Chapter 238:
Watching a giant meteor appear in the sky over the top of the mothership was awesome…and terrifying. I would not want to be directly underneath that thing when it hit the ground!
What made it even better was Thanos's expression of shock and panic. A moment ago he was looking so smug and assured of his victory. His ship's doomsday canon was seconds away from vaporizing North America. Now that canon was rapidly aiming towards the sky to try and stop my meteor. It wouldn't make it in time…
"NO! NOOOOO!!!" Thanos screamed in rage.
Maybe a weapon capable of destroying a continent could have destroyed Tengai Shinsei, but now we'll never know. Before the canon could fire, my meteor already made contact with his ship.
"HOLY SHIT!" Tony exclaimed in her ear piece!
"WHAT THE FUCK, LAYLA!?" Natasha yelled.
"MOTHERFUCKER!" Fury added.
The mothership, which was the size of a city and made of metal on probably par with vibranium, immediately crumpled like tin foil under the force of the meteor colliding with it. With a titanic boom, the ship was ripped apart into molten pieces that started raining down on the desert below. The meteor barely stalled in its descent as it quickly sped up and hurtled towards the ground! This was going to be a big boom.
{+1,100,234 MP!}
Holy shit! That number was insane! And that was only from the aliens still on board the ship.
I didn't have time to focus on it right now though. "Everybody! Brace for impact!" I screamed in my earpiece. The meteor hit the ground a few seconds later and officially became a meteorite.
I spread my wings and quickly flew up into the air. The force of the impact sent out a shockwave that was going to span for miles around. A wave of molten hot sand at least 50 feet high originated from the crater and started spreading out in all directions!
At least half of Thanos's armies had still been relatively close to the crater. The giant wave of sand swept them all up and violently tossed them around as they were buried alive under the Tsunami of molten hot sand. Thankfully, the wave seemed to lose its momentum before reaching our own forces. The devastation was still absolutely enormous.
{+2,456,780 MP!}
I'd gained over 3.5 million MP in seconds! The amount of power I had flowing through me right now was mind boggling.
[You're lucky you're the Champion of Death or you would be exploding from all of that power!]
I flew back towards the sandy ground, which was now at least 30 feet higher, and searched for my opponent. Thanos was nowhere to be seen. He couldn't fly. I'm pretty sure he's currently buried under dozens of feet of molten hot sand. I laughed while wondering how long it would take him to dig himself out.
With Thanos being indisposed temporarily, I looked around to see who was left fighting. Thanos's six–er–four children were nowhere to be seen. They had all been buried under the sand as well. With their opponents taken care of, Ironman and Ironwoman were currently flying back towards our main army to help finish the fight. Half of Thanos's army was devastated, but the remaining half were picking themselves off the ground and the fight was quickly starting back up again. Plasma and bullets began to fly free once more.
Fury was ordering the Helicarrier to move in and open fire. With the mothership gone, the Helicarrier could start raining death at 3 million rounds a minute.
As for the others, I could see Kokabiel hovering in the air, in the distance, holding an unconscious Hela. He looked pretty roughed up, but nothing some magic healing couldn't fix in a jiffy. Only Issei looked to have come out unscathed from the sand tsunami I had kicked up. Issei, Vali, and Thor were all hovering in the air. The Red Dragon Emperor's attention was no longer on them though.
I heard a roar of outrage from the direction of Vali and Thor's battle. Issei Hyoudou, currently clad in half destroyed armor, was glowing green and screaming in fury. His voice seemed to be blending together with Ddraigs as his rage overtook him.
[Woops. We forgot about Ingvild Leviathan… Remember she had been kidnapped by Issei Hyoudou before he ran off with Thanos? She was most likely still on the mothership. The one that you just completely annihilated and turned to molten scrap. Molten scrap that's now buried underneath a giant meteorite as well…]
Well, shit… She's dead for sure. There's very few things that could have survived all that and I don't think she is one of them. Satan Class magical reserves or not. I don't even know if I'd be able to revive her at this point.
Issei was hovering in the air, furiously mumbling to himself. I was too far to make out the exact words he was saying but his tone was very hostile.
Vali suddenly looked panicked. He flew over to Thor and grabbed hold of the confused Asgardian before bolting towards me as fast as his white wings could fly!
"Layla! You have to stop him! Before he finishes his–" Vali's words were cut off just as he reached me.
"JUGGERNAUT DRIVEEEEEE!!!!" Issei/Ddraigs voice roared loudly and echoed for miles.
An aura of power blasted out from his location. It was so potent that the air around him started to boil. A second later there was a blinding flash of light and Issei Hyoudou vanished. In his place was a pretty cool looking red mechanical dragon.
{Dragon of Domination: Level 89}
I whistled at that. Juggernaut Drive was feared by the Supernatural world for a reason. At the cost of the users lifespan/actual life, it immediately catapulted them to the peak of the world.
Under any other circumstances, I would be nervous about fighting a being 29 levels above me. However, right now was different. Right now I have over 3.5 million MP…
[Layla of the Fallen: Angel of Hope, Death's Favored]
[Level: 60]
[Sacred Gears: Purger of Darkness, Orb of Anywhere]
[HP: 13000]
[MP: 3563014]
[Faith Energy: 525,267]
[Vigor: 800]
[Strength: 185]
[Intelligence: 1000]
[Luck: 200]
[Skills: Observe 4, Angelic Mastery (Max), Acting (4), Light Manipulation (7), HP to MP Conversion, Mana Burst, Senjutsu (2), Six Paths, Susanoo (1)]
[Perks: Daughter of Heaven's Will, Mana Replenisher]
[Drawbacks: Sin of Lust]
[Available Free Stat Points: 0]
[Skill Up Point: 0]
I wondered what would happen if I used Mana Burst with all of that power?
[Are you crazy? That would be extreme overkill!]
The Dragon of Domination let out a metallic screech of a roar! Its long neck bent so that its eyes were directly staring at me. I could tell that Issei had probably lost his mind, but his hatred still made this behemoth target me. That was fine. It was better than him rampaging and attacking everyone else.
"Dammit!" Vali exclaimed next to me! He's gone berserk. "He won't stop until he dies!"
Thor tightened his grip around his two hammers and grinned. "Tis been many moons since I last faced a true dragon! Our battle will be sung about in Asgard's feast halls for millennia!" Lighting arced around his body as he shot forward towards the Red Dragon!
Vali facepalmed next to me. "Dammit! I pulled him away in the first place because he has no idea how powerful Juggernaut Drive is."
{The God of Thunder, Thor: Level 67}
I agreed. The second Mjolnir had definitely made Thor much more powerful, but there was still a massive level difference here. I really should step in so Thor doesn't get hurt.
"Die dragon!" Thor had reached the dragon in a trail of thunder. He raised both Mjolnirs over his head and swung them down onto the Red Dragon's head with all of his might!
…Watching both of his powerful hammers harmlessly bounce off of the Red Dragon's metallic head was pretty funny.
Thor almost resembled a Looney Tunes character as the force from his failed attack was sent directly back through his own body and he started shaking up and down comically. To his credit, he recovered quickly and attempted another attack. Too bad he didn't notice the dragon's claw coming from the side and smacking him away. Thor let out a cry of pain as he was smacked away as if he was an insect.
There wasn't much emotion in the dragons glowing green eyes besides rage and hatred. With Thor dealt with, it turned back to us. It opened its mouth wide and prepared to use its breath attack on us. Malicious crimson energy started to condensed in its maw.
"Not good!" Vali yelled in panic. "He's using a full powered breath attack! That could annihilate an entire city at once!"
"Motherfucker! Do not let that fucking dragon use its attack. Stop it!" Fury screamed in both of our ears. Of course he had still been listening in even if he was currently directing the Helicarrier in fighting off the remaining aliens. There weren't many left at this point. Death from above had reduced an army of 50,000 to only a few hundred in only a few minutes.
"You heard him, Layla." Vali steeled himself. "There's no choice! I will defeat my rival myself this time." He declared before taking a deep breath. "I, who am about to awaken–OW!"
I slapped Vali upside the head to stop him from activating his own Juggernaut Drive. "We don't need two Heavenly Dragons tearing each other apart. You'll end up wrecking half of California! I'm planning on taking a vacation here with my girls at some point in the future and I'd rather you not ruin all of its nice beaches."
Vali rubbed the back of his head and clicked his tongue in irritation. "Then how are we going to stop him!? His breath attack is almost fully charged! And did you have to smack me so hard…that's gonna bruise." He added with a whine.
"You might want to take a few steps back, Vali." I told him.
"Steps? Were floating in the air though?"
[Whoa there, Host! How much MP are you about to use!?]
'Not that much. It'll be fine.'
[Ok then, you should only need around 100,000 to reach his stats. There's no need for extreme overkill–]
"Mana Burst!" A massive grin formed on my face as I felt more power than I had ever comprehended so far!
{–1,000,000 MP}
{...All stats +100,000…}
–The Ancient One–
The Ancient One had been watching the battle from the safety of the mirror dimension. Even during the event of an Alien invasion, the sorcerers of the Kamar Taj were technically not allowed to intervene in non-magical affairs. They had already broken that rule by creating an array that shifted Thanos's ship to Death Valley, away from any civilians. That was as far as they could help.
The Ancient One was standing in front of a few dozen other sorcerers as they watched the battle play out. For the most part, she was proud of how far the human race had come technologically. They were holding their own against one of the most terrifying armies in the galaxy!
She had found herself growing nervous when it was revealed that Thanos's ship had some kind of doomsday laser cannon built into it. She had never seen that employed in any of her future visions.
"Wow, I'm not even surprised at this point that she can summon literal meteors." Wong said as they watched the mothership get crushed from above by a gigantic meteor.
The Ancient One actually found herself cracking a small smile. "That's going to leave a mark on the landscape." She said jokingly. Leave it to Layla to employ the most overkill method possible to deal with an enemy…
"Is the battle over now? Where did Thanos go?" Wong asked once the ship had been dealt with and the SHIELD Helicarrier started mopping up the remaining aliens.
"Thanos appears to be buried deep under several thousands tons of molten sand. He is slowly digging his way out. All of his children have perished." The Ancient One said. She was using a special X-ray spell to see under the sand. It was a spell that was only reserved for the female members of the order. They couldn't trust the males to not abuse it…
"I suppose our work here is done then–Is that a freaking Dragon!?" Wong paused and then exclaimed!
"Hmm, so it is…" The Ancient One trailed off. It was a very powerful dragon as well. Almost as strong as some of the top Gods remaining on Earth. They observed as the Asgardian Thor got slapped aside almost immediately.
"Should we help? It's technically a magical Dragon. We should be allowed to intervene now and subdue it." Wong suggested. "It's currently more powerful than Layla."
The Ancient One thought about it before she said no. "Layla of the Fallen is just floating there with a look of confidence. Clearly, she has at least one more trick up her sleeve to deal with the Dragon. Let's see how she manages." The Ancient One said. She had to admit that Layla developed new abilities and powers more quickly than any being she had ever heard of. She was interested in seeing what Layla had in store.
In hindsight… Maybe she should have intervened before Layla did something that made the entire world tremble.
"Mana Burst!"
"How in blazes did her magical power grow over 100x instantly!?" Wong shouted in shock. That's not possible!"
Every God on the planet might have just pissed themselves in fear from how much power Layla was putting out. Layla was currently emitting the kind of power that only certain beings had when they owned their own dimensions and drew power from them for millenia!
The Red Dragon released its devastating breath attack directly at Layla. The air particles in its path simply ceased to attack as the powerful magic attack bent space and broke the laws of physics a thousand times over!
"What is she doing!?" Wong exclaimed.
Layla didn't throw up any kind of shield spell or even deploy her giant purple skeletal construct. Layla simply raised her right hand…and backhanded the devastating breath attack when it reached her!
The unbelievable happened before the Ancient One's very eyes! The breath attack simply flew off upwards into the sky and sailed right into outer space! Before the Red Dragon could even attempt to understand that its attack had failed, Layla was already directly in front of its face. She hadn't used any teleportation magic either. Her sheer speed simply defied comprehension.
"You're starting to be very annoying now, Issei." Layla raised her hand slowly before flicking a single finger forwards. It made contact with the Dragons metallic head–the same head that easily took a full powered attack from Thor with no damage. As soon as she flicked its head, it ceased to exist. One instant it was there, the next it had been completely blown away!
The Red Dragon was dead. The headless dragon body immediately started plummeting towards the ground.
"Start packing up everyone…it seems we are not needed here." The Ancient One said to all the other sorcerers who were still gaping in shock from what they all just witnessed.
"What the fuck…" Vali said when I appeared next to him.
Yeah… Having over 100,000 Strength and Intelligence was pretty insane. I wondered if this was what Dragon Ball Z characters felt like all the time. I had just slain a Heavenly Dragon with a forehead flick of all things!
"God damn, Layla! That was cool!" Tony exclaimed over the open channel. "That was some OP anime shit right there! I recorded the entire fight and it's going to get so many views online!" I cracked a smile at Tony's enthusiasm.
I guessed that the battle was over now and it was time to wrap things up. It was strange though, I felt like I was forgetting something.
A large purple hand burst out of a sand dune below. I glanced down and saw a ragged Thanos begrudgingly lifting himself up. He definitely looked like he had seen better days.
In an instant, I was on the ground standing in front of him.
Damn, I was really fast right now! I felt like I could circle the entire planet multiple times with only a single flap of my wings. I glanced behind myself…My FOURTEEN black wings. I currently had more wings than any other Angel ever had. I wondered if they would stay or not once Mana Burst wore off? I'd have to wait and see.
Thanos coughed out a mouthful of sand and scowled at me. "Damn you! You ruined everything!" He ran a few steps forward and punched me square in the face with everything he had! A few minutes ago, that would have done a few hundred HP in damage. Right now, I didn't even flinch.
{-10 HP}
"What!? How?" He reeled back his other arm and punched me again! When that didn't work he started adding kicks before hitting me with everything he had in all of my vital spots. My current Vigor was 100,800. My HP was literally over a million. He could attack me all day and wouldn't bring me down before he exhausted himself.
I let him vent for about a minute because I felt a bit bad for him at the moment. He was gasping for breath and slumped to his knees after hitting me with everything he had. "How?" He asked me one last time. His eyes were resigned when he realized he had been beaten.
I shrugged. "I'd explain, but what would be the point?"
He chuckled. "I suppose that your–"
I swung my hand forward and tore his head from his shoulders. The expression on his face was unchanged, he hadn't even realized he had died.
"Eww, you're not planning on taking that as a trophy are you?" Vali asked as he landed next to me.
I scoffed. "Of course not. I just wanted to make sure to go for the head!"
"Ok…?" He obviously didn't understand my reference. This uncultured swine…
With a giggle, I tossed the head in my hands directly at Vali. He instinctively reached out and caught it. "Gross, Layla!" He quickly tossed it away while I started laughing.
{You have Leveled Up x5!}
I was standing aboard the bridge in the Helicarrier. Rias and Sona were quite literally hanging off both of my arms at the moment. Devils were creatures that were naturally attracted to power and I was exuding a lot of it with my sheer presence right now. The looks that both of them were currently giving me were very clear. They wanted me badly. Very badly.
I just had to take care of a bit of clean-up first before I would take them back home so we could celebrate our victory. I wondered if any of my other girls would want to join us?
Fury was actually smiling as he spoke to everyone. "Good job, everyone. We have proven that we have the power to fight off threats from outer space! This is a monumental victory, not just for us, but for the world!"
"Hell yes!"
"We did it!"
"We're the greatest!"
There were quite a lot of congratulations and pats on the back all around. Quite a few people were probably getting lucky tonight judging by all the victory champagne bottles I was seeing uncorked on the bridge.
With his speech over, Fury pulled me aside privately. He gave me the final tally for all the dead soldiers and I grimaced at the number. Over 2000 National Guard and 200 Fallen Angels had perished in the fighting. Fury asked me if and when I could revive everyone that had died. If I had to stick to my single person a day, it would take years obviously.
'You can revive them all now as a one time reward. I will allow it as repayment for defeating Thanos.' Lady Death's voice whispered directly into my ear. I felt an invisible kiss on my cheek before her presence faded away. I was definitely going to pay her another visit soon.
I ended up using the King of Hell to bring everyone on our side back to life. Fury wanted all camera's off when I revived people from the dead, but I'm sure Tony was recording anyway.
Once I had brought everyone back, I decided to call it a day and wanted to head home to celebrate the victory with my two horny Devil girls. I tried to invite Sif and Natasha but they both declined. Sif and Thor were temporarily returning to Asgard to present Hela…to Hela.
Natasha wanted to stick around and make sure no soldiers secretly made off with any alien technology. The mothership might have been obliterated, but there were still plenty of alien guns and broken down tanks lying all over the desert.
Hela, The Queen of Asgard, sat on her throne with a look of amusement on her face. Sif and her younger brother Thor had brought her quite the interesting prisoner when they returned from a very exciting battle on Midgard. Hela was honestly upset that she missed it…
"Unhand me you blond slut! I am Hela, the true Queen of Asgard!" The prisoner who looked nearly identical to her screamed in fury. The woman was wrapped in Layla's black chains that prevented her from using any magical abilities to escape.
"I think you're quite mistaken." Hela declared. "I am the Queen of Asgard. You're nothing but a failure from a different reality who couldn't hack it. If I recall from Layla's tales, your Asgard is nothing more than a barren wasteland."
The imposter, currently in chains, glared at Hela. She started filling the throne room with some very colorful language as she cursed everybody and everything she could think of.
Hela found the threats to be amusing, but ultimately disruptive. The imposter was promptly gagged before being carted off to the prison cells. Hela would figure out what to do with her at a later date.
Hela's attention turned back to Thor and Sif. "Excellent work. So how did the battle go, and what is Layla doing now?" Hela asked.
Thor and Sif took turns explaining the events of the battle to Hela while she listened. She thought they both did a good job, minus Thor getting bitch slapped by a dragon, and they had both made Asgard proud.
…And then Sif explained to Hela that Layla had gotten two beautiful new 'girlfriends' from an alternate dimension. Layla was probably in the process of celebrating her victory with those two new girls right then. Hela was quite jealous but didn't show it.
"I wanted to celebrate with Layla as well, but knew I had a duty to turn over the imposter queen to your custody." Sif told her.
Hela nodded at Sif. "You did well. I would love to go and celebrate Layla's victory with her as well, but with Asgard on the brink of war, it would be irresponsible for me to leave." Hela requested that Sif temporarily stick around Asgard as well for a few days. She told Sif that there had been reports of Frost Giant scouts along Asgard's borders.
Sif and Thor both promised to stay a few days in case the Frost Giants suddenly attacked and Hela thanked them both. Once the two had left for their respective quarters, Hela immediately bolted towards the Bifrost!
There were no Frost Giant scouts…
Hela had simply made up a reason to get Sif to stay on Asgard while she rushed down to Midgard to celebrate with Layla! Sif had described both of Layla's newest girls as unbelievably beautiful and Hela wanted in on that! Was that devious and unfair to Sif? Absolutely. Did Hela care? Not at all. She was the Queen after all…
Thanks for reading! Leave some comments. Or don't, its up to you.
You can read ahead of this story at P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/StarWaves
This whole chapter is R-18.
Chapter 239:
After a hard fought battle, I was laying back on my bed in my own room. Two very beautiful girls were cuddled up on each side of me. Rias was snuggled up on my right, while Sona was on my left. Both of my arms were snaked around Rias and Sona as they leaned into me. We were all aware of what was going to happen tonight.
"That battle was crazy." Rias said. "I can't believe how powerful you are, Layla! You actually called down a giant meteor!"
"It was very impressive." Sona added. "Especially when you crushed the infamous Juggernaut Drive at the end. I don't think even my sister could do that."
"Thank you, girls." I practically purred at their praise. My lust for fighting had been sated for a while, and now I wanted to sate my regular lust. My hands started to explore their bodies.
Rias's breasts were massive and just as soft as I imagined them to be. My hand sunk directly into her pillowy chest over her clothing.
Sona's breasts were obviously smaller, but they made up for it in perkiness! There was nothing wrong with being able to easily grab an entire breast with one hand.
"Mmmm. That feels nice, Layla." Rias sighed in pleasure as I fondled her chest over her clothes.
Sona didn't say anything, but she didn't need to. I could tell she was enjoying my hand on her chest. Sona's face was flushed and her breathing picked up. I leaned over and placed a tender kiss on Sona's soft cheek.
"You're so beautiful, Sona." I said to her before turning my head and kissing Rias as well. "You're so gorgeous, Rias."
"I know I am." Rias said shamelessly.
"Y–you're incredibly beautiful too, L–Layla." Sona complimented me. She was a bit nervous.
"Mmmm. You know it just sank in for me." Rias admitted as I continued rubbing her chest. "We really are in a different world. There's no one here to order me around or tell me what to do. Grayfia isn't going to pop up if my virginity seal starts to go off." Rias said as I continued to grope her chest. My hand slipped under her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her bare breasts were just as pillowy soft as I imagined.
"A virginity seal?" I asked Rias.
She let out a cute moan when I pinched her nipple. "Hnnn! Y–yes. There's a seal on my body that alerts my family whenever my purity is endangered! I've never even been able to hold a dildo without it going off." Rias told me.
On my other side Sona was starting to pant cutely. "I–I have the same thing." She mewled once I started to grope her naked chest as well. She was wearing a bra, but it was easy enough for my hands to unhook it. I'd had plenty of practice.
"Wow. Both of your families are crazy. You're both Devils, not Saints." I told them.
Sona let out her first cute and loud moan when I started rubbing her nipples sensually. She seemed to be closest to an orgasm. I turned over and focused solely on her for a moment. Rias didn't seem to mind.
"Tell me about it…" Rias said as she sat up to watch me work on Sona. She reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. Her large bountiful breasts bounced freely. She winked at me cutely. I'd get back to those beauties in a moment!
Sona looked up at me with flushed cheeks as I leaned over her. I slowly leaned my face down and placed my lips directly against her own. Our kiss started out as chaste but was very tender. That didn't last as I pried her mouth open with my tongue. She squeaked into the kiss adorably when my tongue started to explore her mouth and dominate her own tongue. Sona was clearly an amateur when it came to kissing but that had its own charms.
"Watching you two make out is so hot!" Rias said from the side.
My hands crept back underneath Sona's top as we continued to make out. My fingers were focused on her hardening nipples and areola as I tried to make her orgasm with only her breasts. It was a very fun challenge and Sona was proving to be very sensitive.
My tongue continued to flick back and forth against her own as I gently pinched her nipples. A moment later, I felt Sona's body seize up under me! I smiled into our kiss as she moaned into my mouth. She was cumming!
"Wow, Sona! That was so hot~" Rias commented. She was slowly groping her own large breasts as she watched us.
I finally broke the kiss with a very flushed post orgasmic Sona. "That felt nice…" Sona said as she tried to catch her breath.
I slowly started to strip out of my own black dress. I made a show of it for both of them. Neither of their eyes left my form. I was down to only a pair of lacy black panties.
Rias actually gulped at the sight of me. "Feel free to touch wherever you like~" I told her.
"Wow." She scooted forwards and placed her hand on my bare breasts. Rias's soft hands started to fondle my chest. She wasn't an expert, but it still felt very nice. I could feel my sensitive body heating up. Rias looked a bit hesitant before she leaned her head down and took one of my nipples into her mouth.
"Oh, yes~" I purred.
She started sucking on my nipple while her tongue danced around the areola.
Sona sat up quickly and joined Rias. Her face dove into my other breast and her beautiful mouth latched on. I let out a moan now that I had two gorgeous Devils pleasuring my breasts. I quickly felt a tingling pleasure form in my chest that traveled down to my core! "Ahhhhn. I'm cumming, girls!" I gasped and closed my eyes as my body shook in pleasure.
I came down from my high a moment later. Sona and Rias were both smiling at me.
"Did that feel good?" Rias asked cockily.
"It felt very good, thank you." I reached down to my soaking wet panties and started pulling them down my leg. "Why don't you two get rid of all these clothes you're wearing? I can return the favor."
I handed my wet panties to Sona who gazed at them in her hand as if they were divine treasure.
Sona and Rias started undressing as well. The sight before me was glorious. Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri were very different, but both of their bodies were perfect. Both of them had been ready for this night and were shaved bare between their legs. Sona's pale thighs were soaking wet with her arousal. Rias's weren't quite as wet because she hadn't gotten off yet.
"Well, isn't this beautiful?" A voice called out from nearby. "The love of my immortal life with two other gorgeous girls is a glorious sight."
I let out a squeak and quickly spun around! "Hela!? Hi…? What are you doing here?" I didn't sense her coming in! I was too focused on my lust.
Hela raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled. Her black armor completely vanished and she suddenly stood completely naked at the foot of the bed. "Am I not welcome in the bed of my future wife? I heard about you defeating an Alternate Mad Titan and wanted to come celebrate with you." She said before glancing at Rias and Sona. She grinned at both of them and licked her lips. "It seems you're already celebrating. These two concubines you've chosen are quite beautiful~" Hela said as she crawled onto the bed.
Sona looked stunned that a naked Hela had just hopped on the bed with us. I think her lesbian brain had just temporarily froze from all the thoughts racing through her head.
"C–concubine?" Rias asked indignantly. "I'm nobody's concubine. I'm obviously the head wife!" She declared while pouting at Hela, who simply snickered at her.
Hela reached over towards Rias and placed a hand on her cheek. She smiled sinfully at my redheaded girlfriend. "Oh no, my dear. The only official wife of Layla will be me. You don't have to be upset though. By the end of tonight, you'll be begging to be our concubine." Hela told her. "Both of you will." She told Sona as well.
Rias looked like she was going to argue, but she froze when Hela leaned forward and passionately kissed her. Hela's hands snaked around Rias's back and pulled her closer until both of their large breasts pressed together.
Fuck, that is one hot kiss! I felt my lower lips grow even wetter at the sight. My plump thighs slowly rubbed together.
Hela broke the hot kiss with Rias a moment later. Rias's cheeks were flushed and she looked glassy eyed. Hela smirked at the beautiful redhead "There, that look suits you much better." She kissed Rias's cheek before she turned towards me.
"Hi, Layla." She said lovingly to me. She leaned forward and kissed me next. Our kiss was much more tender and loving. Hela's hands wrapped behind me and only fondled my bare ass for a moment.
We broke the kiss and I smiled at her lovingly. "Hi, Hela." I turned back to Rias and Sona who were gaping at us. "Girls, this is Hela, my future wife. Hela, these are Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri."
"Beautiful names for two beautiful maidens. I am Hela, the Goddess of Death and Queen of Asgard." Hela said to them.
"Hello…" Sona squeaked out. "You don't have a problem with Layla seeing other women?" She asked while fidgeting in place slightly.
Hela smirked at Sona. She leaned over and passionately kissed Sona next! Her hands roamed all over the younger girl's body before Hela pulled back. "Does that answer your question?" Hela chuckled. "Had Layla not gone out and found such a beautiful Harem, then I would have done so myself." She said shamelessly.
""Oh…"" Rias and Sona said at the same time.
"I didn't expect an Asgardian Goddess of Death to be so perverted." Rias laughed.
Hela shrugged. Her ample bosom bounced on her chest as she did so. "Sanity is overrated. I was trapped on a dead world for 1000 years. Once I was free, I met Layla and realized that I shouldn't waste my time anymore and live the life I want."
"Damn straight!" I added at her words.
"1000 years!? That must have been awful." Rias said sympathetically. I could tell that she was looking at Hela in a new light suddenly. I could also tell that Hela was laying on the pity card to make these two girls feel bad for her.
"I'm sorry that happened to you." Sona added as well in concern.
Hela nodded with a very sad look I was suspecting was fake. "I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm still mentally recovering from it, but I've been getting better…" Hela told them with a final sigh.
"Is there anything we can do to make you feel better?" Rias fell into her trap and asked Hela.
I knew I was right when Hela suddenly grinned at Rias's question. The Goddess turned to me and gave me a quick wink. "As a matter of fact, there is something you could do for me…" Hela told Rias.
Sona was sitting naked in my lap as we watched.
Rias was pushed down on her back as Hela leaned over her.
The Goddess of Death grinned in excitement. "You truly did find two of the most beautiful maidens I've ever seen, my love." Hela said to me.
"I know right." I told her as I tenderly placed kisses on the back of Sona's neck. My hands were wrapped around her body. One was slowly massaging her naked breasts while the other was gently massaging Sona's petals. Her pussy lips were silky soft and incredibly wet. I held her close as we both watched Hela and Rias.
Hela gently pried Rias's supple thighs apart as she scooted her hips between them. "Your body is sinfully perfect. It's like you were designed solely for sex." Hela commented.
"She is a Devil. They pretty much were. Lucifer's army of beautiful fuck dolls." I explained. Sona let out a cute moan as my finger brushed over her clit.
"Hey! That's mean. But also sort of true…" Rias pouted cutely while glancing over towards me.
"How intriguing." Hela chuckled. She pushed Rias's legs completely apart so that her folds were completely exposed. Rias's pussy and thighs were completely soaked with her own arousal. Hela ran her finger over Rias's aching folds before bringing it to her lips. She stuck her tongue out and sensually licked Rias's love juice off her digit. Hela moaned. "Mmmm. Even your taste is absolutely delicious. It's different from Layla's, but still quite enjoyable."
Rias whined at the loss of Hela's fingers over her folds. Her legs were growing very wet with Hela hovering over her. Rias bit her lip cutely. "Are you going to fuck me?"
Hela smiled at her. "Indeed, I am." The Goddess replied.
Rias squirmed in anticipation.
Hela turned her head to me as a magical appendage jutted forth from between her legs. Rias and Sona both gasped at the sight of it. "How about we have a fun little game with our two new concubines, my love?" She asked me as she reached down and slowly stroked her magical cock. She moved it closer towards Rias's folds.
"What kind of game?" I asked her. My eyes were shamelessly staring between Hela's legs as well, not that she minded.
Hela smirked. "The royal bloodline needs to continue, and we have two incredibly beautiful and supple women in your bed with us. Let's see if we can't get them both pregnant tonight?" Hela suggested while licking her lips.
My mind momentarily blanked out at her words…
"P–Pregnant!" Sona sputtered in my lap.
"Wait! I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother yet! Also, we Devil's have really low fertility." Rias said while squirming beneath Hela. I could tell the thought excited her though. Her eyes were completely focused on the appendage between Hela's legs.
Rias's words seemed to excite Hela even more. She grinned lewdly. "Is that so? Well then, I guess we'll just have to finish inside you both many times tonight to make sure we succeed!"
I felt myself grow wetter at the thought of Rias and Sona both leaking cum and possibly carrying my child…
I wanted to immediately bend Sona over right now, but I decided to wait until Hela and Rias were done with the first round at least.
Hela grabbed hold of her large appendage and pressed it directly against Rias's folds. Sona and I watched from the side as Hela pushed the tip inside. Rias let out a soft moan and her legs shook on both sides of Hela.
"Oh, my." Hela sighed in pleasure. "You are sinfully soft inside. Your pussy feels nicer than the finest Asgardian silks." She closed her eyes to savor the sensation of Rias's pussy as she pushed in deeper. Another few inches and Hela paused with a grin.
To my surprise, a glowing tattoo appeared below Rias's belly button and started flashing bright red.
"And what is that?" Hela asked with a small laugh as she looked at the glowing tattoo.
"My virginity seal… It's trying to send a magical message to my family." Rias said as she reached down and placed her hand over her own stomach. She could actually feel Hela's large cock inside her underneath her toned stomach muscles…
I doubted her family would receive the signal all the way in another Universe…
Hela chuckled. "How quaint." She then placed her hands tenderly on Rias's waist. "Are you ready, my dear."
Rias glanced over towards Sona and I nervously, before her eyes moved back to Hela's face that was smiling down at her. "I'm ready…"
Hela grinned and thrust forward powerfully! The seal on Rias's stomach broke and winked out of existence as Hela's cock deflowered the Heiress of the Gremory Clan.
Rias's mouth opened wide and she gasped loudly. "Fuuuuuck! It's so big!"
Hela moaned lewdly as she bottomed out deep inside Rias. She turned to me with a flushed smile. "She feels amazing, my love. You're going to love her!" Hela slowly withdrew her hips before pushing forward again. She let out another pleasant moan after her second thrust.
"So big!" Rias gasped again. Rias's large breasts began to bounce back and forth as Hela picked up the pace. The redhead gasped everytime Hela completed a thrust and filled her to the brim.
"So this is sex?" Sona muttered in my arms. Her eyes were laser focused on the form of Rias getting fucked.
I placed more kisses on the back of Sona's neck and whispered in her ear. "Yes, I'll be taking your virginity next in just a moment." My hand between her thighs grew even wetter as Sona squirmed in anticipation.
"Oh my Maou! It feels so good!" Rias moaned loudly. Her back arched on the bed and her legs started to tremble wildly. "Fuck me more! Fuck, I'm a bad girl! I wish my parents could see me right now!" Rias screamed as Hela continued to thrust in and out of her.
"You are a naughty girl! A naughty girl that now knows her place!" Hela groaned out. "Underneath me and Layla as our concubine! Isn't that right!?" Hela asked with a moan.
"Yeeeeeees!" Rias moaned out. "I'll be your concubine. I'll be whatever you want! Just don't stop!"
Hela grinned. She threw her head back and closed her eyes to focus on the pleasure. For a moment there was nothing but both of their moans and pants as Hela fucked Rias.
"Layla has the most amazing pussy in existence, but you're definitely a close second." Hela's hands gripped Rias's hips tighter as she sped up her thrusting.
Rias cried out even louder!
I recognized the telltale signs that Hela was going to cum soon. Her eyes were narrowed in pleasure and she was tenderly biting her own lip. Her thrusting started to speed up as she leaned forward more, placing her hands on both sides of Rias's head.
"Im cumming~" Hela purred out as she started to shake. She buried herself fully inside Rias before she started to spill her seed as deep as possible.
Rias's legs and arms wrapped around Hela as she moaned loudly. Rias's body started to spasm all over as she had a powerful orgasm at the same time. The two of them were both locked in their orgasms with blissful expressions on their faces for the next minute.
Hela extracted herself from Rias who was still twitching. Rias's limbs had gone limp from the pleasure and let go of Hela. A copious amount of Hela's seed spilled out of Rias's lower lips and onto the bed. Small flecks of blood were mixed in. In my arms, I heard Sona audibly gulp at the sight. Her body was trembling in my arms and I could tell she desperately wanted what Rias had just gotten.
"Fuck, that felt good. I really needed that. Being a Queen is much more stressful than I thought it would be." Hela said. As she turned towards me and Sona. I could see that the magic cock between her legs was still hard and slick with her and Rias's love juices.
I supposed that it was my turn next. I grinned as I grabbed Sona and pushed her forwards. She let out a cute squeak as she fell on her hands and knees on the bed. Her beautiful backside and pink pussy were presented directly in front of me.
Sona turned her head and looked back at me nervously. "It's your turn, So-tan~" I told her. My voice was doing my best Serafall impression.
Sona shuddered and her breathing picked up. Her beautiful backside started to sway back and forth before my eyes. "...Please fuck me, Layla."
"You're going to get fucked alright, Sona. I'm going to make you scream my name!" I declared as I sat up on my knees and scooted behind her.
I placed my hands on her cheeks and fondled them Causing her to let out a soft moan. Sona's breasts might be a bit lacking, but her ass certainly was not!
My own breathing started to pick up from how excited I was. I whispered the spell to myself and felt my own new magic appendage spring forth between my legs. It pushed up directly against Sona's outer lips. She was dripping wet and Hela was correct, Devil girls were incredibly soft. They were definitely designed by Lucifer with sex on his mind.
My breath hitched and I gasped when I pushed the tip inside of Sona. "Ooooohhh… This feels nice." I moaned out my words.
Sona gasped. "I d–didn't think it would be so b–big." She panted out as I pushed my hips forward slowly. I was savoring the feeling of her silky walls around me.
Finally, my cock reached a small obstruction. A small blue seal appeared on Sona's stomach and started flashing. Very similar to the one Rias had.
Hela snickered nearby as she watched. "Another magic seal? You two girls must have been very sheltered."
"W–w were." Sona grunted as my hands ran up and down her backside. The view in front of me was glorious. Sona took a deep breath before she turned her head and smiled at me lovingly.
I smiled back at her as well and settled my hands firmly on her hips. I had a grin on my face reminiscent of the one Hela just had with Rias.
I thrust forward. My cock pushed through Sona's barrier and reached her deepest parts in a single thrust.
"Fuck!" Sona threw her head back and moaned loudly. I felt her inner walls clamp around my cock tightly before she started to spasm.
"She's cumming from a single thrust. She was really pent up." Hela said.
"So am I!" I practically hissed from how tight Sona's pussy wrapped around me. Despite Sona still cumming around my magical cock, I grabbed back onto her soft hips and started thrusting into her.
Sona let out a loud squeal when I did so! "Fuck, Layla! I'm still cumming~" Sona let out a long drawn out moan. Her arms holding her upright gave out and she collapsed face first and ass up on the soft bed. I was still steadily thrusting in and out of her.
Devil pussy felt amazing! No wonder they guarded it so vehemently.
There was a repeated squelching noise as my thrusting started to pick up in pace. I was breathing heavily as I chased my own high. "You feel so good, Sona! I'm gonna cum!" I gasped.
Hela giggled nearby. She had been watching me and Sona while slowly stroking herself. "Make sure you finish deep inside her~"
I was feeling too amazing not to! Besides, when had I ever pulled out with any of my partners before? With one final thrust, I buried my cock as deep as it could go in Sona's pussy before I started to cum! I threw my head back and moaned loudly as I painted her inner walls white!
Sona bit down on the bedsheets and let out a silent scream of pleasure as I collapsed forwards on top of her back.
I placed gentle kisses on the back of her neck while we both continued our orgasms.
"That was quite the show." Hela commented when I pulled out of Sona. Her pussy had been filled to the brim and fluids immediately started leaking out of her as I did so. Sona's legs were still trembling and she had a very pleased look on her face.
"Shhooo gooood." Sona mumbled post orgasmically.
Hela placed a quick kiss on Sona's cheek before she scooted over towards me. "Let's let our two concubines recover for a moment while we have our own fun for a bit. There's no need to rush them, we have all night after all."
Rias and Sona were both lying on my large bed at this point, basking in the afterglow, so I figured that was a good idea. Once they recovered, I'd definitely have Rias squealing under me. Or maybe she'd want to be on top?
I giggled as Hela stuck her tongue into my mouth while pushing me down. This was going to be a very long night indeed~
Thanks for reading! Leave some comments. Or don't, its up to you.
You can read ahead of this story at P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/StarWaves
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