[Author Note: hey everybody, welcome in this adventure with me, you will not be disappointed, I am writing this note to tell you that you do not have to know teen wold, to be able to read this story, all the canon will be explained, recalled and even lived, just enjoy...]
The first thing I feel when I regain consciousness is this diffuse pain all over my body, my heavy head weighing on my whole body.
I open my eyes and I see nothing but a blur .
"Fouhhh" I take a deep breath, calm myself, and try to stand up.
My vision clears, and when I'm on my feet, I realize I'm in a forest.
I look around and confirm that I am indeed in a forest.
'( What the…?) ' unconsciously, I try to take a step, but my mind is completely disoriented, and my leg gives out. I fall again to my knees. Dirt, mud, and gravel covering my hands, scratching my palm.
"Fouhhh" I take another deep breath, and I repeat the process. Gradually, over the minutes, I feel better; my mind and my vision become clear.
I take a few more minutes and then stand up for the second time.
"Alright, where am I? What's going on?" I murmur to myself.
I observe my surroundings, trees, and edges populated with stones.
I look up at the blue sky , it's daytime early in the morning a priori.
I continue to observe the area and notice a path. I decide to follow it.
'( This doesn't seem like a tropical forest. The air is humid but not wild. there propably be human people not too far away.) '
'( There should be a town nearby, )' I finally deduce.
'( But what's worrying is that I don't remember how I ended up here, and my memories about myself are hazy. )' I continue venturing through the forest, meditating on my situation.
'memory disorder, dissociative fugue... ?' my steps stop by themselves, my heart skips a beat
'( What the fuck is going on…) ' I try to delve into my mind,
"AAARGHHH !!! "and a pain explodes through my skull, a scream leaving my mouth.
for the second time, I end up on the ground on my knees, my hands gripping my skull as if trying to open it to let out all this pain.
"Huuumg" I hold back the scream who rises in my throat,
The seconds flow, and finally two minute pass, and the pain fade away.
'( Fuuuuh…) '
I calm again my breathing
'( Panick wont help me..) ' I stay on the ground for a few more seconds, seeking strength.
'( Fuuuuh…) '
And I finally get up even though I'm not ready to face the reality of my situation...
I start walking again, concentrating on the path I am following and the trees that line it.
After few minute, I reach a clearing and sit on a flat stone. I close my eyes.
'( ok let's start again for a new try )' I take a deep breath.
"Fuuhhh...' i relax my body.
'( Softly…) ' I feel myself approaching my mind, probing it like a caress.
'( What to do now...? )' I take some second to think abou the next step.
I imagine arriving like a place where my memories, my identity, would be stored.
A moment pass, i stay focusing in this idea.
And I gradually feel transport, finding myself in a room filled with fog, chaotic and indistinguishable.
I wait, calmy looking a this scene...
the landscape clears up, the fog dissipates...
Revealing the room before me. It looks like a kind of white house, or rather a ruin, with broken furniture scattered on the ground, the place appearing abandoned.
I take a moment to look, around , see the place.
'( Is this my mind, my identity...? )' the place is broken, maybe even injured.
'( What that mean...? )' my eyes scanning the pathetic scene that seemed to be my essence.
'( What a mess... )' I do what seems wisest and begin to tidy up.
As I pick up shards of broken glass, I instinctively know where the other pieces are, and just by placing the pieces together, the object restores itself.
The same goes for the furniture; I collect all the pieces, bring them closer, and they magically fuse together.
I also instinctively know where to put everything, ensuring each item is in its place.
I continue organizing the place, and with each repaired item, each placed piece of furniture, images, a piece of experiences appears to me.
'( Huuum I'm a 24-year-old man… )'
and I move on to another object,
'( Who, after falling asleep one evening, woke up here… )'
and as I rebuild the decor, my life comes back to me
'( woke up in this new 17-year-old body. )'
I remember most of my previous life, but it appears that personal memories like my name, family, and others are not here.
'( What that mean...? )'
My personal life have been erased; all memories related to these elements are blank.
All i get now is this body, called Landon Kirby, an orphan.
And that's all the useful information I have.
'( It seems I've been reincarnated in this place, in this new body… )'
Grimacing in spite of myself,
'( What kind of situation is this? )', to been erases, and then been throws in another place, in the body of the first comer.
'( No, there must be something else, it's not possible, i will not just be a toy of some strange existence or organization… )'
I look around the white room in my mind , the place is tidy, cleaned, it is now a sort of white house furnished with decorations. there is nothing left to repair or fix, it is complete.
but it is empty, without souls, not tainted by memories, experiences or emotions...
Looking at this sad place, symbol of my new existence, I am taken by surprise noticing something.
I notice a door...
I approach and it is indeed a door, I look at it, the door was made of wood, with several grooves, a bit like the old ones, a sort of door made of plank, a completely ordinary door if it weren't for the pattern engraved on it.
It looked like a sort of egg made of feathers..., no it was more like a bird curled up on itself with a symbol on its feathers, a simple cross with a crescent moon at the bottom of the cross.
I stand there frozen for a few seconds, without a sound, standing, looking at the door.
I look down, and slowly I reach out to the lock, I turn my wrist...
And I hear a little click, the door opens in front of me, not expecting it to be so obvious.
The door opens slowly, giving way to a new landscape.
A clear blue sky populated with white clouds, and below, there is no ground, just an infinite expanse of dark blue water,
And right in front of me, a board at my feet about ten meters long and leading to a ship, a wooden boat.
Standing still, my eyes widen,
'( Ok )' I thought calmly
A gentle current of cool air caressing me as my gaze was fixed on this landscape of a new world.
'( Now what does that mean...? )'
Looking at this beautiful scene in front of me, I understood a simple truth, I knew instinctively that my new life was going to be strange and restless.
I lower my eyes to look at the board at my feet, following the board with my eyes which creates a path for me to the boat,
I took a step forward, strangely it seemed impossible to me that I could fall into the water, if an accident or a misstep happened on this little board,
I did not know where this certainty came from, maybe from my subconscious but I would reach the boat without problem if It's what i want.
Step by step, suspended by a simple piece of wood above this sapphire blue ocean that seemed endless, I advanced calmly...
I finally reached the boat, As I set foot on this sailboat of the seas.
And feeling the boat capsize with the waves, I felt a strange feeling.
A very light familiar well-being, as if I felt at peace, at home.
I closed my eyes for a moment, immersing myself in this feeling, perhaps the only vestige of my identity who may now be gone.
the sound of the waves followed by the movement of the boat which remained afloat, the gentle cool breeze on his face.
I spend a minute quietly relaxed, I opened my eyes and decided to visit the boat, it is a small sailing boat of about thirty meters.
At the top of the mast a flag, a cross and a crescent moon.
[The symbol here]
I look around, obviously no soul on board except me, I go around, the empty barrels, the tables with nothing on top, the cannon balls on the sides of the ship.
'( There is nothing here… )', I turn around wishing head towards the inside of the ship, and I find only one door, the captain's cabin. There is nothing on the walls, no decoration, no painting, no treasure, nothing.
'( It seems that if there is something, it is behind this door… )'
I opened the door, and the first thing I saw was a room illuminate by a soft light blue with golden touches.
A sound like a rustling flame, I looked down and saw something on the floor.
Some kind of jewelry or sculpture that shone with this same azure-golden light
I look at it and realize it's not an object.
It looks like a sort of magnificent blue and gold fruit with strange patterns...
And it's not shining with the same luminiscence, the light of the piece emerged from this thing that looks like a treasure.
I approach it, pick it up, and examine it.
It's like a ... fairly large fruit, about the size of a watermelon, but surprisingly light.
I felt a gentle warmth igniting my palm, like a warm flame.
I fixe by the eyes with wonder what I had in my hands, and something lit up in my mind.
'( It seems familiar... )' I say to myself.
I delve into my memories, and after a few seconds, I recall something about colorful fruits with strange patterns that match the one I'm holding.
'( A Devil Fruit, like in One Piece? )' I'm surprised by the realization.
The demon fruits were fruits that gave the one who ate them abilities, all kinds of abilities, powerful ones, destructive ones, strange ones.
'( Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, those who reincarnate often have a cheat or system to assist them. Could this be mine...? )'
I look at the strange fruit in my hand and decide to eat it.
'( Whatever happens, happens. )' I take a bite, and it tastes absolutely horrible.
The fruit caught fire in my hands and gradually becomes illusory, for finally disappears,
I receive images, memories.
I just ate the Tori Tori no Mi: Phoenix Model, the fruit of a certain Marco from the Whitebeard Pirates of the one piece world.
A flood of memories comes to me, and it seems that I not only ate Marco's fruit but also received his memories, his experience, his knowledge.
'( It's all of Marco's heritage… )' I realized.
I exit this mental space and stand up from the rock I was sitting on.
And I immediately feel a difference; I feel stronger, faster, able to sense, see, and perceive things from dozens of meters away.
'( My senses have sharpened. )' I realize.
I extend my hand, and a blue-gold flame appears on my palm. With a thought, the flame flares up and engulfs my entire hand.
But thanks to the memories I just received, I don't panic. When the fire calms, it's not a hand and arm that reappear, but a wing made of blue-gold fire with claws like those of eagles.
'( It's beautiful… )' This flame is breathtaking, not just because of its beauty but also because of what it represents: a flame that symbolizes life.
The fruit that I ate is part of the category of the rarest fruits in the world of pirates, the fruit of a mythical beast, from legends, a mythological creature, anchored in the beliefs of people, mysteriously shaped by their imagination and their desire to be more than they are, and that this world is more than what it seems to be...
And the hope that this legendary creature exists and grants them its blessing, the immortality.
I think about all the powers I now have. The Devil Fruit alone has given me great strength, endurance, a superhuman physique, and heightened senses. Then there are the blue-golden flames, which are slightly hotter than regular flames, but their primary purpose is not to burn, hurt, or attack, but to heal, soothe, and restore not only myself but others as well.
Next, there are the forms of my Devil Fruit. there are only two: the hybrid form, which transforms me into a human-Phoenix, allowing me to fly by turning my arms into wings of flames, and it also turns my hands and feet into talons.
i become a hybrid of human and phoenix, my mouth even changes into an eagle's beak.
I can also reduce the transformation to limit it to just a wing or claws.
I must admit, this form is beautiful. I look like a harpy, but with blue-gold wings and blue-gold mane both made of azure colored flame, and a golden beak.
[Picture here, it's the old cover image of the story]
And then there's the full form, which transforms me into a complete Phoenix made of blue-gold flames, 3.5 meters long and 6 meters wide with the wings spread out. This form is the most powerful but also the least practical due to its large size.
The principal power of the phoenix are his blue flame of Regeneration that allow, a high regeneration to the user who which causes it to heal almost the worst wounds almost instantly at the cost of the user's stamina. These same flames can also burn or heal others depending on the user's will, but in this case the healing is less effective than when the user heals themselves.
Above that, both forms multiply the user's strength, physical ability, and endurance. multiplication depends on the form and mastery of the devil fruit.
Marco had a tattoo on his chest, but it seems I didn't inherit it.
Besides the Devil Fruit powers, I also have this power called Haki, a sort of strange energy of willpower.
It exists in two forms: Observation and Armament. Observation allows you to perceive everything within a certain range around you. It's particularly useful for sensing muscle and nerve movements in a fight, allowing you to predict an opponent's actions. It can also read people's intentions as well as presence and aura.
there is a another one mysterious form which allows to assert domination over the humans around you and over your environement, a domination as a rebellion against the world, but this immensely rare form belongs only to those who have the soul of a conqueror...
There are also deviant forms, like future sight, which allows you to see a short distance into the future, and heart and mind sight, which lets you read people's thoughts and, if you touch them, their memories.
However, these two forms are extremely rare, and only the first form can be acquired through training; the other is a gift by birth.
Then there's the Armament form, which is simply like a black metallic coating that you apply to your skin at will. It provides great defense and attack power. In the world of One Piece, it was also one of the few powers that could counteract the abilities of Devil Fruits.
There's also a higher-level form that, when striking, can bypass the outer layer of the skin and attack the body's interior, including the organs. This evolved form is called internal destruction, and it can be acquired through training.
However, neither of these powers is easy to train.
'( Hmm )' An interesting idea suddenly comes to mind. I take a few seconds to search the ground for a flat stone. I find one, place it on my thumb, and throw it in the air like a coin. The stone flies into the air, spinning on itself.
'( Fouuuu )' I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and focus on the stone. I sense its presence with my heightened senses; my nose picks up the gravelly scent from the stone, and my ears easily catch the sound it makes as it spins through the air.
But I want more than that, i concentrate hard on the stone and after a few second i manage to 'see' it. It's strange, like it's in black and white, but I can still perceive colors. I can even see inside the stone, the tiny crevices and imperfections that make it up.
Gradually, the stone slows down, and I see it spin more slowly as if time itself is slowing down.
'( No, it's my perception processing this information frame by frame. )' I realize.
The stone continues to slow until it moves very slowly, and just by willing it, I can speed up or slow down my perception of it. I analyze it with my Observation Haki and clearly distinguish its rotation speed, air resistance, distance from the ground, and how fast it's falling. And I know perfectly well which side the flat stone will land on.
I open my eyes, release my Haki, and time resumes its normal flow. After a few seconds, the stone is back on the ground.
'( So this is Observation Haki… )' I think with a smile.
I do feel a slight discomfort in my head, though.
'( I'll need to train… )' I say to myself.
Next, I focus on my arm and try to manifest my willpower onto it. I spend a few minutes imagining my arm covered in black skin, holding this image firmly in my mind.
After a few minutes, just as I'm about to burst a vein on my forehead, I feel a slight chill and briefly see a litlle part of my hand turn black for a second before disappearing just as quickly.
'( Hmmm..., Not surprising. )' I relax my arm and ease up. Armament Haki is harder to sense than Observation Haki.
'( Phew, in any case, the future looks interesting… )' I smile to myself.
'( Still, I need to find out where I am… )' I look around, and with my new senses, I head in the direction that, based on the smells, sounds, and a few clues, will lead me back to civilization.
I resume my walk in that direction. And as I walk, my thoughts return to my situation.
'( This is a complicated scenario, isn't it? A man dies and finds himself in a new body with just an identity and a name, but by chance, he gains the heritage of a powerful character from another world. )'
I am confuse by the strangeness of the situation, before simply laughing and letting it go.
Eventually, I arrive rather quickly at a hill that offers a view of a city.
'( It's a modern city. )' I immediately notice, ruling out the possibility of being in the One Piece world.
I look at the city, and thanks to my new physical abilities, I descend the hill in record time, reaching the city entrance in less than a minute.
And I read the name on the sign: Beacon Hills.
Please let me know if you have difficulty reading and understanding, or if the syntax is wrong.
[ Since now the story will takes place at the 3rd view]
Landon looked in the mirror and was surprised by what he saw, different from what he remembered. A young adolescent at the end of his growth spurt, with black curly hair, green-gray eyes, a strong jaw, and a fairly handsome face.
An ornate silver necklace hung around his neck, featuring a symbol of three intertwined cones forming a pyramid one from right to left, another from left to right, and the last from bottom to top. It was the only keepsake from the mother of the boy.
What differed from his memories were the additional 8 or 9 centimeters that pushed him to a height of 1.80 meters, along with a muscular, well-defined body, visible even through his clothes.
'( That must be because of my new powers... )'
After examining himself in the mirror, Landon left the café where he had only entered to see his appearance with his own eyes. He began to stroll through the town, observing the places and people, the young ones busy with their activities, and people leaving work for lunch.
Landon noticed it was a small town, the kind with a sheriff and where the residents knew each other well.
'( It seems like a peaceful town... )' he thought.
He reached the shopping center and saw that the place was bustling, but Landon didn't want to stay long and continued on his way. He searched for a hotel, found several not far from the shopping center, and chose a charming little isolate hotel.
"I can be safe and in peace here, long enough to understand my situation..." he thought as he entered the establishment.
The reception was managed by a polite and helpful man who was in his forties, and who oddly resembled Batman's butler. He rented a room for a week with the money he had in his wallet, the only object he owned besides his necklace.
There were his identity documents with a few hundred dollars in it, around 450, half of which went into the hotel stay, with breakfast and dinner included.
'( Quite a good deal... )'
"Would you like us to carry your belongings, Mr. Kirby?" the receptionist asked.
"No, thank you." Landon smiled and took the elevator to his room, 403, on the fourth floor.
'( I just realized I have no belongings other than the clothes I'm wearing. )' he thought with some embarrassment. Less than a minute later, he arrived at his door, unlocked it with the key, and discovered his room: a bed, a desk in the corner, a bathroom with a toilet, simple and without much decoration.
After a quick tour of the room, he left the hotel, heading back to the shopping center. Landon arrived there after a ten-minute walk and started looking for a clothing store. He felt eyes on him; his Haki sensed only curiosity and interest, sometimes even resentment, so he ignored it and kept searching. He found a few stores but ignored them.
'( They seem too expensive for me right now. )'
Eventually, he found a store with good deals tucked away from the main area. He browsed through the store, picking up shirts, jeans, and several loose sweatshirts. He spent 113 dollars and left the store with bags in hand.
He also looked for a supermarket to buy daily necessities, finding one quickly. He purchased a toothbrush and all the essentials. he left the place with twelve less dollars, he only have just 100 $ left. Landon left the shopping center as soon as he finished his purchases, not liking the busy environment of such places.
Although he had only been there for an hour, staying quiet and discreet, he was stopped several times by people wanting to chat, flirt, and more, mainly by girls, but also by a guy who had the same look as someone ready to indulge in his greatest pleasures after a strict diet.
Shaking his head with a amused smile, he returned to the hotel, put away his few belongings, sat on his bed for a moment, and began planning.
'( I need stability and incomes )' he thought, looking for ideas to earn money easily and legally.
'( Hmmm... Maybe I should roam the town wearing a mask, dispensing justice and robbing criminals. )'
But this thought immediately seemed like a terrible idea as soon as it appeared.
'( It would have been fun to play Batman, though... )'
Pushing that idea aside, a new one came to him:
'( I realized while I was in the forest that the woods are full of life. With my new senses and powers, I could easily hunt and sell the meat. )'
'( Hmmm, Homever is this legal...? Normally you would need a permit, right ? )' The boy shook his head and decided it was worth a try.
This could also help him master his physical abilities and maybe even improve his Haki.
'( First, I need a pickup truck to transport the hunting spoils' He could also easily carry hundreds of kilos of animal carcasses on his shoulders, but that wouldn't be a very discreet approach. )'
"Looks like my last savings will go into renting a pickup. Good thing life isn't too expensive here," he murmured to himself.
After gathering some information, Landon realized that Beacon Hills is a small, remote town in the United States and the date is currently October 15th, 2013. He didn't waste time and went to the reception to ask Alfred's lookalike if he knew of a place to rent vehicles, particularly pickup trucks.
"There's Sturgis And Son, which offers vehicle sales and rentals. It's a few streets past the sheriff's office, you just have to..." The receptionist gave him directions. Landon also asked about butchers who might buy game meat and got a few names of butcher shops.
"Thanks, Alfred." Landon didn't waste any time and immediately left, leaving the receptionist here, staring after him strangely.
Following the directions, he reached the shop after a 30-minute walk. He entered the establishment and rented a black pickup, spacious and cheap, in average condition. He rented it for two days at the price of 87 dollars, plus 10 dollars for a full tank of gas.
'( Thank God I have a driver's license. )' It would have been a long and unfun process to retake driving lessons and go through everything again, not to mention expensive.
Landon got into the pickup and drove off, following Alfred's directions. He visited several butcher shops, asked questions, and offered his services. Angus Butchery offered the best purchase price.
"Listen, son, if you really manage to hunt a hare or a rabbit, make sure it's in good condition, or the price will drop. Depending on the size, the price may vary, but it'll be around 15-30 dollars." Angus, the shop owner, didn't seem too confident.
"I see, I'll be back before 6 p.m." Landon said as he left.
Looking at the cheap watch I had bought at the supermarket, I saw that it was just before 2 p.m.
'( Okay, I have 4 hours left. )'
Landon wasted no time and took the pickup back to the woods. He arrived 15 minutes later, parked the truck in a spot, and got out.
'( Alright, let's start by going deeper into the forest. )'
After a few minutes of walking deeper into the woods, the curly-haired young man stopped. Landon closed his eyes to concentrate, opening his senses and his Haki.
Though his eyes were closed, he perceived his surroundings better than ever. He sensed the insects buzzing in the air and those on the ground or at the top of trees, the leaves falling, and the creatures around him.
'( My senses can detect smells and sounds from over forty meters away, but my Haki can only perceive clearly within a 15-meter radius. Beyond that, it becomes increasingly blurry until 23 meters, where my Haki reaches its limit. )'
Landon began to walk, still with his eyes closed. It posed no problem for him.
' (I can feel the direction of the wind, the trees blocking my path, and I can even sense the spots where I can step without difficulty. Observation Haki is really impressive... )'
As he walked, Landon sensed the presence of creatures perched in the trees or flying in the air, immediately recognizing them as birds. He wasn't interested and continued on his way until he detected a four-legged creature he identified as a hare, located about 16 meters away from him.
The moment Landon sensed the hare, it detected him as well, instinctively perceiving him as a threat. used to being prey, the hare didn't hesitate for a second before fleeing.
Landon smiled and opened his eyes. He watched the hare sprinting away at full speed, but he wasn't concerned. He bent his knees for a moment and then propelled himself forward with a powerful push from both legs.
In one swift movement, he covered about ten meters at an astonishing speed, and with a second step, he easily caught up with the hare, grabbing it by the neck with his right hand.
The poor creature was utterly terrified, and Landon couldn't help but laugh at the confusion in the hare's eyes as it faced this unexpected situation.
"Sorry, buddy, nothing personal," he murmured before twisting his neck, making this hare the first creature he had ever killed. He felt no discomfort, and he knew he wouldn't feel bad even if it were a human, unless it was an innocent person.
He had inherited Marco the Phoenix, including his memories: the moments spent with his crew, whom he considered family, the numerous battles he had experienced, and his combat skills. Landon had also inherited, albeit slightly, his cheerful and easy-going nature, which, combined with his own solitary nature, created a strange combination.
In Marco's memories, there were many occasions where blood had been shed and lives taken.
'( Alright, let's keep going. )' He resumed his walk, holding the hare's carcass in his left hand.
'( I should have brought a rope... )' he thought. He closed his eyes to concentrate. He could have activated his Observation Haki with his eyes open, but it would have been less effective, he was still an amateur in this field, closing his eyes allowed him to focus completely, and his other senses was hurying for compensate the loss of the most important human sense.
He continued like this for a few minutes, detecting birds in the sky and a few squirrels, which he ignored, until he came across another hare. Just like before, the moment Landon noticed its presence, the hare did the same, and, just like the first one, it fled without wasting any time.
Landon hesitated for a moment to chase it, but he realized it would be suspicious if all the carcasses he brought back had twisted necks.
'( Hmmm, I could say I caught them with traps... )' he thought, placing a hand on his chin.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed that the hare was now about fifty meters away. He could have caught up with it without too much difficulty, but he opted for another solution.
He picked up a small stone from the ground, then fully focused on his prey, now sixty meters away. His vision sharpened like that of a hawk, his eyes glowed with an orange hue, and flames appeared in his pupils.
[Photo of his eye here or in the comment]
He bent his arm and released it at the speed of a cannon, launching the stone that sliced through the air with a whistle. Landon watched as the hare's head was pierced by the stone just a second after he threw it.
'( Hehe, I'm starting to enjoy this new life. )' he said with a smile. He continued his hunt and, after a good hour, he had caught three rabbits and four hares, tied around his waist with sturdy vines he had found.
"I'll stop here for now and start my training," he murmured to himself.
Even though he possessed Marco's memories and experience, he still wanted to train a bit and deepen his mastery. It wasn't Marco's body that he had received, but that of a perfect stranger, which could create an imbalance between his past experiences and this new body that demanded a new mastery.
Landon was also eager to try out his Devil Fruit, especially in its hybrid and full forms, and he was excited to soar through the sky.
But at that very moment, he sensed significant commotion and even thought he heard a howl a few hundred meters away, accompanied by the smell of blood.
'( For me to sense that from so far away, the disturbance must be serious. )' He didn't waste any time and headed in that direction, running at a moderate speed to avoid taking too many risks.
As he approached the location while running, his haki suddenly prevent him from a danger at the spot where he was about to step. He jumped into the air and stopped a few moments later, narrowly avoiding.
"Don't tell me it's what I think it is..." he murmured, incredulous. There, on the ground, was a bear trap.
'( What kind of fool sets a bear trap in woods frequented by humans? )' he wondered, shaking his head. He had seen several cars parked not far from there, and while walking through the forest, he occasionally crossed paths and smelled the scent of human sweat still in the air, likely left by a recent jogger.
he also scent blood, he looked down and saw a drop of blood on the trap, which was flowing to the ground, apparently he was hit by one of the hooks but he reacted so quickly that the trap did not spring, it just scratched itself.
Landon looked down and saw a tear on his jeans at the calf, but he didn't see any wounds
'( Hmm already healed... )' He concluded surprised, not yet believing in his new pseudo immortality.
"Pfff..." he sighed, annoyed by this recklessness. He picked up a wooden stick and triggered the trap.
"Fwoosh... Clink!" The sharp blades snapped shut with a terrifying sound.
Landon approached the trap, knelt down, and focused, closing his eyes. Both of his hands transformed into light blue bird talons claws, the same color as his flames. He covered his eagle talons with blue fire and placed his hands on the trap.
He felt the steel begin to heat up under the effect of his fiery heat, the steel quickly turning a crimson red color.
He flexed his muscles and pulled with all his might, effortlessly splitting the now unusable trap, and propelling each part of the trap a dozen meters.
He looked the two smoking and slightly melted halves of the trap and continued running, but less than a minute later he stopped again, having detected another trap in the area covered by his Haki.
"No, this has got to be a joke..." he murmured.
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