykka was there to ask everyone to wait patiently until the others awaken. Soon everyone starts to wake up. First, it was some warriors, when they woke up they were confused but then saw the being and immediately put their guards up, obviously they've learned that they could do no harm to the being so they just stood there.

Furthermore, the others began to awaken, including my parents. My appa and moma were also confused but when they saw the being they were blinded by anger but luckily I could make it in time to stop them from attacking the peaceful being who was calming eating, paying no mind to the others. If I don't stop them, they'll be put back to sleep again.

"Stop! Appa and moma look, I'm fine and my eyes... they're healed. I'm not cursed anymore..." I said but at the end, my eyes began to tear again when I knew that this wasn't a dream but real.

My parents both froze in place, then they immediately dropped their spears and ran to embrace me tightly with tears. They were crying pretty badly, I had to shift around so I don't suffocate.

"*Wailing* OHH!! Thank you U'lar Katou! I WILL HUNT A PLENTY OF MAMMOTHS FOR OFFERING!" My appa said like a madman, tears, and snot staining his face. Also appa, mammoths are really dangerous.

"*Wailing* YES PRAISES TO THE GREAT U'LAR KATOU!!" My momma also praising the wrong person with gratitude. Momma, your hugging me too tightly.

My uncle who also woken up saw this scene and also couldn't believe it but once he was convinced that I really was healed, he instantly kicked both my parents away and embraced me as well. Also flooding with tears.

"*Wailing* MY CHILD! OHH, MY PRECIOUS!! THANK YOU U'LAR KATOU!!" My uncle Aru says with tears staining his face as well. Frantically kissing all over my forehead and cheeks. It was quite spikey because of his beard, and annoying.

"Please uncle, your beard... and yes I'm healed now," I say while dodging his kisses. However, my mother came back and aggressively kicks him off.

"Go make your own child! There's Tykka who is patiently waiting for you, you idiot!" My mother said quite straightforwardly, causing both people to burn in red. Tykka is trying to hide her face from Aru.

"But how can this be possible..." My appa finally asks. I smiled looking at him and point at my savior, "He's the one who cured me, my savior..." I said with heartfelt gratitude, while another strong emotion was brewing inside my heart as I looked towards my savior.

Like I said before, I will serve my savior till the end of my days. For it is the least I can do. I might be too small now but later on... Yes, I will plan for the future. Wait for me.


Gi'kali (POV)

Hmm... Yes, everything seems to be going well. This child is much more intelligent than I had thought. Oh, she seems to be explaining things to her parents, good. Less work for me.

Everyone seems to still be in disbelief that I saved her, including that troublesome old man. He's the most vocal about denying my achievements, from what I can see. This is something I cannot allow. I need them to know just so no more problems will happen in the future. I'm not too certain if I'll stay here or leave in the future, but for now, I'll be staying here.

While they were in a heated argument, I interrupted with my claws that shone brightly, bringing the attention to me. They were obviously afraid and cautious, but I made sure not to harm any of them. With all their attention on me, I demonstrated what I did, reenacting what had happened. And after a while, they seem to believe me.

I can see the way the villagers view me now is completely different, although there's still fear within their gazes, right now, amazement and awe, far outweighs that fear.

Yes, yes, I know, I'm awesome. But don't stare too much, I might melt.

For the parents, and this other individual, who I can only think of him as another family member, his gaze was just as intense as the girls' parents. I can understand that you're really happy and grateful for me curing your daughter, but please, use your words or something instead of this creepy staring. I continued to eat just so I can ignore their gazes, if they wanted to say thank you, they can come themselves. They're grown enough.

And just as predicted, they did so. The chief and his wife sat across from with serious expressions. Then they began to speak while putting their hands on their chests while speaking. I can only imagine that they're currently expressing how grateful and thankful they are about this. So I just nodded with a smile in response.

After a while, the parents and others took turns expressing themselves, and once they were done. I'm pretty sure the chief ordered a feast with a joyful expression. Confirming that there's going to be a feast, I was ecstatic. For some reason, I'm nowhere full. I need a lot more food than this, so this feast is definitely welcomed.

However, the old geezer was sitting somewhere on the ground, currently in deep thought. I think he was really baffled as to how I could cure the daughter, but I can't be arsed trying to explain in detail. Work that brain of yours old man, you can do it.

With the loud cheer of the crowd and this happy atmosphere, I think it's safe to say that the problem has been solved. Now it's time to feast. And immediately, the villagers became busy. The misunderstandings were cleared so everyone was working hard with smiles upon their faces. This was an important day for them, a blessing, because not only did they receive an important guest but the Chief's daughter who was thought to be forever cursed, is now cured.

Although many of the tribesmen hadn't really been too kind to the child, they did feel pity and remorse for the child. However, they knew no one could do anything for her. At least that's what they had initially thought, until now, with the arrival of this being, although hard to believe, everything has changed.

Now the tribesmen who feel guilty for making a child feel unloved and unwanted wished to correct their wrongdoings, so they must cook the best feast for today's feast. And they will from now onwards treat her better than what they did.

Mike_Cockaka Mike_Cockaka

Thanks for reading and hopefully you've enjoyed your time reading my ff.

Anyway, if you have anything you wish to discuss the story, don't be afraid and go for it. I will read it. Whether it be a good comment, bad, whatever. I'll read.

Also, what do you guys think of this length? Too small or make it smaller? I don't know, so just let me know what you think.

But currently, I like the length of the chapter.

Okay, that's all. Thanks once again, and hopefully you have a great day/night.

next chapter
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