100% The Alchemist Hero : Alchemo / Chapter 13: Going to USJ

บท 13: Going to USJ

The next day, as Ichigo and Shinso came out of their car at UA, he was immediately surrounded by reporters who started asking questions about All Might. Shinso seemed to take the opportunity in Ichigo's misfortune and sneak away.

"Hey, you! Can you tell us about what the symbol of peace is like as a teacher?"

"Hmm, well for one he is extremely enthusiastic about teaching but you can tell he doesn't have much experience teaching since he usually keeps a teaching help book with him and carries prepared scripts in his notebook for the class.

But luckily he is knowledgeable so he can give a solution to any questions we ask almost immediately. By the way, come closer." Ichigo said before gaining a sly smirk.

"I heard recently that All Might recently fancies someone-" Ichigo whispered in a conspiratorial tone.

"Now I recognize him! He is a medical genius who got 3 PhDs at the age of 10." As soon as Ichigo heard that sentence, he knew that it was time to run.

"Anyway, I gotta go bye." Ichigo immediately said, running away before he could be bombarded by questions.

Classes started with Aizawa taking attendance.

"Now that we have that out of the day, let's go back to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today I'll have you….."

As Aizawa slowed his speech near that part, Ichigo couldn't help but find it funny. Even though Aizawa looked disinterested, by his behaviour Ichigo noticed that Aizawa purposefully raised the anticipation by dragging his sentence which made everyone have to guess and fidget around about what it could be.

"... decide on a class representative." Immediately a sigh of relief went by from all the students and then Kirishima shouted, "I want to be a class rep please pick me!"

"Me too!", "I want to do it.", "It is a job made for me.", "I will be the leader!" Shouts came from all sides.

Ichigo could see everybody wanting to be the class rep because everyone was aiming to become a top hero and the position allowed one to practice the qualities of a top hero. But the shouting was grating in his ears and instead of waiting for Iida to stop everyone, Ichigo decided to do it himself.

"Oi! Everybody calm down for a sec!" Ichigo shouted and seeing that everyone stopped and was listening to him continued,

"I know everyone wants to be the class rep so that you can practice your leading skills. Therefore we will do a rank ballot and the first two positions will be Class rep and Vice class rep respectively.

The next three will be given other roles like who will be responsible when both the class rep and vice class rep are unavailable or if there is a need for their help in a big event and we need organisers. They can be given priority assignments for jobs like being a secretary and treasurer. There will be two secretaries and one treasurer.

Yaoyorozu if you can, please give me a ballot box, 20 sheets of paper and an ink bottle."

She nodded and made the ballot box, the stack of papers, and an ink bottle, Ichigo quickly transmuted them into identical sheets of ranked poll sheets.

"Okay, you can guys come in the order of your roll no and get a sheet, and fill it up for the top 5, fold it and put it in the ballot box within 15 mins, after everyone is done we will tally the votes."

After everybody nodded that they understood, Ichigo took his ballot sheet and filled it up, ranking him first, Momo second, Iida third, Deku fourth and finally Todoroki for 5th.

Within 10 mins everybody had finished voting and the final result was

Ichigo Kurosaki - First

Yaoyorozu Momo - Second

Todoroki Shoto - Third

Tenya Iida - Fourth

Tsuyu Asui - Fifth

As Ichigo looked through the rankings he was mildly confused as to why Izuku's name wasn't in the rankings until he thought it through. It was probably because there wasn't a battle between him and Bakugou to impress his classmates.

"Well then, the Class representative is going to be Ichigo Kurosaki and the vice representative is going to be Yaoyorozu Momo".

"Well, Kurosaki I hope to have good cooperation with you. You can just call me Momo." Ichigo could practically see her bubbling excitement in her eyes.

"Well Momo, same. Hope to have a good cooperation with you too, you can just call me Ichigo by the way"

*That day during lunch*

Todoroki asked Ichigo "Why are you sitting with me?"

"Chill out man, we are just having a class council meeting." Ichigo then saw Momo coming into the cafeteria and shouted: "Oi, Momo, over here!". Momo quickly saw Ichigo calling her and came to sit with him.

As she sat down, she politely greeted the half boy, "Hello Todoroki, we were wondering if you were fine with being the treasurer."

"..." He didn't say anything, but finished eating his food first, "That's fine I suppose."

"Great, we have everyone selected." Ichigo said while starting to eat, "Oh, Tsuyu! Tenya! Come here, we're having a class council meeting."

"Hello, there you three." "Hey-ribbit!"

"Are you two fine with being secretaries of mine and momo's secretaries respectively?"

"It would be an honour!" Iida shouted, causing everyone to look at him, though he seemed completely unphased.

"I would be happy to-Ribbit!" Tsuyu replied. It was then turning quiet so she quickly spoke again, "How did the operation go Ichigo?"

Smugly smiling at just remembering that he had created a new branch of alchemy, he replied, "It was a success. It went even better than I expected."

"So should we call you Doctor Ichigo from now on-ribbit?"

"I was always a doctor, I don't remind anyone because it brings unwanted attention. But from now on in case of an emergency, or for a second opinion you can come to me"

"Ah yes, you have 3 PhDs." Momo said as she sighed, "You were eligible to be called that at the age of 10…"

"Qualifying other subjects has nothing to do with how good of a hero you are. And that's what you're here for." Todoroki said in a slightly challenging tone, "It just proves you're strong and not that you have the qualities to be a hero."

"And you're correct." Ichigo jovially said, ignoring the challenging tone, "What I've achieved outside doesn't help with me being a hero. However-"

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by an alarm ringing followed by an announcement.

"There has been a level three security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors immediately."

"What is a level three security breach?" Iida asked an upperclassman who was panicking.

"It means that someone has trespassed into UA grounds. This is the first time I have seen it happen in the three years I have been studying here."

"You guys should hurry up too!"

As everyone was panicking around Ichigo, knew he would have to do what Iida did in canon otherwise someone would seriously get hurt. He immediately asked Momo for a megaphone and then transmuted a high stand and jumped on it.

Taking the megaphone, he shouted, "Everybody, you got to calm down. It's probably just the press from the morning, but we should still clear out orderly and not panic and clog the exit. Half of you can go use the other exit so that we can have a smooth flow!"

Thus, Ichigo slowly gave out instructions and smoothed out the flow of people from the high stand.

*Same day evening*

"Alice, pull out the surveillance footage of the break-in at the school entrance."

"Ok, Ichigo, here is the video. It looks like someone has a similar quirk to you as the door disintegrated."

She said as she showed the video of Shigaraki, who was in disguise wearing a hoodie, putting his hand on the door and using his quirk.

"Hmm, I don't think so Alice, zoom closer on the door itself and slow down and play it frame to frame."

As she slowly zoomed in on the door, "There! Pause the video. You see, the door didn't deconstruct, it decayed. You can see the rusting of the metal in this frame."

"Yes, it looks like it is not a deconstruction quirk but a decay quirk."

"Don't state the obvious with such sarcasm Alice, they both are two different things,"

"Yes, yes I know, one means reducing to constituent parts and the other means the changing of composition."

"Yeah, such a wasted quirk! Imagine all the good he could do, if he just caused the decay of plastic throughout the earth, he could increase the quality of aquatic life.

That isn't even considering if he was trained enough he could clean all radiation leaks and radioactive waste by decaying the radioactive substances.

Hell, just the cleaning of dumpsites all over the world would have given him a Nobel Peace Prize. Such a versatile quirk and what does he do? Use it for villainy."

"Now, if your rant is over, can we work on the new contact lenses and the in-ear micro transmitter?"

"Sigh, I shouldn't have programmed you like this. You are such a sci-fi geek. Always pushing me around to create new inventions."

"You should have thought about that when you were programming me."

When Ichigo first created Alice, he wanted to base her on Sister Lily but then discarded the idea because it would be creepy to make an AI copy of a living breathing person, except yourself.

When that idea was out he thought back to the most famous AI Jarvis, but he also discarded the idea that if he was going to make an AI he would make a cute girl, not an old man. The cute girl part finally decided it for him and he decided to base her on Winry Rockbell from FMA as a homage to his alchemy.

She was kind-hearted, strong-willed and empathetic but most of all, she was still an engineering otaku like in the original anime. This caused her to repeatedly bother him with new projects now and then, seeing that her being an AI caused her to have limited creativity.

She usually resisted the urge by refining existing projects he made and she makes a list of suggestions she can while also trying to simulate the changes. So every day he gave her at least 2 hours to work on a project, which also helped him to exercise his brain. Because if you have the knowledge and skills to increase your comfort, why not?

So, currently, he was working on the second-gen for his glasses, this time Alice directly gave him a plan for contact lenses with an inbuilt display, and an in-ear headphone which had the brainwave input device in it. Sigh, he would have to tell Alice to stop making such expensive projects, just these two devices would probably cost him at least 2 million dollars whole.

He may have money, but that doesn't mean he had to spend it like water. Whatever, tomorrow is disaster training he should probably sleep early tonight

*Next day*

"For today's basic hero training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might, Me and one more person," said Aizawa-sensei

"Excuse me! What are we going to be doing?" Sero asked.

"Disasters, Shipwrecks, and everything in between. Today there is going to be a rescue training" replied Aizawa

"Rescue? Looks like there will be a lot of work this time too huh!" Kaminari said.

"Right!" replied Mina enthusiastically.

"Idiot, it is the duty of a hero to rescue! My arms are getting to rumble!" Kirishima said.

"No one can beat me in water, ribbit." Tsuyu commented

"Heh, It is going to be a breeze for me because I can transmute any rubble to remove it, transmute fresh medical supplies and I am also a doctor with PhDs. You people are gonna have to try hard to beat me if it is a point-based exam," said Ichigo with a smug grin.

"Hey, I'm not done. You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there may be costumes which can limit your abilities, too.

The training will happen off-campus, so we're taking a bus there. That is all, you can start getting ready." said Aizawa.

Ichigo got up and started getting changed into his hero costume in the locker room. While also doing stretches and getting ready for a battle.

Everyone then gathered near the bus.

"Guys, get up quickly on the bus one at a time." said Ichigo and after everyone was settled in, Ichigo went to Aizawa and said "Aizawa-sensei everybody is on the bus. We can start now."

"Okay, driver you can start the bus."

As the bus drove away everybody started chatting when Tsuyu said,

"I generally say whatever comes to my mind. Like now, I am thinking that Izuku's quirk is like All Might's quirk."

"Eh! Huh! Y-Y-You think so? But… I'm… uh..."

Ichigo decided to save Izuku's butt considering that Kirishima won't save him this time because he didn't have any huge blowback.

"That's not exactly true.. Izuku has too much power, so much that he had set a subconscious limit just so he didn't die when he used it.

When he first used his quirk consciously, he ended up completely breaking his arm. It wasn't until I trained his body and martial arts. That he could control properly."

Ichigo told a white lie when it was exactly the opposite of what happened; it wasn't until Ichigo trained that Izuku could even handle one for all without blowing up.

"Ah, y-yes, it wasn't until Ichigo trained me that I could consciously use my power without damaging myself."

"Man, but it is nice to have a simple augmentation quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff!. My hardening is good against others. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like much." Kirishima said.

"But I think it is cool, and it definitely could pass for a pro's quirk!" Izuku commented.

"A pro's quirk, huh? But you have to think about popularity as a hero too you know," replied Kirishima.

"My Navel laser is pro level in both flashiness and strength!" interjected Aoyama.

"But it isn't nice that it gives you a stomach ache is it?" Mina teased.

"If you are talking about flashiness and strength then it is definitely Ichigo, Todoroki and Bakugou," Kirishima said.

"Yeah, Ichigo's lightning whenever he transmutes something and the transmutation itself is always cool," Izuku commented.

"Bakugou's always mad, so he doesn't seem to like he'll be popular, though." Tsuyu stated.

"What the hell! You wanna fight!" Bakugou screamed.


"We haven't known each other long enough, but it is kinda amazing that everyone knows Bakugou's personality is crap and stewed in sewage," Kaminari said with amazement.

"What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!"

"Oi, Bakugou, you have to stop using such bad language as a Hero." Iida reprimanded.

"Oh? I won't stop it, what are you going to do you shitty elite? Fight me? Come on, I am ready!"

While all of this was happening Ichigo watched as Izuku went into a traumatic flashback to probably sometime before when they were children and someone teased Bakugou.

"Okay, we're here, stop messing around," Aizawa said.

"Yes, sir!"

As everyone got down and entered USJ they were greeted by none other than the space hero 13.

"Let's start briefing on the training."

"Before we begin, let me say one thing….two things….three things… nine things….

Everyone as I am sure you are aware of my quirk black hole. It allows me to suck things up and turn them into dust."

Izuku immediately went into fanboy mode and said: "You used this quirk to save many people from disaster right!"

"Yes, but it is also a power that can kill easily." replied 13 with seriousness.

Immediately the enthusiasm in the room went cold as everyone became sombre.

"Some of you have quirks like that right?"

"In a superhuman society like ours, personal quirks have been certified and stringently regulated so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance. However please don't forget that many quirks can easily kill a strong person.

With Aizawa's physical test you have found out about the possibilities of your powers, with All Might's person to person combat training, I think you have experienced the danger of using those powers on others. This class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives.

You do not have powers so that you can harm others. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers so that you can help others.

That is all. Thank you all for listening."

Ichigo had to admit that hearing the speech first hand was more impressive than hearing it in the anime. Watching it from an anime viewers viewpoint it just couldn't simulate the real experiences in the person's voice.

"All right then let's first -----"

Daonexus Daonexus

Creation is hard, cheer me up with some stones!

If there are Illustrations they are in comments or at Discord

My discord link- https://discord.gg/3GDnU3Y

next chapter
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