100% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 112: Issue 112: The Amazing Web End

บท 112: Issue 112: The Amazing Web End

Peter noticed everyone staring at him with shocked expressions.

"Dude, you didn't need us at all," Pete chuckled.

"What are you talking about? You know not everyone was brainwashed. I'm sure there are plenty of loyalist and villains left around here," Peter nudged his head towards the building.

"He's right," Doom spoke up as he pointed at the building, "Now is the time to take down the Apocalypse faction for good." 

The heroes donned in an overpowered Symbiote turned their heads back to see those very same villains shaking frantically with looks of terror on their faces.

"Right…let's get to pew-pewing!" Deadpool pulled out his handguns before he looked at Peter, "Can I have my God Killer back?"

"No, I'm keeping it as a souvenir," Peter chuckled as he showed it in his bag of holding before putting it back in.

"Thief!" Deadpool shouted while pointing, "Oh my god, somebody get JJJ on the line, Spider-Man just stole my sniper rifle!"

"That menace!" Pete laughed as he charged into battle alongside his teammates.

It took a few hours, but with a bunch of overpowered heroes, they managed to round up every last villain or loyalist from the dictatorship. They had telepathy on hand, so lying was pointless. They were able to safely separate those that were controlled and those that worked for Apocalypse willingly.

Peter did the rounds. When he saw that everything was going fine, he went ahead and used Alchemy and Magic to put up a large Faraday Cage that covered the entire Louvre. While he finished up, a Portal opened up above him and his MJ fell through it, landing right beside him.

"Miss me?"

"Always," Peter replied while holding his hand out.

MJ took it and gave him a hug, "So, what are you doing?"

"Cleaning up before I go see if I can take care of a corrupted Celestial," Peter added as he gave a kiss.

MJ smiled and enjoyed the moment before saying, "Think that's why you were sent here?"

"Maybe, sometimes I wish these higher beings would just be direct with want they want. It's always some mystic mumbo-jumbo veiled in secrecy."

"Totally get what you mean. Like, stop running in circles just say it," MJ chuckled.

"Hey! We're all done here and ready to head off," Pete shouted out from on top of a nearby building.

Peter opened a portal back to their newly built city and said, "I'll be back in a bit. I have to see if I can take care of that thing in the center of the planet."

"Need some back up?"

"I'm just going to check it out first," Peter replied as they all started to leave.

He opened a portal to the center of the after the previous one closed. MJ stayed by his side and hopped through with him.

They appeared in front of large cavernous area that held a massive silver colored Celestial that looked more like a harbinger of destruction rather than a divine being. Peter noticed the bones and clothing of Doctor Strange nearby and sighed.

"We shouldn't touch his body, not without trying to deal with this guy first," MJ said as she created a massive coffin over the entire area, leaving just enough space so that nothing was disturbed. 

Peter walked up to the Celestial used the Vita-Glaive to cut through its hand.

 A loud clang rang out as his blade sank into the Unmaker's arm. It took all his strength, but it only managed chop through at a snail's pace.

"Isn't that dangerous?" MJ asked, "What if he wakes up?"

"Oh, this guy won't budge unless we shut down that portal," Peter declared as he cleaved the arm off. However, it regrew in an instant.

"This isn't working…even if I chopped his head off, he wouldn't die," Peter stored the limb inside his bag and sighed.

"I…I might be able to do something about this guy," MJ said as she tilted her head.

"You can?"

"Yeah, I mean, since Strange didn't open a portal around the Celestial, I'm guessing that means that we can't move him, we can't disturb the magnetic field either, but we might be able to reinforce the core so the EMP doesn't leak out as much."

"That's not a bad idea…" Peter looked around at what he had to work with, "Damn, did he open up a portal to the Electromagnetic Realm? Theses reading are off the charts. A Neutron Star doesn't remotely compare… Even if I do reinforce the surrounding area, I don't know if that'll fix the rest of the world."

"We won't know until we give it our best shot," MJ said as she gave him a wink.

Peter nodded his head, "Fair point. But first, I'm going to collect as much of this material as I can. It's not every day we get such good equipment for forging."

Peter started hacking and slashing away at the giant Celestial being. It continued to regrow at an insane pace, but Peter kept up. Using his Speedster powers, he was able to cut the Unmaker down to just its heart. I looked like a tiny black sphere made of the darkest color he had ever seen before. 

He stabbed at it to try and attempt to kill the Celestial again, but his Glaive actually bounced off.

Peter's mind was suddenly pulled into the heart of ancient god-like being. He saw darkness, pitch black voids that devoured everything, time, space, reason, all of it eaten and compressed in a singular and infinitely dense point. Then, something incredible happened, an explosion of intense light and a web pattern that engulfed everything.

When he snapped out of his daze, MJ was standing next to him shouting in his ear.

"Wake up!"

Peter shook his head, "What the hell was that? How long was I out of it?"

"About an hour…"

He looked at his hands and smirked, "I don't think this is a test from Merlin, but rather a test from my Totem. Hey, MJ, think we can fix this thing? I mean, the whole reason the Unmaker is crazy is because the Celestial that designed it screwed up. If he had made it create as much as it destroyed, it might not have become corrupt at all."

"We can try, though I've never programmed a Celestial before," MJ replied as she held her hand to her chin.

Peter looked at the completely reformed Unmaker and smirked as he readied his glaive.

"You know we actually have to prepare the spell first?" MJ stopped her soon-to-be husband.

He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled, "Right…"

The spent almost 4 hours trying to come up with a good enough spell to rewrite the Celestial's programming. It was a monumental task, and they weren't sure they could pull it off. However, with enough trial and error, they managed to come up with something.

"We're going to need a lot of power to pull this off," MJ commented.

"We'll channel the Great Web. That should be all the power we need for the spell."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" MJ smirked.

Peter once again chopped off every last piece of flesh, leaving only the heart. He then rushed back to MJ's side and held her hand.

"Let's do this!"

With a burst of intense magical energy, Peter and MJ connected to the web and started to create the spell needed to reprogram the god-like-being.

The power they leeched from the web suddenly focused into Peter's gems and they all activated at the same time. Even his Prime Materia suddenly became active.

"Well, that helps," Peter thought as he suddenly channeled even more power into the spell. 

Thousands upon thousands of magic circles appeared around the Unmaker's heart and slammed into them. Trillions of 0s and 1s appeared on its surface, and runes were ground into its core.

They two Spider-Heroes channeled the spell for almost an hour straight. When they were almost done, they felt a powerful resistance coming from the core. They were losing control, when suddenly; another spell circle appeared and reinforced their magic.

Peter's Soul Emerald glowed brightly as the Astral Form of Doctor Strange appeared beside him.

"Keep it up you two," The voice of their deceased master called out.

Peter and MJ felt both relieved and saddened at the same time. However, they had no time to throw a pity party. They focused on the task at hand and poured in all their magical powers to channel the spell perfectly.

When it finished, the spell was complete and the body of the Celestial regrew in a matter of seconds.

Peter turned around to see their teacher's fading form. Strange looked at them and smiled before his soul started to vanish, "Thank you. I wish I had more time...but, you know how it goes."

"I wish I could do more for you," Peter sighed.

"Say goodbye to my friends for me, let them know, I'm okay," Strange vanished for good this time.

He then sighed again and held his hand out, snapping his fingers once more. A pile of flowers spread around the coffin and a tombstone was erected with the words, "Here lies the greatest Sorcerer to ever exist. Doctor Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, Hero, Teacher, and honorable friend. May his soul rest and find peace in the afterlife."

MJ put her hand on his shoulder and said, "He's not our Strange."

"No, but that doesn't make him any less important," Peter replied before snapping his finger.

"I with you on that," MJ placed her head against his while the entire area surrounding the cavernous area was suddenly layered with several dozen plates of EMP resistant materials. However, even with all of that, he couldn't completely halt the EMP from escaping. 

"Hmm…at most, everything 13,000ft above sea level should be safe from the EMP now," Peter mumbled as he looked at the portal.

"We shouldn't mess with it. It'll take decades for the big guy's programing to take effect," MJ shook her head.

"As long as no one touches his body, this thing will remain open. Should we make a timed spell to open up another portal? If I use the stones, I might just be able to move this thing when the time comes."

"Yeah, that sounds good," MJ said as she started preparing the spell.

"I should take about 580 years to finish, and then hopefully it willingly go through the portal when it wakes up."

"You should put it near a black hole. Perfect bait, wouldn't you say?"

"Brilliant idea, love," Peter kissed her on the cheek.

Once the spell was set, they were ready to leave. Peter opened a portal back to the outskirts of New York.

They found themselves standing in front of the city Peter built and noticed that there was a sign welded on to the Faraday Cage.

"New-New York, Hahaha, they gave it a name. Hopefully that's a work in progress…it's terrible," Peter chuckled.

"Neat Faraday Cage," MJ looked around.

"Hey! Welcome back!" Matt Murdock shouted from above.

He slipped through the cage and landed in front of them, "Everyone's been waiting."

"Good they're here…I figure we can spend around two days before he have to get home. If I make a Time Acceleration Spell, I can probably teach you everything I know before I get back."

They walked inside and made their way to center of the city. All of Apocalypse's victims celebrated their return. Sure was reunited with her kids and husband, Cyclops and Logan were drinking together and laughing, Steve and Tony were cheering with a bottle of scotch in their hands, and Raven happily celebrated Magneto's recovery and renewed youth.

Everyone wearing his Symbiote was happy to get back the years they've been living in this apocalyptic world they call home.

Peter introduced his soon-to-be wife and went on to set up a school where he and MJ could begin their lessons on magic and alchemy.

"So how long can you extend our time in here?" Pete asked as he looked at the large school.

"I can stay for 2 days, and at most, I can turn 1 day into 80 inside here. That should be more than enough to teach everyone the basics."

"160 days, so a little under half a year," MJ rubbed her chin, "I think we can pull it off."

"Well, we should get started then," Peter replied as they walked inside and set up the spell.

And so began the age of Alchemy and Magic for this universe. Peter and MJ drilled the basics into them while filling up the school with copies books containing magical knowledge. The Symbiote and Telepathy speed up the process greatly, and before they knew it, almost all of them had developed personalized forms magic in one way or another.

Peter was proud of what he accomplished. Without Apocalypse or Dracula in the picture, they stood a much better chance at taking back their world. They were a little sad to see the Symbiote Copy leave, but those who had the foresight were able to gain new powers with its ability to augment their genetic coding before Peter took it back.

Pete was able to figure how to make his own, so it was only a matter of time until the Symbiote Tech would appear in this universe. He was looking forward to making one for his family.

When it came time to leave, Peter stood next to a portal entrance surrounded by the Super Heroes of this world.

"We're gonna miss you, man," Pete held his hand out.

Peter shook, "I'm sure you'll figure multidimensional travel in no time. I got a wedding to prepare for."

"Don't let us keep you," Mary Jane held her husband and kid.

"See ya later, other mom and dad!" May joked.

 "It's always nice getting to meet a daughter of mine, take care of your parents, May," MJ replied.

"You know, Victor, the world needs a new Sorcerer Supreme. They may have taken the knowledge Kamar-Taj has to offer, but the facilities might still be around."

"I…will look into it," Doom nodded his head with respect.

"Don't think thanks does what you did for us justice," Tony shook their hands.

"Just keep up with your studies," MJ chuckled.

"Mam, do you know who you're talking to?"

"The biggest ego that isn't a planet," Peter chuckled.

"Hahaha! I don't know, I think he's got Ego beat in that department," Steve added in.

"It's been an honor fighting alongside you," Storm spoke up.

"Make sure to teach your hubby all those neat tricks," MJ smiled.

"I'll do my best," Ororo laughed.

"Visit us sometime," Pepper smiled.

"If we have time," Peter nodded his head.

"Ooh, so we can stay in touch," MJ gave the Parkers their own Cross-Dimensional communication device.

"Why's mine?" Tony asked.

"Sorry, Spider-Club,"

"Oh, that's cool, I managed to copy those powers, so I get one too, right?" Tony grinned.

"Ah…hahahaha! I wonder how many of you guys managed to do that, I guess this universe has a lot of Spider Totems now, but no. Make your own," Peter hopped through the portal.

"It's powered by magic, so even in the EMP it'll work!" MJ followed after.

"I'm gonna miss those guys," Fury smiled, "and if you ever tell them I said that, I'm going to put my led where the sun don't shine."

Everyone chuckled or back away from Fury.

"I hope they have an amazing wedding," Pete looked on as the portal closed behind them.

Author Note: Forgot to post this one. Currently working on the next ten chapters of Reborn as Vegeta and I'm already 6K into it. Spider Man will be back with another saga about Thanos, Galactus, and their wedding. Any idea where I should send them for their honeymoon? Out of any place that can exist in the Multiverse, I want to hear what you guys want! No Walking Dead or Last of Us, AlienWarlord's already doing that. I was thinking of MHA or Full Metal Alchemist, possibly a giant mecha series. Make sure to comment so I can hear your opinions. Seriously though, if AlienWarlord is reading this, I want to plan a crossover event with you for the Inheritors Event, kind of wish this site had a way to contact other Authors. We have such similar ideas, I know we can make some funny chapters. Kind of want to see if I can get writers from other fanfics on board too, it'd be fun to have all the fanfiction Spider-Men fighting together. If that doesn't pan out, I might use my other Spider-Man from Web of Dragons.

next chapter
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