5.4% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 14: Familial Discount

บท 14: Familial Discount

I don't own star wars


I woke up to the smell of vanilla… it must have been Yura's day last night. Sure enough, the azure blue-skinned twi'lek was wrapped tightly in my arms as I breathed in her soft lekku, I held her around her waist and pulled her close…

She moaned contentedly as I did so, but she wasn't quite awake yet… I decided to continue last night just a little earlier than usual. Gently I moved my hand down her leg and carefully slipped it between her things, she shifted slightly as I did, and mumbling incoherently but a smile appeared on her face as I did so…

Gently I lifted her leg and slipped my dick carefully between her from behind and pressed it against her pussy lips, her neck stretched suddenly as if she felt a small jolt of pleasure. I wanted her to feel a lot more, but I also really wanted to play with her just a little bit… I slipped myself slowly inside her…

Her mouth opened slightly as I got further and further inside. She moaned softly, her body gently thrusting against me, I think she was dreaming. I gently placed one of my fingers in her mouth and almost instinctively her tongue began to roll around it with well-practiced ease. She then closed her mouth and gently sucked…

I throbbed inside her, I wanted to move rapidly and secure my release… but my desire to play my game continued. So slowly I moved, back and forth, back and forth, steadily and firmly, not going any faster or slower. It took a lot of effort to resist speeding up…

Slowly she moaned unconsciously around my finger, and soon enough I began to feel her tremble as my steady fucking awoke her desire faster than she did herself. Then she groaned loudly as she shook in my hands, she had cum while still asleep.

Her eyes shot open and she moaned releasing my finger as I nibbled her lekku, "Oh Force!" she hissed softly as she was awoken by orgasm… "Someone's in a mooo!" before she could rest I rammed away at her, no "Oh Force!" she squeak as she bounce against my dick as I fucked her from behind, "Aiden I just came!"

I rammed against her and released my morning load, twisting her head and kissing her as I did. "…Mmmn… morning…" I whispered as she gently slapped my shoulders.

"Wow Aiden…" she mumbled, "Just take a girl in her sleep why don't you…" she mocked teasingly.

"I did, she was wonderful…" we continued our lip-locking until my communicator began to buzz. I groaned unhappily against her mouth as I pulled the communicator from my bedside table an answered it.

"Short-round I'm in the middle of someone, is this important?" Yura laughed and slapped my shoulder slightly.

"…Yeah boss I'd say so…" he said hesitantly nervous "…boss we got some trouble…" he added as Yura rolled her eyes and laid her head back on the pillows

I can't fly the ship. I just didn't have a head for it, so when Yura who normally piloted was busy in my bed Short-round flew.

"Define the trouble…" I mumbled, gently kissing Yura's shoulders and neck hoping Short-round could handle it, "Is it Code IDD, kind of trouble, or a Code Milky?" Code Milky; being the highest classification of trouble on board the ship, nobody wanted an angry Milky.

Over the com I heard Milky laugh. But she still sounded just as nervous.

"…I'm not sure boss… how would you classify an imperial Star Destroyer catching us in a tractor beam?"

I stopped kissing Yura's shoulders… "…I'll be right there…" I said firmly and rolled off the bed to pull on my pants. "You're going to want to get dressed…" I said, slipping on a shirt as I headed for the door. "We're going to have company."

I entered the cockpit with Milky and Short-round and saw the massive Star Destroyer, the hanger was dead ahead and we'd probably arrive in moments. "They haven't fired on us yet so they obviously want to talk…" I mumbled, looking at Short-round "Have they sent anything out of the frequencies?"

Short-round shrugged and rolling my eyes I quickly adjusted the ship com to the standard imperial hailing frequencies… "-S.S. Aggressor hailing The Scarlet Rebel, shut down your engines immediately and prepare to be boarded. Do not resist."

"…Well holy shit…" I mumbled as Yura entered the cockpit dressed. "…Its Tolara…"

"And just who is Tolara?" Milky asked just a little more jealous than usual, "Ex-girlfriend?"

"Oldest sister…" I said, my mind rapidly whirling as I quickly formed a plan, "You two need to get in the smuggler holes." I told Yura and Milky, "For your own good, you need to stay there when the troopers open the ramp.

"Seriously?" Milky hissed but Yura nodded, she obviously knew what I was doing, and she quickly grabbed Milky to find one of the smuggler holes.

"Wait why not me?!" Short-round asked nervously following me as I pulled on my duster and made my way to the ramp of the ship. "I want to hide in the ship too!"

"Because Tolara would never believe I could pilot this ship." I said firmly, "And if Milky or Yura were out in the open, well…" I frowned slightly; Tolara could in theory be reasoned with when it came to Aliens. She herself had a small handful of 'superior class' of alien friends.

But in my mind, she would never approve of my relationship with Milky and Yura… "No it's better if it was you. They won't see you as a threat…" then taking his emergency grenade from his pouch a carefully placed it on the table and opened the ramp ten seconds after the tractor beam set us down. "Now especially..."

Half a dozen imperial troopers aimed their blasters at me as I held up my hands. "Okay! It's just me and my jawa pilot!" I said walking calmly down the ramp as they slowly circled me. "We aren't resisting…"

"The Jawa stays…" said an imperial trooper with an orange shoulder guard, signifying him as a captain. "Get him back on the ship and bring the traitor." He spat bitterly as a pair of troopers grabbed me and dragged me behind the captain off deeper into the Star Destroyer as the remaining troopers herded a quickly relaxing Short-round back up the ship...

After a moment of marching I stared thoughtfully at the captain, even with the modulator in his helmet he still sounded familiar "…Hey Tugo, is that you?"

"Silence traitor." He replied.

"Hey, it is!" I laughed, we went to the academy together… apparently, despite his low, low marks he got to the captain's position sometime after he left. "Man how time flies huh? So when did you become captain?... how much did it cost your dad to pay my mother?"

He turned sharply and slammed the butt of his rifle into my stomach.

"The admiral said the prisoner was not to be harmed." The trooper behind me said with a firm air of command... That was kind of weird.

"Well, he was resisting…" Tugo said coldly and slammed the rifle butt into my face. I shook off the blow, I had gone six rounds with a gamorrean brawler. A cranky Tugo was nothing compared to that… "You done Tugo?" I asked getting back to my feet, "If you want another shot go ahead. It's not the first time I've been hit by a pig."

"Silence traitor!" he slammed the rifle into my gut again, and as I hunched over he grabbed my head and forced me to the floor, "Drag him!" he said to the troopers and continued on…

Soon I entered the Admiral's cabin, it gave a massive view to the vastness of space behind a desk that… they tossed me into a chair in front of the desk. A tall female imperial stood staring out into the nothing She slowly turned to face me…

She looked exactly the same as when I saw her a year ago.

"Hey Tolara." I said waving calmly to her as if I hadn't suddenly vanished without telling her…

Her green eyes flashed coldly down at me, "You and you…" she gestured to the captain and one of the troopers. "...may leave." she said with the air of command that she naturally held.

"Ma'am…" Tugo said saluting, "I must insist that I also remain to watch this traitor…" he said glaring at me from behind the mask, "He was always a slippery one in the academy."

Briefly, Tolara turned her gaze upon the captain and I half expected her to chew him out. "…I thought I said unharmed captain, what happened to the prisoner's eye?" she asked as a purple bruise slowly formed.

"Oh I apparently resisted a little…" I said, waving it off, "He was a good lap dog and corrected my opinions…"

Tolara sniffed, her eyes narrowing dangerously at the captain, "Very well, you may stay captain but do not speak… you." She gestured to the remaining trooper, "Leave."

The remaining trooper shot to attention and saluted her, quickly turning and leaving in silence.

She slowly approached her chair behind her desk, it almost looked like a throne. "I am very disappointed in you Aiden." She said finally, staring me down. "You went AWOL. You deserted… but worse you didn't even tell me or Kavilla."

I sighed; I always regretted not contacting them before I left. But they would have tried to stop me, convince me. And I was just a recently posted cadet I couldn't fight two-star destroyers. "I'm sorry Tolara it was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing…"

"Are you an idiot!?" she shouted, suppressed rage and fury bubbling up from months of worry. "Kavilla and I have been worried sick! Mother declared you dead! Aiden, do you have any idea what that means?!"

"She finally made it official after years of abuse?" I replied, the remaining trooper, (not the captain) made an odd noise under his helmet that almost sounded like a laugh but it might only have been a wonky com.

"Aiden this is no laughing matter! You need to go back to mother, apologize and…"

"And what Tolara?" I asked, frowning angrily at her as my own Dromund Kaas accent began to resurge, "Apologize and what? Got back to the corps? Patrol, alone in the slums?"

Tolara looked confused for a moment, it took her a moment to register exactly what I said, "…You were…"

"'Corpse patrol', yeah… dead man walking." it was what solo-patrols in the slums were called and they were essentially a death sentence if there was any real trouble. The slums were where all the trash and refuse collect so naturally, they needed to be patrolled. but the manpower was slim. So when the republic infiltrated that's where they go, and the troopers there were easy targets. If I hadn't caught 'Scarlet' unaware all those months ago it might have ended up much differently… me bleeding to death kind of differently.

"But that's nonsense. With your marks and talent, you would have been leading patrols in weeks."

"Yeah, funny thing about that…" I said dismissively, scratching my chin, "You do understand that mother hates me right?"

"Aiden that's not-"

"You were always the smart one Tolara, at least the smarter one. Mother always hated me, it just got worse and more open after father died…" I waved it off, "I was an embarrassment to her Tolara, a mistake."

"Aiden we never thought of you like that…" she replied sternly. Of course, I knew she was referring to her and Kavilla. "You're not a mistake. And mother doesn't hate you she's just angry and disappointed that you-"

"Tolara, mother put me on those patrols specifically…" I said flatly, "She ordered my commanders to do it. She was trying to get rid of me and she couldn't do it fast enough. Look Tolara." I gestured to Tugo, "Look at him as an example, I got way better marks than him but he's already a captain! Mother didn't want me to succeed Tolara, she wanted me dead or gone… and after I realized that it was just one thing that led to another and now here I am sitting in front of you."

She was silent, I didn't want to do it but she needed to truly see why I left, it was, in the end, a long time coming and Scarlet just pushed it the rest of the way. "Tolara I'm good at what I do now. I have a steady job, a good boss, consistent income, people who care about me, and girlfriends..."

"You have a girlfriend!?" she suddenly shouted as if that was far more important than my charges of desertion, "What is her name? Where is she from? How old is she? What is her pedigree?"

"Yura. I don't know. She won't tell me, and she's-a-twi'lek." I said firmly, and seeing the look on her face I shook my head adding dryly, "Don't start."

She looked furious, but she let it pass, "…Aiden, bounty hunting is not a safe career."

"Oh, and getting shot by blaster fire as a trooper would be so different…" I replied sarcastically and the trooper next to me coughed again. "Actually no, it's worse, at least working for Torga as a bounty hunter there is less of a chance of me being strangled by a darth." I replied, the trooper blatantly snickered but caught himself. "…Tolara… I'm good at what I do. Hell I've only had one fuck up since starting-"

"Define the 'fuck up'…" she said coldly, interruptingly "What happened?"

I smacked my lips, bracing myself, I walked into that one. "…I kind of got stabbed and almost bled to death…"

"What!?" she shouted quickly approaching me, "Where? Show me. Does it hurt? Are you alright?"

"Here." I said standing up and adjusting my pants, Tugo started to raise his blaster, "Oh cork it Tugo." I lowered my pants just enough so she could view my scar.

For a brief moment the stern imperial officer that was my sister looked a lot more like my older sister than an imperial officer; a look of disgust and horror at my maiming crossed her face as she covered her mouth in shock. Her other hand trembled towards my scar, her fingers lightly touching it and tracing it as far as she could without it getting too weird…

…She always had a gentler touch…

"…Who gave this to you?" she asked, her imposing nature returning almost instantly, "Are they still alive?" she asked. I knew immediately if I said yes that she would make sure to 'correct the error'

"Nope… Milky wrecked an entire building beating him to death…" I replied softly, "…We're still paying that one off."

"Milky? Who is Milky?" she asked me, not returning to her desk and standing in front of me as I pulled up my pants.

"My girlfriend…" I replied casually.

"You said your girlfriend's name was Yura." She said unblinkingly

"I have… I kinda have two…" I replied simply, pushing past her disappointed face, "…Look Tolara I'm happy… and I'm staying as far away from imperial space as possible, especially mother…"

She sighed sadly, knowing my mind was made up, and stared lovingly at me. "I worry about you Aiden… I just want to know you are safe… but now you're a traitor and a deserter, how am I supposed to deal with that? How am I supposed to push all this away?"

…I quickly found a solution.

"Well, you hire me of course…" I replied simply, Tugo and the trooper's helmets turned on me and I felt their surprise on the back of my head.

My sister looked intrigued. "…Explain Aiden." She said, "…Go on."

"But Ma'am-" Tugo began.

"Silence Tugo or leave." She said, her voice carrying firmly over all of us, "Aiden." She added, softer, more attentive.

"Imperials still hire bounty hunters, usually through hutts." She nodded, this was common knowledge, "But then you still have the problem of them being compromised. One bounty hunter might do the job but take a bribe and help out the mark instead, or simply betray the contract and run off into the galaxy. The list goes on, but if you and by proxy Kavilla decided to hire me…" I hit the nail accurately, "I will never, ever betray a contract you give me. Consider it a family discount, I can work outside imperial restrictions and you can keep me under the carpet…"

She stroked her chin studying me, "…It could work… and I could keep in contact with you?"

"You can even call to check up on me." I replied with a smile, "And we never tell mother. Quite a perk right?"

She continued to stare thoughtfully at me… "…it could work." She repeated, ignoring the grunts of protest from Tugo, "…I need to really think about it Aiden, you can go back to your ship for now. Trooper!" The trooper outside opened the door and saluted, "Take our guest back to his ship and make sure he's comfortable. And all other occupants including the ones he's hiding are not to be harmed as well…"

"Yes Admiral." He replied obediently, before I turned away she placed a hand on my shoulder and with a huge display of protocol break, she hugged me tightly. "…I'm glad you are alright regardless…" she said softly in my ear.

"Say hi to Kavilla for me…" I replied and followed the trooper back to my ship.


He left my office but at least this time I knew where he was, once the door closed behind Aiden, Captain Tugo suddenly made his opinion known, "Ma'am this is treason!" he shouted as I sat at my desk. "We need to report this!"

"It will be fine Tugo. My brother can be trusted." I said trying to dismiss his opinion for his own good.

"He's a traitor ma'am." He replied and suddenly my cheerful mood turned sour as my face remained the same, "… I am reporting this to Moff Altora and shooting him for you myself." He said finally saluting me and turning briskly to the door.

…He was such a fool… curse mother's politicking.

"Captain Tugo!" I shouted and he halted, turning to face me. I glared at him, my eyes piercing him like a Darth's lightsaber. "…Are you sure about this?"

"Yes Ma'am… clearly you have been compromised because he is your brother. You're not making rational decisions… article 102 of the code of command, states..."

"Cipher 10." I said with absolute finality, opening my desk drawer and reaching for my sidearm, and getting back to my feet as the other 'trooper' in my office fired at Tugo obediently, striking him accurately in the chest and sending him to the floor.

Tugo groaned pitifully on the ground as I stepped towards him, "The article is 120… and by disobeying my orders makes yourself susceptible to it. Nobody threatens my little brother…" I said spitefully, and fired my pistol unflinchingly in between the eyes of his helmet, "…Traitor." I replied turning to the trooper, "You can take that off now Cipher 10."

"Finally…" came her regular voice as she removed her helmet revealing her azure blue face and dark red eyes. The Chiss known as Cipher 10 tossed the helmet lazily away and unbuckled the plastoid armor letting her large breasts breathe by releasing the constraining gear. "This thing is awful, I can see why your brother hated it…"

"What do you think?" I asked, ignoring the burning smell as I returned to my desk.

"I think he's very charming." She replied bluntly, but smiling knowingly "I would've introduced myself properly to him while he was in the academy if I knew that-"

"I meant about the offer he gave me." I interrupted her, I then glared at her, "…Don't talk about him like that…" I said warningly, letting what remained of Tugo waft into the air to remind her of what I did to people who endangered my little brother or did him wrong. Cipher 10 rolled her eyes, as she often did, and dropped herself into the chair across from my desk comfortably… we had known each other since the academy. We were friends or at least as close as we could be with my upbringing and her status as a Cipher. I trusted her judgment and advice but…

"Do not seduce my brother…" I added, "…He doesn't need to fall in love with a spy."

Cipher 10 laughed, "Seriously? Love? He's cute Tolara but I'm not really interested in romance. And judging from the notches on his bedpost, neither is he."

"Despite how he acts, my brother has always been a romantic." I replied, "But we are getting off-topic. What do you think about his offer?"

"I think it's a fine idea." She replied honestly, "Tolara, your brother has a knack for bringing in his targets alive. Having a hunter like that in our pocket when we need one is a massive advantage. And of course, as your brother, he'll be loyal."

I nodded my agreement; glad to hear somebody who clearly wasn't bias to give me a straight answer, "Good. I agree. And since he clearly won't, tell me about his…" thinking on the information Cipher 10 brought my previous I spat out the word as politely as I could, "…Associates…"

"The jawa-" Cipher 10 then made a distinctly jawa-sounding noise before continuing, "-or 'Short-round' as they call him is, in theory, harmless enough. He doesn't participate in the field and just fixes up the ship, weapons, gear. He's brilliant and loyal, your brother hit a phrik mine with him."

"And this…" I spat the word, "Milky?"

"…A popular former holo-girl." She replied with just the hint of a smile, "She is strong… like a patrol of troopers wouldn't be able to win a tug of war with her, strong.

"A holo girl?" I asked, my eyes narrowing angrily at the thought, "He's cavorting around with a whore?"

"Well, she's retired…" Cipher 10 shrugged, "She was very good…"

"You don't retire, from being a whore" I told her coldly, "You're still a whore even if you stop whoring around…"

She stared at me patiently and said, very calmly. "One day, probably sooner, you are going to meet these girls...either in a professional position or personal." She said knowingly, reminding me of how important to my brother they were. "You might not have to like Milky particularly but you have to tolerate her… he'd never forgive you if you did something to her."

I scoffed, I knew she was right but I didn't want to admit that.

"Beside's Milky, isn't the problem, the problem is Yura."

"His... Twi'lek?" I asked, remembering the information Aiden gave me himself.

Cipher 10 sniffed and for a moment looked a little dejected, "…I can't find anything on her other than she was bought by Torga at 14 galactic years of age… there's nothing before that, no parents, no clan, nothing, she just suddenly appeared on tatooine and got purchased by the hutt… and the operation a month ago? When you had me check on your brother and the old Cipher 10's contact… she was there with a republic spy, chatting her up like she knew all the tricks of the trade and even taught her a few things. Things that you have to learn from someone, but as far as I can tell she hadn't left tatooine until she met your brother… flying his ship like she had always been a pilot. Instead of a slave."

I scowled angrily, she was right that was far more suspicious, "…Perhaps she a plant by Torga?" I said suddenly, "In case my brother betrayed him..."

"No, that's something Tuuba would do." She shook her head, "…no. there's something deeper with her I just haven't found it yet."

"…Keep an eye on them…" I said softly, getting up from my chair and grabbing a personal holo-com to give to my brother. Before I made my way to the door, to hide the burning blaster smell I quickly sprayed a masking scent of perfume over me… vanilla.

"You know…" she began, smiling that knowing smile she always wore when she was about to say something that would anger me. "I could keep a closer eye on them if you just let me penetrate their defenses and go undercover with you brother as it were, letting him place his trust within me…"

I glared at her with indignation "Are you a child?"

"Kind off…" she replied getting to her feet, "It's a good idea, they are easily trusting and I can keep my eyes on him for you… I could keep my eyes all over him too in fact…"

She was not going to bait me, she was not going to bait me, she was not going to…

"You keep your hands off my brother!" I shouted childishly at her while she grinned knowingly.


My sister walked onto the ship with a determined look on her face, she grabbed my hand and placed a holo-com into it. "Here… I'll contact you on this when I wish to talk…"

I nodded slowly looking at it, "…Alright… make sure to tell Kavilla I have this too."

"…You can use it to check in as well." She said softly, not meeting my eyes as she watched the ramp. "…Maybe you might wish to talk…"

"I thought I wasn't supposed to contact you guys…" I said smiling.

Cadets were discouraged from communicating with families… especially since it was a boarding school for bastards and disappointments.

"You're a grown man you can call me as much as you want." She said firmly, looking me dead in the eyes, "…Aiden I want you to stay safe…"

I laughed lightly, "And you wanted me to be a trooper?"

Suddenly she lashed her arms around me and held me tightly… it was different than in her office, this was a hug she had obviously wanted to give me in absolute privacy… it's a shame Milky and Yura were in the walls to ruin the moment…

"I missed you so much…" she whispered and my hands, hesitant and surprised at her action suddenly became functional again and wrapped around her waist, "…I was so worried all the time. I wanted everyone to look for you… and mother…" she spat horribly, her green eyes slightly red with tears, "Mother was awful…"

I shrugged as I held her at arm's length, smiling at her like nothing was wrong. "…Well screw mother…" I stroked her arms gently, "Look this will work out fine… and if you, or Kavilla are ever stressed you can call me alright?" I waved the com at her, "…I'll always pick up…"

She smiled at me, her rare 'I'm so proud of you.' a smile that I think she's only given me five times in her life. She sniffed and adjusted her uniform slightly and stood to attention like a proper imperial. "So… are you going to show me your ship before you take off?" then her eyes quickly roamed the hold she added, "…Maybe meet your friends…" that wasn't ominous at all…

"Tolara…" I said warningly.

"…I want to meet your friends…" she said stiffly, "…I hope to know…" she paused for a moment, "…I want to know that they are worthy of your attentions…"

I stared silently at her for a moment then glanced at Short-round who shrugged sheepishly… I didn't quite believe that she would keep her feelings in check… But this was a prime opportunity to introduce the people I cared about the most to each other.

Approaching the side of the hold I banged against the wall with a fist… immediately a panel slid away to reveal Milky and Yura tightly pressed against each other arousingly, their bodies wrapped tightly together in an embrace that was probably not the best moment to be in…

Yura's hand had been slipped into Milky's casual short shorts, and she had been 'petting' her while they hid from the troopers. The smuggler holes were somewhat sound dampening, and while they could've picked a better time for this I couldn't help but find it funny, if not agonizingly embarrassing… I cleared my throat loudly and Yura ceased her petting and turned to see me, my sister seemed less amused, but to my amazed relief, she restrained herself…

Yura… slowly pulling her hand from Milky's shorts, nervously exited the hole to fidget slightly with Milky beside her. "…Hello… Ma'am…" she said not meeting her eyes. "We were just… um…"

My sister burned her gaze into both of them, and for half a second I thought I would have to stand between them to make sure they didn't suddenly light on fire. "I believe the word is fucking… Miss Yura." She said coldly, glancing slowly between Yura and Milky…

Milky, like a scolded pet, (which was kind of hot) looked away from Tolara, "…We were lonely…" she said sheepishly.

I could see the veins throb in Tolara's forehead but she remained remarkably level-headed all things considered. "…In my presence…" she said coolly, laying down the law, "You two will behave yourselves…"

"Yes Ma'am…" the replied obediently. My sister watched them, quietly judging them, examining them. I blinked between them noticing physical similarities that couldn't be ignored. They were all relatively tall women, they all had generous busts, and were in surprisingly peak physical condition… and briefly, I wondered if my 'type of woman' was imprinted in me because of my sisters.

But my sister towered imposingly over them, apparently larger than life in comparison…

After just a moment longer of uncomfortable silence, my sister spoke again. "…I might not like it, but since he probably won't listen to me anyway…" she said coolly, eyeing me briefly, "…Keep an eye on him for me…" she said softly, "Make sure he's alright?" she was so sincere it seemed utterly alien...

Milky and Yura glanced at each other before nodding, "Of course." They replied together. And she nodded, before turning to look at me and holding her arms open for one more hug.

I gave it to her of course, breathing in her smell deeply. She had a perfumed scent on her now that she hadn't had in her office and I wondered why, but then as I realized what the scent was, vanilla, I decided that she just wanted to smell nice for me.

"Be careful out there…" she said softly, holding me tightly as if she was afraid it would be the last time. Honestly I thought it was funny considering I was a 'storm trooper' in the empire, they had a high turnover rate, but me being a bounty hunter meant I suddenly was on everyone's hit list…

"I wouldn't disappoint you…" I smiled at her, "Well… more than recently, but… you get the idea right? I wouldn't do it intentionally."

She placed her lips on my forehead, and turned to walk off the ship, "I'll contact you soon…" she said briskly, "Stay safe…"

"You too Tolara…" I replied, letting the ramp close up behind her…

"Let's get out of here…" Milky said suddenly, turning to Short-round. "Come on this place is creepy…"

"Hey Milky." I tossed her the holo-com my sister had given me, "Can you put that in my room on the way?"

"Sure." She smiled twiddling it between her talented fingers as she and Short-round headed towards the cockpit.

"…She was actually much better than I thought…" Yura said softly as I stared at the ramp, "I expected her to chew us out."

"…Well she's always been the 'mellow' one…" I replied laughing, "…Kavilla might have had the funnier reaction to you 'petting' Milky…" I glared at her in mock disdain. "Really, by the way?"

"She was stress horny…" she replied briskly, smiling slightly as she looked away, "I was just trying to calm her down…"

"That's not a thing." I said laughing.

"Oh yes it was!" she said completely serious, "You can be horny and stressed out!" the ship suddenly roared to life and we briefly felt it move as we took off.

"…I guess that's true…" I chuckled as we hit space, and as I looked at Yura I took in her scent…

She smelled just like Tolara, like vanilla, and unfortunately, that triggered a small switch in my mind. Tolara knew I loved the smell of vanilla… Yura had a natural scent of it… my dick, naturally made a connection between the two…

She squeaked briefly in surprise as I lifted and carried her into the smuggler hole, and pressed the button that closed it behind us. She laughed softly as she buried her tongue into my mouth quickly opening her pants, as I lifted her shirt over her breasts and quickly removed my hardening dick from my pants…

"Well someone is eager…" she laughed, "Ready to continue what we started this morning?"

I buried my hand into her wet pussy and she gasped as I started to move my fingers. "…Yep…" I replied simply and to the point, the smuggler hole suddenly smelling like vanilla as the scent overwhelmed us…

For one brief unfortunate second, and I'm not proud to admit it, but Yura changed slightly before my eyes as my imagination went wild. It wasn't Yura I was molesting, it was Tolara. Her green eyes, her red hair, her natural overflowing love be it as a sister, or in my mind as a woman, clear on her face as she gasped at my touch, at her own forbidden arousal, demanding more with her eyes…

I loved my sister, and she was a beautiful sexy woman I admit, but I never before saw her as a partner in bed. But just for a brief moment, my mind connected the similarities between two women I loved, and my imagination provided a lucrative fantasy… that I quickly pushed down, Yura was once more in focus. I would never act on what little lust towards my sister I felt, I wouldn't do that to her, and I had Yura so why would I want to imagine being with another woman when she was already perfect as she was?

She was so tight as I pushed inside her, she gasped as I pressed her up against the wall of the smuggler hole, she shifted against me as if trying to escape. But there was no escape, I pinned her down and thrust into her trying to get as close as possible to keep us connected… she gasped and yelped like she always did and the shipped hummed around us as if trying to mask her noise.

She came, and we both knew what that meant, I rapidly increased my thrusting, she was always so sensitive after her first orgasm. I wanted her to feel everything, I closed my eyes trying to focus on my thrusting.

"Cum!" she hissed, but whether she was demanding my own release or she was having another one I didn't care… i kept my eyes closed and slammed deep inside her releasing myself. Her hands slowly stroked my back through the shirt, and I groaned contentedly… when my eyes reopened unfortunately my lust-addled mind had changed Yura again.

Tolara was in front of me, naked and unashamed as she panted her desire and satisfaction under me. Her large firm breasts, her toned muscular body… I had seen her naked before I knew every inch of her, my dick throbbed as my imagination when wild, and suddenly the thought of me impregnating her overwhelmed my sense of taboo…

But in defiance, I told my brain to back the fuck up.

'Okay… that's enough. Not with Yura…' I told it firmly, and Yura's beautiful Azure skin overwhelmed my imagination and I smiled as I saw her again.

"What?" she asked her body finally coming down, "…Why are you looking at me like that?"

I kissed her gently, "Nothing. I love you that's all. And you met my sister that's the equivalent of meeting my parents…"

She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Okay give it a rest…" she laughed, "…you want to go again?" she whispered as she felt my dick harden inside her.

We did, many more times… there was just something hot about the fact that she had to just lie in there and take it… and no, she didn't turn into my sister after that first time.

Much, much later we were half-way to tatooine as I entered my room to the ringing holo-com on my bed, I rolled my eyes and answered, "Already Tolara? we just left."

"And yet we have a job for you Aiden." came a voice I didn't really recognize, I turned and saw a very familiar, and busty Chiss woman smiling seductively at me; I did recognize her face, and her bust. "…Unless of course, you aren't… up for it?"

End of chapter

And now fan favorite Chiss agent. Cipher 10 has formally been introduced along with Aiden's oldest twin sister Tolara. Expect some interval "Luke and Leia" scenes later, because what's star wars without incestuous jokes?

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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