Chapter eleven:
When Cale Lestin and Rey looked through the records on Coruacant they saw that Anakin Skywalker had come from a planet called Tatooine. The planet was where they would find most of their information.
When Cale Lestin and Rey had landed on Tatooine they saw that it was a hot, desert planet. They used Force Cloak to disguise themselves so the locals wouldn't give them any trouble. They went up to a person who was walking and asked where they were.
The man replied. "This is Mos Eisley Cantina. You guys look as though you could use some sleep. If y'all wish you could come back to my home and have dinner with my family." Cale Lestin and Rey thought for a minute and said themselves they could always leave if they posed a threat. "We will go." Said Rey.
Cale Lestin, Rey and the man jumped into the man's landspeeder and flew off. "While they were riding the man spoke. "The names Din Djarin by the way. What's yours?" Cale Lestin hesitated for a minute without looking at him. "Cale Lestin and this is my Jedi Master and friend Rey."
"So where do y'all come from?" They didn't answer him. "Okay can y'all at least tell me about your friends and family." Yet again they did not answer. "Guess we won't talk then." Said Din Djarin.
When they arrived at Din Djarin's house a little green creature around the age of fifty ran out yelling. "Mandalorian. Mandalorian." Said young Grogu. Din Djarin bent down and put the small green creature over his shoulders. "Oh, excuse me this is Grogu." Said Din Djarin. A surprised look came across Cale's and Rey's face. "Did you say Grogu?" Asked Cale Lestin.
"Yes, I did why?" Asked Din Djarin. Rey shook her head and said. "Never mind, as she and Cale started to walk into the house. "Strange people aren't they Grogu?" Asked Din Djarin.
"Yup." Replied Grogu.
Kylo Ren had three Star Destroyers looking for Cale Lestin and Rey but to no avail. Kylo Ren was sitting in his chambers with his helmet off trying to think. As soon as he healed himself the dark side left him and his body went back to normal.
He used Force Grip to make the meditation chamber fall back into place so he could think. If only he could retrieve Rey. Then maybe they could find the secret to heal him from his wounds. Just then an officer walked in. The helmet was attached back into place as the man started to speak. "My Lord the Supreme Leader wishes to speak with you." Kylo Ren walked away without saying a word.
The Mandalorian had set down for dinner. When they were eating Din Djarin saw that Rey had something on her mind. He asked if she did and she responded. "Do you know of a man named Anakin Skywalker?" Asked Rey. Grogu looked up when he heard the name. "Do you know something about the Chosen One?" Asked Grogu.
Din Djarin frowned and said. "All we know about him is that he died from a crash a week after Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa was born." Rey could tell that he had been lying to Grogu for some time.
She looked at Grogu and thought if you only knew how wrong he was.
Supreme Leader Snoke showed up in person instead of a holo to speak to Kylo Ren. "As of now Kylo Ren you will discontinue your search for Rey and Cale Lestin. I will pick someone from my Royal Guard to continue the search." Said Supreme Leader Snoke.
"They are searching through my grandfather's past. Wouldn't it be wiser if it was I who continued the search." Said Kylo Ren. "Are you saying that I am unwise Kylo Ren?" Asked Supreme Leader Snoke.
"No, I am sorry my Master I didn't mean any disrespect." Replied Kylo Ren.
"Good. It has come to my attention that the Kaminoans have went behind my back and have secretly made their own Clone army. I want you to investigate this personally." Said Supreme Leader Snoke. "It shall be done." Replied Kylo Ren.
It nightfall on Tatooine. Grogu had just fallen asleep. Cale Lestin and Rey was sitting on a window sill, while Cale was tying her long brown hair into triple buns with brown ponytail holders and Din Djarin walked up behind them. "How do you know Anakin Skywalker?" Said Din Djarin.
Still looking at the night sky Cale Lestin and Rey did a fake laugh. "I'm not sure if we really do." Replied Rey.
Din Djarin didn't quite understand but in response said. "Just don't get the boys hopes up about the Chosen One. Oh yeah I almost forgot. We're going into town tomorrow if you guys want to come with us." Said Din Djarin. Cale Lestin and Rey nodded their heads while Cale was still tying her long brown hair into triple buns, and Din Djarin walked away.
Supreme Leader Snoke's ship had launched and was heading for Exegol. But before Supreme Leader Snoke had left the ship Kylo Ren had a plan already set in motion. He would send a Bounty Hunter to retrieve Cale Lestin and Rey.
When they came back Rey would not be allowed to leave his side. None of Supreme Leader Snoke's assassin's would be able to kill her if he was there.
Not even Supreme Leader Snoke himself would try to kill her. Supreme Leader Snoke and himself were friends yes, but neither would dare get in the others way.
General Pryde had entered the room with documents in hand. "These are the names of the Bounty Hunter's you have ordered my Lord." Said General Pryde. Kylo Ren took the list and skimmed through it until one name got his eye. "General." Said Kylo Ren.
"Yes, my Lord?" Asked General Pryde.
"I want more information on this Bounty Hunter named Boba Fett." Said Kylo Ren.
Supreme Leader Snoke was inside his office looking through documents when a man in a dark cloak appeared.
"Ah, you have finally arrived. I need you to find a young boy named Cale Lestin and a girl named Rey and bring them to mean alive. And I do mean alive. Do you understand me Kuruk?" Said Supreme Leader Snoke.
"Yes, my Master." Replied the sixth Knight of Ren.
— ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ — เขียนรีวิว