Just as things were going out of hand a curious voice was heard from behind "What's going on here?"
Hearing the curious voice, everyone paused and turned to the direction where the voice came from only to find Su Yan standing near the stairs with a puzzled look.
Seeing his baby girl standing near the stairs, Si Ming could finally relax since his savior was here.
"Baby..." he growled pitifully but just as he wanted to walk towards Su Yan he noticed certain mother hen barring her fangs against him while throwing him a look that said 'If you dared to move then I will rip you off...Grrr'
Frightened, Si Ming did not dare to rush towards Su Yan and quietly stood in place but that did not stop him from whining "Baby...Save me, this mother hen is going to kill me today"
"Huh? what? what's going on here?" Su Yan asked with a puzzled look as she glanced between Sia and Si Ming.
Hehe...sorry but your guess was wrong. Anyway, do you like the twist? if so then please dont forget to Vote! Rate! Comment! and Review....Show some love to this poor author, readers ^_^