29.72% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 77: Friends of the Family

บท 77: Friends of the Family

I don't own star wars

We landed on tattooine and the first thing we did was buy me a hat. Caradoc slapped it onto my head to hide my bright red hair as cloth attached to said hat draped around my ears. We made our way through the massive port city passing dozens of tourist shops and cantinas, and a collection of pretty alien girls dressed as maids handing out coupons. I admit I stopped to look and immediately Caradoc dragged me away.

"Okay." Caradoc dragged me into an alley as a collection of armed Duros began walking past and he sniffed indignantly. Crap that meant he was frustrated or annoyed. But I didn't know which so I remained silent. "…Okay. Your father has a lot of friends on tattooine." He said looking at me, "And one of them could help us with your bounty, his old boss Torga the hutt… the problem is I don't know how to contact him in a way that wouldn't get us blasted so." He handed me his credits pouch, "So I'm going to go find someone in the dune sea who can, that crazy old Jawa Short-round. You are going to lay low until I get back."

"Why can't I just come with you?" I asked, "Splitting up when there's a bounty on my head!" I whispered that part I'm not dumb. "Seem's like a really unsafe idea!"

"I don't have enough money to rent a speeder for us." He said "And I'll move faster on my own, I know the way. Besides they'll be looking for a massive wookiee warrior…" he stood a little prouder, straighter, "Like me and they'll think you're not too far away. They won't expect this." he said a little too smugly.

"Because its dumb!" I hissed desperately, "I don't even have a charge for this!" I hissed, holding out dad's rifle. "All I got is mom's old blade!"

"That reminds me give me that." He took the rifle and handed me his bowcaster, instinctively I tried reaching for my dad's rifle but he held me back. "I can get ammo for this." He said gesturing to the rifle, "And at least you won't be unarmed." He gestured to the bowcaster. "But you've handled it before so remember…"

"Hold it tight to my shoulder and wait until I won't miss." I said mechanically and he smiled, rubbing my hair affectionately.

"…There's a restaurant called Tapper's Oasis." He said, "Go there and order something. Then walk around for a while and go back, I'll meet you there as soon as I can."

"What if you're not back before nightfall?"

"There's a motel right next door and you should have enough for a room… If I'm not back by then start panicking and…" he took a very deep breath and looked extremely annoyed. "…And I'm breaking my promise to Calypso, but if I'm not back go to Dromund Kaas and find your Aunts. They're the best option to watch out for you besides myself."

I sighed… and nodded understandingly and he was gone with hardly a noise.

I found Tapper's Oasis and I spent a good amount of time there, ordering a glass of cola, then food… then I left, wandering the massive town and avoiding anyone who looked particularly 'hunty'. Which was a bit of a problem because everyone seemed to have a blaster. Still though, after managing to pull myself away from a pretty Theelin girl in a maid outfit I managed to get back to Tapper's Oasis… In the morning it was full of jawas and moisture farmers, and other not quite riff-raff of tattooine. Now however?

Mandalorians. Dozens of manadalorians in multicolored armor were drinking and laughing jovially as I went rigid and hoped to the force that they weren't bounty hunters. Covering my face subtly I walked past a particularly loud blue-armored Mandalorian with a thick black beard as he laughed loudly about some broken device he had gotten from a jawa.

I sat in a corner booth, a friendly elderly waitress who had served me early this morning smiled and got me a cola. "Thank you." I smiled at her and she walked away to tend to the Mandalorians… I took deep breath, I couldn't deny that they scared the crap out of me.

"Sir!" came a female voice running into the bar, she was wearing green armor and a Mandalorian helmet and she approached the blue-armored bearded man. "…The Varlis." She hissed bitterly and immediately the doors opened again.

Three Rattataki entered the bar, bald naturally as all Rattataki, tattooed with curved lines over their bare skulls and eyes along with what looked like fangs tattooed around their lips entered the bar. They couldn't have looked more contrasting in comparison to the uniformed Mandalorians.

The biggest, a huge hulking man with a bandolier full of probably grenades and wrapped in heavy armor was at least as big as Caradoc but broader in the shoulders. A large heavy repeating blaster hung on his back but he lugged it around like it was nothing. The smallest was a wild-looking gangly man; he was wearing lighter, but matching, armor strapped with vibro-knives on his upper and lower thighs, his biceps, and right forearm, and on his left was a com-screen. He had a manic glint in his eyes as they darted around the room. Clearly looking for obvious, or even imagined threats.

The third was a woman, a very beautiful, curvy, and slender woman who walked like she owned everything here, dressed in a black open overcoat and a pair of blaster carbines strapped to each side of her wide shapely hips as her dark green, almost black, eyes narrowed on the blue Mandalorian. Her tall black booted legs stepped dominatingly into the room and instinctively I slowly turned my head… practically declaring to the room that I wasn't involved.

Her dark-colored lips twisted into a smile as she absently took the man's drink and slowly sipped, licking the entirety of the glass' rim before placing it carefully back down. "He wants a refill." She said with a rather seductive raspy voice.

The blue Mandalorian sighed and pushed the glass away with the back of his hand. "What do you want… which one was she again?" he asked, sounding completely bored, to the green Mandalorian.

"Varli-Seis." She said flatly, keeping a hand on her Mandalorian blaster, but also keeping it in her holster.

"Right right, Seis. Did your Mommies let you off your respective leashes?"

"Don't you talk about my Mama!!" the smaller Varli male shrieked and tried to grab at the blue Mandalorian violently only to have the biggest Varli grab him and easily hold him back. Apparently, this was a common occurrence because nobody really reacted to it.

Varli-Seis chuckled good-humoredly as the bartender returned with another glass for the Mandalorian but she took it and stuck a fingerless gloved finger into the liquid and swirled. "Why yes as a matter of fact… they think we can do jobs on our own now and want to spend time with daddy/pet." She said smugly. "Epta's a little overexcited…" she gestured to the smaller male. "Anyway I want to know something… have you seen any redheads lately?"

The blue Mandalorian sat a little straight and so did every other Mandalorian in the bar, practically begging for orders. But the biggest Varli merely looked around, unimpressed and returned his attention to the Mandalorian. "No redheads that I know of." He said, gently brushing his hand in the air and the other Mandalorians sat back down. "Why?"

"Well… there's a bounty out on the hutt net for an… oh what was his name again Dausut?" she looked up at the big ratattaki.

"Roland Firemane." He said with a rather dignified air for someone of his size, "And if my information is correct he's the son of a certain Aiden Firemane…"

The blue Mandalorian nodded slowly, "Oh I see… well. We still haven't seen any redheads…"

"Well we thought that since Aiden was a favorite of Torga's, his kid might try and get the hutt contract canceled and well we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

"No, I imagine you wouldn't." the blue Mandalorian said, "Well thanks for informing us. You can go now."

Seis smiled and leaned forward whispering something in his ear and slowly placing a hand on his shoulder, I couldn't hear her but Urai violently knocked her hand away and everyone suddenly had blasters out!

Seis held her hands up placatingly, "Alright… alright this was just a courtesy. But if you really aren't going to get involved you should tell your new pet bounty hunter I heard she chased him off Kashyyyk." She then grinned and poured his drink onto the floor, "He would like a new one." She smiled walking between the other two Ratattaki, "Come on bros let's go. Maybe we'll try Coruscant for some easy marks. A bounty that big is almost not worth it."

"That sounds almost oxymoronic." Dausut said, following his 'sister' and dragging Epta behind them.

The second they left the blue Mandalorian groaned out angrily, speaking to the green Mandalorian "Get the clan, spread them out in the city. Find me any redheads." He said to the green Mandalorian, "17-18 years old. Boys. and for the love of various sandy jawa gods don't let the damn Varlis see you and know about it! We don't want him shot." He then sighed adding exasperatedly, "The universe is funny like that giving Aiden Firemane a Son."

"Yes sir." She said immediately, gesturing to several other Mandalorians who immediately got up and followed her out of the bar. I sat there… watching as the blue Mandalorian looked… worried, rubbing his hands through his slightly greying black hair.

Then something came back to me… Dad had a Mandalorian friend, right? I took a deep breath and took a risk. I approached and tapped carefully him on the shoulder. He turned to look at me a little annoyed, but his eyes softened as he looked into my eyes. A look of recognition seemed to cross his face.

Then he laughed and took off my hat and I grinned sheepishly at him. My red hair shinning in the room as he shook his head in disbelief. "…Roland Firemane." He smiled at me and shook his head again. "…Welcome to Tattooine." He stood up and looked me up and down. Clapping me on the shoulders fondly.

"…You look like your dad…"

"I get that a lot." I said smiling faintly at him. "Are you… Urai-ken?" the name coming back to me.

He nodded and gestured to his men who got up and approached, "I am. And I bet you were looking for me?"

"Well… Caradoc and I were looking for Torga." I said, nervously looking at the other Mandalorians and wondering if this was a bad idea. "We kinda have a problem…"

"Yeah. Usually the case with your family." He smiled good-humoredly at me, "Sander. Your helmet." A red-armored Mandalorian took off his helmet, revealing a zabrak face and horns before putting it on my head. "And… Yuan your cape." Yuan, another blue Mandalorian took off his cape and wrapped it around me. "Get him to the Jewel of Tattooine we'll go inform Torga, keep him out of sight.

"Sir." They saluted.

"Wait!" I said, my voice muffled, "Caradoc ran off into the dune sea to find Short-round to help us with Torga. I'm supposed to meet him here."

"By himself?" Urai sighed, "…Of course he did. Sander, Yuan take some speeders and go to the Jawa camp see if you can find a big scary wookiee on the way and try not to get killed." They looked at each other and managed out a rather unnerved 'sir' before making their way out of the bar.

"And I guess I should call off the search for you…" he said shaking his head and activating his com.

"Sir?" came the green Mandalorian.

"We found him nevermind."

"What?! Already?!" she sounded disappointed. "…Very well sir."

"Meet at the Jewel of tattooine." He said and absently led me out in the middle of his men and probably women.

Urai, letting me fill him in on what had happened and what I knew on the way, led me to a large bulky building more akin to a small palace and led me inside. As soon as I entered the 'foyer' I think it was called he took off my 'disguise' and handed them to another of his clan. "Come." He said, taking me alone deeper into the palace.

I was met in a large hall filled with dancing men and woman and a bith band on stage playing loud rapid music as dozens of beautiful alien girls danced on stage in what looked like uniform dancer clothes, strategically wrapped cloth, and bangles that shook and tinkled as they moved about on stage. "This is the club part of the Jewel." He said practically, "We can't talk in here so… let's keep moving." He led me across the hall and around the floor dancers.

The music stopped as he led me into the room. A large bulbous hutt 'sat' behind a desk examining various papers and reports absently humming to himself as his good eye moved across the desk. "…Hmmmn… someone's skimming my Dantooine profits again send Cortana to have a talk." He said more to himself than anything.

"Torga. We have a… surprise guest." Urai said, gently pushing me forwards.

Torga looked up and his good eye widened, "Aiden?" he asked suddenly than he looked me up and down, "No. Younger… he had a boy!" he said remembering and snapping his fingers, "Roland!" he slithered around the desk, "Roland Firemane!" he laughed smiling like an old uncle, "I have only seen pictures that Yura sent me ages ago! Welcome! Welcome to the Jewel!" he grinned, hugging me like a grandfather and holding me at arm's length. "You are big! How old are you?"

"Eighteen as of yesterday." I said smiling at him.

Then his smile turned a little more… perverted. "Oh? Did you come to the Jewel to celebrate?" he chuckled happily, "Well then! I am more than happy to provide for you! Some of this is in part thanks to your father's good work and…"

"Sir." Urai interrupted, "…The boy has gotten a bounty on his head."

"What?! Who'd be dumb enough to put a bounty on the Son of Aiden Firemane!?" he said dismissively, "Take care of it!" he said firmly and Urai nodded slowly, I believe that would be more difficult than he expected but… I guess I'll go with it for now.

"Now…" he smiled at me, "let me look at you!" he laughed, clapping my shoulders "You look just like you father! How is he?" my smile faded and I slowly shrugged, "That's… a long story…" and I filled him in, he was a good listener. His smile faded as well, slowly at first then more prominent… and when I got to the Varlis he promptly turned to Urai.

"Put a two-month ban on them." He said coolly, "Warning shots if you have to." He said, pointing firmly at me. "Don't you worry Roland." He clapped a hand on me and led me to an opposite door, "You'll stay here in my palace. The safest place on all of Tattooine. I should know, I practically own it." He grinned fondly as he led me through the door into an elongated hall. "Thanks to your dad interrupting my opponents I was able to dominate this backwater and about five other planets…" he smiled at me, "And the thing about owning a few planets like that? Exclusivity!" he waved his hand, "If I settled on Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant I'd have to deal with rivals by the handful! Nobody thinks about places like this! So I keep the people happy and they keep me happy…" he smiled at me and gripped his free hand on the door handle, "In more ways than one." Honestly, it was like talking to a dirty grandfather introducing his virgin grandson to a brothel…

…How right was I?…

Torga led me out of the hall and into a new room. Immediately I was met with dirty low rumbling music beats as he wrapped one hand fiemly back around my shoulder and led me carefully through the obvious back room strip club as the men and woman patrons cheered the dancers on stage. I didn't quite know where to look, and by that I mean I didn't know who I wanted to look at more. Torga, noticing my odd silence grinned at me and stopped, gesturing to the three stages occupied by pole dancers.

"… Your father had an eye for quality, how about you? Which one's your favorite?" and my eyes obediently locked onto the girls.

The girl on the right stage, a purple-skinned twi'lek had breasts that rivaled my Mama; Calypso. Only they were very real, (sorry Mama) She was wearing a curtain-like loin cloth (*think lower slave Leia). Well more along the lines of a long strip that she was definitely not wearing underwear beneath judging from the flash of privates she'd give the crowd. Her huge supple breasts, in a pink bikini top, wrapped tightly around the stripper pole as she slowly moved down, squatting and spreading her legs before, her tongue lolled out onto the pole and moved slowly back up. Dozens of club dollars were tossed onto the stage as she bounced her breasts against the pole before twirling and shimmying back to dancing, giving them a wide smile as her lekku and breasts bounced exotically.

The girl on the left stage, a Nautolan girl with clearly enhanced attributes moved widely about the stage, her hips slamming at the air as she shook back and forth in the thong, her headtails shaking left and right as she ran a hand lovingly through them, gasping and panting as if in the throes of passion, before squeezing her breasts and ripping off her top. And like those watching the twi'lek, club dollars tossed onto the stage as she lobbed the top towards a rather old-looking human man who happily caught it, she flashed him a smile and adjusted her position, so he could get a much better look at her bounce rear end. He held up an unprecedented amount of money for the girl, who crawled towards him like a cat, letting him slip them into her bottoms as she sat up straighter and shook her breasts for him, letting him touch and squeeze as the rest cheered.

But my eyes were drawn to the center stage as the girl danced for a slightly larger group. I felt something about her… and I mean more than a teenage guy in this position should feel. She was dressed in a white bikini top and bottom, but they were covered in tassels that bounced against her amazing body with her movement, and long white thigh-high stockings that fitted perfectly around her long muscular legs: she was like an exotic warrior woman from the old fantasy Holo-vids I used to watch. She was a Cathar; jet black like the night sky, but she had white stripes all along her fur that perfectly shaped her amazingly muscled body in the club. She was busty, but your eyes were instantly drawn to her large shapely rear that she moved with exotic grace, skillfully bouncing it up and down as club dollars rained down her body like a money shower. Her silky black hair tied back in a ponytail waved to me in greeting as her red eyes moved sort of emptily around the club. More focused on her work than the money…

…Our eyes met… only for a moment. And my heart leaped into my throat as she flashed me a very small smile before going back to her twirling. Before spinning around the pole at amazing speed and dropping to the stage in a wide-legged split that, while making me flinch in pain at the thought, made my pants tight at the sight.

"Her." I said instantly pointing faintly to the cathar girl, Utterly and completely hypnotized by... all of her essentially. "I like her."

Torga's friendly grin seemed to broaden and he led me kindly away as dollars flew everywhere and the hooting and hollering echoed over the steady strip club beat. "Just like your father. A good eye for quality… and similar tastes!"

"What?" I said, briefly distracted as the cathar girl did a handstand leg spread before wrapping around the pole with her legs and pulling herself up before setting her feet back onto the stage to dance tantalizingly once more. "I… what?" I asked, not listening at first but giving him my attention as he lead me out of the club towards the back rooms.

Torga chuckled in his throat as several girls of varying races watched us go further into the building. Some eyed me warily, not sure what to make of me. Others eyed me friendly enough, even waving invitingly and blowing me kisses. And the remainder eyed me hungrily… whether they saw potential or an opportunity I didn't know, but I decided to avoid them pointedly for now.

But Torga led me deeper into the building, going underground at one point as the girls changed slightly to armed guards. I don't know what they thought of me, most were wearing the Mandalorian helmets and colors similar to Urai: they must be more of his clan. They raised weapons at the sight of me and I hesitated going further. Obviously.

"He's fine!" Torga waved to them, and they lowered their guards a little, "He's practically family!... well family that I like." He added with a dark chuckle before opening a nearby room.

It was very luxurious, a small apartment that might have cost a lot of money on a planet like Coruscant. With a wide fluffy bed with velvet sheets and a large Holo screen on the wall across the bed, there was even a small bowl of hard candy on the low coffee table. He gestured inside. "I'll have some men keep a lookout for your Wookiee. They will inform you as soon as we retrieve him from the desert… honestly who's dumb enough to cross the dune sea without transport?"

"I wouldn't say that to Caradoc…" I noted worriedly, and he grinned.

"Neither would I my boy… let's keep that between us yes?" he laughed. "Get some rest… while you can." He added, and the door slid shut. Briefly, I wondered if he locked me in, so I went to open the door. It wasn't locked but there was the green-armored Mandalorian standing across the door.

"Do you need something?" she asked inquisitively. Legitimately asking, not wondering if I was up to anything. Not sure how I knew that.

"No… I uh. just wanted to see if I was stuck in here." I said sheepishly, she watched me for a moment and nodded understandingly.

"…I suppose I would too if I was led in here by a hutt. Inform us if you need anything, but I suggest you stay inside for now. Torga has had a few intruders lately." She added kindly and snapped her fingers, and a pair of Mandalorians began following her away back up the hall. I blinked after them and closed the door. Frowning I went to lie on the bed, absently taking a candy from the bowl and popping it into my mouth as I turned the Holo-screen on.

"OH yeah! Oh YEAH!!!" whined a red-skinned twi'lek with a thick rylothian accent as a human pounded up into her "Fuck my tight little pussy!", she was lying down on top of him and looking worriedly over her shoulder as a blue-skinned man, I was unable to tell what he was because of the camera position, approached her from behind, stroking his thick erection as he knelt down and prodded her butt. Putting a steadying hand on her back as the man beneath her continued to thrust up into her. "Get inside my asshole! I need it." she pleaded, hissing through clenched teeth as the blue-skinned man pierced her anally slowly stretching her as both men began in earners. "OH fuck!" she shrieked, screaming in pleasure as they pinned her between them, thrusting aggressively and grunting like animals. "It's so fucking big…"

The blue-skinned man dropped on top of her, grabbing her lekku and revealing that he was a twi'lek as well, tugging her hard and speaking in Ryl into her hearing organs. Whatever he said wasn't translated or subtitled but the woman began screaming wildly in pleasure. Bouncing her body as best she could to enhance their pleasure.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh kark I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Make me cum! Please! I'm so close! fuck me harder!! Argh!" growling out the last words she visibly shivered between the men, her eyes rolling as they respectively and cruelly groped whatever part of her flesh they could reach; lekku, breasts, hips anything and everything. Her body twitching between them as the camera finally change position to look directly into her face as it contorted in mad pleasure. "Oh… god…" she moaned into the camera, then she began moving again as the men inside her began in earnest. "No wait…" she whined dropping onto the man beneath her as her arms gave out and the camera adjusted again to view her at their connection, their thick cocks moving in and out of the Holo-girl as she continued to quiver. "W-wait I'm sensitive." She whimpered, her legs flailing faintly on the sheets.

"I'm going to blow my load inside you, you fucking schutta…" hissed one of the men, and immediately the man beneath her sped up rapidly, moving like a piston as she shrieked and trembled.

"Oh gods!" she cried in pleasure as he buried is full length into her, his partner still moving in and out of her tight butt as the lower man's balls throbbed against her pussy and fired his seed deep into her. "There's so much!" she whined, then the shrieking began in earnest as the twi'lek man began a more rapid pace in her, she screamed her, legs flopping limply as her pussy began leaking out human seed. She suddenly began shivering again as the twi'lek man stopped and growled a primal roar as his balls slapped against her butt and clenched tightly. He had cum as well… snarling out Ryl as he thrust as best he could without pulling out.

Then he did, her hole gaping as if gasping for breath before the human man lifted her off his own flaccid penis and she dripped white fluid onto him, the camera focused on her gaping holes, twitching and 'winking' for the camera as they tried to adjust back to normal size. A Blue hand came from off-screen and smacked her butt cheeks, hard, she yelped as it jiggled squirting out out more cum for her holes as a result while the men cruelly laughed at her twitching flesh.

I abruptly turned the channel, I was too hypnotized while it was going but now that they had 'finished' the spell was broken and my erection was in full effect. Porn, Porn, wrestling, Porn wrestling, fuck, Cartoons? fine.

"My little Bantha, My little Bantha, you're not so little your quite big!" came the theme song for the third rebooted my little Bantha series when there was a knock on the door and off went the Holo-screen so fast it might have been confused for broken.

I walked to the door expecting Torga or Urai, or even Caradoc…

I was… pleasantly(?) surprised to find the black-furred, white-striped Cathar dancer, still in her 'clothes' and watching me amicably. My eyes wandered from her full wonderful chest to her beautiful face, then her seemingly dangerous red eyes as her pouty red-colored lips stretched into a half smile. "Hello." She said inviting herself in and letting the door slide shut behind her. Her tassels bounced exotically against her fur as she moved, my eyes instantly drawn to her large shapely rear as it popped up and down with her stride. "…I'm your entertainment for the night." She said pleasantly, sitting on the bed and crossing her stockinged legs, letting her bare foot bounce in the air as she watched me. "…I'm Nike. Pleasure to meet you: 'Son of Aiden Kane'."

"Firemane." I corrected instinctively, she giggled sweetly, and my heart melted.

"Well 'Son of Aiden Firemane' do you have a name, or do you want this to be strictly business?" she asked, still very pleasant. "Torga doesn't often let me entertain for free."

"It's Roland and… what?" I was distracted by her manner and her eyes. Honestly: her red ruby eyes, not her wonderfully shapely breasts that I just wanted to put my head on and- I'm getting off track.

"Well Roland." She smiled patiently, "Torga thinks you would like a little company while you wait for your friend and that you showed interest in me. I'm flattered. I've never been with someone related to a famous person before." She was being gentle, and patient. Somebody could tell immediately what she was dealing with, a virgin, and I don't know how I felt about that. Also 'famous'? I think infamous might apply to dad but… off track again.

"I… well you…" fuck, my brain's not working. Must stop staring at hypnotizing eyes…

She just smiled, apparently well used to it. "It's fine hon. I'll take care…" she stood up and approached me, taking my hands gently in hers and letting them gently caress her breasts. She gasped and looked a little shocked but quickly her face adjusted back to its pleasant look. She was taller than me, but that didn't really matter at this point. "-Of everything you'll want… no judging here hon, you can take as long or as fast as you'd like."

I suddenly found myself missing several articles of clothing, and she gently lied me down on my back as she grabbed the hems of my pants and began to remove them as well. Crawling onto the bed with me as I lay against the headboard. Still smiling that kind smile… she was surprisingly gentle with the lead-up.

And then off came my underwear, and her eyes widened…

Okay. For disclosure? I wasn't huge like a holo-guy or anything… but I was big. Dad said it ran in the family…

Regardless she seemed pleasantly surprised as her soft furred hand moved up and down it, her eyes watching hypnotically as my erection throbbed impatiently and painfully in her skilled soft hand. "Wow… it's always a nice surprise when I get to pop a boy with a treat like this…" she smiled at me, and chastely pressed her lips to my shaft with a kiss before standing up and letting her bottoms drop, then her top. Absently tossing them off the bed as she slowly adjusted herself over my erection. Carefully aiming it towards…

Towards her butthole… Okay. Leaning back she prepared to ride me cowgirl style and spread her quickly dampening vagina carefully with her fingers as she prodded her butt with my length. She popped just the head in with an erotic gasp. "Oh… yes." She hissed softly, humming delightedly to herself as she lowered herself inch by inch until her large shapely rear pressed hard against my legs as I filled her ass… "There you go hon…" she smiled lovingly at me, slowly playing with her crotch as she moved her gently up and down. Her rear molding against my legs as it pressed rhythmically down against me

I didn't like how she kept calling me 'hon' I was barely younger than her. But I had to admit I loved how she felt. She felt amazing, a perfect fit like warm memory foam that sucked you in… and instantly I knew in the back of my mind and maybe even the depths of my heart that I couldn't have asked for a better woman to take my virginity.

"You can touch hon." She said kindly, steadily moving and panting as she played with herself and stroked my erection with her near vacuum-tight rear. "Whatever you like."

"…Whatever I like?" I asked, my hands making their way to her hips as she smiled.

"Whatever you like hon…" she said giggling, bouncing a little harder as I throbbed inside her as she moaned gently.

"Stop calling me hon please?" I asked, a little nervous.

"…Okay Roland." She said obligingly, "…Just relax…" she hissed, suddenly becoming a little tighter and shaking a little. I didn't exactly know it at the moment, but she had cum, and judging by the shock on her face she didn't expect it. "O-oh…" she grunted, "…Maybe what they say about your dad is true about the son." She laughed gently, all in good fun.

But strangely, or maybe not depending on who you are, I didn't want to be compared to my dad while having my first time. Squeezing her hips in my hands, gently rubbing her fur I began to move on my own, thrusting my hips up against her soft bouncy ass as she spread her pussy wider for me, rubbing her clitoris wildly while biting her bottom lip and moaning as her well sized breasts bounced up and down from my thrusting…

"Hmmm!" she hummed loudly, her body trembling and her ass tightened around me. She couldn't hold it, gasping loudly as she tried to restrain her orgasm. "O-oooh…" she moaned, her fingers thrusting into her pussy as she dripped arousal onto me and leaned forwards, "S-shit…" she panted, gazing at me kindly as she grinned. "…Wow you're a good fit…"

It seemed weird not to compliment her too, but I didn't quite know what to say so I said the first thing that popped into my mind. "You're beautiful." I said amazed, she smiled warmly and slowly turned on my dick, letting her beautifully bouncy rear face me, looking over her rather muscular shoulders at me as she slowly gyrated on me. "…You like it?" she asked pleasantly, running a hand on her shapely curves "I'm quite proud of the work I put into it…" she took my right hand from her hip and pressed it onto her rear, "…Give it a squeeze… play with it." She laughed and moaned as I squeezed her soft wonderful rear. Feeling it mold into my hand. She hummed deliciously. "…That's it, I can't be the only one having fun."

I spread her ass cheeks apart, watching as my cock went in and out easily from her ass. It was like being in a holo-girl vid, and suddenly I was hit with inspiration as my hands rose up and clapped onto her butt, she shook and twitched as she yelped in response, but delightedly. Smiling almost ecstatically at me. "There you go! Enjoy yourself Roland… It's all yours tonight…"

…I liked that… my heart swelled along with a few other things…

I instinctively grabbed her wrists and pulled her back, she laughed as she lay down on top of me, one hand wrapping around my head and stroking my hair as I wrapped my arms around her fit-muscled belly, feeling her soft fur rub against my skin as I held her close.

…Dad said that Mama's fur felt like the greatest thing ever against your skin, like a microfiber cloud of velvet. I always thought she 'felt good' when she hugged me, but…

Nike felt BETTER.

"Ooooh…" she cooed, rubbing my arms with her other hand as I thrust up into her, grinning wildly as she panted, feeling me throb closer to my finish. "That's it… make me feel it Roland, take what's yours.…" My cock throbbed harder as she used my name and like the holo-girl vid from earlier my body began rapidly slapping against her cushioned rear end and finally we shrieked together. "Oh Force!" she laughed as I released my virgin semen into her tight loving butt… and just when I thought I was finished…

She PURRED… a deep rumbling noise of delight from her chest; I instantly recognized the noise from my mother and sister when they were satisfied with something, but never in this particular instance… it came almost instinctively. She even looked a little surprised as I heard it.

It made me hard almost instantly, she squeaked in surprise as she felt me inside her. "O-oh wow!" she laughed, rubbing my hair and arms, "…I guess the rumors about the Kane family stamina are true… some of the older girls said his girlfriends would brag in the clubs…"

"Firemane." I corrected reflexively but she just smiled.

"Well Roland… its still true…" she purred again, and I throbbed. She chuckled realizing the connection. "…Someone likes me purring…" she purred again, and like the noise to a swoop engine it revved me up. She laughed. "Want to go again?" then whispering huskily in my ear, "You have me for the whole night you know… want to make me purr." Giving me a soft rumble.

"…Can I… be on top?" I asked hesitantly she laughed gave my cheek a quick peck before getting up and getting on all fours, shaking her large black, white-striped rear expectantly.

"You can do whatever you want." She smiled, and I approached her, groping her rear again and spreading her wide as my cock throbbed impatiently. I looked over her beautiful body, and she bounced her cheeks expertly in my hands. "…Come on… don't make me wait." She laughed, "Stick it in my ass… you should be used to me by now." She giggled and begged, licking her lips. "Fill my ass with your thick warm cum… make me remember your shape."

I put my hands on her back and she pushed her chest to the bed, her ass held high in the air as she watched me. I needed her. Far more than she needed me but I didn't care clearly, my de-virgin dick driving my mind… I rubbed it between her soft squishy cheeks, shaping her rear like bread dough as she moaned at my touch… I needed to focus, and aim…

But at that moment my cock didn't care… and I thrust against her, missing her butthole completely and piercing her vagina deep… she yelped horrified as I went to the root inside her. She was wet, warm and amazingly tight! It felt so much better than her butt, I just wanted to stay inside her forever.

But Nike had a different idea, staring at me horrified as her arms tried to gently push me off.. But I held her firm, she was so… tight, so soft and warm… and strangely so accepting despite her words. "W-wait! Not there! Pull out you… you aren't wearing protection. Please put it in my ass!"

But I wasn't acting on my mind, I was acting through my dick. Thrusting deeply into her as she yelped in pain, and then… slowly… pleasure. She moaned, whimpered, and sucked in air as my cock stretched her slightly less used pussy, not used to a guy of my size in there… But she didn't fight, or scratch or anything she lied there and took it. Her eyes stared ahead as her mouth gave out a consistent moan of pleasure, like an alley cat yowl as, wonderfully… she came. Her eyes rolling upward as her claws popped from her fingers and tore into the bed. Her underused pussy squeezed me indescribably tight as I fell on top of her, throbbing for release…

And I couldn't hold it… I needed to cum. I needed to release. And a twitch at the back of my mind told me to do it as deep inside Nike as I could… I needed to do it in Nike. "…I cumming… Nike!" I moaned pulling her hips against me, hesitantly whispering in her cat ears as they twitched on her head, seemingly jolting her out of her pleasure haze.

"No." she whined, her body to weak to resist her orgasm, my desperate thrusting. "No. Wait. In my ass…" she begged… at first. Then she screamed, tightly embracing my length inside her, "N-no I'm cumming! Don't cum in my pussy!"

But it was too late… she groaned in orgasmic bliss as we came together once more. Her body betrayed her words and accepted me, even trying to pull me deeper instinctively into her as we collapsed exhausted onto the bed both of us, trembling, throbbing, squeezing in wild passion. I felt her back move up and down as she breathed beneath me… I slowly stroked her furry back and arms absently. I heard her purr at my touch. I took a risk… my body acting on its own as I crawled up and kissed her cheek.

Her hand, still clawed, reached back to my cheek and gently gripped it as she turned her head with amazing flexibility watched me tentatively, before she kissed me chastely on the lips, and with a blank stare into my eyes added acceptingly. "…Take what's yours…" then more firmly, she pulled me back to her lips her hands carefully scratching my cheek before pulling away.

I stared into her eyes and… lay my head on her back. She seemed to understand as she rested her own head on her arms, and still inside her, my arms wrapped tightly around her body, I closed my eyes…

Falling asleep to her wonderful contented purring.

I woke up rather abruptly, to the sound of "Good Morning Rol- God damn it!" Urai immediately turned away, covering his eyes and strangely turning the green-armored Mandalorian around to look out the door. "…Why am I always catching your family in the middle of having sex!?"

"Why don't you just knock!" replied the green Mandalorian, exasperatedly.

"What?" I blinked blearily around, and everything came rushing back as I looked down onto my 'bed' and found a beautiful cathar woman who looked back at me good-humoredly. My cock still buried inside her, she flexed her rear and pussy giving me a friendly squeeze. I scrambled off her, briefly surprised as she sat up and stretched her arms, displaying her chest tantalizingly before getting off the bed and leaning over me. Gave my cheek a kiss, and a playful lick, before proudly walking out of the room as if she wasn't naked except for her stockings.

"Urai." She said abruptly passing him as he sighed exasperatedly, the green mandalorian's helmet following her as if impressed. "I had a lot of fun Roland." She said sing-song, waving to me, while walking out of sight. I waved back… hypnotized by her as everything was now a vivid memory burned into my mind…

…I wonder if I could talk Torga into letting me spend time with her again…

"I can't believe I'm saying this to another member of your family but, put on pants!" Urai demanded, glaring at the green Mandalorian who scampered out of the room, she had been staring at me.

"We found Caradoc… and I know where he was going so we're going to take you there." He said, waving to me, "Crazy old wookiee actually made the journey!" he laughed as together and followed by the green Mandalorian. "I mean I knew he was tough, remind me to tell you of the time we tried hunting Krayt dragons, but tattooine is not Kashyyyk. He could teach some of my clan survival techniques."

"I think he'll be occupied." I said as we made our way through the strip club, now empty except for a few scantily dressed girls and droids cleaning up. Including the purple twi'lek from last night now more moderately dressed, laughing with a few other beautiful women. "This place isn't open now?"

Urai narrowed his gaze at me as if to say, 'just like your father' but he continued, "No. This is strictly open at night, the girls need to rest after all. The dance club out front however changes into a restaurant, so are you hungry? I imagine you might be dehydrated." He said a little smugly.

"No. Thank you." I replied, ignoring the smug, and he nodded looking at the green Mandalorian, "Mirai, get the land speeder. The blue one. Meet us out front."

"Yes, father." She said firmly quickly running through the strip club and out a side door.

"She's your daughter?" I asked a little surprised, I mean I certainly couldn't tell. But Urai was a friend of my dad and I've never heard of him settling down."

"Indeed." He said like a proud father, "And she'll make a damn fine Mandalorian. Providing of course she doesn't listen to her mother." He noted a little sourly, "At any rate. We're going to take you through the dune sea towards Caradoc and Short-round's camp."

"Short-round…" I said, suddenly remembering my father's jawa friend. "Oh wow, now that I think about it I haven't seen him since I was five. He… uh." I thought for a moment, trying to remember. "Oh, he came to get his son… what was his name?"

"I can't pronounce it. But he's taken to being called Rattletrap." Urai replied as we headed outside just as Mirai halted the speeder across from us. Urai opened the back door to let me in and leaped into the passenger's seat. "Mirai." He said simply buckling up as she turned the speeder around and sped off.

End of Chapter

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