/ Movies / The Boys: Vought Chronicles
Synopsis: Marcus Williams, an ordinary college student and superhero enthusiast, finds himself unexpectedly reborn into the universe of "The Boys" with a unique system that promises him the power of Superman. However, to unlock this ultimate power, he must first complete Saitama's legendary training regimen from "One Punch Man" for two years, which brings unexpected surprises as he regains some hidden memories of his predecessor.Reborn as an 26-year-old in the body of a Vought International staff member, Marcus navigates the dark, dangerous world of corrupt superheroes while secretly training to achieve unparalleled power. As the series' main storyline approaches, Marcus must decide how to use his newfound abilities to influence the world around him.
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน Zeus_Kratos_3545
I have rarely read something so bad in MTL, it is well translated but is it better not to burn your computer before having the idea to show us this? the characters say stupid things and they don't even look like their own character anymore, only caricatures. the MC is flat we don't know why he wants to be a superhero so much, apparently not for much. there are sentences, you can turn them around as you want, they don't mean anything. and I'm not talking about the beginning where he just watches the characters of the series live in secret for nothing there is nothing else to do. in short don't waste your time with this rubbish there are many other really interesting stories to watch