100% Star Wars: Skill Mastery System / Chapter 2: Starting out Pt 1

บท 2: Starting out Pt 1

In a galaxy far far away

There was a boy named Angus

Angus was six years old and lived on Naboo

Angus had curly brown hair and brown eyes with a large build for a human child

3'9" with a weight of 70 pounds.

Angus looked liked a child with a dad bod, but was still athletic and not rundown like most fathers.


Angus was not always a six-year-old

He was once a 23-year-old man who grew up in Canada and died from pneumonia after having fallen in a fishing hole during winter.


Having Died Angus soon woke up again as a three old child who grew up in an orphanage on Naboo

Over the next three years Angus floated through the years trying to adjust to a new life filled with aliens and strange technology that far outstripped his last life's stuff.


After three years of moping around Angus Finally cemented his mind

Today was the first day that Angus decided to take hold of his destiny and to become wealthy and powerful.

To do this Angus began walking down the streets in look for someone to hire him.

Unfortunately, the Starship docks would not hire him but when he approached the Harbour that over looked the ocean, he was able to scoop a job working as the cleaner and gopher of a Ship repair dock.

The first day on the job Angus went about mopping up the deck of his first ship


Congratulations host

You have unlocked the

Skill Mastery System

By training skills one can receive certain boons and extra knowledge.

You have unlocked the skill

Cleaning Level 1 (no perks)

Seeing this he was startled and thought it was a fluke or a hallucination but continued on his day

For the rest of the day, he ran to fetch parts and took barnacles off of the boat.

All the while he continued receiving messages in his vision


Unlocked skill Running Level 1 (no perk)

Upgraded Cleaning Lvl1à level 3 (perk: cleaned surface has 2% resistance to grime build up)

Unlocked skill Beginner parts Knowledge Lvl1(no perk)


Seeing the continued messages appearing Angus could not help but feel cautious.

But seeing nothing else occurring he decided to wait and see before doing further testing.


Finishing up with the last of the clean up for the day Angus received payment from his new boss

16 republic credit for 8 hours of work

"Boy! Good work, you can come back tomorrow, I will pay 5 credit per hour "Stated the Boss

Thanking the man for the payment and future employment he began on his way to the orphanage

Walking he could not help but jingle the credits in his pocket with glee.

16 credits is not much but as long as he proves himself and constantly learns new things he will surely prosper in this new and strange galaxy."

But these happy thoughts did not last long

Rounding the corner, he was tripped by someone's leg

Looking up at what tripped him he saw three other orphans, two humans Roger and Evan and a Rhodesian named Phuk. They were all older than him being 12,13 and 11 respectively

"Hey Shrimp! We heard that you earned some money? We of course will take half for protection fees." Sneered Evan the oldest of the group.

Angus could only feel anger raging in his blood

"I worked for this! You will not take it, find you on job!" he Snarled

Phuk kicked Angus who was still on the ground "Listen to the Boss or you get hurt! We protect all orphans so you owe us compensation and back pay" states Phuk

Getting up Angus took stock of his options.

The orphanage Matron did not like fighting inside the building but aloud it outside so he would be safe sleeping, just not when he is roaming around outside.

Looking at the three he began to think of his new skill system and decided to put trust that by training skills he could get beneficial perks.

Taking a chance he first kicks Roger in the shin before wailing Phuk in the Face

Evan took that time to get angus in a headlock.

The six-year-old refused to give up easily

Curling his fingers he swings backwards scratching the bigger boys face

Kicking Phuk one last time Angus then bolted the remaining 100 meters to the orphanage.

Closing the door behind him he could see his three pursuers shouting and running for him.

Feeling safe now Angus made way for the Matron Beatrice

"Ms. Beatrice? I was able to get a job today, I was wondering could you help me start a bank account?"

"Ooh that is wonderful Little Angus! I would love to help you, we can do it in 8 days when I am available, but you can give me your money and I will keep it safe" said the kind older lady who ran the orphanage

Hearing her, he gladly handed over the paltry credits so that the others will not sneak into his room and take them.

Deciding to relax the boy then began to walk to the little library that seemed to accumulate many books.

Choosing a book on Mechanics for dummies he began to read many pages on the very basic upkeep of droids and home appliances

Continuing to read he saw a blue flash in his vision.

Pulling up the system he saw two updates

Unlocked skill Feral Fighting Level 1

Unlocked Skill Reading level 1

Upgrade skill Running level 1à level 2 no perk


Seeing the update he was confused on the feral fighting. He would have thought he would have unlocked unarmed fighting. But after some thought he realised that using his nails as a weapon probably altered the skill.

Choosing some more books he began power levelling his Reading skill

2 hours pass till supper was ready and Angus received his first reading perk

Upgrade skill Reading level 1à level 4 (Perk: eidetic memory for read information)

Reading this he began to think back on the books he read and could recall everything page per page.

Even by just thinking of a certain topic his brain pulled him to the proper pages to look over.

Pleased with his success and beginning to trust the strange power within him he made way towards the dinner table and sat closest to Ms. Beatrice

Before the children could begin chowing on the scalloped potatoes and ham, the Matron Stood up and offered a toast.

"I would like to congratulate our dear Angus; he has been able to secure a job which will aid him in the future! I hope a few of you follow in his footsteps." Saying this she glances at a few of the older children such as Roger and Evan.

Hearing this it was a split crowd, some scowled while othered nodded in contemplation.

Without much more fanfare the denizens of the orphanage began to consume the lovely meal on the table.


Getting back to his room Angus prepared to sleep but noticed he had a system message.

Skill unlocked Consumption Level 1

Reading this Angus was stunned. Eating gave a skill? Would he get one for other everyday tasks like breathing? If so, why has he not received a skill yet.

Deciding to ignore the message for later he went to bed


Waking up the next day his system broadcasted

Skill unlocked Sleeping level 1

Ignoring this he begun preparing for the day

Having a breakfast of Nutri gel and bread he packed a lunch of fruit and made way for the docks.

Running down the streets he begun to make plans based off of his current abilities

Currently he is six years old

On Naboo he would be an adult at 13, at this age he could join the NDF also known as the Naboo Defense force.

Currently he should focus on learning about mechanics and build up till he was fixing starships so that he could repair/ build his own in the future.

He should also begin training chis fighting skills and learning of the different weapons used in this galaxy.

Just thinking of Weapons made him think of old comic book weapons such as Captain Americas shield and Ironman's repulsors which he would want to use.

But in the end, he also needs money to fund his potential projects so he must work!


Slowing down from his jog Angus slowed down and greeted his new Boss

"Hello Sir, I am eager to work what do you need?"

"Hey kid, go to the back room and sort all of my tools based off of tool type."

Nodding the boy went back and begun looking at the various tools

A few were similar to Earth tools such as screw drivers and Hammers but others were not so familiar.

Grabbing a tool that looked liked a click pen, he clicked the button but soon dropped it in fright when the tip let off a small plasma beam.

Scrabbling to pick it up he clicked the button again to shut it off

Placing this to the side he begun to fidget with other unknown tools to see what their functions were before getting to the sorting

After an hour of figuring these functions out he then begun cleaning of the shelves and sorting the tools into their respective spots.

Beginner Parts Knowledge has Evolved to Beginner Mechanic Knowledge

Mechanic Knowledge Level 3 (Perk 1 can measure parts needed with glance of the eye. Perk 2 automatically know the name of the tool after touching it)

Having completed his task Angus then went to look for Boss

Going back to the main room he saw it was also out of order so he began cleaning and sorting

It was weird he found bolts with fishing hooks and what looked to be pickled fish beside the fuel cans

Finding some credits caught in the floorboards under the counter he picks them up and places them on top of it for his boss to find.

Going to the next room

In this room there was an assortment of junk

Rummaging through he did not find just parts for boats but also damaged Blasters and what looked to be pieces of old Droids

Setting the broken things away from good he placed the blasters and droid parts in one spot for when his Boss returned


Skill upgraded cleaning level 3 à level 6

(Perk 1: cleaned surface has 8% resistance to grime build up)

Skill unlocked Lifting Level 1


Cleaning the adjoining closet Angus headed to the Dock and found the Boss smoking a pipe while arguing with what looked to be a fish monger.

Having noticed the boy, the Boss turned to face him

"Boy? Looks like you are done, took you a bit, I hope you did not have any troubles?"

"No sir, I have sorted your tools along with your main room and storage room with the miscellaneous stuff."

Hearing this the Boss and Fish monger go to inspect the rooms

"Hmm, this is good work kid, these tools are easy to find, you get an A+," said the boss

"Hey Boss maybe we should check that room," said the fishmonger

The two then made way for the room that contained Droid parts and broken blasters.

The boss nodded before asking a question "Boy, what do you think of me having these broken blasters?"

Having watched many gang movies in his past life decided to play it safe "Blasters sir? I am afraid All I cleaned was droid parts and sept the floor, I never saw any blasters."

This caused the older men to laugh

"Well boss, you chose a smart one" stated the fishmonger

"Yes boy, good job you saw nothing. Work like this and we should have a jolly good time," said the Boss

"Yes Sir"

"Good, now go to the end of the dock to the two dinghies, remove the steel plating and add on new ones, you will find all the supplies in the room you just cleaned use the rivets and save the sheets that are not too damaged." Said the Boss

Nodding Angus scurried to do his work glad he made the correct decision of just pretending not to see the blasters.

Stalking over he took the plasma cutter from earlier and began cutting the rivets while prying the sheets off with a bar

Skill unlocked Material recovery level 1

Skill unlocked Physique level 1

Continuing to pry the panels he begun to hum a few songs by the Dubliners such as "the Fields of Athenry" and "Weile waile"

This process took him till the end of the day when the sun was beginning to lower in the sky.

Skill upgraded Material recovery level 1 à level 4

(Perk 1: scavenged material is improved by 1%)

Skill upgraded Physique level 1 à level 3

(perk 1: reduces bodies stamina consumption by 3%)

This was great news, there was so much wasted steel that he recovered if he could raise this skill then in the future he would spend less on new parts and be able to get better prices for junk that he collected

Heading into the main building he saw the Boss relaxing and smoking a cigar

"Well, boy, you did good work, with your hustle instead of five I will be paying you 10 credits an hour. Just remember keep your mouth closed and we should have a good time."

"Yes sir. I understand. I was wondering how many credits I would need to by some of those droid parts from you?" the boy asked

"Hmm, work the rest of the week and you can use what ever scrap is left over in that room. If you clean the lean-to out back you can use that as your storage room for your stuff." "Now a bird told me you live in an orphanage if you need help just ask."

Smiling Angus thanked the man and ran off for home


After greeting Ms. Beatrice and handing over his earnings Angus went back to the little library and begun reading more books on mechanics but this time about small spacecraft engineering.

Filing this information in his brain he then continued onto other topics such as cooking, and history.

In one of the newer books, he learns of a monk organisation that controlled a mysterious magic and used laser swords to protect the peace of the republic.

Reading this he could not help but feel a niggling sense of familiarity with these people known as jedi but after a bit of thinking could not come up with anything.



Over the next three months Angus would continue working for the boss repairing boats

In the fourth month in the new year the Boss brought him to a new shop

"Well kid welcome to the speeder shop. Henrik will teach you what you need to know about speeders."

Upon saying this the boss turned and left the boy with other man Henrik

"Alrighty laddie, come round back I will give you a few manuals to read, when you have those read, I will show the practical." Said Henrik

Following instructions Angus then went to read the manual of two speeders one was a land speeder while the other was an air speeder.

For the most part they are not too different but Air speeders required stronger repulors and engines while the land speeders required better air filters for the engine.

After having this knowledge logged into his brain, he went to do practical stuff

Here he was taught regular check ups such as fuel filter/ lines along with remagnitizing the repulsors.

Weirdly enough on Naboo at least there were no renewable energy sources for vehicles and they still relied on liquid-based fuel.


4 months pass

Today he turned 7 years old

Not expecting much he continued on to the Speeder shop

Upon entering he saw Henrik and the Boss

"Happy birthday kid, we have two gifts for you." said the boss

"Gifts?" why would you get me a gift?"

"Well kid you are one of us now, and it is long past time we show you what we do." Said Henrik

Hearing this Angus shuffled with nerves worried about what he will learn

First approaching the box that was indicated as his gift

Opening it up he saw a bunch of different parts

Looking closer he saw a booklet for a droid

Looking closer he saw it was for a tripod Assistant droid (think a Mechanic Droideka)

Looking up from the box he gave the boss an enquiring look.

"We notice how quickly you learn and how hard you work, sometimes another hand is useful, also you could kit this up with some weapons if you choose to become more involved with us." Spoke Boss.

"Thank you, but what is the business?"

Hearing this the two older men stood up and lead Angus to the docks.

"Well, boy as you can guess based off of the boats we smuggle things, machines, drugs, and weapons."

"With Naboo being a peaceful planet, no one would look here for a smuggling ring especially if we keep our heads low and do not create violence. Our boats usually take drugs and weapons, later you will be introduced to our star ship mechanic but there we smuggle out unmarked speeders and droids."

"Are you apart of violent crime?" asked the boy

"Not really we have selected few who operate as mercenaries but those are only a handful, you won't have to worry about that." Spok Boss

For the rest of the day the Boss took angus around the city showing various stores that were both a front and an actual business owned by the gang.

The baker, half of the starship port staff were gang members, a few dozen pubs along with farmers, steel shops and other places.

It honestly blew Angus' mind

Going threw each place that the boss owned Angus could not help but gawk at the show of this old man's wealth.

This is what he wants

After finishing the tour Angus begun to walk home and begun to look at close to a year's worth of upgrading and unlocking skills


Material recovery level 30

Perk 1: scavenged material is improved by 30%

Perk 2: reduce damage to material during scavenging by 15%


Physique level 40

Perk 1: reduces bodies stamina consumption by 43%

Perk 2: doubles muscle strength


Running level 45

Perk 1 decrease body impact by 46% while running

Perk 2 Increase speed by 20%


Cleaning level 60

Perk 1 cleaned surface has 99% resistance to grime build up

Perk 2: Bacteria resistance 22%


Lifting level 50

Perk 1: when lifting object can lift 5X weight



Beginner Mechanic Knowledge level 75

Perk 1 can measure parts needed with glance of the eye.

Perk 2 automatically know the name of the tool after touching it

Perk 3: able to understand the Droid language and speak it


Sleeping level 20 MAX

Perk 1: increased stamina recovery 120%

Perk 2: increased healing during sleep by 60%


Consumption level 60

Perk 1: strong stomach allows minor digestion of usually inedible foods

Perk 2 Goat Stomach Allows digestion of all organic materials

Perk 3 increased absorption of consumed minerals by 20%



Reading level 50 MAX

Perk 1 eidetic memory for read information

Perk 2 increased reading speed 80%


Feral Fighting level 20 MAX

Perk 1 increase strength of all body parts by 120% (Teeth, fingers, nails, joints

Perk 2 sixth sense of impending danger


Seeing his skills brought a sense of pride but after many months of work you would think there would be more skills or better perks than what was offered.

But good news, by being a part of a gang he would surely be able to attain many skills and perks.

Another piece of good news was after starting a bank account with Ms. Beatrices help, he was able to save 19,000 republic credits.

In the grand scheme of things this would not be much but he could now by a holopad and a holonet subscription. Here he would be able to learn various things to store in his brain, along with keeping abreast of galactic news.

Now one might not care about such things, but having a government that made decisions for hundreds of planets with thousands of senators some of which owned billion credit business, it would become vital to know what laws were being passed.


Week later

Loading a finished speeder into a crate, he took a look outside the garage.

Surprisingly he saw what looked to be an official of some kind

Nodding to the man so as not to seem suspicious, he soon returned to assembling another air speeder.

But before much work could be done, he heard a cough

Looking up he saw the man from earlier

"Sir how can I help you?" he asked

"Well young man could you tell me where the owner of this establishment is?"

Nodding he ran off to find Henrik

Henrik upon seeing the man spoke "hello, how can I help you?"

"Well sir, I was hoping to purchase some merchandise from you, and I hope that it can stay strictly under the table." Said the official

"Yes, what do you need?"

"We would like an armoured air speeder that could fit 4 passengers and a driver, we would also like some hidden weaponry installed."

"Hmm, I could do that, my young apprentice could have it ready in a week's time, I will take 60,000 credits," said Henrik

"isn't he a bit young? Will he know how to do this, 40,000"

"Well, he was taught by me and is insanely competent, 58,000"

"Will the speeder be of good quality? 45,000"

"You would not have come to us if we sold bad product, 50,000 last offer"

"I will take it" nodded the man quickly before shaking hands and handing over 25,000 as down payment

After a few more minutes conversating the man walks off.

"Who was he?" asked Angus

"Probably someone from the palace, various people of high standing get black-market equipment so it is harder for others to get the specs." stated Henrik.

Nodding in understanding, Angus begun pulling out the necessary pieces to build an armoured speeder with hidden guns.

First, he started with the frame and mechanized ejection ports for the guns

Then he begun installation for 3 separate shield generators one for around the speeder, one fore enclosing the top and a third for back up.

Next, he begun forming the plating into beautiful curves and begun assembly of the repulsors and the fuel tank

This took three days of work

But once it was done the official came back and took it after leaving the rest of the payment and a 5,000 tip which Henrik gave him.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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