19.51% Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead / Chapter 16: Electrifying

บท 16: Electrifying

"This is as far as we can take you. The engine will attract the ones wandering around here, so you might want to go to a safer location before you radio in with miss Takagi." The driver closes the car's door as he finishes speaking. I nod and turn around.

The sound of the jeep's engine echoes behind me as the car drives off, heading back towards its usual patrol route probably. I take a deep breath and look around me, at the corpses that were now walking towards me, attracted to the sound of the engine that was here a couple of seconds ago.

(Yeah, better move out.)

I jerk my shoulders and do a couple of jumps in place to limber up. Cramps kill after all… quite literally in this case.

(First, get away from here. Second, radio in with Yuriko. Third, don't get bit. Alright me, let's do this.)

I narrow my eyes and focus ahead of me.

(While there are a couple of corpses that are heading towards my direction, the road ahead only has a small group of three 'blocking' my way, and the road along the pavement is wide enough for me to just walk around them. And now that I'm alone again, I can actually be stealthy. A 'Must be' too, as fighting is not a good idea right now, because the only close-range weapon I got is a combat knife. And the gun, but it's better to hold on to it in case things get bad.)

With that, I silently move down the street, strafing around the corpses that were shambling towards the opposite direction.

(Still, it's weird how there are no crashed or abandoned cars around here. Did Souichiro's men clear them out? Hmm, seems unlikely, they would have needed some heavy machinery to do that. And that stuff is usually too slow to move around. So, back at the task at hand, what can I use as a vantage point? This place has no cars for me to climb, and I'm not going to use a house fence as higher ground…)

I glance around me as I keep walking

(Actually, speaking about that. I expected the location to look more industrial as the power plant is supposed to be near, yet I still see houses around. Maybe I'm not that close? I expected the location around the powerplant to be quite empty.)

I then checked the clothes the corpses wore as I walked past them.

(None of these guys are dressed like industrial workers either.)

After walking past the initial group of corpses, I looked down the street ahead of me.

(And if the facility was overrun by a horde, then why are there corpses shambling about. No that's, a stupid question. Maybe these ones arrived later, or they got stuck to a wall or something. Maybe the horde didn't come from this way to begin with.)

Looking ahead I could also see an intersection in the distance.

(Ok let's head there first, then figure out what to do. The road is relatively clear so I should reach it without meeting much of a resistance.)

With that, I stay in the middle of the road and start walking towards the intersection.

(This is the first time since my romp in the school that I'm actually alone again huh. I just had to pull the short end of the stick. Damn it Shido, I could have used the free time in the estate to get closer to the group, like asking Saeko to train with me. But noooo, motherfucking Shido must pop up out of nowhere and fuck shit up. I should have tossed his stupid ass to a group of corpses and let him get chewed up back at the bus, damn the consequence. Now I'm stuck here because of him while Takashi is doing God knows what...)

I shake my head and look around me.

(Uhh, I will worry about Takashi and the girls later. Got to keep focused on my surroundings before I end up bumping into something.)

With that, I stop myself from getting distracted and keep the focus on the corpses that were shambling about on the road. Upon reaching the intersection a couple of minutes later, I stop at the middle and look at the three diverging paths.

(Let's see… if I go straight, houses as far as the eye can see. To my right, I can see an increase in housing on a downhill road. To my left, I can actually see the opposite, the houses are exchanged for tree patches and small fields, with the road going uphill. Also, are those two giant chimneys in the distance? Yeah, this is definitely my road. And if I can see the chimneys from here, I mustn't be too far away after all.)

I turn to the left and start walking up the road while taking the radio out of my pocket and pushing the talk button.

(Can't find any safe location, so I might as well make the call now.)

"Miss Takagi, sorry for the delay, I had to find a clear spot to call. I'm on foot and heading up an uphill road that seems to lead to the powerplant. Over." I say in a low tone as I keep walking.

"It's alright, the guards should have left you on a road that leads to the powerplant as long as you turn north on the first intersection. Over" Yuriko answers back.

"Hmm, so I'm heading north. Speaking of, where is my compass? It was not in the bag. Over" I answer back as I keep walking up the road.

"Compass? There was no compass in the bag when they brought it to me. Over." Yuriko answers.

(Somebody has sticky fingers apparently...)

"Never mind then, no point dwelling on it now. So I'm heading north, would that mean that I will end up in the south part of the facility? Over." I ask.

"Yes. If you head straight after taking the north turn you will end up on the south part of the power plant. I know I've said it before, but the facility is overrun, so be..."

"Careful I know..." I cut her off.

"Don't worry, if I didn't feel like I could handle it, I wouldn't have asked you to send me here in the first place. Over." After I finished talking, the radio stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

"Heh, then good luck. If anything comes up, talk to me. I will keep the radio silent so I don't accidentally end up attracting any infected to you. Over."

And the radio goes silent once more. I put it back into the side pocket on my pants and keep a steady pace forward…

As I kept moving up the hill, the houses were becoming sparser and sparser, until finally, the only thing besides the road were trees and empty fields. The street itself was clear of corpses, other than the occasional shambler that was strolling to hell knows where. I could see more corpses standing still on the fields though.

(Let's hope they stay there pretending to be trees.)

I turned my attention back to the road, and looked at the two giant chimneys. I expected to see an increase in corpses as I got closer, yet, I saw no such thing. The road stayed as empty as ever.

(I don't like this. For a road leading to what's supposed to be an infested building. It's almost clear of corpses.)

I quickened my pace, trying to reach the power plant a little faster. And after climbing the uphill slope, I finally saw it.

"Well...fuck me..." I growl under my breath as I look at the power station that was below me. Or more exactly, at the fence surrounding the power station. The reason why the roads were almost free of corpses, was pretty simple to figure out now. The fence around the power plant was holding all the corpses inside the complex. The same complex that I needed to get into and search for someone.

(At least, I got a good view of the facility from up here.)

I scratch the back of my head as I keep looking at the power station, trying to figure out how I would be getting inside without leaving several parts of me as a sacrifice.

(I'm going to need a tank, a flamethrower and a flying bike with twenty rockets... Ughhh...)

I looked around me to make sure I didn't have any corpses creeping up on me, then kneeled down and turned my sight back towards the facility.

(Going straight ahead through the south side of the complex, is a no go. Jumping over the fence would be instant suicide, the other side has a giant ass horde packed all together, no way I'm getting passed that. The sides of the fence look clearer though, so I could hypothetically walk around the whole facility to find an opening. Or, I could create a diversion. If these things are that good at hearing things. I could draw a lot of them to one side of the facility by making a racket next to the fence...)

I started planning as I looked at the fence, following its path with my sight.

(The fence also seems to enclose the facility. Gives the feeling of a private facility to be honest. And as Yuriko said, there's the one main building. It looks like a capital 'L' with the longer part of the structure extending from the west to the east. I suspect that the north fence must be on the back of that building. The two chimneys are also next to that building, towards my right.

The warehouse is closer to me and to my left, so southwest of the main building. The western fence should be behind it, but I can't see it right now. And then there are a bunch of, metal structures? to the east. I have no freaking idea what they are for, but I can see a lot of pipes running among them. There is also a giant silo on the far end, right next to the main building. So I guess, the eastern fence ends around there...

Yuriko told me to look for Souichirou at the main building and the warehouse. Now, the warehouse is currently in the spot where the horde has gathered at. Also worth mentioning is that the horde is not spread out all over the facility, it's actually gathered near the warehouse. So, something made them move to that one spot? Hmm, there's guess one way to find out. Time to move out.)

I get up and start moving down the hill, towards the facility.

(I will circle around the fence and check for an opening.)

It didn't take too long for me to reach the fence after I started walking. And so, here I was, standing a few meters away from a moaning horde, separated only by a tall wire fence. I sigh and look at the sky.

(At least I still got time before it gets dark. It must be what, three pm right now? So I guess I'll check the left side first, as the warehouse is that way.)

With that, I start heading to the left, walking along the fence in silence. I kept looking at the warehouse as I walked, and noticed that it has some sort of concrete building next to it, or behind it, if we take it from where I'm looking.

(The shutters are down, so that's a point for survivors possibly being there. There's a good chance a group could survive by barricading themselves, it has not been compromised.)

I kept walking until the western fence slowly came into view. And once I had a clear view of the western fence, I saw what was probably the horde's 'entrance' point.

(That's, one big hole alright.)

Most of the west fence had been toppled over.

(So the horde came from the west or the northwest.)

There was also a steep increase in the number of corpses on this side, both inside the facility and outside.

(Yeaa… definitely not this way.)

I turned around and quickly started walking in the opposite direction.

(Hope the horde came only from one direction, If the eastern side is like this too… ugh.)

I backtrack all the way until I reach my starting point, and then start heading towards the east end of the fence.

(The structures over this side are also blocking my view. Got to keep me on the edge till the very last minute huh...)

This time around, it was a much longer walk to see whether or not the eastern end of the fence is safe, as I had to walk all the way to the end of the fence because my view was blocked by the metallic contraptions. When I finally reached said end, I took a left turn and looked at the eastern fence.


I breathe a sigh of relief.

(Guess I'm going this way then.)

I think as I start walking down the eastern fence.

(Compared to the southern fence, this side is way longer. But as it also covers the silo at the far end. Any entry point I should be able to find should be before that silo.)

This side of the fence was, thankfully, free of corpses. At least when compared to the west and southern side.

(Guess nobody tried to run this way huh...)

I kept walking next to the fence until finally, I saw a good location to jump inside.

(An open space, looks like it leads to a road inside the facility. Better than jumping in and being surrounded by metal walls and machinery I guess. I don't know if any of them are still active or dangerous in any way, plus tight spaces and possible dead ends… Yeah. That's a very cliche way to die.)

I make up my mind and take a few steps back, moving away from the fence. Then with a short sprint, run-up to it. And using the momentum I climb up. After my upper body was over the top of the fence, I pushed my legs to the side and vault over it. Landing with a soft thump, my face looking at the fence

(Why am I getting a feeling of deja vu right now?)

I turn around and look at the road that started a few meters away from me.

(The road would probably lead me to the main building if I walk along it. And since that's my destination...)

Destination decided, I carefully searched my backpack to grab the combat knife. Better safe than sorry after all, as shooting a gun here could end very bad for me.

(Not raring to jump into a fight with a corpse, but it's infinitely better than going in barehanded. Hisashi can vouch on that.)

Knife in hand, I silently move to the center of the deserted road.

(Let's see… the main building is straight ahead as I jumped in near the end of the east fence. The warehouse with the massive horde of corpses is probably far off to my left. I say 'probably' as at the moment my vision of it is blocked by all the metallic structures. So if I go straight, I will end up at the main building…)

With that, I start moving down the road. Thankfully as the road itself was rather wide and, other than the structures on my left, the right side looked like a giant concrete field that led straight to the main building. Probably a parking lot for big rigs or something. Meaning I had more than enough space to move around the few roaming corpses there are.

(It is weird though, for all the corpses roaming about, I don't see any blood on the floor, or any half-eaten carcasses. And so far, all the corpses look like normal civilians or factory workers. None of them look like the people from Souichiro's group, as all of them wore that white school uniform knock-off, or was it a military uniform knock-off? No idea what the group's engineers would wear though.)

As I kept moving down the road, I could also see several black objects near the main building.

(Hmm, Cars. In the anime, Souichiro did return to the estate in a black jeep after all.)

And as the road was slowly getting a bit 'too' populated for my liking, I turned to the right and headed towards the giant concrete field.

(This place makes me want to sprint for some reason...)

I shake my head and keep moving forward steadily. And as I got near the main building, I saw the first signs of a struggle. A dead-dead body, or what remained of it at least, with several corpses surrounding it. The whole thing was a good distance away from the cars and entrance, so it would not really obstruct me in any way.

(Still, I wonder.)

I stop a couple of meters away from the corpses that surrounded the body. The feast they just had still visible on their bloody rotting faces...

(The body does look like one of Souichiro's men. These guys, they should have been armed, right?)

I squint my eyes, trying to get a better look while lifting my mask.

(Can't see any weapons on his body, could be under it. Still, trying to get there to look would be impossible without me bumping into a corpse. It's a shame, but I'm not risking it.)

I pull my mask down and keep moving towards the main entrance. Only to come to a full stop shortly after...

(Well, I should have expected this. But, uhh...crap.)

The entrance was blocked off with corpses, creating a wall of bodies before the front door. Not 'too' many of them to be clearly visible from a distance, but enough to actually pose a problem...

(How the hell do I get inside? A window? If they are locked, I will end up making too much noise in order to smash them. Not something I want to do with all of these creeps standing next to the entrance. I could look around the building and enter it from a window that is away from the group. Hmm, the front door still looks closed from what I can see, so there's a chance that the interior of the building is still clear. But before that...)

I decided to check the vehicles first. The area around them was also relatively clear, with only a couple of corpses flocking around a big semi-truck that was parked among the vehicles. I moved towards a jeep that had no corpses surrounding it, in order to get a better look.

(The windows are tinted black, I can't see frigging crap. )

I move to the driver's door and grab the handle.

(Heh. Yeah, as if it would be that easy...)

I think as I pull the handle on the door. Only to find that the car was indeed unlocked.

(Well… holy shit.)

I continue to open the door while moving to the side, using the door as cover. With nothing suddenly leaping out of the car, I then took a peek inside.

(Looks empty.)

I proceed to do the same with the back seat door.

(Empty as well.)

I silently closed the back seat door and then went back to the front. I then enter the jeep's driver seat while leaving the door open.

(Let's see, what might we have in here.)

I open the passenger's glove box, then look around the seats and floor.

(Nothing, nothing…and…nothing, huh. Well, this was underwhelming.)

I was about to exit the car, when my sight got caught by something that was hanging behind the steering wheel...

(You… you've gotta be kidding me.)

The keys were still in the ignition switch.

(Either they are really forgetful or they left in a big fucking hurry. In either case, if this ain't a lucky break then I don't know what is.)

I smirk as I pull out the keys...

(Just in case.)

I exit the jeep, silently closing the door behind me as I look at the corpses that were still blocking the entrance to the main building. I stand there, jiggling the car keys for a few seconds, before turning to look back at the car.

(I must be crazy… )

I open the door once more, enter the car, then close the door. This time with a loud thud. I put the keys in the ignition and turn them...

The engine comes alive with a roar. I then rev the engine, and press on the horn, hard.

(This should do it.)

I dart my head around to see the corpses in the surrounding area turning towards the car. Including the ones that were at the door.

(Well that did the trick. But now I really don't want to be here.)

I turn my sight to the gearbox as I move to turn the car to reverse.

(Ohh, it's an automatic?)

I remarked as I moved the gear stick to reverse, turning the car around while in reverse, and then change the lever to 'D' as I press on the pedal again.

(Now, where do I stop?)

My sight stops at the toppled fence at the far west.


I keep staring at the fence before steering the car towards it.

(And I just had, a very stupid idea...)

I press on the pedal harder as the car increases its speed. Before long, it went over the toppled western fence, and kept moving outside to the grassy fields. Whatever corpse was in front of me. Well.. .too bad for them. Once outside, I steer to the left and speed down the field, the toppled fence next to me to my left.

If I said I tried to avoid the corpses that were on my way, then I would be lying. The ones that were sent flying left and right being the proof of it. And once I reached the end of the fence, I pressed on the brakes and turned to the left. I then drove forward again until I reached the same location where I was when I first got here. The center of the southern fence. I turn the car to face the fence before stopping completely.

(Now, I need something long and hard… err. That sounded wrong...)

I shake my head and exit the car.

(A tree branch would do. But let's check the trunk first)

I move to the back of the jeep and open the trunk.

(Empty, go figure. Tree branch it is then.)

I close the trunk and look around.

(Fields, fields and more fields. Where's a tree when you need it? Hmm I think, I saw some trees on the top of the hill where I came from.)

With that, I start running up the hill. Upon reaching the top, I look at the trees that were around me.

(Well, there are trees here. But, ughh… the branches are too high up, I need to climb up the trees to even reach a branch that might do. And considering that all I have is a combat knife, cutting a live branch while hanging on a tree will take forever. So, time for plan B)

I turn around, run back to the car and enter it...

(And by plan B. I mean that it is time to do something very fucking stupid… again.)

I start backing the jeep away from the fence to enact my plan. Upon gaining some distance, I punch the horn, and keep my hand on it for a good long while. The corpses behind the fence, stopped shuffling around, And all turned to 'look' at me...

"Yep, definitely a good idea. This ain't creepy at all..."

And then, the fence starts rattling. The corpses pushing up against each other as they try to move towards the car, causing the fence to start swaying as they grind against it.

(I wonder if the tree wannabe corpses back in the fields can hear this. Ohh who am I kidding, of course they can.)

I keep pressing on the horn as the fence keeps shaking more violently by the second. Until, with a loud crash, the fence goes down, along with a crap-load of corpses behind it. I move the lever in reverse and press on the pedal.

(To think they can overpower a fence this fast...)

The horde, now free from the confines of the fence, starts spreading outside like a flood. With most of them walking towards the jeep.

(And yeah, I'm outta here.)

I change the lever to 'D' and stomp on the pedal. The wheels screech before the jeep starts picking up speed. I let go of the horn and turn to the left, driving in a straight line until I was away from the incoming horde.

I then steer the jeep closer to the fence and keep driving in a straight line. Once I reached the end of the fence, I turned to the right and started going straight again. As I passed the warehouse, I shut down the engine to silence the car and let it roll forward with the momentum it still had. I glanced around at the corpses that were bumping into everything as they tried to head off towards the south fence as the car kept rolling.

(All that noise is making them go nuts.)

I pass the warehouse and stop a little bit further down, next to the downed fence.

(Hope the sound of the engine did not make too many of them change direction. I actually wanted to leave the car behind with the horn acting as a decoy. But climbing like a monkey to cut a tree branch yeah, no.)

With the coast clear, I look outside before exiting the car. Then turn around and walk towards the warehouse. The corpses that were around here were all 'focused' on going towards the southern fence, so the once 'death trap' was now a breeze to walk through.

Several meters later, I turn left and go over the fallen western fence, which was now much clearer from corpses.

Soon, I reached the back wall of the warehouse to my right, and a concrete wall to my left.

(Wonder what that left building is for, parking lot? Thing has no ceiling.)

I then keep going straight in an alleyway, between the warehouse and the wall, towards the street that was ahead of me. Only to come to a full stop before reaching the end, as I saw what somebody would call a parade, marching down the street.

(It seems I attracted more than just the horde that was at the warehouse. Hope their attention span lasts long enough that they don't end up stopping next to the warehouse.)

With that, I silently move to the nearby wall to my left, and kneel down.

(Now, we wait.)

With nothing else to do, I look at the knife in my hand.

(Got to find a sheath for you soon. Driving with you in my hand was a pain in the ass.)

I look back at the 'parade' that was moving down the street, towards the southern fence.

(Uhh… I wish the group was here with me. Then again, it's safer in the estate. Even with Shido in there. Wonder what they're doing right now. I could ask Yuriko, nahh. No, she already has her plate full dealing with Shido, I shouldn't bother her with trivial stuff like this. But, I do worry about Saeko's mental state.

Normally, in the original timeline, Saeko and Takashi would have split up from the group at noon today. The event would then lead to them 'sleeping' at the shrine tonight. Cue cinematic fighting scene where Takashi ends up 'persuading' Saeko to make her fight, leading to the 'confession'.

Yet, we got to the estate way earlier, and the way it's going. The split might not happen at all, as my actions already changed how the anime would go, by making the whole group go to the mansion together...

And if the house won't fall, then the dynamites won't be used, so there won't be any loud noise to cause corpses to block off the road. Meaning that the second time when the split normally happens, aka in the manga, won't happen either, and Saeko won't have her 'moment'. And if she keeps that all stuff bottled up inside her. Well, she did say it herself in the anime, she might get out of control, and possibly turn on us.

And I can't just go to her and be all 'Hur durr, tell me how you like beating the shit out of people and believe you are not worthy of positive human feelings so I can tell you that I care'. Even if I do care. She needs to be the one to start that conversation. Problem is, with who she will start it with. Though realistically speaking, that last part is just 'my' problem.

Then, we have Kohta's mental breakdown. In the manga it had a lot to do with that cop that kept speaking in the third person from the mall. What was her name again? Asuzu? Azuzu? Azamu? Uhh… asu… asa… mi? Right… I think it was Asami. He ends up falling for her, and she did like him as well. Which makes it even worse, as he had to shoot her in the head not long after. If I could avoid her death, no. After I make sure that she won't get killed, Kohta will be much better mentally.

Takashi mentally is, fine? Plot shield and stuff. Yeah, jokes aside. He also finally has Rei, so that gives him a reason to keep his shit together.

Saya already had a mental breakdown once. But so far, she seems to be the type that bounces back stronger.

Rei is probably going to be fine as long Takashi is around…

And then, there is me. And that is a good question. What about me? I feel fine. But, you can't ask a lunatic if he is crazy and expect the correct answer. I don't feel the need to mutilate corpses for the fun of it. So I'm not THAT crazy at least. But I do want to kick Shido into a group of corpses and watch as he screams while he watches his own guts leaving his stomach.)

I shake my head and look at the road again. Most of the horde was gone, meaning I could go towards the front gate of the warehouse now.

(Whatever, more stuff to worry about for later, time to go.)

I get up and walk towards the street, then take a right turn and walk down the side of the road, to end up next to the front door of the warehouse.

(No blood or bodies near the door. That's good.)

I then try to open the warehouse's door.

(Hmm, it is not locked. But something is preventing it from being opened. A barricade perhaps?)

I stand in front of the door, and stare at it.

(Well, I'm out of ideas now. The warehouse's walls are made out of cement. So driving into it with the jeep ain't gonna cut it. C'mon think, think.)

I hit my head on the door and turned around.

(At least it's still clear of corpses.)

I walked towards the shutters and gave them a light knock.

(Metal, I wonder if there is any button to open them from the outside.)

I start looking around the door to see if there's a button somewhere, but find nothing.

(Ughh, for fuck's sake.)

I lean back against the shutters.

(I did all this crap and now I'm stuck on the last straight. What a load of bull, I didn't see any type of ladder or catwalk around the warehouse either, and the windows are too high. So, how the fuck am I getting inside?

I could drive the car into the shutters. Nahh, retarded idea, that might wreck the car if I'm lucky, or just kill me outright if I'm not. Plus I will just attract the horde back here. Hmm...)

I take the radio out of my side pocket and press the talk button.

"Uhh, Miss Takagi, I might need some help over here. Over." I let go of the button and wait for an answer. But I got nothing.

"Miss Takagi?" Again, nothing.

(She is probably busy.)

Just as I was about to put the radio back in my pocket...

"IDIOT!?" The radio goes live and a different female voice comes alive..

(You… gotta be joking.)

I quickly cover the radio and look around for any corpses that might have heard the shout.

"For the love of God, don't shout, you're going to get me killed." I say as calmly as I can to the radio as I look around.

(No corpses. Ughh there goes two years of my life.)

"Umm sorry about that." A different female voice answers, probably Yuriko.

"Uhh, yeah. Cat's out the bag?" I ask as I keep a looking round me.

"Heh… I guess it is…" I hear the same voice respond.

"...Mama this ain't funny! what is going on here!" A different voice shouts from over the radio.

(God, I can hear her shouting from over the radio…)

Deciding it was too risky to sit here while Saya was going off like a siren on the walky-talky I walked back to the car. Once there, I got inside and closed the door, making sure all the windows were also closed in hopes to mask some of the noise. And well, having a giant metal bucket between me and the hungry dead does count for something.

"Umm...Naier?" The radio goes live again a couple of minutes later.

"Still here. So, what the hell? " I answer back.

"Uhh. I left the radio on the table and forgot to switch it off while Saya was in the room. Then… " The voice in the radio speaks up...

"Yea. I get the rest. Did you tell her anything? About her father? About Shido? About uhh, me? Over." I replied.

"No, she bolted out of the room. She said she's bringing the others." Yuriko answers.

"So much for being stealthy. Hope she won't go off shouting it for all to hear in the estate." I answer back.

"So, how...is the situation there? You did try to call me." Yuriko speaks up.

"Ohh right, so. There was a horde in the southeastern part of the facility, surrounding the warehouse. The main building also had a small group of walking corpses blocking the front door, but the door itself was closed, so they might just be on the outside. Didn't manage to get a better look at it yet though. Anyway, I managed to get both the horde and the group away from the structures. But uhhh, well. I hit a little..." I ended up stalling as I glanced outside.

"Did something happen? Are you alright?" Yuriko butts in.

"What, no, no I'm fine. It's just that, I can't get into the warehouse now..." I finish my sentence and hear Yuriko sigh. She sounded, relieved?

"The door is blocked from the inside. Seems like somebody locked themselves in there after attracting the horde. But thanks to that I can't get inside. The shutters are down, the windows are too high, and the door is blocked. Moreso, the walls are made of concrete. If they were made out of a more fragile material I could just drive the ca… uhh… actually, never mind the last part." I stop mid-sentence, realizing just how stupid that was.

"Naier, for crying out loud, I told you to..."

"Be careful… I know. But I'm running out of ideas here, that's why I called you before ramming any car into any wall… " I cut her off mid-sentence.

"God, Just. Just let me do the talking after your group gets here… alright?" Yuriko speaks up.

"Alright..." I answer as I scan the location around the car again by looking outside the windows.

(Still clear.)

And with that, a couple of minutes pass. Until..

"Naier, they're here. They want to speak to you. " The radio goes live again as I hear Yuriko's voice.

"Hhm." I answer back. And almost instantly I lean away from the walky-talky.

"Alright, idiot! Explanation, now! What is going on here!? Where are you!?" I heard an angry voice shout. Aka, Saya.

"Uhh. Your mother can explain?" I say as I look out of the window. The radio then goes silent again...

(And the whole thing went to shit, ughhh)

"Naier?" A completely new voice comes alive on the radio after a couple of minutes.

(Saeko? Well it is either her, or Rei...)

"I'm listening." I answer.

"Is it true? About Shido trying to frame you? And about you heading off to an overrun power-plant by yourself?" The voice speaks up again.

"Yes and no. It was not, overrun per se, just a small group."

(Yep that's a lie, but they sound pissed enough as it is..)

I answer, and hear a sigh over the radio.

"Why didn't you tell us anything? We are supposed to be a team. Don't you care how others might feel if something happened to you?" The voice, that I'm now pretty sure is Saeko, answers back at me.

(Not being fair is she?)

"And what you would do if you knew? The rest of our group would still have to stay back in the estate. If Shido, or the men with Shido, saw the whole group missing. Everybody would start poking their noses in places they shouldn't." I answer back.

The radio stays silent...

(This will be cheesy as fuck. But uhh, I can't figure a better way to say it and I'm short on time. So yeah, it's cringe time.)

"You guys, are all I got left. Everybody I knew is either dead, or on the other side of the globe. I didn't do this because I didn't care. Telling you all about it while you would still have to stay behind, would not have had any positive effects in the end." I say as I stare at the knife in my hand. And a couple of seconds later...

"We will talk about this, after you come back here. So you better come back, alive..." Saeko answers back.


next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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