0.43% The Darkfallen / Chapter 1: Fate
The Darkfallen The Darkfallen original

The Darkfallen

นักเขียน: ConanAnderson

© WebNovel

บท 1: Fate

At night, somewhere in the yellow zone, in a long empty building, a man running for his life, gasping within the building's floor, a chain looking Noryoku grabs the man's legs forced him to fall on the floor.

The long-range Noryoku belongs to Redtron. A mysterious and notorious Mutant terrorist with glowing red eyes.

Wears a hooded dark trench coat, black mask with horizontal red thin line on it. His face and hair covered under the hood and mask. Mutants' Noryoku are mainly utilize a pair or unpaired of insanely sharp Blades of two distinct shapes, made of Antamentium metal as means of attacking which are be supplemented by powers that vary between each Mutant. Such powers have a disturbing biological component. They able to sprout thrashing razor-sharp blades altering their own limbs, allowing them to grow various form of melee weaponry for close-combat.

After falling to the ground, Redtron grabbed the man's neck and started to question him,

"Where's your men transferred the Vector into Yellow Zone?"

"Fuck you! I won't tell you shit!"

"... I believe you..."

Turns out, the man is a Brittonian Imperial soldier, assigned to transport the artificial vector to the yellow zone's Brittonia base.

Previously Brittonia was an international private elite military unit, supposed to protect Japan from violent uprising by unknown entities and monster attack that occurred 20 years ago. First created by the All Nations Alliance, World's strongest Superpowers founded by Most of the world's leading nations, Brittonia was the Military force represent A.N.A's small fraction of their Elite military forces, now they called themselves the Imperium of Brittonia, a global superpower that rule over Southeast Asia with an iron fist.

Redtron wanted to know the location of that dangerous artificial vector but the soldier was not going to tell him that. But Redtron's superpower red eyes forced the Brittonian soldier to told him the truth.

"Vector escaped, it broken the container, attacked and ate the few of his soldier's heads and ran off, I don't know somewhere in Yellow Zone."


Suddenly three Mutants working for Brittonian military High Command came to attack Redtron, these Mutants or Mutants hunters here to capture or kill Redtron for Brittonia's leaders order, Redtron easily made an escape from that mutant's ambush after killing that soldier by throwing him from the window in the 27th floor in that building. However, the mutant hunters have not given up, they will find him in one way or the other.

Within a different world and time, the year of 2050 A.C.B, 16 years ago from present, Tokyo city went under a massive viral outbreak, as a result of thousands of civilians' death. From the death, those people were come back to life as mindless walking corpses, the virus also created many horrific monsters roaming around the city killing anyone that moves. A.N.A suggested Japanese government to handle the command over Brittonia.

And once in power they control the city down for no farther viral spreading to other cities or countries. Declare the Martial law within the country, Brittonia usurped Japanese government and gained total control of the all the prefectures for secure power against any rebellious mutant's factions and contained the viral infection which is particularly in the capital.

Later Brittonia fully renovated and renamed entire country as it occupied their lands gave birth of a new nation called the Imperium States and TYZ is the administrative capital, that went under the Greater Tokyo Area, the most populated, highly-advanced metropolitan megacity in the world, occupies a fraction of the area of 2050s Tokyo/TYZ.

The Mutants considered as potentially dangerous race because the Fallen mutagens, a variation to Darkfallen itself are present in their genes. However, as a humanoid race, Mutants are physically very similar to Humans, if not entirely identical by any means. They possess an attractive looks and cleaner limbs, and shapely figures with an expressible face, penetrating intellect, with those pleasing traits Mutants are very difficult to distinguished from regular humans and they successfully blended in Brittonian society after the Extermination Act was valid.

Brittonia divided five different in main major sectors green, yellow, brown, red and black known as zones. Dividing the concession area from the ghettos that surround it is the Green Zone of its monorail system, which takes the place of the former Yamanote Line. Militarily, its forces are organized into defence circles radiating from the Brittonian HQ, aka Government Borough.

A large portion of Tokyo has rather destroyed or infected by the Darkfallen virus, excluding zones like Green, Yellow and Brown. These zones are considering as safe zone with no or little Mutants activities areas. In the other zones, various numbers of infected roaming around Tokyo killing, eating and infecting each survival citizen, who force to live there. Due to this Brittonia's imperial military and their police has spread over the country, and mostly in the capital for manage, maintain and regulates the areas, but they often act as tyrants rather than protectors to the people.


Next day afternoon after the incident, an 18 years old postgraduate student in biology name Akagi Shinsuke is currently a trainee in genetics in MRC training Institute. MRC short for Matrix Research Commission is a research institute or research centre is an establishment founded for doing research. MRC specialize in basic research or may be oriented to applied research. Although the term often implies natural science research, there are also many research institutes in the social science as well, especially for sociological and historical research purposes.

Akagi Shinsuke has a kind personality willing to help anyone in need, but quiet. He is very caring, serious and lot of self-confidence. However, he is not meek as the other think he is.

Notable for being, aloof, sullen, withdrawn, hard to like and hard to know, however a bored individual such as Akagi Shinsuke is an extremely intelligent individual in exploits anything that occupied by his hyperactive mind but jaded attitude.

For this, he doesn't trust anyone so easily and had no friends, tends to be very sceptical and independent.

Considerably tall, fair complexion, had little muscle, scrawny or rather thin, straight short dark hair with blue eyes and wears thin glasses.

Often People misunderstood him and labels him as quirky, awkward, nerdy, weird or oblivious, Akagi knew and he didn't care less, as a result it's rare some students tease and bullies him for his quietness, weird, and geeky behaviours, but most of them try to keep themselves away from him, often wary of him.

He sees the world differently from other people and tries to change it for the better. But he's simple human and have no power or right to do it and he do not anticipate any of it.

'Everyday, from sun rise to sun down it's all the same. The same meaningless day different shit. The majority of the TYZ's population will never see the sky. It's millions of 'Imperians', that's what they call us work endlessly across thousands of roles often unseen, unheard but, somehow essential to the operation of the city.'

At the end of a typical day, Akagi went back to his house, got into a busy monorail, at the night time of TYZ's yellow Zone flashing luminously, grew tired living the same simple life, Akagi leaned towards the window, gaze sullenly at the Imperium State's flag waved at the top, and city itself, civilians goes home, some chatter indistinctly to themselves, brought some joy from gossip.

After finish his report and Akagi head back home to his mother and younger brother.

Despite been aloof and gloomy, Akagi is passionate about his dream being a scientist in genetics one day like his father was.

He has told that his father died when Akagi was 3 years old, so then on Akagi takes full responsibility for taking good care as head of his family, have a unflinching goal to get a job in the MRC and move his family from the populated commercial slum towards Green Zone's nobility, the highest class of society is living in the Megacity of the Green Zone.

His mother spent 10 years in prison, it takes time to adjust civilian life because she was a military soldier, for unknown reasons she had to go prison when Akagi was five, now he is an 18 years old young adult, and brother is a 15 years old high school student.

'In yellow zone: many of these citizens are factory or civil service workers: filthy, stinky backbreaking labour that dominants the vast middle-class of any cities or colonies that could take days or weeks to cross harsh conditions and punishment for lack lustre efforts will only reward citizens with the prize of an early death. I don't want to end up like them. After all it is the only life they will ever know and most importantly it is the saddest truth, and no one can do anything.'

Once got out from the monorail on his way home, he found himself stranded in a lonely street with no one around though he found some Imperium's 'thugs' few minutes ago but they were gone, nevertheless Akagi continued walking.

On the halfway point Akagi heard a strange, scratching noise over a lonely dark narrow lane.

It was so dark he can't see an inch but he went to the lane to see what's going on, a little light coming from LED street light, he sees a headless female body lay down on the dirt with a huge horrify Vector.

The Vectors is an exoskeleton looking, brain eating monsters, easily recognised by their pointy long tongue and no lip with visible inhuman razor shaped teethes. Of all the Infected, Vectors are the most aggressive, savage and brutal beings ever created from the virus.

They can easily keep up with a vehicle and just as easily topple any vehicles with a shoulder-check.

Their flesh is blackish, hairless, and glows with Darkfallen-infused meat coloured muscle fibres a dark red gas streams coming from their mouths when it breathes out and filled with saliva among its teeth's. They are incredibly strong and can sustain or deal large amounts of damage before dying or killing someone.

That Vector is trying to get a little girl hiding a small sewer type tunnel. The girl is no doubt that she's scared,

'She must be that dead woman's daughter or something,' Akagi thought anxiously.

"Will I help her or not?"

That sentence continuous flowing around on his mind, after hearing the girl is crying, he quickly decides to help her, he opens his bag looking for anything.

Fortunately, he has all the equipment to distract this vector. He takes out his music iPod and a torch with many changeable colours, put on speaker mode, maximizes the volume and set auto play music on his iPod, he straps the iPod with his shoelaces on the torch and throws it from a distance from Vector.

Sound, Light or any shining object attracts vectors.

Vectors' intelligences are similar as animals, when music starts, the Vector sees a glowing loud noise coming from the dark, it changing its colour seem odd from the dark, the vector went in the dark to find out, what it is, leaving the girl unharmed. Akagi's plan seems to be succeeded; he quickly takes the girl who had unnaturally white hair, out from the tunnel and runs away as faster as he can with the girl holding his hand. The vector soon realises the girl was gone and find them running to the road.

It starts to chase them it full four leg speed. Akagi was able to save that little girl's life but not able to save himself from that Vector. Vectors much faster than human, Akagi sees the coming close faster, he pushes the girl to front from his hand but that Vector catches Akagi by the leg and throws him away from the other side but let the girl to run.


Vector starts to tear him apart, first the grabs his leg and tearing his thighs, Akagi struggles to escape from Vector's sharp teeth and claws, blood splattered everywhere staining Akagi's face, body and cloth red. Akagi kicked from his other leg on the Vector's face but, that brain eating monster didn't let go and stubbornly held him a few seconds.

"Get the fuck off of me!"

The Vector has bitten Akagi's left neck and gets infected.

He grabs his neck in pain, screaming,

'Am I going to die here? Is it in my fate to die such a painful way?'

Vector roared viciously, grabs Akagi's whole body with its single hand, open its large hundreds of sharpen teeth mouth about to eat his head. Akagi's life one step closer from death, Redtron appeared from the building, right above where Akagi and that Victor are standing.

It was the same escaped Vector that Redtron was looking for. He cuts the Vector's hand; from it was holding Akagi, the vector roaring, felt like screams as it stepped back from Akagi, a little flow of blood coming from its joint. Akagi falls on the ground along with Vector's separated hand, though its hand still grabbing him.

Akagi panted, struggles to set free from the Vector's hand. Redtron went straight to attack the Vector, he pounces and lands on the Vector's chest and chopping its head clean off by his sharp Noryoku claws then consume it. Redtron turns on his eyes on Shinsuke's barely alive body. Akagi's body is covered in blood, not able to run nor move, Redtron notices the infected Vector's bite mark on his left neck, he grabs Akagi's throat by his left hand and give a few portions of something continuously moving swirling black spirals string, coming from Redtron's claws. He stabs Akagi's chest with his claws and the round black thing went inside to his body like a worm went its hole. Akagi went to a massive transformation and fell unconscious, while he was unconscious a black glowing red springs shreds running, through his chest and his whole body and Redtron is long gone. He presumed the girl that he saved was able to call for help therefore Akagi immediately taken to a Hospital.


Akagi wake up in the hospital. He saw hazy a bright white light. Then his vision focused, and he realized he was just staring at Hospital's white ceiling.

"When I wake up, I was in the hospital, both hands cuffed from the bedside metal rods. The doctor arrived and says nothing in particular no need to worry, just minor cuts, you should be fine, then he gives a piece of paper to fill out his name and address, after giving the paper to me, he leaves, he doesn't seems be just an ordinary hospital doctor, instead he is most likely be a MRC researcher. How I know, because I am part of the MRC training Institute, I know how the research dressed like but why he is he doing in an ordinary Hospital? And what does he want from me?"

Akagi thought to himself while lying on the bed. A few moments later, he hears some voices from outside of his room.

A conversation between some men and that scientist, he sits up, tries to hearing the conversation between the scientist and two or three people.

Akagi is still alive after attack, they going to need to transfer a Brittonia base to future tests as living test subject.

Upon hearing, he became anxious, scared, tries to escape.

He gets off the bed, get some clean clothes and watch over his corner.


"Oh shit!"

Within minutes the guards spotted Akagi, leaving his room and attempted to capture him however Akagi ran away from the guards.

Without much hustle, Akagi managed to a desperate escape from the Guardsmen.

Surprisingly easily breaking the handcuff from Akagi's bedside poles, overpowering, overrun the soldiers and jumped from the third floor in the hospital straight to the ground, with two gunshots, just scratches through, with no effects whatsoever.

Akagi doubted himself about his body, feels much stronger and faster than ever before besides easily breaking the metal handcuff, jumping from a third floor unharmed those things a normal human being could not capable of and wounds in last night attack it has also been healed.

He runs about a mile with wounded, tired out body then getting tired and fall asleep in the small lane somewhere in a corner street for the night.

After morning when he wakes up, he sees wounds still did heal, cleaned up the blood, patched up the wound and return home.

After coming back Akagi saw his mother worried excessively,

"Akagi, why didn't you come home last night? Do you have any idea how worried I was for you?"

'I admit, seeing my mother worrying about me the whole night, I was felt guilty. Though I cannot just spurting everything out about last night ordeal. Best to hide that from her.'

Akagi's felt little guilty about hiding the whole truth from his mother, however, he's a smart man, mature and worldly of his surroundings, willing to do he deemed what's necessary.

"I am alright mom, nothing happened I was doing overtime in the lab felt sleep in there"

"Still, you should call me at least, letting me know."

"I am sorry, you know how the exam pleasure is, it made me forget that."

"Anyway, Akagi, since you are here, I want to take care of the house, it's five I'm already late. Few hours later Akiho coming from his tuition when he comes, told him that foods in the fridge, he should eat it,"

"Alright mom."

Akagi's mother Amiya picked her stuff and went outside, going for her usual part-time job as waitress in a hotel, she also attends multiple odd jobs for keep our family running. Akagi find it very jarring, as a single mother with two sons doing multiple jobs at the same time despite all work-hard she does, Shinsuke family remain in the middle class in the Imperium State's social hierarchy. For those reasons Akagi wanted graduate with the highest scores, employ himself in a better company to help his family financially so that his mother won't have to such hard work.

After his mother left, Akagi went to his room and studying about what happened to his body. During his studies, he still hasn't found any suitable answer to his question from lots of books and even on the internet. After finding nothing, he put his palm on his cheek and he falls asleep because he is still tried from last night.

However, his sleep breaks after, he heard a phone call rings on his phone and he answers it. It was Akagi's present, one and only trusted classmate, a pervert name Natsume Yuichi, also works in T.I of MRC and his father runs pathology centre.

"How are you doing Shinsuke?"

Natsume asked

"I am fine, thanks for asking, what do you want Yuichi?"

"Ah well, do you have the file on the previous class? I forget to write down the notes, ha... Ha hah. If you finish the report can I copy it from yours?"

"Sure.... why not."

Akagi agreed but lightly scorn him for being lazy.

"You know, you should attend the class next time."

"Sorry, I will finish it next time."

While talking Akagi feeling both thirsty and hungry, therefore he held the phone in the left hand he started looking in the fridge, he picks a soda can and tries to drink it, However-

He didn't get to taste that soda because a massive stomach pain had to dropped soda can on the ground.

"Hey Shinsuke, what happen? Are you alright?"

Natsume questioned him with concern,

While Akagi is barely able to talk, however he able to answers,

"I am fine, I talk to you later"

Akagi realised something moving from stomach to his heart tries to throw revolving around his body. The more time passed the stomach ache also increase added with muscles and joint pain.

The pain including the wounds is too much to bear. He took the painkillers for three times but no result,

"What the fuck is going on, it's damn hurt!"

The pain was great, he could bring himself to eat something, Akagi has no choice but to sit on the dining table agonising, then again, he hears a voice from his head.

"Hey Akagi, as you know, you are not just human beings anymore, but you already notice the changes, don't you? I don't believe me just a look at yourself in the mirrors, you will know it too, hahahahahaha!!!Ha!"

A sudden voice whisper Akagi's head then slowly fades away; he has never heard that light Nasal echoed voice before.

That voice creeping him out because is so weird and no normal person ever talks like that. But Akagi have no word.

"I must be crazy, must be or maybe just my imagination, I, I hear the creepy voice from my head, ha-ha."

He takes this voice warning as a joke, but suddenly he sees a reflection of his face from a steel plate right on the dining table, he saw his right eye is not normal, something red glowing from his eyeball. He suddenly runs to the bathroom to see.

What he saw from the big mirror in the bathroom, his mind has completely blown away to see the glowing red eyes and cross-pattern in his pupil, those same eyes that he saw from Redtron when he attacking him. Akagi also has the same eye on the right, Akagi look closely in the mirror and screaming,

"Ah!!! What...what is that thing? In my eye"

The other left eye looks normal Caucasian blue but suddenly he sees the same black and glowing red coloured viral spirals string are back, revolving again on Akagi's chest, stomach and shoulder. He removed his shirt to see what the hell that thing is and what is that coming from.

A thick black and stoked in red tentacles-like things warped around his shoulders up to his arms and whole backside like a snake.

The things present beneath his skins like a glowing red nerve and the tentacles round twisted shape looks like a weird tattoo in his back.

"What the fuck that masked man do to my body?"

Akagi has no doubt that he is becoming is something less than human or something even more.

ConanAnderson ConanAnderson

Like it ? Add to library! If you're a fan of grimdark fantasy novels! Be careful though this is an unedited Manuscript, expect to have mistakes and errors.

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