13.24% Tales of Demons and Gods : I can Augment My Statuses / Chapter 31: Chapter no. 30 Encounter with Ye Mo

บท 31: Chapter no. 30 Encounter with Ye Mo

( ~ Wooosh ~ )

( ~ Wooosh ~ )

Orbs of Light floated in the air as the central flower in the middle of the dome glowed with an eriee purple glow .

Wood Dao Scripture : Nether Flower

A technique in which the nether seed is formed using Yin and Chaos Attributed Soul Force through a dismembered limb of any species . Causing the Nether Egg to form which can bloom into a nether flower which would collect and store souls of said species whose limb was used as a medium .

The central nether flower glowed and bloomed open to reveal a beautiful gem of purple with an orange flame burning within it's core .

( A.N : This is the Nether Gem )

That gem floated down towards Lin Lingtian's hand like a snowflake falling from the heavens .

Looking at the gem , Lin Lingtian didn't know what to feel .

He had planned to used the Nether Blood Ritual to give his second heart the ability to subdue human souls and absorb soul strands and soul intent .

Looking at the gem , Lin Lingtian clenched his fists . This gem was actually a prison in which all the souls that had died in the sacred family were trapped in Eternal Bliss , he looked at Shen Xiu's unconscious form .

' At the very least as your ' husband ' I will allow your soul to enter the cycle of reincarnation . '

Placing his finger on her forehead ,

with a little push meeting little to no resistance as his finger pierced Shen Xiu's brain .

With an electric discharge passing from Lin Lingtian's pointer finger to Shen Xiu's brain , she had passed away without knowing anything .

Lin Lingtian looked at her corpse as he bit his lips to draw blood .

( ~ Drip ~ )

( ~ Tap ~ )

A few drops of blood dripped on the corpse of Shen Xiu .

" I will give you a grave with the blood of someone that loved you even in death ."

( A. N : Our mc is referring to the old Lin Lingtian as someone who loved Shen Xiu even in death )

A couple of vines emerged from the soil dragging her corpse into the soil and forming a coffin .

An orb of light or the soul of Shen Xiu formed over her grave with Lin Lingtian channeling Yin Soul Force into his palms and catching Shen Xiu's soul .

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian stopped the technique .

Wood Dao Scripture : Nether Flower .

( ~ Crack ~ )

The entire dome covering the sacred family territory dispersed into dust .

Pushing the soul of Shen Xiu up , Lin Lingtian just stared at it as it disappeared into the night sky .

Looking at the nether gem , Lin Lingtian frowned . He knew that this world was completely different from Earth . This world was cruel , very cruel and yet when looking at the destroyed land of the sacred family , his mind skimmed through the memories of abuse the previous Lin Lingtian had endured .

Was he is in the right to kill them ?

Could they have changed for the better ?

Or was this for the best ?

( ~ Sigh ~ )

He didn't know anymore .

By no means was he a saint .

Nor was he preaching peace or love .

But he wanted to know if this world had changed him .

Had this power changed him for the worst or for the better ?

Sensing a lot of people rushing towards the sacred family , Lin Lingtian just looked at the charred and destroyed land .

' I just don't know .'

" Wood Dao Scripture : Blooming Lotus "

His body swayed in the wind dispersing in a Corolla of Sakura Petals disappearing into the dead of night leaving behind a charred and destroyed land ,with smiling burnt corpse of men , women and children .











[ Glory City : Northern Border ]

[ Heavenly Marks Family Forest ]

In the middle of the forest , Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er sat in absolute silence .

With Lin Lingtian tending to the fire , he was still thinking .

' Was it better to be a monster in this cruel world ? '

Xiao Ning'er was worried for Lin Lingtian .

Ever since they had destroyed the sacred family , his eyes lacked the absolute confidence and his body language should he had something on his mind .

Scotching towards him , Xiao Ning'er was just a hair lengths away from him as she asked with worry evident in her voice ," Lin , is something wrong ? You seem...in deep thought ."

Lin Lingtian's eyes didn't leave the fire as he said ," Ning'er , Am I a monster ?"

" NO ! "

Xiao Ning'er shouted as she stood up surprising Lin Lingtian .

" Why would you think that ?!"

" I could have spared the innocents when I destroyed the Sacred Family . "

Xiao Ning'er was silent for a moment and said ," We live in a cruel world ; innocent , I sometimes wonder if someone is truly innocent . Lin Lingtian , their were no innocents in the Sacred Family . "

Lin Lingtian looked up to Xiao Ning'er ," How would you know ? "

Xiao Ning'er replied back ," How do you know that you killed innocents when removing the disease ' The Sacred Family ' ? "

Lin Lingtian remained silent .

His silence caused Xiao Ning'er to suddenly have an epiphany ," Lin ."

" hmm."

" This is not about the Sacred Family or any innocents . What is it about ? "

Lin Lingtian's gaze was on the fire as he remained stoic and silent .

" Lin "

Looking at Xiao Ning'er who was tapping her lap with her hands .

( ~ Tap ~ Tap ~ )

" Lay head on my lap ."

Lin Lingtian hesitated for a moment and before he could say anything , Xiao Ning'er grabbed his head as laid it on her lap with him feeling her hands brush against his long hair .

It was calming as he looked at her smiling face .

" My mother used to this whenever I was stressed ."

Lin Lingtian closed his eyes .

" Lin , tell me , what's wrong ? "

" ....Well ....you were right , it's not about any innocents or the sacred family . Before this , I had massacred the Hunters Association over just some 4000 demon spirit coins that some arrogant pig scammed out of me . And now seeing the smiling faces of the people of the sacred family when they were being burnt alive made me realize just what was I doing ? Am I some kind of monster that can only cause destruction and death ? "

" ..... "

Hearing his concerns , Xiao Ning'er just said ," Lin , Would a monster help a dying girl infront of him ? Would a monster free the girl trapped in her misery ? "

Lin Lingtian stared into her eyes as he could feel the warmth and compassion she had for ... him .

" Lin , You are not a monster and to me you will never be one . You are the man that freed me from my misery , from my hell ."

A few tears flew out of her eyes as she said with a smile ," T...Thank Yo...You ."

Seeing Lin still deep in thought , a thought filled her head .

" Lin ."

" hmm ."

" The current you , is he same person who massacred the Hunters Association ? "

Seeing his confused look , Xiao Ning'er continued ," If you are a monster then why are you feeling guilty ? Why are you questioning your actions ? ... Lin .... people in this world would use and dispose of others without batting an eye , you are considering the consequences of your past actions , you are not the same person you were in the past . Lin , you are not a monster and I am ready to fight you just to prove it ."

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian smiled as he stood up ," hahaha , well you will lose that fight ."

" We will see ."

Looking at her , Lin Lingtian smiled and hugged her .

" Thanks "

Even if that didn't solve his internal crisis , it still made him feel a lot better .

A bright red blush covered Xiao Ning'er's face as she remembered something when Lin was in prison .








" Why are we here ? "

" Well , I felt some sort of attraction from the Temporal Vine inside my dantian towards a location in the Heavenly Marks Family Territory ."

" Oh ! "

" Lin , can you look to me for a moment ? "

" hmmm ."

Lin Lingtian turned and felt something soft and warm touch his lips .

His eyes met Xiao Ning'er's .

Light Brown Eyes met Greenish blue Eyes as they melted into each others kiss .

( ~ Smooch ~ )

" I ....I .....I .... remem... remember ...in ...pri...priso...prison ."

Xiao Ning'er scrambled to explain why she suddenly kissed him .

A mischievous smirk covered Lin Lingtian's face as Xiao Ning'er realized that he is not going to let this go .

" ~ My ~ My ~ Beautiful to think you would be take advantage of my innocence . ~ Ah ! Mother ! Father ! I can't get married now ! "

Seeing his ridiculous pose and commentary Xiao Ning'er blushed a little but she felt somewhat sad that Lin Lingtian didn't give her a clear answer . It was clear she liked him but what did Lin Lingtian feel about her ?

Lin Lingtian exclaimed with a dramatic pose as he thought ,' Shit , didn't think this one through . Let's just pretend and hope Ning'er doesn't notice .'

Her eyes narrowed as she saw his smile , it was forced and it clicked ,' Got him . '

" hehehe " Hearing the giggles of Xiao Ning'er , Lin Lingtian opened one eye to see , Xiao Ning'er doing the same dramatic pose as him .

' Fuck , She noticed .'

' Ok , let's just change the subject .'

" Ning'er , let's go , I feel the temporal vine reaching out in one direction . "

Lin Lingtian used the gravity field to float Xiao Ning'er and him up as he heard her exclaim ," Mother ! Father ! hehehe "

Flying at little ahead from Xiao Ning'er , a light blush covered Lin Lingtian's face as he thought , ' Why did I do that pose ? Fuck , I should have kissed her neck to get her to blush . '










Flying high in the air , Lin Lingtian felt very small and subtle fluctuations in the Temporal Vine inside his dantian .

He was pretty sure that if the temporal vine was not his second core , these fluctuations would go entirely unnoticed .

[ Heavenly Sacred Family Mansion ]

Looking over the giant buildings that showed the wear and tear of years of battling the elements .

( A.N : Imagine this )

To his right , the fluctuations increased .

Floating down with Xiao Ning'er , towards a stone chamber guarded by a few silver ranks .

In a show of speed , Lin Lingtian had knocked every guard out.

Ignoring the knocked out guards , Lin Lingtian placed his hands of the metallic door .

Engulfed in a blue flame , the melted door revealing the pathetic treasury of the Heavenly Marks Family .

Lin's gaze swept through the stone chamber. The walls of the stone chamber was filled with hooks, however, there was only around one-two hundred items.

Out of everything , two things immediately caught his attention .

The first thing could be considered a treasure was a pair of katars. They were a little worn out, their lights were a little dim.

They were covered in dust. At the top of these

katars were marks of rust on them.

What caught Lin Lingtian's attention was their aura which felt very similar to that of a soul .

Shooting the Appraisal Skill at it .

[ Appraisal level 5 => 6 ]

[ Item : Soul Katars ]

[ Rank : Legendary ]

[ Description : A pair of soul weapons that can be drawn into the soul realm . You can bond with one your entire life and they will go with you when you die . Gets stronger with the individual ]


' Score '

" Place everything in a pile ." His shadows twisted as in a blur every item in the treasury was placed before him .

His interspatial ring glowed and absorbed everything Infront of him except for a wooden box that was the cause of the fluctuations of the temporal vine .

" Is this it ? " Xiao Ning'er asked while looking at the box curiously .

Lin Lingtian nodded and flicked the lid of the box with his finger revealing a temporal page .

Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er looked at each other and then at the page .

" Did your grandfather and the Heavenly Marks Family have a connection ? "

" I don't know ."

" Well whatever it is ours now ."

Lin Lingtian picked up the temporal page , the fluctuations had stopped but now what .

It was not like he could use this page to made a second heart .

Looking at the intricate and ancient inscription arrays , Lin Lingtian even with 1000% increased Enlightenment still couldn't understand a single letter but felt his understanding of Inscription Arrays increase as he closed his eyes . This thing even though he had no idea what to do with it was extremely special .

Placing the temporal page inside the inscription array , Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er .

" Ning'er "

" Yes ."

A shit eating grin made it's way onto Lin Lingtian's face .

" We are going to steal the Snow Wind Family's Treasury ."

Xiao Ning'er looked at Lin Lingtian in shock as he placed all the demon spirit coins they had gotten from the sacred family treasury .

" Lin Lingtian , I don't think that is a good idea ."

" Come on , Ning'er , if we could find such treasures inside a small aristocratic family treasury then what hidden treasures lie in the treasury of the Snow Wind Family ."

" Still , I don't think that is a good idea ."

Lin Lingtian's grin didn't leave his face as Xiao Ning'er sighed .

" Let's go ."

" Hahaha ."

" Lin , why did you leave such a large some of money in there ? "

" Well it's not like we have any use for it . Let's give it to the Heavenly Marks Family as payment for taking all their ancestral items ."

Xiao Ning'er opened her month and then closed . Not sure what to say to that .













[ City Lord's Mansion : Treasury ]

" I still don't think this is a good idea ." Xiao Ning'er said as she stared at the frozen Black Gold rank guarding the City lord's Mansion Treasury .

Normally multiple guards would be here but due to the massive amounts of soul force felt when Lin Lingtian had battled Shen Hong and the dark guild members , the city lord and many dark gold ranks were checking out the remains of what used to be the Sacred Family .

Currently Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er were walking through one of the 18 treasuries of the City lord's Mansion while his army was raiding the other 17 Treasuries , it was a hall with a circumference of a few meters. All kinds of treasures filled the place. The luster of treasure was dazzling, there's probably over tens of thousands of treasures here.

When the Age of Darkness arrived, countless amounts of people fled to the City Lord's Mansion. What they brought with them were treasures from all over the Divine Continent. Among them, there are many items that have been passed down since ancient times, which have ended up in the Treasury of the City Lord's Mansion.

Raising his hands , Lin Lingtian channeled soul force similar to that of a Fanged Panda as gravity effected every item in the treasury except for one .

Many things like the fifteen inscription scrolls that contained Legend rank forbidden seals immediately caught his attention .

Placing everything inside of the interspatial ring , Lin Lingtian looked at the one thing that had absorbed his soul force .

Lin's gaze fell onto a mysterious egg among what was left of the treasures. This egg is about a third of the size of a millstone, scarlet and gold in colour, with many mysterious inscription patterns on it.

His 1000% Increased Enlightenment made it so he had at least some idea what the function of those inscription arrays was .

Absorption and Filtration of Soul Force .

[ Appraisal level 6 ]

[ Item : Space Time Demon Beast Egg ]

[ Rank : Heavenly ]

[ Description : A Spiritual Beast that upon hatching forms a mutual connection with its master known as a soul brand . A soul brand is secure and unwavering ensuring ]

Placing his hand on egg , he Injected soul force into the egg but felt a resistance from the egg's aura, as though it was rejecting his soul force. It formed some kind of barrier and blocked Lin's soul force out.

But he felt an extremely powerful and strong bloodlust coming from the eye , this bloodlust was strong that it actually forced his War God Technique to stimulate .

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

Soul Force erupted out of his body as a tab formed infront of him .

[ Demon Spiritualist : 3 star silver rank => 4 star silver rank ]

Taking a step back , Lin Lingtian couldn't believe it . Just what was inside that egg that it had not even hatched yet forced him to feel so much danger that he broke through to the 4 star silver rank .

Remembering it's description , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but grin as he thought on what kind of powerful and mythical creature would be born from this egg and he could actually form a soul brand with it .

' Jack pot '

His interspatial ring glowed near the egg .

Channeling soul force into it , Lin Lingtian sensed fluctuations from temporal page .

Could it be that this egg is drawn to the Temporal Demon Spirit Book's remnant page?

Lin Lingtian took out the remnant page of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book. The remnant page flew into the air and a faint white light fell onto the mysterious egg. A lustrous glow was quickly circulating the egg's inscription patterns. It suddenly burst out a golden light that shined together with the light from the Temporal Demon Spirit Book's remnant page.

This mysterious scene caused Lin and Xiao Ning'er's gazes to be a little dumbfounded.

The light from the remnant page of Temporal Demonic Spirit Book continued to shine on the egg. The inscription patterns on the egg would sometimes be dazzling, sometimes dull. Lin Lingtian converged his soul force into a thread and searched for a flaw in the barrier. As soon as the light on the egg dulled, Lin Lingtian felt a crack in the barrier and thrusted his soul force into it.


Lin Lingtian felt as though his head had exploded. His head was starting to spin at fast speed, as though his mind was suddenly going through several centuries. All the scenes of his previous life were flashing within his head.

The mysterious egg continued to absorb Lin's soul force, draining him.

When Lin felt his soul force was being drained, he was shocked and quickly retracted his soul force from the egg. When he sensed that the egg was no longer draining his soul force, Lin Lingtian sighed in relief. Lin Lingtian suddenly had a mysterious feeling. The aura within the egg seems to have grown a little stronger;

furthermore, he felt a strange link formed

between him and the egg.

Storing the temporal page and egg , Lin Lingtian said to Xiao Ning'er ," Don't ."

Stopping Xiao Ning'er from entering her demon spirit form .

Closing his fist , Lin Lingtian turned to face a figure exuding an the aura of a peak Legend rank .

Ye Mo

Ye Mo coldly looked at the two with his aura and soul force erupting and trying to pressure Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er who were not effected at all .

Ye Mo might be a legend rank but Xiao Ning'er and Lin Lingtian who had faced the wrath of the heavens were not that much effected by his aura .

Lin Lingtian slowly walked forward as Ye Mo continued to keep his guard up seeing that these two kids were unaffected by his aura .

" So you are the great Ye Mo , the peak Legend rank expert that has protected Glory City ."

Ye Mo frowned as to what this boy was getting at ?

" Catch " Lin Lingtian said .

As he saw the frozen guard being hurled at him with an invisible force along with a woman made of ice wearing a veil as her translucent body erupted in the aura of a black gold rank rushed at him from Lin Lingtian's shadows.

Blocking the Snow Queens Attack , Ye Mo's power was shown as a single attack from Ye Mo destroyed the body of the snow Queen who shattered as a streak of light emerged From the shattered body of the snow Queen and went towards Lin Lingtian's shadow who along with Xiao Ning'er dispersed in a corolla of Sakura petals .

Ye Mo stretched out his senses and felt a black gold rank aura near the other 17 Treasuries also disappear .











[ Glory City : Outer Wall ]

Standing on the outer walls that protected Glory City , Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er could be seen holding each others hands .

Each of their ten fingers had an interspatial ring which contained ancient tombs , books , journals , demon spirit stones , weapons and ancient treasures all obtained from the Heavenly Marks Treasury , Sacred Family Treasury and Library and the 18 treasuries of City lord's Mansion .

Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er began to fly using the gravity field as they floated above the clouds .

Seeing the night sky above the clouds was breathtaking .

Looking at each other , a new chapter in their life had opened away from Glory City .

Flying above the clouds , Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er smiled as now they felt a sense of freedom and relaxation while flew through the night sky .

( A.N : Imagine this )



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/Adamo_Amet )-

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