17.5% The Fighters (Persona 5 X Miraculous Ladybug) / Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Down with the King!

บท 7: Chapter 6: Down with the King!

(A/N: Who is ready for a boss fight and a truck-load of fluff!)

(Third-person pov)

It was Tuesday, April 19'th, evening. In the Metaverse, in the castle of Kamoshida (which was on high alert), five Phantom Thieves made their way to the treasure room with incredible stealth. They arrived in a safe-room that was near to the throne chamber, which led to the treasure. The group decided to rest up before stealing the treasure. Joker was writing something down in his probation diary. Skull was drinking an ice-cold energy drink. Panther was day-dreaming about something, and Mona was nodding off on the table in the middle of the room. Princess took out her sketchbook and started to draw.

She sketched out Joker and became inspired by his jacket. She sketched out the coat, making adjustments to make it appropriate for everyday use. Mona noticed Princess drawing and wanted to see.

"Hey, Princess!" He said.

"Yeah?" She responded, not looking up from her sketchbook. Mona looked over Princess's shoulder to see what she was drawing.

"Is that Joker's Jacket?" He asked. Princess jumped and whipped her head around to face the cat.

"Wha? Uh, y-yeah?" She answered, wondering how she hadn't noticed Mona. This caught the attention of their fellow Phantom Thieves.

"You're drawing Joker's coat?" Panther asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking about recreating it in real life," Princess said.

"I've always had a passion for fashion!"

"That's so cool!" Skull said, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Can we see?" Princess nodded and showed her sketch to her friends.

"I made it more every day appropriate! While I really like the long coattails, they're not really that practical." She explained.

"Wow! Princess, you are really talented!" Panther exclaimed.

"Y-you think so?" Princess asked.

"Yeah! Oh! Do you think you could make something based on my costume?" Panther asked.

"And something for me too?" Skull put in.

"Guys, Phantom Thief business first, then fashion!" Mona chimed.

"Right! Sorry!" Panther apologized. "It's okay!" Princess said.

After resting up enough, the Phantom Thieves exited the safe room and headed to the treasure room. They were surprised to see the throne room so empty but decided to capitalize on it. The five entered the treasure room, and what they found was tremendous. A giant crown floated in place of the gleaming blob.

"Wow..." Skull breathed.

"Are you sure we can carry that?" Princess asked Mona. Mona didn't answer her.

"Mona?" Princess asked. Suddenly, Mona pounced on the giant crown and started purring and meowing.

"Mona? Are you okay?!" Princess asked with worry in her voice.

"Mona, that's not catnip!" Joker scolded. Mona just meowed again in answer. Princess (who was overwhelmed with Mona's cuteness) just ran up to Mona, tore him off the treasure, and put him in a strangle hug.

That snapped Mona beck to reality.

"What the- Princess! Let go of me! I'm okay now!" Mona yelled.

"Sorry!" Princess said, dropping the cat.

"I have a love of cute things, and I couldn't resist hugging you!"

"It's okay, I don't know what came over me," Mona said with a sigh.

"Whatever, let's just get this crown out of here!" Skull said. The Phantom Thieves gathered around the giant crown and lifted it up like lifting up a large piece of furniture. They carried the thing out into the throne room when they suddenly heard a voice.

"Go, go, Kamoshida, go!" the voice cheered. It sounded like Panther, but Panther wasn't speaking.

Then a volleyball shot towards the Phantom Thieves and knocked the crown out of their hands. Kamoshida appeared in front of his throne with shadow Ann at his shoulder. In a flash of red light, the giant crown's size decreased to an average size and appeared in Kamoshida's hands.

"I won't let anyone take this!" He said with an angry expression.

"This proves I'm the king of this castle! It is the core of this world."

"That rat b*****d," Panther muttered.

"That's how he sees me, isn't it!" She yelled. Out of the corner of her eye, Princess saw Skull's turn bright red with rage.

"Yo, pervert! Were you waiting to ambush us?" He yelled.

"I just made it easier to find you.~" Kamoshida responded.

"I'll dispose of you myself. Right here, right now!"

"Don't go off and make promises you can't keep, you Fils de pute!" Princess chimed at the man in front of her (A/N: look up what that means in french, you'll appreciate Mari even more! Trust me!).

"What a selfish misunderstanding..." Kamoshida muttered.

"A misunderstanding?! Care to explain?!" Princess jeered.

"Yeah! Explain yourself, Kamoshida! You were doing things you kept secret from others! How is that a misunderstanding?!" Panther yelled.

"People around me were the ones who kept it secret," Kamoshida mused.

"Adults who wanted to share in my accomplishments, students who have the drive to become winners... They willingly protect me so that we all may profit from it."

"Profit?!" Skull questioned. "There are too many imbeciles who don't understand that." Kamoshida groaned.

"What kind of sick and twisted logic is that?!" Princess thought as she felt a murderous rage build up inside her.

"Including naive brats like you and that girl who tried to kill herself!" Kamoshida added. Princess's anger shot through the roof. How dare he talk like that about Shiho!

"True, she's a total idiot... Letting you manipulate her, trying to commit suicide..." Panther said in a deadpan voice. Princess did a double-take, why did she say that?

"And I'm even more of a dumba** for not realizing that. But no matter what kind of fool someone might be, they don't need your permission to live their lives!" Panther said in a slightly broken voice. Princess gave Panther a nod of approval, then Kamoshida ruined it.

"Drop the attitude, you mediocre peasant! There is no wrong in using my gifts for my gain! I'm a cut above all other humans!" He said. Princess felt her sanity crack a little when Kamoshida said that.

"Above? I think you misspoke... You mean beneath! You are a sick demon who is obsessed with your dark and twisted desires!" Princess screamed. Kamoshida chuckled wickedly, but his chuckle sounded distorted.

"Your right... I'm not like you!" Kamoshida yelled in a distorted voice. He pulled shadow Ann close to before proclaiming:

"I AM THE DEMON WHO RULES THIS WORLD!!" Both him and shadow Ann started to change into something dreadful and monstrous.

(Mari's pov)

"What the hell?!" Ryuji exclaimed. Couldn't have said it better myself, Skull! A giant pink demon Kamoshida, with four arms, ram's horns, and an unbelievably long tongue sat before us. The crown we were trying to steal was on his head.

"I'm allowed to do whatever the hell I want!" He yelled with that unnaturally distorted voice of his. Joker was suddenly at my side, he put his arm out in front of me protectively.

"You're wrong! You are human like the rest of us! Come on Phantom Thieves, let's remind him of that!" Joker said while summoning Mokoi. He successfully rallied us, and we charged the monster.

The battle was nothing like regular battles with normal shadows. It was a straight-up boss fight! I could tell that Joan was pedaling overtime to make sure that everyone stayed strong. I took a lot of hits for my fellow Phantom Thieves to make sure they stayed safe, but I always healed myself afterward. I was mortified when I saw the way Kamoshida viewed Mishima and Shiho. This man is really nothing but abusive, lustful, and egotistical!

"Joker! We need to get the treasure!" I say, dodging Kamoshida's whip.

"Right! Skull, sneak up that terrace, and grab Kamoshida's crown! We'll keep him busy!" Joker said, pointing to the terrace that was closest to Kamoshida.

"On it!" Skull said. He ran behind the pillar holding up the platform, without Kamoshida noticing.

Coincidentally, I was also close enough to see and hear him from behind the pillar. Kamoshida yelled about something being the reason the school still exists and that he deserves respect.

"Yeah, whatever, man! Just stay away from her!" I heard Skull whisper.

"Her?" I thought as Skull jumped up into the terrace.

"Did he have a crush on someone? Did Kamoshida do something to her? Who is it?" These questions whirled around my brain. I was so preoccupied that I didn't notice Kamoshida pointing an attack at me.

"Princess!" I heard Joker's voice yell. I looked up to see Kamoshida's golden knife speeding towards me. I braced for impact when I felt someone's strong arms pulled me to safety. I looked up to see Joker holding me and glaring daggers at Kamoshida.

"Awww... The Court Jester is keeping the Princess safe! How cute~!" Kamoshida said in a mocking voice. I then proceeded to jump out of Joker's (*cough* warm *cough*) embrace and fired my rifle at him. I did some good damage before my gun was empty of bullets.

"I don't regret that!" I said as Joan boosted the team's speed. Kamoshida then noticed that someone was missing.

"Hey! Why are there four of you? Where is that skull boy?" He said.

"About time you noticed!" Skull said from the terrace above. He raised his bat and flew forward, knocking the crown off of Kamoshida's head.

"NOOOOO!!! MY... MY PRECIOUS!!!!" Kamoshia screeched as his crown flew away from him.

"Kamoshida is shaken up, nows our chance!" I said, reloading my gun. We circled the giant demon and aimed our guns at him. We then attacked him with an All-out Attack(T.M)! The guy looked dejected, I almost felt sorry for him... Then, after more battling, we finally defeated Kamoshida! He disappeared, leaving his crown behind. Skull attempted to grab it, but Kamoshida (in human form, somehow) suddenly appeared and grabbed the thing. He ran over to a balcony just outside the throne room.

"What's wrong? Not running away? Why don't you run? Aren't you a great athlete?" Panther asked.

"Give it up, Kamoshida... you're outnumbered, outgunned, and out of power. Don't make this harder then it needs to be..." I say, hoping that he'll give up.

"It's always been like this... All those goddamn hyenas forcing their expectations on me! I'm doing this all for them! What's wrong about demanding a reward for that?" He said in an angry voice.

"Now you're making excuses? We'll do something about that distorted heart of yours!" Skull said.

"Yeah! Also, that excuse doesn't make what you did justified!" I put in. Kamoshida whimpered.

"Scared?" Panther asked him.

"Right now, you're seeing the same view Shiho did. I'm sure she was scared too... but she had no choice but to jump... Will you jump? Or would you rather die here?" Panther summoned Carmen and prepared a fire attack.

"Do you want to finish him off? It's your call..." Mona said. I stepped forward.

"Kamoshida... Now is your last chance... Give up your treasure, or face Panther's wrath!" I said, extending my hand to him.

"Princess, get out of the way!" Panther said.

"No! Please! Forgive me! I beg you!" Kamoshida pleaded.

"Shut up! I bet everyone told you the same. But you... you took everything from them!" Panther screamed. She pushed me out of the way before firing a fireball at Kamoshida. Kamoshida shrieked, but the fireball missed him.

"I accept defeat... You want this? Take it." Kamoshida said, tossing the crown to Joker, who caught it.

"Go ahead and finish me off. You do that, and my real self will go down too. You have that right since you won." Kamoshida said in a weak voice. Panther released another fireball in Kamoshida's direction.

"Ann!" Skull yelled.

"Panther!" I yelled. The fireball once again missed Kamoshida.

"If his mind shuts down, then he can't confess his crimes." She said.

"You're kind, Lady Ann," Mona said.

"Right, and killing him isn't justice. If anything, it's giving him an easy way out." I said, placing my hand on Panther's shoulder.

"I've lost. You're through when you lose. What am I- What am I supposed to do now?" Kamoshida said in a small voice.

"Atone for your sins, that's all you can do," Joker said.

"Alright, I'll return to my real self. I'll make sure to..." Kamoshida said. But, he was cut off when he disappeared. Then, there was violent shaking, like an earthquake.

"We don't have time to waste, this place is about to collapse," Mona said.

"Then let's get out of here!" Skull exclaimed. We all agreed to do that, and then we started to book it to the nearest exit.

(One escape and anime cutscene later...)

When we emerged from the metaverse, we found ourselves behind the school. We were all out of breath and tired.

"Well, we did it!" I say in a tired voice.

"Yeah..." Ann sighed. Ryuji pulled ou his phone and looked at the nav. app.

"Hey, guys! Look at the nav!" He said. We all took ou our phones and looked at the weird app.

"Kamoshida's palace is gone..." I breathed.

"Yeah, looks like we can't go there anymore." Ann sighed.

"What about the treasure?!" Morgana whined. Akira pulled out a gold medal from his pocket.

"A medal? What happened to the crown?" I asked.

"What's goin' on?" Ryuji asked.

"It means this medal was the source of Kamoshida's distorted desires. To him, this medal is worth as much as the crown we saw in the palace." Morgana explained.

"An Olympic medal..." Ryuji muttered.

"The perv kept clinging onto his past glory and couldn't let it go."

"It's kind of sad when you think about it..." I said, with pity in my voice.

"This means he had a change in heart, right?" Ann asked.

"Probably," Morgana said.

"Our expulsion is on the line here!" Ryuji said in a panicked voice.

"I doubt it. Kamoshida was the driving force for the expulsion. If he had a change of heart, then the discussions will be postponed. Also, he had no proof, so there was no chance you guys you get expelled anyway!" I said.

"Let's just wait and see what happens, we all need some R&R right now," Akira said. We all agreed that taking a break sounded good.

Everyone started to walk home, and Akira walked with me.

"Hey, Mari-san?" He asked. I hummed in response.

"If you do make that jacket... can I have it?" He asked. I looked up at him, he looked nervous. His cheeks were slightly pink, it looked... cute.

"Sure! I'm sure it would look great on you!" I said with a smile. We continued to walk and talk. I felt so happy when I was with Akira! But why is my heart beating so fast?

next chapter
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