97.22% Starks of Winterfell / Chapter 33: Chapter 33

บท 33: Chapter 33

Small Council Room, King's Landing, 297 AC Moon 01

3 Days after Robb left King's Landing

"The planning to bring House Stark down was extensive, yet they managed to endure and thrive. They continue to produce formidable figures like Eddard Stark, who triumphed in the rebellion against all odds. And Robb Stark, the seemingly insignificant trout in Winterfell, has not influenced the upbringing of the Stark children." Tywin Lannister, the cunning and powerful Lord of Casterly Rock, spoke with a mix of respect and frustration, a nuanced emotion that would pique the readers' curiosity. His frustration stems from the Lannister's long-standing rivalry with the Starks, while his respect is a testament to the Starks' resilience and strength.

"Lady Catelyn, with her grace and wisdom, was our beacon of hope to bring enlightenment to the North. Despite our setbacks, we still have a chance. We will lure the younger Starks south and use them as strategic pawns." Jon Arryn's voice, filled with unwavering determination as he unveiled his plan, made the readers anticipate the events unfolding. The strategic pawns, in this case, are the younger Starks, who, if brought south, could be used to influence the political landscape of the North and potentially weaken House Stark's hold on power.

'Joffrey is not of Robert's blood, but I don't have any choice but to let it be.' 

"Crown Prince Joffrey will be betrothed to Sansa Stark, the eldest daughter of House Stark. Ned Stark, the honorable Lord of Winterfell, will be offered the position of Master of Laws. With this, we will have two hostages to House Stark to keep in check," Jon Arryn, the wise and experienced Lord of the Eyrie, said, outlining a strategic plan to further their political agenda.

"In our dire circumstances, that is the most pragmatic option," Tywin said, his voice tinged with resignation and frustration. The tension between House Stark and House Lannister was palpable, a conflict that would surely keep the audience on the edge of their seats. He was not content; he yearned to teach that audacious heir of House Stark a lesson. He held a few things dear, and one was the rightful possession of a Valyrian Steel sword by House Lannister. Robb Stark had scorned him by claiming Brightroar. The boy would pay in blood for his insolence, a debt Tywin was determined to collect.

Neither side said anything. They just sat silently, and soon, Small Council members and other Lord Paramount's came in. The silence was filled with unspoken tension, a reflection of the complex relationships and power dynamics within the Small Council.

"Let's start this meeting, My Lords." The Hand of the King ordered. As the meeting progressed, they talked about managing Kingdoms while avoiding the focus of this meeting. The characters' thoughts and emotions during the meeting were a mix of anticipation, frustration, and determination, reflecting their personalities and reactions to the unfolding events.

Unbeknownst to them, the decisions made in this room would set in motion a chain of events that would shape the future of the Seven Kingdoms, leaving many unresolved issues and potential consequences in their wake. The start of the breaking of the unity of the Seven Kingdoms was initiated with this very meeting, igniting a long series of wars, popularly called Winter's Wars. These wars were a series of conflicts that reshaped the political landscape of Westeros, leading to the rise and fall of many noble houses and the reconfiguration of power dynamics.

"I believe we have wasted enough time as it is; let's not ignore the main issue for this meeting anymore. What is to be done with House Stark and the North?" Olena Tyrell said in a clipped tone, clarifying the next topic for their conversation.

"Have all six kingdoms south of the neck conspired after the Dance to break the North and eliminate House Stark? Before Aegon's Conquest, the North was closed off, rarely interacting with the southern kingdom. Their interactions were in war only, and they were only at war with Arryn's and Ironborn's," Littlefinger said.

"Before the Dance, the North was still closed off. But during the Dance, Cregan Stark descended from the North with just close to dying older men and Old Lord Rodrick Dustin. He still defeated every army he encountered. He was an unparalleled military genius and swordsman. He saved a dying dynasty, and from then on, we conspired against them, but they still survived, and now they are thriving all because of a snot-nosed brat." Tywin almost spat.

"While Dorne was still not part of seven kingdoms, we helped dispose of Cregan's heir. I even instructed Prince Lewyn Martell to seek out and kill Eddard Stark during the battle of the Trident. If Eddard had died as planned, then it would have been just the task of killing a babe, and the last Stark left would have been Benjen, who was still a boy." Doran Martell continued, and no one batted an eye about killing a babe, and even Doran gave no indication as if the same ruthlessness didn't also kill his niece and nephew. These past actions, though brutal, were part of a larger political strategy to weaken House Stark's hold on power.

"We tried to increase food prices and give the North nearly rotten food. I even ordered Lady Lyarra Stark's poisoning." Lady Olenna growled, and everyone present had a much stronger reaction. "We should have included the Tullys in planning to destroy the Starks. When Lady Lyarra died, Lord Richard's southern ambitions were left unchecked, and Lord Hoster latched onto it. Now, Riverlands is their ally." Lady Olenna continued.

"Let's attack them, then, attack the North and conquer it," Queen Cersei said. Her proposal was met with agreement and skepticism as the characters weighed the potential benefits and risks of such a bold move.

"My Queen, that is not possible. No one can conquer the North, and Robb Stark has already eliminated the most enormous and closest threat to his family's rule. House Bolton is gone already." Varys spoke measuredly.

"Not to mention he is already securing the North's borders. If he is brilliant, and we know he is, then he will put a fleet on both coasts, and King Robert had already given the Starks permission to rebuild Moat Cailin." Tywin said defeatedly.

Just as Tywin finished speaking, an Acolyte of Grandmaester, a young apprentice of the Citadel, ran inside the room and handed the scroll, a rolled-up parchment containing important news, to Pycelle, the elderly and wise Grandmaester of the Seven Kingdoms.

"Apologies, My Lords and Ladies. It seems that my Acolyte brings grave tidings. King Robert has woken up from his injuries, and as a way to apologize for fighting with his best friend's son, he has given the North a five-year tax break." Grandmaester Pycelle spoke gravely, his words carrying a weight of relief and concern. This tax break, a significant economic advantage, could strengthen the North's position and complicate the political landscape, as it allows the North to allocate more resources to its defense and potentially challenge the dominance of the other kingdoms.

Pandemonium broke out in the meeting room, and in that chaos, no one noticed how a lizard on a wall was being warged into. Warging is a rare and powerful ability in this world, allowing specific individuals to enter the minds of animals and control their actions. This revelation hints at a cunning player in the political game, adding a layer of mystery and intrigue to the narrative. Individuals have started using every tool to combat the South's ambition and deception.

Robb's POV (Age 17), 297AC Moon 8 -- Winterfell, The North

'It's been five moons since King's Landing,' Robb thought. While they had returned from the South in relative peace. Alys spies have informed them about how deep the Southern treachery ran. Tywin wanted to assault Riverlands, but King Robert forbade Tywin from doing so because of the threat of war.

His thoughts ran to the day after he returned to Winterfell.

Flashback 6 Moons Ago

After returning to Winterfell, he and his party rested for a day. Father had already gathered all the bannermen, cautiously preparing for War if something went wrong while I was in the South.

Soon after everyone broke their fast, my family, various Magnars, and Masters were assembled in the expanded Great Hall, which now could house a giant. Magner Wun Wun was sitting beside Leaf. Some frowned when Daenerys entered and sat beside me.

"My Lords and Ladies," as Father began this meeting, everybody quieted. "My son has returned from his journey in Essos; next year, he will reach his majority, and I couldn't be more proud of him. He has worked hard for the North to be strong like no one else before him." Father spoke, and cheers broke out in the great hall.

Eddard Stark raised his hand, and again, Hall quieted down. "A new era is coming to the North, and my son will need a Lady by his side. So, in front of Gods and Men, I announce that the Daughter of Queen Rhaella Targaryen shall wed my son upon reaching her majority in one and a half years. With this, The Pact of Ice and Fire will settled, and House Targaryen will be absorbed into House Stark."

As Father finished speaking, the Hall remained quiet, and Daenerys became nervous. Finally, Greatjon stood up, raised a mug of ale, and said in his characteristically loud voice, "To Daenerys Targaryen, Daughter of Queen Rhaella, Niece of Maester Aemon and Brynden Bloodraven. A Queen of Fire for our King of Winter, Ha Ha Ha"

After Greatjon, everybody started congratulating us. Northerners were like that; they accepted any decision, House Stark, and after I strengthened the North, they almost became fanatical in their belief of Starks.

"My Lords and Ladies, while Lord Eddard understandably only mentioned my mother, I apologize for my father, King Aerys II Targaryen, my brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and my ancestor's actions through which North suffered. Please accept the gifts I have prepared as my sincere apology." As Daenerys spoke and signaled, a few servants opened the boxes containing Valyrian Steel weapons.

All the Lord's mouth hung open, seeing these many rare weapons. North had only 4 Valyrian Steel weapons previously in possession of House Stark, Mormont, Dustin, and Reed. Soon, 2 Valyrian Steel weapons were gifted to every Clan Chieftan and Master, and 3 Valyrian Steel weapons were given to Lord's houses, with two each to House Mormont, Dustin, and Reed.

"My King Robb, are there any task we can assist you with?" Lord Reed spoke.

"The tasks given to me by the Old Gods are complete, with one remaining, which my brother Bran will do. It is the same with the tasks that Bloodraven set out. Now, only war remains. I have set out a few things I would like to discuss with you all." I started speaking on the topic of preparation for the Great War.

Now, the North can raise 120,000 men and women for war, and if we start to empty our villages, then 180,000. We will divide 180,000 warriors into three groups of 60,000 each and set up a standing Army of 60,000. Warriors will be employed on a four-moon rotational basis, rotating between three phases of active duty, training, and off-duty every four moons.

Our Army of 60 Thousands will be divided into six smaller armies, each with 10,000 soldiers. Four Generals and two Admirals of the North will lead each smaller army. Lord Greatjon, Lord Rickard, Lord Reed, and Lord Dustin will be our Generals, and Lady Maege and Lord Wyman will be our Admirals. A Stark shall always be Commander-In-Chief of the Army. As for Vice-Generals, Lords Galbert Glover, Mance Rayder, Theo Wull, and Edric Dayne will take command. As for Vice-Admirals, Master Davos Seaworth and Lord Yohn Royce will take command.

These positions will be hereditary for their Heirs and houses. Still, they will be limited to only members of their House who have completed their training in the Warfare Strategy Centre, which will be part of Winter's Knowledge Hall and will be headed by my father. 

Other members of the Northern Nobility can also send their members to compulsory training for Heirs of Generals and Admirals. From this, the second Vice-Generals and Battalion (1000-warrior) Commanders will be selected, and common-birth warriors in our army will be tested for promotion to the positions of Sergeant (500 warriors), Centurion (100 warriors), Captain (10 warriors), and Ranger (5 warriors).

If we try to simplify this structure, Commander-In-Chief has 4 Generals and 2 Admirals under his command. Each General/ Admiral will have 2 Vice, each commanding 5000 Warriors. Under each Vice will be 5 Battalion Commanders (1000-Warriors), and each Commander will further have 2 Sergeants (500-Warriors), each Sergeant will have 5 Centurions (100-Warriors), each Centurion has 10 Captains (10-Warriors) as subordinates, and lastly, each Captain has 2 Rangers (5 Warriors).

Henceforth, Levies raising authority of Nobility are revoked. Only Army Officers will command Warriors into War."

No shouting broke out at my announcement, and the Northern Nobility accepted my decision. "While we are currently at 60,000 Warriors in each phase to prepare for Winter and future wars, we will raise our army till we have 100,000 in each phase. After our army has reached the target of 300,000 Warriors, Lords will have permission to train up to 500 Warriors. Masters and Clans can train 300 Warriors.

Each Magnar has the task of preparing their territory to face Winter." I finished speaking, and then a discussion broke out about how best to implement my plans.

Later that day, during sunset, Daenerys and I placed the Unknown Eggs at the root of the heart tree and asked for Old God's blessings. One moon, after placing the eggs beneath the heart tree, they hatched.

Flashback Ends

I was thrown out of my thoughts when Stitch flew in through an opened window and sat down on my head. Greywind and Ghost paid no attention to the little troublemaker and continued sleeping.

Stitch and Lilo were Frost Gryphons, a sub-species of Gryphon. Grandscholar Marwyn has concluded from records that Gryphons were a magical animal species like direwolves and dragons that went extinct before the Age of Heroes. Now Dragons are extinct, and House Stark is in control of two other Magical Animals. But they were not pets. They were friends, companions, and family.

Gryphons could be described as animals with a lion's body, tail, and legs and the head and wings of an eagle. Lilo's fur & feather color was a mix between Greywind and Ghost, with one golden and one eye Red. Stitch was similar to Bite, with Black fur & feather color, and Violet eyes. Like Direwolves, Frost Gryphons were also quite adept at surviving in Winter. Now, Daenerys and my siblings have a self-imposed task of seeing both Direwolves and Gryphons survive and thrive in the North. And we will see it done.

Marwyn predicted that Gryphons would grow as large as Direwolves and could carry only one person at a time with luggage and two without luggage. Maybe, like Targaryens, we should place a Direwolf Pup and Gryphon Egg in the crib of future Starks.

(Frost Gryphons Pic)

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