Chapter 63: Sis is here! (2)
"It's Mary November, not Mary June!" Mary shouted upon seeing her brother, her hand forward into a V-sign!
Standing at the threshold of the Last Night's main gates, Jake gawked at his sister as her in-game introduction echoed in his ears.
His expression was of an utter disbelief as he caught the reference after a few seconds. Other players going past him also turned around to look at Mary, their lips curved up.
It was quite an amusing reference.
Only NPCs couldn't understand the meaning and glanced at each other before returning to their businesses.
Jake walked to his sister, "Isn't it Jane?"
"June or Jane, whatever! You get what I mean!" Mary smiled and forcefully took her brother into a bear hug, which made Jake struggle as he didn't have enough stats to defend against his sister's affection.
She also wasn't alone, so Jake grew red and quite pissed.