80% The Celestial God! (Kinda Complete) / Chapter 80: Fifteen

บท 80: Fifteen

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07



Buri was enjoying himself. While he was busy taunting the Gods Above Gods, his descendants from another Universe, they were attacking him with their magic, as well as their weapons. Thankfully, he had remained unharmed.

The Infinity Stone on his finger, meant that every attack, Magical or Physical, passed right through him, without doing anything. So, Buri was just sitting down, as their attacks uselessly passed through him.

By now, Buri had recognised the beings in front of him, or at least, who they used to be, when they were Aesir.

Magni, Modi, Vali, Ellisiv, and Atli. Two Sons of Thor, a Son of Odin, and Two Granddaughters of Thor. The survivors after the first destruction of Asgard, by the hands of Surtur and Hela.

In this Universe too, Magni, Modi, Baldur, Hoenir, and a few more Gods escaped death, after the first destruction. However, where these ones helped plant the seed for the next cycle, the ones in front of him had other ideas.

They travelled to another Universe, this one, and managed to create a corner for themselves in Yggdrasil. A deal with the second Incarnation of Gods, meant that they got to feed from the destruction of the Realms.

"So, Modi, Magni? How does it feel that the only three descendants of your father that inherited his power does not include you?" Buri asks, shrugging off some dust from the spell that had crashed behind him.

Ellisiv, and Atli. The daughters of Woden. Woden was a Son of Thor, that had only appeared in this Universe once, during the first cycle. After the first death, he never returned, somehow. And his daughters from another Universe were now snarling at him, Buri.

Vali Odinson, their leader, says, "Enough, Buri. You cannot defeat us. Your great-grandsons, both Thor and Loki, have already tried when at their strongest. And they were far stronger than you are now, so give up, and return to Midgard. I will allow you to nurture the next generation, just like you did the last."

Buri laughs loudly, and says, "You're Odin's son alright. 'Allow me to nurture?' those are definitely Odin's words, boy. And you cannot kill me either, my death is beyond your hands, Vali."

Ellisiv snarls and punches down at Buri, her giant fist the size of Buri's entire body landing with a crash. As the dust clears out, Buri shows himself to be unharmed, the fist having passed right through him, again.

He says, "Control your temper, Ellisiv. This is exactly the reason why your grandfather didn't hand you the hammer. Not like you would have been able to lift it anyhow."

Buri internally chuckles, when she screams in anger, thankful for the Space Stone, or else he would have been dead, and the Bomb destroyed. He just hoped that the brats outside didn't mess things up.



I was getting bored now, nothing interesting was happening anywhere. Vanaheim was lost, the Jotuns having almost taken over. Just the Royal Palace was remaining, and it'll take them a lot of time to succeed in a siege.

Alfheim had won, the Dark Elves having been annihilated, and same with Nidavellir. The Rock Trolls were no more.

That just left Asgard, and we were winning. The Fire Giants had been defeated, most of them having died soon after Sindr had died. The rest, seeing the battle lost, ran back to Muspelheim.

The ghosts of the past were defeated too, with the Dead soldiers giving some troubles, but not much. Bor was the strongest of them, and Baldur took care of him. Right now, the remaining soldiers were just taking care of the stragglers.

The casualties were numerous, but soon, it wouldn't even matter. The battles were coming to an end, almost everywhere.

And in front of me, was the last major battle, if I discount Thor's battle with Surtur. It was going on, but Thor was winning.

Here, however, Hela was still fighting Heimdall, and he was losing. Heimdall is an amazing fighter, but Hela wasn't weak. She was strong, too strong, being the Ruler of a Realm.

Where Hela had strength, Heimdall had speed and senses. Even still, Heimdall was bleeding from various places, while Hela was only sporting a single cut on her chest.

Suddenly, however, the battle momentarily stops, when something comes through the atmosphere, and with a mighty crash, lands where Baldur and Odin are.

"This is bad." I say, seeing the landing being kill a horde of Aesir in one single swipe of his hand.

Heimdall nods grimly, and says, "You should go there, Lord Theos. Princes Baldur and Loki won't be able to defeat this foe. Not even together."

I nod, and say, "Good luck, Heimdall."

"I wish you well, Lord Theos. And.. be careful." Heimdall says, and turns back to Hela.

Ignoring the frowning Hela, who was also staring at the commotion happening within the city, I float upwards, and shoot towards the dust cloud.



Having killed most of the stronger enemies, Baldur left the rest for the few hundred remaining Aesir. Many of the Einherjar had died, to either one of the many enemies. Even Tyr lost his life to a horde of Helheim soldiers.

Panting, Baldur approaches Loki, who was standing guard over Odin and the healers, and asks, "How is he?"

Loki sighs, and says, "Unfortunately," Baldur's heart beats louder, in fear, as Loki continues, "Odin is conscious, and you know how.. pleasant company he is."

Baldur scowls at Loki, and says, "Do not joke of such matter, Loki!"

Loki rolls his eyes, and gestures Baldur forward. Odin sees him, and sees Gungnir in his hands. Nodding, Odin winces, and says, "You are the perfect person to rise to the Throne, in Thor's absence."

Dropping his head, Baldur mumbles, "Right.. Pleasant."

Odin was still armless, but the wounds were covered now, by rolls of cloth. His eyes still looked a bit droopy, showing that just talking was tiring for him. The worst part about his injuries, was that his wounds were not healing, even after Lady Eir's magical spells.

Bor's Divine Axes, in addition to Fenrir's potent saliva, worked together in inhibiting magical healing. Even Gram's purifying properties did nothing to Odin, other than help him heal just a bit.

Odin says, "The War isn't over yet. Hela is still alive, and Thor hasn't won his fight yet, for some reason. Until then, stay vigilant."

"What's the use? We're all going to die soon anyway." Loki says, as he conjures a reclined chair for himself, and sits down atop it.

Odin snarls out, "What's the use?! If one enemy remains alive, and destroys Asgard, or any one of the Realms, before Thor and Grandfather can do their duties, we will once again be enslaved to the manipulations of the Bastards Above us. We need to prevent the destruction of ALL the Realms, until Thor can do it himself. Only then will we have won."

Loki scowls at Odin, but nods. He says, "Fine. We'll stay vigilant. It's not like some enemy is just going to drop out of the sky to attack us."

Baldur grips Gungnir, already knowing that Loki should not have said that. He sees up, just in time to see a small dot getting bigger in the skies of Asgard.

"Oh, Loki. You just had to tempt fate, didn't you." Baldur mumbles, still looking up, prompting the others to do the same.

All of them, even the healers, look up to see what looked like a burning meteor fall from the sky. It crashes a small distance away from the group, in the middle of a small group of Einherjar, blowing a big dust cloud all around, forcing the Gods to cover their eyes. Baldur hears the yells of attacking Aesir, but he stays his hand, somehow knowing that this isn't a foe he can underestimate.

When the dust cloud recedes, Baldur sees the being, about 12 feet tall, swipe one hand. The single swipe kills the attacking Einherjar by pure strength. None of their weapons pierce his thick skin, as the being picks one of the Einherjar and tears him in two with his two hands.

The being was yellow in colour, with dark orange shades in some places, with no hair to speak of, and was very muscular. On his hands, were three fingers, shaped like pointed horns, while his feet were the same. His head was red in colour, and on his head, were four small horns, two on each side.

His teeth were bigger than Baldur's hands, and thicker too, and behind his giant body, swishing around, was a tail as thick as Loki's entire body, pointed at the end. And most of all, even after landing from the skies, there was not even a single scratch on him.

Baldur yells, "STAY BACK!" as he sees more of his soldiers start to run towards the being.

The being chuckles, as the soldiers follow their King's orders, and just the small chuckles send shivers down everyone's spines.

"Who are you, beast? And how dare you attack Asgard!" Baldur yells, glaring hard. He knew that he wasn't strong enough to defeat the beast, but he had to show no fear, or else the battle is already half lost.

The Beast laughs harder, and steps his three toed foot on one of the fallen Aesir. As the body crushes under his foot, sending blood and grime flying, the beast Mockingly asks, "Didn't your father teach you anything, boy? Odin erased his history once more? Even those tiny Gods at Nornheim had no idea who I was, well most of them. The Queen knew, Karnilla, I think. Useless little thing that she was, her knowledge meant nothing when I destroyed Nornheim!"

"Karnilla!" Baldur whispers, memories of his old lover filling his mind, and anger at her death clouding his thoughts.

Odin, meanwhile, gains an understanding. He knew that Nornheim was destroyed, and the beast's presence here, meant that he now knew who the culprit was. This also meant that Lady Sif, the Warriors Three, Queen Karnilla, and the Norns, were all dead. Well, he wasn't sad about the last.

Baldur takes a step forward, despite knowing that he won't be able to defeat the giant beast. But he knows, that he has to delay the being until Thor can carry out his task, whatever it is. Plus, his anger has to be abated.

"Baldur stop!" Odin fearfully yells from his place in the healers' care, recognising the foe, as Loki looks on, warily looking at the beast.

"Rest, father. I know I cannot defeat this being, but I have to do something. I need to do it." Baldur says, hoisting Gungnir, without even turning back. Odin tries a bit more, to make his son stop, but Baldur doesn't listen, and starts running towards the beast.

The Beast sees him run towards him, and laughs louder. Smirking with his teeth showing, the Beast stays in his spot as Baldur jumps up, the spear in his hands pulled back above his head.

Baldur drops down from the sky, having jumped up, and slashes Gungnir downwards, aiming for the beast's head. Before the Spear can even touch the beast, however, his tail comes in between, and slaps Baldur back towards Loki.

Loki catches him with his magic, and drops him gently on the ground. He says, "Be careful, Baldur. This isn't a threat you can just punch through."

Before Baldur can ask for more details, like who this beast is, the Beast turns around and starts killing the Einherjar again, this time, approaching them.

Baldur winces, standing up, and says, "Later, brother. I need to take care of this madness."

Loki opens his mouth to stop him from attacking the beast, but says, "Sto- You know what, it's not like you're going to listen. Have fun, brother."

Ignoring his brother's snark, Baldur points Gungnir's tip at the beast, and focusing his Magic through it, fires a beam of Odinforce infused hot fire towards the beast.

The Enchantments on Gungnir allow its wielder to use any Divine Magic as easily as breathing. For those without Divine Magic, it means that Odinforce is theirs to command. For those with, Odinforce itself helps the wielder channel it, amplifying it as it is fired.

In this particular situation, however, that is not as much of an advantage as Baldur had expected.

The continuous stream of fire hits the Beast on the back, and he yelps for just a second, as fire covers his entire body. But then, the sound turns to one of elation, as the fire surrounding the being starts getting absorbed into him.

Baldur stops shooting, in shock, and just stares at the being, not knowing how Gungnir failed to hurt the being. Loki too was shocked, having felt the effects of Gungnir himself, and takes a step back in fear.

Odin sags downwards, and mumbles, "It's over. Our goals have failed."

The Being laughs loudly, having done with absorbing the Magic of Odinforce, and as his size starts becoming even greater, he yells, "YESS! GIVE ME MORE! SHOW ME THE STRENGTH OF A DYING GOD!"

Baldur snaps out of his fearful shock, and prepares to attack the beast physically, knowing that Magic won't work against him. Before he can even take one step forward, the Beast disappears from in front of him, and reappears right behind him.

With one hand, he picks up Baldur by his head, and as he struggles to get loose, and with his other, he takes Gungnir out of his hands.

Looking at it, he says, "Pretty weapon. Isn't this the same one that you used to kill them?"

Despite him not turning around, Odin knew that the question was asked to him, and he clenches his teeth, feeling entirely useless without his arms. The Beast then clenches his fist, and with a snap, the strongest weapon of Asgard, the Spear of Kings, breaks into multiple pieces, dropping down into a useless heap.

All the while, Loki looks on in silence, Gram in his hands, and Odin freezes, feeling the death of his beloved weapon, just like he had felt the Death of his wife.

The beast then opens his mouth and lets out the same flames he had just absorbed, right at the struggling Baldur's face, point blank.

Baldur yells, his own fires burning him, as the beast cackles loudly. Thankfully, Baldur is highly resistant to fire, being a Sun God, and other than a few minor burns, which still hurt, he was safe.

"Oh? Dead God is still alive? No matter, I shall cure you of that soon!" the Beast says, surprised to see the God still alive.

Slapping Loki away with his tail, as he had tried attacking his back with Gram, the beast uses Baldur's leg as a handle, and hammers his body down on the ground. Repeatedly.

As a helpless group of Gods look on, the beast starts punching his fists down at the now fallen God's body, smashing one giant fist at a time.

Between fists, he yells, "YOU TRIED ATTACKING ME!? WITH MAGIC?! NOW TASTE THE MIGHT OF THE JUDGEMENT OF GODS!" with a pause, he turns towards a still staring Odin, throws the battered, but still alive, body of Baldur towards Odin, and says, "Taste the Might of, THE MANGOG!"


A/N: So, finally the hidden enemy is shown. Did anyone guess it?


Thanks for your support! Tata!

next chapter
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