88.52% Souls Hero Academia (Rewrite) / Chapter 54: Sports Festival (End)

บท 54: Sports Festival (End)

The following fight between Tokoyami and Ashido was quite a fast-paced one. Izuku had already known that Tokoyami was going to emerge the winner, as Ashido, despite her proficiencies and strengths, had no answer to Dark Shadow's unrelenting offense.

The pink girl couldn't even get close without gaining a few scratches here and there. At least she managed to look cool during her fight, her breakdancing across the floor while making it slippery with acid was a sight to see. She did it in her last match, but that didn't retract from the cool factor it had coming into this match.

Tokoyami was also smart with his decision, him leaving Dark Shadow to basically bullrush the girl while making sure he wasn't anywhere close to the pink-themed menace was a big brain move. He knew he wouldn't win in a fistfight against Ashido, and if he ever was put in a position where he was close enough for her to pummel him, he would've lost the match automatically.

The whole fight was basically a cat and mouse game, but if the cat was a stray and the rat was being protected by its owner, the owner in question being Dark Shadow. It took the better half of ten minutes, but when Ashido slumped on the ground due to exhaustion, Midnight called the fight then and there.

And now, here Izuku was, waiting in one of the locker rooms because they were giving Tokoyami a 30-minute break, and a quick visit to the infirmary to ensure that he was in top shape for the final battle. Izuku understood why. Tokoyami had just finished his fight, and no doubt he wasn't running at 100% capacity. Hell, if he wasn't the way that he is, maybe he too would be running on fumes.

After all, a tournament like this is not that dissimilar to a marathon. A person has to know when and where to use tiring moves, but unlike a normal sprint, one mistake can cost the whole match.

Izuku hummed as he leaned his head against the hard, metal locker, the cold touch of iron seeping through his hair and into his scalp. He wanted to be alone for a moment, to think things through for the next match.

Truth be told, despite the fun fights he had watched and been in, none of them truly scratched the itch he's been having ever since he came back to Japan. Sure, he was enjoying himself a bit with all the spars and fights, but none of them really came close to a fight to the death.

The feeling of melting flesh, puncture wounds, and even splaying guts… He missed them… He missed them dearly…

It was kind of psychotic of him, to be honest, but Lordran changes a man, and for some reason, he became a grade-A masochist… Not in the kinky way, mind you, but a more deranged, psychotic way. It was how he managed to not lose his sanity after every death. If you can't avoid it, you might as well enjoy it.

Sighing, he stood up, eyes zooming at the digital clock that hung over the doorway. Fifteen more minutes until the fight. Pacing around the room, Izuku suddenly stopped as an idea popped in his head.

What if he went all out against Tokoyami? Well, not Tokoyami per se, but Dark Shadow. From what he'd seen, as well as experienced during their spars, damage dealt to Dark Shadow does not rebound to Tokoyami. He doubted Dark Shadow would also die if Tokoyami wasn't killed.

Slowly, a grin crept up his face. If what he thought was true, then it meant there was a way for him to go all out against a fellow student. Sad to say it wouldn't be against Katsuki or even Todoroki – he wanted to try fighting someone that could create both ice and fire – but a being of darkness was good too.

Closing his eyes, Izuku waited for the clock to tick down, every second stretching into what felt like hours. It was when he heard the PA system calling his name that he opened his eyes once more, body energized and ready to cause havoc.

It didn't take that long before he was exiting the tunnel and stepping right into the arena, the crowd going wild as they cheered them on. Scaling the steps to the raised platform, Izuku came face to face with Tokoyami, arms crossed and eyes closed.

"Ah, it would seem fate has dictated for us both to fight in the finals." Tokoyami slowly opened his eyes, red irises meeting with glowing viridescent ones. "Alas, I know I stand little to no chance of overcoming you, but I will do my best and show you the darkness that dwells within me."

Izuku tilted his head. Tokoyami was being rather… eloquent again. Actually, now there was a thought. Hours spent combing through the net had netted him some cursed knowledge that lurks deep within every high-schooler. Why not channel it here and match Tokoyami's brooding figure?

"Fret not, my feathered friend." Izuku's sudden response got Tokoyami to open his mouth a bit. "For thou stands before me… undaunted, your will as sturdy as steel. Ohhh… how my right arm aches…"

And now Midnight was cringing at the edgy foreplay. Izuku could even hear the groans coming from the audience seats. He grinned, there was more to show… More to say.

Channeling the power of pyromancy – now strengthened by the fragment of the First Flame dwelling deep within his core – his right hand burst into flames, his shirt turning into ash starting from the sleeve from the sheer heat. Tokoyami's eyes widened, and Izuku could feel the anxiety coming from the birdhead.

Midnight, sensing that talk was now over, raised the flag, but glared at Izuku first to put away his flame. Adhering to the command, he waved his pyromancy away, the heat vanishing but still lingering in the form of his bare upper torso.

"You best prepare yourself Tokoyami, for I won't hold back this time around." Izuku's mad grin caused Tokoyami to shiver in place, his feathers ruffling at the immense pressure he felt coming from Izuku.

"... Is it too late to back out now?" Tokoyami looked at Midnight, and the pro heroine looked offended, vowing harsh consequences if he backed out in what was the final match – not really, there was still the topic of third place – of the entire tournament. Making peace with the situation he's been placed in, Tokoyami steeled himself, his feathers smoothing over as a determined glare overtook his face. "Very well, if I shall fall to you, Midoriya, then let it be known that I fell fighting!"

"That's the spirit!" Izuku's grin grew wider, and then Midnight started the match. Immediately, Dark Shadow made himself known and charged towards Izuku, a demonic screech exiting its shadowy beak. Izuku dodged to the right, the soles of his shoes skidding across the ground kicking up dust. Channeling the flame within his soul, Izuku conjured one of the most basic pyromancies he had ever come across.

A regular fireball.

But his soul was tempered through the souls of others, mortals and Gods alike. What else is a fireball to a God, if not a ball of condensed destruction?

Lobbing it directly at Dark Shadow, since he didn't want to be labeled a murderer and a villain if he killed his classmate, the ball of flames flew through the air. Dark Shadow saw this, but instead of blocking it as he had hoped, he instead shrank away, literally and figuratively.

Did he have a weakness to fire…? That… Was something he didn't expect for him to have. If so, what he had done might just be overkill… Hopefully he survives.

"Dark Shadow! Back!" Tokoyami, face full of panic after seeing the giant ball of flame hurtling towards him. Even with his state, Dark Shadow was able to hear his other half's words and immediately pulled back, the ball of pure destruction licking at him as he flew away.

Izuku saw that pained grimace that touched upon his shadowy beak, and he had to wonder if Dark Shadow actually had pain receptors of his own. Not that it mattered as the ball of flame missed and landed on the concrete ground. Said ground exploded into millions of pieces, also blowing away 90% of the entire raised platform, launching both Izuku and Tokoyami into the air. The ground surrounding the platform also didn't go unscathed, dirt and dust scattering around like a giant cloud of destruction.

Even the stands weren't exempt from the explosion, the wind pressure jostling everybody in their seats. He could even hear some swears and curses from the sudden impact, the children crying loudly thinking there was something very wrong.

As everything calmed down, the rumbling of the earth and the cries of the people subsided, the only thing left the cloud of dust obscuring their vision. Izuku waited, his feet still on the raised platform, or whatever was left of it.

It took the better half of a minute before it dispersed, the destruction his pyromancy had wrought clear to his eyes. Looking around, he saw Midnight slumped against the wall, eyes wide and clothes torn as she beheld the glory that was his pyromancy. Meanwhile, Tokoyami was busy gawking, also slumped against the wall but noticeably unharmed. Possibly thanks to Dark Shadow shielding him from the blast.

One thing to note was that he was out of the arena, so that meant it was his win.

"W-winner, Midoriya Izuku!" Midnight declared, but not a single cheer echoed through the stadium. Not that he needed the confirmation. Maybe they were just shocked from the sheer destruction he could do if he really wanted to do harm…

Come to think of it, do they know that what he threw was the weakest of his pyromancies…?

Well, disregarding all of that, Izuku left the platform and approached Tokoyami, his red eyes trembling as he got closer. Holding his hand out, Tokoyami looked at the offered limb with visible confusion, only taking it after a few seconds had passed.

"You… are one scary individual, Midoriya." Tokoyami said, followed by Dark Shadow who crept behind him like a scared little girl.

"B-boss… You wouldn't do that again in our next spar… right…? Right…?" Dark Shadow trembled, his hands clasped against Tokoyami's shoulders. Tilting his head, Izuku hummed for a moment, causing both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow to hold in their breath.

"Well, maybe, maybe not." Izuku settled for a non-answer, since he didn't know what the future held. "Anyway, you feeling fine? No broken bones or anything?"

"None. Dark Shadow here saved me from your… monstrous attack." Tokoyami rubbed his arms, some minor burns and scratches decorating his skin.

"Then everything's fine. Can't say the same for the arena, though, but Cementoss is already on the case." Izuku pointed at said hero already doing his best restructuring the area. "So, what say we leave and get something to eat? It'll be a while before the closing ceremony starts."

"... If you are offering, Midoriya, then I will gladly accept." Tokoyami bowed, Dark Shadow doing the same, still trembling from the attack earlier. "Also, I don't normally disclose my other half's weakness, but seeing as to how your flames have affected him, I really do need to state that you refrain from using it again against him."

"Yep. Yep! No ball of destruction near me, boss-man! No siree!" Dark Shadow saluted, arm trembling like a leaf as he still hid behind Tokoyami. The sight made Izuku chuckle, at least knowing that what he did didn't leave that much bad will between the two. 


"Damn, dude. I didn't know you were packing that much firepower in ya." Kirishima greeted with a wave, a toothy grin upon his face. The rest of the class behind him slowly exited their booth, their feet stopping as they spotted Izuku. "I doubt even Katsuki could match that on a good day, and knowing him, he's probably thinking of ways to copy what you just did."

"... Huh, now that I think about it, yeah, he just might." Izuku nodded with Kirishima's thoughts. "Anyway, both me and Tokoyami are off to the cafeteria for some food. It'll take a while for the closing ceremony, after all, and there's still Ashido's and Katsuki's match for third place to see."

"Eh, I don't think so." Kaminari, who had gotten better after visiting the infirmary following Katsuki's successful attempt at blowing him up, piped up from the line. "Last I saw him, he was sleeping like a log. I doubt he'd be getting up anytime soon."

"... Oh… What about Ashido?" Izuku asked and Kaminari shook his head.

"Yeah, she's also asleep." Kaminari grinned and approached Tokoyami, snaking an arm around his shoulder as he did so. "Looks like our raven head here did a number on our pink menace, right, Tokoyami?"

"I must admit, she was a rather agile foe, however, Dark Shadow proved himself." Tokoyami gloated and Dark Shadow suddenly appeared from his back, raising a war cry as he did so. However, his mood took a turn as his beak pointed to the ground. "I, on the other hand, am nothing but a burden. If it wasn't for my other half doing all the heavy lifting, I doubt I would've even passed the first event."

"Yeah, you're right about that one, Tokoyami." Izuku immediately agreed, despite garnering sudden cries from his classmates about his lack of tact. "That said, I hope this serves as a lesson for you striving into the future."

"... Yeah… This event really opened my eyes." Tokoyami smiled as he regarded the white-haired teen. "Speaking of, could you please unhand me? I dislike being subjected to your body weight."

"Whoops, sorry man." Kaminari stepped back, a sheepish grin floating up his face. "Anyways, what was that you said about food? I'm starving after all that fighting."

"Can we come too?" Uraraka stepped forward, a smile on her face, followed by the rest of the girls of class 1-A… Well, at least those still conscious enough to stand.

"Sure, not like I own the cafeteria." Izuku shrugged. "By the way, what should we get for our classmates still in the infirmary?"

"Oh! Leave that to me!" A sleeve raised upward, Hagakure's sweet tone squeaking from her position. "But… uhh… I don't know what to get Bakugo…"

"Oh, that's easy. Anything spicy for Katsuki." Izuku said, only for him to frown the next second. "Speaking of which, any of you see Todoroki?"

"... No, we haven't." Iida pushed his glasses up. "I admit, his loss was quite embarrassing, but to not show up in the class booth during the rounds is despicable as a member of our class."

"Woah, tone it down there, Iida." Kirishima, as ever the teen full of good vibes, raised his arms placatingly towards the bespectacled teen. "No need to get all judgmental towards our resident cold classmate, but last I saw him, he was with Endeavor."

"... Oh, then forgive my scathing remarks then." Iida bowed towards the class.

"I don't think you should be apologizing to us, kero." Tsu sighed at the sight. "Anyway, shouldn't we be going? Time's running and I want to eat before the closing ceremony starts, kero."

"Then let's not waste any time." Izuku nodded, his hand patting his belly. "Hopefully, the cafeteria isn't too crowded."

With their pieces said, the class all walked side by side towards the cafeteria. It won't be long until the day comes to an end after the closing ceremony, but overall, Izuku had fun.

That being said, he really needed to think on things regarding his pyromancy. He could tell that his body was weaker – the usage of Power Within during the entrance exam was enough of an example – but his pyromancy stayed the same, and if not the same, even stronger because of the First Flame.

And since this world didn't like killing, much more so if the one doing the deed was a hero, then that would mean most of his pyromancies would need to be locked up tight against villains. It was still quite head scratching that villains that had a kill count in the hundreds were just locked up for life instead of given the death penalty.

There was always a chance for them to escape, thus increasing their kill count further, but hey, he'll manage that when it's time to do it. For now, he just wants to stuff his belly full and savor the taste that would soon enter his mouth.




A/N: Ugh, finally, an end to this arc. Next up, USJ.

Shameless Plugs:

patreon.com/IAmGuavaFruitFictionHub (No advanced chaps for this fic as of now. Gonna write more the coming week.)


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