1.88% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 1: Creation
The Cat of Speed The Cat of Speed original

The Cat of Speed

นักเขียน: Shane_The_Reader

© WebNovel

บท 1: Creation

[Welcome. Are you ready to begin?] 

[Y /N]


[In the beginning, Creation bursted into Existence. In one singular moment, nothing became everything. The concept of Space, Time, Mass, and many more began. The first Universe - Universe Prime - appeared at this point. Not long after, thousands of parallel universes followed suit. This created the Multiverse. After enough time, it grew to become a Megaverse.]

[By this point, an uncountable number of worlds for mortals had been created. Every 1 in 10,000,000 planets was blessed to be able to support life.]

[That was many years ago. Now, every story that living beings have thought of exists. When reality gets large enough, everything is possible and has already happened.]

[Now then, let's get to you. Every few hundred years, a mortal soul is gifted a talent. Us beings are capable of manipulating Universes with ease. And you, my dear soul, have been chosen.]

[Let me say a few things that I have had to repeat over the many, many eons.]

[You are not chosen because you are special. You were not chosen to fulfill a prophecy by us. We see the lives of the chosen as entertainment. It does not matter if you are a noble hero or the worst mortal imaginable. You are to simply live your life while we throw options for you to choose from.]


[Y /N]


[Now then, your world has been chosen already. This is because…won the bet. Do not worry about hearing that name, as it is not meant to be heard by any beings below the 6th dimension.] 

[As for what you can do, you may select your race, appearance, and go through the tutorial phase. Once you have completed it, you will be given an option to choose your beginnings and with it, a backstory.]

[To demonstrate a feature, you should see something pop up any second now.]

[Quest added!]

[The Beginning]

You have been picked to be the next user of this power! However, having this power means nothing if you don't understand it.

Objective: Finish the Tutorial

Rewards: 200 EXP and Backstory Unlocked

The void turned to silence for the first time since the mortal soul appeared and had a voice speaking to them. The soul pondered on what to do now before a dozen names and pictures to accompany them showed up in front of them, yet only six of them caught their attention.


[Human - the all rounders. As a human, you will be able to choose what field you want to specialize in compared to how some fields are locked for other races. To view them, choose Human.]

[Satyr - the wild ones. As a satyr, you are given strong legs that can let you outmaneuver many with your speed alone. Along with strong legs, you may choose to have horns.]

[Scorpioni - the scorpion people. As a Scorpioni, you gain thick carapace on your arms, shoulders, and a scorpion tail with a neutralizing agent. Many were known for their strength while others were known for being able to quietly dispatch their foes.]

[Reptilian - the lizardfolk. As a Reptilian, you gain access to scales that can slightly protect you while also having a bonus to your health regeneration.]

[Eternian - the First Ones. The First Ones created tech that confused those long after they were gone. Very few are able to understand their technology, but they were intelligent and capable of wielding magic of a high degree. To learn more about them, choose Eternian.]

[Magicat - the Cat Hybrids. Few know if there are many of them left, fewer know where they come from. Many of them could use magic to help or hurt. Others preferred the up close method and trained hard. The rest preferred sticking to the shadows and striking when their target least expects it. To see their traits, choose Magicat.]


The soul moved [Satyr] and [Scorpioni] to the side before the races vanished, leaving the other four behind. They looked between [Human] and [Eternian] before removing [Human] , seeing as they were practically the same race, one just knew technology more. The soul looked at [Reptilian] and gave it some thought before pushing it to the side, seemingly coming to a conclusion.

With those pushed to the side, it left the soul with two remaining choices: [Eternian] and [Magicat]. The soul stared at the two choices for what may have been a minute, an hour, a week, month, or maybe years. 

After all, Time was an easy thing for the being to manipulate. The soul could continue thinking for a decade before the being may speak up, simply to ask if they were still thinking or were trying to indicate something to them.

However, that wouldn't be needed as the soul reached forward and pressed their choice.

[Magicat has been selected for the race. Now that you have chosen, more information will be displayed.]

A moment went by before the new information appeared in front of the soul.

[Firstly, you have a few things to learn. You have six 'stats.' The first is Strength. This affects how much weight you can lift, how hard you can hit, and affects most damage done through weapons.]

[The second is Dexterity. This affects how flexible you are, how well you handle projectile weaponry, how fast you are, and affect your ability to hide.]

[The third is Constitution. This is directly linked with how much HP and Stamina you will have. Alongside the rate that they regenerate at. If you get this high enough, it appears that you can take hits without taking any damage. When in combat, Regeneration is reduced to 1% of total Regeneration]

[The fourth is Intellect. No, this doesn't affect how smart you are, it just affects how easy or difficult it is for you to learn things. A high Intellect is necessary if you plan to focus on Magic, seeing as this affects the maximum amount of Magic you have at full capacity. Along with it, most attack spells use Intellect as their capability to deal damage for an attack.]

[The fifth is Wisdom. This comes from how well you understand what you know. Wisdom directly affects the rate that you regenerate Magic. This is often needed when using spells such as healing and protecting.]

[The sixth and final is Charisma. No, this does not mean you can get anyone to like you if it is high enough. This doesn't have much use in combat besides [Taunting]. This just means how likely you could get away with a lie, convincing someone, taking charge of a group, or being diplomatic. At its highest, this could make anyone stop and listen to you. Granted, they may not change their mind but they will at least listen.]

[You will be given 30 Attribute Points to assign to which stat later. For now, here's the rest of the relevant information on Magicats.]

[Magicats do not trust easily but are loyal to those that gain it, even without said Magicat knowing. Due to this, it will be hard for you to make new friends unless they are a fellow Magicat.]

[All Magicats have traits that they share in common, such as [Night Vision] which allows them to see in dim light, [Magical] which allows them the ability to use magic, and [Razor Claws] that make your unarmed attacks more deadly with the use of claws that can slash through metal. By using your hands or claws, your attacks will be doing damage through Dexterity primarily.]

[However, there are three branches of Magicats: [Warriors] where they focus more on strength and durability at the cost of speed. These ones are more seen as tanks, being able to take blows that would send many to the grave. In your case, you will gain bonuses as you live that will increase your Strength and Constitution while also multiplying your final Strength and Constitution by 25% after all other multipliers.]

[Second are the [Mages]. They focus most of their time learning old spells, rituals, and connecting themselves with the magic of the planet: Etheria. Some were able to guard entire cities by themselves, others could heal life-threatening wounds in seconds, and others could wipe out a battlefield. By choosing this path, you gain Intellect and Wisdom gains from skills as they level up. Wisdom and Intellect will be multiplied by 25% after all other multipliers.]

[Last but not least, the [Hunters]. They focus on being able to silently sneak up on their targets and quickly take them down. If they are spotted, they must be fast enough to take the target down before they get away. They have a focus on [Sneaking], [Running], and [Dashing]. These skills will grow at 3x the rate they normally would from the other classes at the expense of Strength and Charisma, seeing as they often prefer to be alone. By choosing this path, you gain Dexterity and Constitution primarily as skills level up. You will also be multiplying Dexterity and Constitution by 25% after all other multipliers.]

[Which do you choose?] 

[Warrior] [Mage] [Hunter]

[ [Hunter] has been chosen. The following attribute bonuses will be added later.]

[Next, let's get you a body. However, since you are being born into this world, you will be creating what you will look like once you are 8 years old.]

[Now then, have at it!]

Soul spent a long time working on this, considering that this is what they will be looking like for the rest of this life. 

After going through the face structures, eye colors, hair colors, fur colors, and everything else, they ended up with their look.

She would have a dark gray mane that would go just below her shoulders. It would hang over her dark orange fur with a black stripe on both of her arms around their forearms. She also placed a small black stripe that laid just under her waist on her back. Her thin black tail would just barely hover over the ground. To finish her look off, she had golden sclera eyes and dark gray cat ears on the side of her head.

She could also choose her name or let fate decide for her. So, she decided to let fate give her a name.


[It appears that you have finished creating the look for yourself. Now, let's get to your attributes. Simply think 'My Sheet.']

Tigra The Magicat

Class: Huntress

Level: 1 (0/200)

HP: 0 HPR: 0

MP: 0 MPR: 0

STM: 0 SMR: 0


STR: 0 DEX: 0

CON: 0 INT: 0

WIS: 0 CHA: 0


Att. Points: 30

Skill Points: 5

Magical Control: 0%


[Don't worry about the Skill Points. That will be explained after you place your points.] 


After taking a moment, Tigra allocated her points in how she imagined herself needing to survive in the beginning. She can focus on improving herself later, she wants assurance that she'll survive.

HP: 150 HPR: 15

MP: 80 MPR: 8

STM: 75 SMR: 7.5


STR: 3 DEX: 8 [10]

CON: 6 [7.5] INT: 8

WIS: 4 CHA: 1


Att. Points: 0

Skill Points: 5

Magical Control: 0%

[With your stats set up, I'll get into the Skill Points.]

[Over your new life, your actions may lead to the creation of a new skill that will help you in one way or another. With your skill points right now, you can purchase a spell, upgrade a skill/spell you have by 3 levels per point, or buy a skill for one point.]

[Would you like to use any of them now? If so, in what way?]

[Y], Spell

[As this is the beginning, you are limited in what you can purchase. Nonetheless, here are the spells that you can purchase with your magical mastery.]

[Fire], [Flame], [Spark], [Bolt], [Stoneskin]

Tigra looked at them before choosing [Fire] and [Flame].


[Flame LV 1 (0/50)- the beginning of pyro magic. Using your magical energy, you can create small flames at the tips of your finger. While not much of an attack spell, it helps teach beginners control. Cost: 10 MP/minute]


[Fire LV 1 (0/100) - With this, you can now call forth more than a small flame. This can be used to start a fire, heat up food, and cook. This spell is largely used to get a beginner used to using more than a pinprick of their magic for a spell. Cost: 20 MP/minute]


[Would you like to do anything else?]

[Y], Purchase Skill


[Weapon Maintenance]




Tigra purchased [Hand-To-Hand], remembering how her claws helped make up for the lack of strength.


[Hand-To-Hand LV 1 (0/100) - With this, you can say that you can throw a punch and hurt the other person more times than yourself. Every level of this skill increases damage done from unarmed or clawed attacks by 1%. Current Bonus: 1%]

[Anything else?]

[Y], [Upgrade Skills]

[Skills available for upgrade:]






Tigra looked at the choices before putting the last two points to upgrade [Hand-To-Hand] and [Sneak].

[Hand-To-Hand LV 4 (0/400) - Increases damage done with hands by 4%.]

[Sneak LV 4 (0/400) - The ability to move without notice. The chances of not being seen are DEX/2*(1.04) if someone is actively looking for you. Otherwise, it is DEX*(1.04). If someone has a higher level of stealth, it is your chance - 10% per level. Chance of Success: 5.2%, 10.4%.]

[With that, you have used your last Skill Point. There is one last thing to explain. Before you are sent out and likely forget about us, you are allowed to choose 2 additional [Traits]. This is done after the last disappointing holder. Later, a [Trait] may be purchased for 5 Skill Points]

[These are your choices:]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for [Fire type] magic is multiplied by 2. Stackable with other multipliers.]

[In the Shadows - You seem to blend in with your surroundings, making you harder to detect while using [Sneak]. Increases [Sneak] level influence by 50%.]

[Tech Wiz - You have an innate understanding of tech. While you may not get it on the first try, you may on your second. Increases current and future tech skills EXP gain by 25%.]

[You are the Weapon - You prefer your fists to blades. Multiplies bonus from [Hand-To-Hand] by 2.]

[Primal Instincts - You have not lost the instincts your ancestors had. You are aware whenever someone around you wishes to cause you harm.]

[ [You are the Weapon] and [Primal Instincts] have been selected. With that, this ends the tutorial.]

[Quest [The Beginning] Complete!]

Reward: 200 EXP and Backstory Choices Unlocked

Level up!

Tigra The Magicat

Level 2 (0/300)

Att. Points: 5

Skill Point: 1

Tigra thought about using the five points she just got before deciding against it. If the requirements for leveling up keep getting higher and higher, she should wait until she needs them. Heck, she doesn't know if she could just improve the normal way. If so, best to do so early on when the result will be more noticeable.

[Good, you are almost finished.] 

[Next is [Reputation]. This could include a singular person, a kingdom, or even the world. There are seven titles for relationships. Worst to best, they are: 

[Nemesis]-Those that will be against you even if you were to save the world

[Hated]-Those that will keep their dislike of you without returning to Acquaintance

[Disliked]-Those that will need convincing to listen to you

[Acquaintance]-They don't feel one way or the other about you

[Friend]-They are friendly towards you and are willing to help you

[Family]-Those that want you in their lives,

[Chosen]-Those that have chosen to be beside you for the rest of their lives.] 


[Backstory - Rebellion. You were born in the peaceful kingdoms and have been either convinced or forced to help fight the Horde depending on which background chosen after.]

[Backstory - Horde. You were found at a young age and ended up in the Horde, the militaristic power that plans to take over Etheria. As you are in the Horde, you will be forced to go through the Academy and training. Hope you end up with a good squadron.]

[Quest Added!]

[To Save or to Conquer]

Now is the moment. Will you fight to stop Lord Hordak and his Horde? Or will you choose to side with the warmonger and try to conquer the Kingdoms? Only you can choose.

Objective: Choose your Backstory

Reward: 100 EXP, Personal Background options available

[Backstory - Horde] has been used. Tigra the Magicat origin starts with the Horde.

[Quest [To Save or to Conquer] Completed!]

Reward: 100 EXP, Personalized Background choices shown.

[Three options are available:]

[The Shadow's Apprentice - The Horde have a Sorceress who is extremely capable in the ways of Magic. The Sorceress noticed how you learned the [Fire] spell moments after learning [Flame]. She sees potential use for you.]

[The Spy (Horde) - After seeing you sneak your way into places you shouldn't be yet able to learn the movement of the guards so young, Lord Hordak decided to train you as a spy for the Horde. He had some Force Captains attack a nearby village and dropped you off. He has plans that you either succeed at, or be seen as an enemy.]

[Just the Three of Us - When you were found, you were lucky enough to have been placed with another Magicat. Even better, you became friends with this strange girl with a poof on her forehead. While the Horde isn't the best, at least you've got each other.]

[ [Just the Three of Us] has been chosen as Personalized Backstory. With that, that's the last thing you needed to know to get started. You will forget about me, but you will believe that you've had this ability for your entire life.]

Tigra's small body started to glow before breaking off into small pieces.

[Until we meet again, Young Tigra]

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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