"Unfortunately, we believe that Queen Esther is no longer in that river," Aureus explained. "We don't know how, but she had passed the flower mark on her wrist to the current Queen of Megaris, Seren Ivanov, back when she was an infant. She was born around two years after Queen Esther jumped in the river. That meant that at least for the past eighteen years, she was not submerged underwater. She is hiding somewhere from us."
"That means we can find her through the current Queen of Megaris," Morpheus said, aware of the meaning of that flower mark. "That infant who she passed the mark on found her soulmate in Evathe's son. This is not a coincidence and it seems to me there is something she is trying to protect. That child may hold important clues." He then turned to his nephew. "Isn't the Queen of Megaris a witch? Is there something more to her identity?"