50% The Alpha's Immune Mate / Chapter 3: 3

บท 3: 3

Ana had quickly accepted Jack's offer to let her stay at his place so Demetri would stop bugging her, but now, riding in the passenger seat of his black Jaguar XKR, she was second guessing her decision. Audrey had been a bit ticked when she woke up to find that Ana chose Jack over her, but had liked the idea of her friend staying with a "sexy werewolf"- Audrey's words not Ana's, though she couldn't disagree- so she gave in, winking as Ana and the werewolf left, after threatening Jack's life if anything happened to her friend that is.

They had stopped at Ana's apartment so she could pack and were now on their way to his place, the only noises coming from the radio and surrounding traffic. They turned off the main road and onto a quiet street, pulling into the driveway of a pale green house with white trim and shutters. They exited the car and Ana followed Jack up the three steps and across the small patio to the front door.

Inside, the house was roomy and neat. The entryway opened into a modern kitchen with tan walls and dark brown fixtures. The counters were granite and there was a small island in the center with cushy stools around it. The appliances were all shiny chrome and a sweet smell hung in the air. There was no dining room, instead the kitchen led into a living room. It was very open, with three off-white walls and one olive green one, on which hung a large flat screen television. There was a cream-colored couch with two matching chairs on either side, all facing the TV; a glass coffee table centered between them. Two large windows took up one wall, their green curtains pulled back to reveal a good size backyard that led into a dense-looking forest.

Jack led her down the hallway and into a room with white walls and bedding. The bedframe, end table and dresser were all made of a dark wood. "This is the guest room. My room is down the hall if you need anything, and the bathroom is across the hall. You can leave your stuff in that one, I have my own."

"Thanks. Do you mind if I take a shower?" Ana asked. She hoped a nice hot shower would sooth her sore muscles.

"Sure, the towels are under the sink and the shower is pretty easy to figure out. I'll order dinner while you do that. Does Chinese sound good?"

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"Alright, I'll leave you to it then." Jack left the room, shutting the door as he did so. Ana stripped out of her dirty clothes and slipped on her fluffy robe, carrying her toiletries with her as she made her way to the bathroom. It was a simple green room with white tile flooring and shiny chrome faucets. There was a circular mirror above the sink which only showed the top of her head; Ana decided she'd ask Jack if he could lower it so she could actually see herself.

Under the sink were two small drawers and one large one. She opened the small ones to find them empty, so she put her stuff inside. The large one contained several plush white towels set in neat folded stacks. She withdrew one and hung it on a hook beside the shower, placing her robe on another. She slid one of the glass doors of the shower open and turned it on, stepping in once the water was warm. Ana put her soap, shampoo and conditioner, as well as a razor and scented shaving cream inside on provided racks before stepping under the shower head. The water came out in a steady, warm rain, and Ana sighed in content as the water washed over her.

Once she was clean, Ana stepped out of the shower and dried off. She went back to the guest room and pulled on sweats and a tank top, hanging her robe and towel on a rack behind the door. After that, she unpacked and put her clothes away before walking out to the kitchen where Jack was unpacking a bag of Chinese food.

"Good timing, food just got here" he said. "Take a seat." Ana climbed onto one of the stools surrounding the island and balanced her feet on one of the rungs underneath. Jack set a plate and fork in front of her. "Take what you like. Do you want anything to drink?"

Ana began dishing herself some sesame chicken. "Do you have any soda?" she asked. He nodded and filled her glass as she piled sweet and sour chicken and lo mein onto her plate. Dinner passed without them speaking, only the clanking of forks against plates disrupting the silence. After the food was gone, Ana helped Jack clean up. "Thanks for the meal" Ana said, a yawn cutting her off at the end.

"Tired?" Jack asked, only getting another yawn from Ana in return. He chuckled and steered her towards the guest room. "Go to bed" he instructed, and Ana had no trouble following the command. No, she scolded herself, it's not a command, it's a suggestion, no matter how demanding that deep voice of his sounds. She crawled into the plain yet comfortable bed and fell asleep quickly.

Jack awoke the next morning to a delicious scent that made his stomach growl. He got up and followed the scent to the kitchen, where Ana stood at the stove cooking. She wore black fabric shorts and a gray tank top; her feet were bare, and her thick hair was piled on the top of her head. She hummed a nice melody as she cooked, seemingly oblivious to Jack watching her.

"Something smells good" Jack said, leaning against the wall. Ana jumped then looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.

"Morning, I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of making breakfast."

"It's fine, what are you making?" Jack pushed off the wall and crossed the room to look over Ana's shoulder. She stiffened and Jack was able to catch the glimpse of a blush creeping across her face before she looked down.

"Pancakes, sausage and eggs" she replied with a shaky voice. Jack inhaled deeply, savoring not only the delicious scent of breakfast but also Ana's intoxicating aroma. Jack took a few steps back and walked over to the fridge.

"Sounds good, want anything to drink?" Jack asked as he got out a carton of milk and began pouring himself a glass.

"Just some water" Ana replied, setting pancakes on a plate beside her. Jack got her a glass of water and took a seat. Ana gave him a plate loaded with food and smiled sheepishly. "I heard werewolves have a big appetite, so I made you double." Jack couldn't help the smile that found its way onto his face.

"Thank you" he said. Ana's smile widened and she took the seat beside him as the two ate. Once the food was gone the two washed and put away dishes. "Is there anything you need to do?" Jack asked.

"Not really. I'm out of tea though so I'd like to get some more soon" Ana said, trailing off at the end of her sentence.

"I should probably stock up on some food too. How about we go to the grocery store?" Jack suggested.

"Sure, sounds good" Ana replied with a smile, then bounded off to get dressed. Jack went to his room and changed into a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt. He put his wallet and cell into his pockets, grabbed the keys to his Jag and left his room.

"I'll wait for you in the car" he said through the closed guest room door. Ana said okay and Jack went out to start the car and get the AC going. It was only eight in the morning, but the July sun was already beating down, making it hotter than hell. Jack was cursing the heat when Ana stepped out of the house and slid into the passenger sat. She was in tight denim shorts and a baggy gray t-shirt that hung off one shoulder. Leather combat boots adorned her feet and her hair was still in a messy bun. Jack suddenly found himself grateful for the heat.

"Ready to go?" she asked, looking at Jack with those big green eyes.

"Yeah" he said before pulling out and driving off to the super market. Once there he parked, and they went inside. "We can share a cart" he said, grabbing one. "If you see anything you want just toss it in, I'll pay."

Ana shook her head. "It's alright I have money, I can buy my own food."

"Tell you what, I'll buy the food and you cook. Deal?" Jack asked.

"Deal" Ana said with a smile. They went through the store picking out meals, snacks and drinks. Jack made a few requests for dinner and Ana thought up new ideas of her own, refusing to tell Jack because she wanted it to be a surprise. Jack was quite happy with the deal they made. He didn't mind spending money and since breakfast was delicious, he looked forward to some more of Ana's cooking.

After getting everything they needed- including feminine products that made both parties feel awkward- they loaded up the car and went back to Jack's, where they unloaded the car and put everything away. "Want anything to eat?" Ana asked. "I'm kind of hungry myself."

"Sure" Jack replied.

"How does pasta salad and hamburgers sound?"

"Sounds great" Jack replied. Ana smiled and got to work; she must have figured out where everything was when she made breakfast. Jack helped out, cutting up olives, cheese, pepperoni and tomatoes while Ana cooked the pasta and hamburgers. They had almost finished when a knock sounded from the front door. "I'll go see who that is" Jack replied. He opened the door to find Eric, his Beta and best friend.

"Hey Jack" Eric greeted, then inhaled deeply. "Mmm, something smells good. What are you cooking?" Eric let himself in and moved in the direction of the kitchen. Jack wasn't sure if he meant lunch or Ana's yummy scent, but he followed him anyway. Jack knew when Eric noticed Ana, because he stopped dead in his tracks. "Well hello" he said, confusion hinting in his voice. Ana turned around and looked from Jack to Eric.

"Hello" Ana replied, looking a bit nervous.

"Ana this is Eric, my friend and Beta of my pack. Eric, this is Ana. She's a friend of Demetri and his fiancée."

"If she's their friend, then why is she here with you?" Eric asked, a bit of an edge to his voice. Jack figured it had to do with her being human; Eric didn't trust humans.

"She's an Immune, so she's staying here under my protection for a while" Jack explained.

"It's nice to meet you" Ana said, a sweet smile on her face. That smile nearly made Jack melt, and it seemed to have a similar effect on Eric, who visibly relaxed.

"You too" Eric said, returning her smile with one of his own.

"Will you be joining us for lunch?" Ana asked, those big green eyes nearly sparkling.

"Sure, it smells delicious."

"Thank you" Ana said, her smile widening. "I'm going to run to the bathroom, you two sit and I'll be right back." Both men sat and Eric turned to Jack the minute Ana was out of earshot.

"What the hell man? Why didn't you tell me about this? Were you planning on hiding her?" Eric asked accusingly.

"No, it just happened yesterday, and I was going to let her settle in a bit before introducing her to you dogs" Jack said. "I was going to have the pack help me protect her."

"Well I'm happy to help, she's fucking adorable. And smells like she can cook. She seems like a sweetheart. Is that why you let her stay? Or, could it be something else?" Eric asked knowingly, a smirk pulling at his mouth.

"I was just being friendly" Jack stated.

"Mhm, sure, whatever you say man."

"Did you need something?" Jack asked, annoyed.

"Nothing too major, just wanted to see why you never came back to the compound, I figured you'd be here. I thought maybe you just wanted some alone time, but now I see the real reason." The end of Eric's sentence was accompanied by a wink and Jack punched his arm.

"Shut up, she's just a friend" Jack replied.

"Keep telling yourself that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you like her. Or want to get in her pants at least. You smell like a hormonal teenage boy and look at her like you want to eat her." Eric didn't seem affected by Ana's scent the way Jack was and he wanted to talk to his friend about it, but now was not the time.

"Do not" Jack denied.

"Yes, you do. I'm surprised even she can't smell how horny you are."

"Shut up before she comes back and hears you, idiot!" Jack growled under his breath.

"What, don't want her to know how badly you're lusting after her? She seems too innocent for you anyway." Eric pointed out. Jack's answer wasn't able to make it past his lips because Ana walked back in, that sweet smile still plastered on her face.

"Back" she stated. She dished out three plates of food and sat across from Jack as they ate. The meal passed with Eric flirting with Ana and Jack giving him warning looks, which Eric promptly ignored. The only good part about the whole thing was the excellent food and Ana's infectious smile that never seemed to leave her lips.

"Well that was delicious, but it's time for Eric to go" Jack said when their plates were empty, placing a warning hand on his friends' shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

"Alright, thank you for the delicious meal Ana. See you around" Eric said with a too-sweet smile.

"Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it" Ana replied with her own smile; she didn't seem to catch onto Eric's flirting. Jack was getting annoyed with how friendly they were being.

"I'll escort you to the door" Jack said through his teeth.

"Alright, I'll start cleaning up. It was nice meeting you Eric."

"You too Ana" Eric said before Jack led him to the door. "What's wrong Jack?" he asked with feigned innocence.

"You are what's wrong" Jack growled quietly.

"How so?"

"You keep flirting with Ana."

"Why do you care?" Eric asked with a smirk. "I thought you were 'just friends?' Or were you lying?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm just protecting her."

"Whatever you say" Eric said, opening the door and taking a step outside before stopping. "You know, denial is a river in Egypt" he teased before shutting the door and leaving.

Jack growled a curse under his breath before going to check on Ana in the kitchen. She didn't notice him return, so Jack took the opportunity to watch her for a moment. She was humming as she washed dishes, her hips swaying slightly to the tune. Even from across the room Jack could smell her; caramel and vanilla. Jack realized it was quickly becoming his favorite scent, no matter how badly he tried resisting the allure of it. Even now, all he wanted was to walk over and burry his face in her hair. He knew that would be an immensely bad decision though, so instead he cleared his throat and pretended he had just walked into the room.

Ana looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. Jack walked over and began helping with the dishes. They worked in silence for a moment before Ana spoke up. "Eric seems nice. Will I be seeing him again?" Jealousy raced through Jack, but he replied calmly.

"Most likely, he's my second in command. Once you've settled in, I'll introduce you to the pack. They will help ensure your safety." The thought of introducing her to that pack of wild dogs made Jack nauseous, for many reasons. There were some things Jack needed to sort out before introducing them, things he wasn't looking forward to.

"What are they like?" Ana asked.

"My pack?"

"Yeah, you're the only Werewolf I've ever met, besides Eric now, so I'm not really sure what to expect. Are they as nice as you two?" Jack's chest did something strange at her compliment.

"Most of them are quite friendly, if not a little rowdy. Some can be" he paused, unsure how to explain. "A bit much." It was a vague explanation, but Ana nodded in understanding.

"I'm a little nervous to meet them, but if they are your pack then I'm sure they can't be that bad." Ana smiled at Jack, who had to utilize every shred of self-control he possessed to not do something stupid. This was getting to be too much and fast, he knew he'd have to talk to someone about it soon.

"I'm sure they'll like you." Especially the guys Jack thought, grinding his teeth. Thoughts like that didn't lesson his discomfort in introducing her to them. He was rewarded, however, with a light blush.

"You really think so?" She asked shyly.

"I do" Jack said with a smile.

ElisInForeverland ElisInForeverland

Thank you for reading my story! am working at chapter 4 now (and it's almost done) but if you like my story feel free to go read my other one "There are no Angels" <3

next chapter
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