20% Soul Land: The Heavenly God / Chapter 3: Genesis of The Heavenly God

บท 3: Genesis of The Heavenly God

After going to my room, I closed the door. After that, I tried to summon my material spirit again to see its effect.

After summoning it, I felt a very good feeling in my entire body. From what I noticed, my hearing, smelling, and seeing had improved, so my material spirit, when possessed, has enhanced senses. I also seem to think quicker, and my mind feels clearer.

I also feel my strength, speed, and agility have improved.

Happy news for me: this material soul is very comprehensive and has a lot of potential—not to mention a second awakening.

The next thing, and what I am optimistic about, is the feeling I felt when I was awakening my soul.

I sat down and started to concentrate on myself. I did it very quickly because it's not my first time doing it.

Well, I have lived in this world for six years. There was nothing to do, and when I discovered that this world is the Douluo world, I made time to meditate every day to see if I could feel the soul energy in the air and try to absorb it.

The happy news is I didn't feel anything.

The good news is that in those years of doing it, I have mastered meditation, and I can focus and do it very fast now.

After focusing and meditating a little, I felt it again—my soul was tingling a little, and I woke up from meditation to check what happened.

I looked around myself, but there was nothing. I tried to summon my material soul to see if there was any change, but there was no change—well, nothing I could feel.

I sat again and tried to enter meditation again. I felt it again. This time, I didn't stop my meditation. I focused on this tingling sensation, and boom!

I felt something change around me.

After opening my eyes, I saw a whole new world. All around me was cloudy, a sea of clouds, but there was only one building in what my eyes could see.

It was a majestic, all-white ancient Chinese building standing serenely amidst a vast, wispy sea of clouds, softly glowing with a subtle ethereal light. The intricately carved eaves and upturned roof corners were adorned with delicate, hand-painted wooden ornaments in a subtle sheen of pearlescent white. The structure's curvaceous silhouette was reflected in the misty veil of clouds, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The clouds themselves were a soft, feathery mixture of creamy whites and pale grays, with subtle wisps and tendrils curling around the building's contours. Every element was bathed in a soft, serene, dreamlike light, evoking a sense of timeless tranquility and mystique.

I panicked—did I cross over again?

"I can't cross over again... my mother is still waiting for me at home," I muttered, anxiety tightening my chest.

But then, I felt something shift, and when I opened my eyes, I was back in my room. A sigh of relief escaped me as I realized, "So, my golden finger is a kind of space ability."

Curiosity piqued, I sat down once more to meditate, this time eager to explore this newfound space. Re-entering was surprisingly easy, as if the path had already been laid out for me.

"So, is this a sign-in space where I can get unlimited rewards every day? Or maybe there's a divine master here who will take me as a pupil," I speculated, my mind racing with possibilities.

Determined to find out, I approached the building in front of me. As I neared the white structure, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar. "Hello, is anyone in here?" I called out, but there was no response.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside. The interior was simple, almost sparse. A bed, a table, and a chair were the only furnishings, yet atop the chair lay a crystal and nine small, glowing orbs, each radiating a different color.

"Do I touch it or not?" I hesitated, knowing full well the potential danger. But curiosity got the better of me, and I reached out to touch the crystal.

The moment my fingers made contact, a torrent of information flooded my brain, overwhelming my senses until I blacked out.

Several hours later, I woke up, and the information that had been forcefully imprinted in my mind began to make sense. The first thing I realized was that I had acquired a nameless technique—an incredibly comprehensive one. This technique was remarkable, cultivating the soul, body, and energy simultaneously, with nine distinct levels.

What was even more astonishing was that these levels didn't correspond to the spirit ring system of the Douluo world. The technique hailed from a higher world, far beyond Douluo. The nine levels of this technique represented nine transformations, each refining the body, soul, and energy in unison.

The simplest benefit was an increase in lifespan. Achieving the first transformation would extend one's life by 100 years; the second, by 500 years; the third, by 3,000 years; and the fourth, by an astounding 10,000 years.

Reaching the fifth transformation would grant immortality—not just of the body, but of the soul as well, along with near-endless energy reserves.

And with every transformation, my talents would improve by leaps and bounds, unlocking a powerful divine ability at each stage. The potential was limitless, and the path ahead, both daunting and exhilarating.

That technique is astonishing, especially considering the context of Soul Land. In Soul Land 4, the life expectancy of human spirit masters who became gods was capped at 1,000 years, thanks to the efforts of the Life School within Shrek Academy. Those with unique bloodlines could live much longer, with the dragons of the Dragon-Horse Galaxy reaching lifespans of approximately 3,000 to 4,000 years. However, this was for gods without a divine position.

Simply cultivating the technique to its third level would make one comparable to a god in terms of lifespan. That alone was incredible, but there was more to explore.

The second piece of knowledge involved the nine shining balls on the table and some additional information about soul spirit contracts. These were similar to the Spirit Souls, or Soul Spirits, introduced in the third part of the series. They first appeared in Soul Land 2, where the protagonist, with Electrolux's help, pioneered the concept. However, these soul spirits were different from their predecessors in several key ways.

Firstly, these soul spirits would not dissipate or dissolve into the air if I were to die. They could be inherited, though they would only remain in the real world for a few years, depending on their energy and bloodline. For instance, a 100-year-old soul spirit would vanish within a year if no soul master merged with it. As the spirit's cultivation reached 1,000 years, it could remain in the world for ten years or more.

Secondly, these soul spirits could also cultivate rapidly, depending on their bloodline. If one were to perform a soul contract with a soul beast and merge with it, the soul spirit would gain the cultivation talent of a human. This means that the soul spirit could grow from scratch to a 100,000-year cultivation level in the time it would take its master to reach Title Douluo.

However, these soul spirits wouldn't inherently increase the upper limit of the spirit beast itself. If a contracted spirit beast lacked the potential to achieve a 10,000-year cultivation level, it would remain stuck at 9,999 years for its entire life, even if its master attained Title Douluo. Yet, if one were to find rare herbs or resources to boost the spirit beast's potential, it could break through this limit and achieve a 10,000-year cultivation level.

There were also limitations to these soul spirits. Similar to the later parts of the series, fusing with these spirits depended on the spiritual power of the soul master and whether their body could withstand the energy of the soul spirits.

A human's spiritual power naturally increased as their body matured, typically peaking around the age of 40. After that, an ordinary person's body would begin to deteriorate, but Soul Masters could continue to increase their spiritual power until they were 60 years old. In Soul Land 3 and Soul Land 4, the Federation could even measure the maximum spiritual power of a soul master.

there are several Rank of Spiritual Power

1. Spirit Origin Realm (1 - 99):The Spirit Origin realm is the starting point for all living beings, representing the most basic level of spiritual power. At birth, everyone resides within this realm, where spiritual power is minimal and undeveloped.

Elementary Level (1 - 30 points): At this stage, spiritual power is rudimentary, unable to support any soul spirits.

Intermediate Level (31 - 60 points): Here, one can begin to support a yellow soul spirit, marking the first signs of spiritual power's utility.

Advanced Level (61 - 90 points): Spiritual power continues to develop, becoming more stable and potent.

Peak Level (91 - 99 points): Nearing the upper limits of the Spirit Origin realm, spiritual power is almost ready to transition to the next stage.

2. Spirit Connection Realm (100 - 499):

In the Spirit Connection realm, the heart and spirit are in harmony, allowing one to convey simple thoughts and ideas through spiritual power. This is where a person starts to gain real control over their spiritual abilities.

Elementary Level (100 points): At this threshold, spiritual power is sufficient to support two yellow soul spirits or one purple soul spirit.

Intermediate Level (150 points): Control over spiritual power becomes more refined, allowing for better manipulation and stronger support of soul spirits.

Advanced Level (350 points): Spiritual power is nearing the peak of the Spirit Connection realm, with heightened abilities to control and utilize spiritual power effectively.

3. Spirit Sea Realm (500 - 4,999):

The Spirit Sea realm represents a vast expanse of spiritual power, akin to an ocean. This realm forms the foundation of expertise for both Mecha Masters and Soul Masters, marking a significant leap in spiritual power.

Capabilities: At this level, one can support up to five yellow soul spirits or three purple soul spirits. Additionally, it's possible to sustain a single black soul spirit, reflecting the immense spiritual power within this realm.

Impact on Cultivation: The Spirit Sea realm is crucial for Soul Masters aspiring to reach the 6 or 7 rings, as the increased spiritual power aids in their overall development and cultivation.

4. Spirit Abyss Realm (5,000 - 19,999):

The Spirit Abyss realm is a paradoxical domain where spiritual power is both a blessing and a curse, a mixture of heaven and hell. This realm represents the pinnacle of spiritual power that most humans can achieve.

Fusion Capabilities: At this level, a Soul Master can fuse with any level of soul spirit, including the rare and powerful orange or red soul spirits. If already fused with such a spirit, the remaining spiritual power would typically be at the Spirit Sea level.

Maximum Potential: Without an orange or red soul spirit, it's possible to fuse with a maximum of five soul spirits of any color, with no restrictions on their rank.

Perception and Awareness: The Spirit Abyss realm grants heightened awareness and sensitivity, enabling one to detect the most minute changes within their body and sense disturbances in the environment at great distances.

5. Spirit Domain Realm (20,000 - 49,999):

The Spirit Domain realm is a prestigious level of spiritual power, forming the foundation for every Titled Douluo. Achieving this rank is often considered essential for those aspiring to reach the realm of demi-gods. The Spirit Domain realm represents the peak of spiritual cultivation attainable by ordinary humans, and those who reach it gain profound abilities that dramatically enhance their combat prowess and overall strength.

Spiritual Domain: Upon reaching this level, a person's spiritual power naturally manifests as a spiritual domain, a unique mental space that varies from individual to individual. This domain significantly amplifies one's cultivation and fighting abilities. Similar to the Boundless Realm achieved by Tang San, those in the Spirit Domain can read and sense the thoughts of those around them, allowing them to anticipate actions and strategize with unparalleled insight.

Mental Pressure: The immense mental power at this level allows users to exert pressure on those weaker than themselves, potentially immobilizing opponents or even forcing them to the ground through sheer spiritual force.

Spiritual Sense: Users can discern the condition and health of others, including their cultivation strength and the level of their own mental power. This spiritual sense also enables them to predict an opponent's next move and grants a high level of danger intuition.

Telepathic Communication: Individuals at this rank can communicate telepathically, sharing thoughts and strategies instantly without verbal communication.

Elemental Perception: At this level, a person can distinguish the elements of formless energy molecules in the air, refining their control over natural elements. This ability, which Tang Wulin could only roughly achieve at the peak of the Spirit Abyss realm, becomes more precise and effective in the Spirit Domain.

Thought Avatar: Near the pinnacle of the Spirit Domain realm, known as the Thought Concrete Realm, individuals can use their spiritual power to recreate and display memories around them, bringing past experiences to life in vivid detail.

6. Divine Origin Realm (50,000 - 99,999):

The Divine Origin realm represents a monumental leap in spiritual power, reserved for those who have broken through to rank 100 and beyond. This realm marks the transition from extraordinary human abilities to divine capabilities, enabling the user to wield powers that transcend ordinary understanding.

Enhanced Spiritual Sea: Upon entering this realm, an individual's spiritual sea capacity increases exponentially, becoming over a million times more potent and expansive than at the Spirit Domain rank. The spiritual sea itself turns golden, symbolizing the divine nature of this power.

Elemental Control: Those at the Divine Origin realm can control natural elements with unparalleled precision, easily distinguishing even the slightest changes in their environment. Their mastery over the laws of the plane allows them to influence the very fabric of reality.

Invisibility to Lesser Beings: At this rank, individuals can make themselves appear as though they do not exist, becoming invisible to anyone without their own divine sense. This ability grants a near-infallible method of avoiding detection.

God-Level Illusions: The illusions created by someone in the Divine Origin realm are so powerful that they are impossible to see through by those with weaker spiritual power. Conversely, they can easily see through illusions created by anyone less powerful.

Divine Sense: This heightened sense allows the user to identify and exploit their opponent's weaknesses, as well as conceal their own vulnerabilities. It also enables them to invade another person's mental world and soul, granting them the ability to control or attack on a spiritual level. Divine Sense also allows control over the energies of others, offering a significant advantage in both combat and strategic planning.

Instantaneous Movement: Those at the Divine Origin rank can move instantaneously to any location within the reach of their Divine Sense, making their presence on the battlefield almost omnipotent.

Biological Scanning: They can scan a person on a biological level, identifying bloodlines and familial connections with unparalleled accuracy.

Dimensional Control: Individuals at this level can control both 3-Dimensional and 4th-Dimensional spaces, granting them the ability to perceive and manipulate higher-dimensional realms.

7. Godking Realm (100,000+):

The Godking Realm represents the pinnacle of spiritual power, a level that can only be attained by true gods with a god position or godhood. This realm transcends all previous levels, granting abilities that defy conventional limits and extend to the cosmos itself.

Immortal Qi Creation: A Godking can convert energy from the universe and surrounding planets into Immortal Qi, a vital force used to create and sustain a God Realm, an entire domain under the god's control.

Cosmic Control: Those in the Godking realm can manipulate entire planets and celestial bodies, exerting their will on a cosmic scale.

The cultivation of spiritual power is indeed a significant challenge for most Spirit Masters in the Soul Land universe. In Soul Land 1, there were very few methods to enhance spiritual power. The Purple Demon Eye, a technique mastered by Tang San, was one of the rare ways to cultivate spiritual power, giving him an edge that most Spirit Masters lacked. Another notable technique is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's Heart Separation Control, which allows simultaneous control of different things. Beyond these techniques, Spirit Masters relied primarily on cultivating their spirit energy rather than focusing on their spiritual power, often leaving their spiritual power underdeveloped.

The fusion of a head soul bone was another method to increase spiritual power, but it was not accessible to most Spirit Masters, as soul bones were incredibly rare and valuable. Consequently, many Spirit Masters in the early stages of Soul Land had no means to significantly enhance their spiritual power, which limited their ability to fuse with higher-level soul spirits and fully realize their potential.

Soul spirits contracts offered a new path for Spirit Masters, particularly those with powerful spiritual power. A contract could be forcibly imposed by a Spirit Master with sufficient spiritual strength to compel a spirit beast to become a spirit soul, or it could be established with mutual consent, in which case no soul power was required.

For soul spirits of black level and above, intelligence develops to the point where they can choose not to fuse with any Spirit Master if they do not wish to. This autonomy adds a layer of complexity to the fusion process, as it requires not just meeting the spiritual power and body strength requirements but also the willingness of the soul spirit itself. However, for soul spirits below the black level, there is generally no resistance to fusion, provided the necessary conditions are met.

Regarding the nine soul spirits you discovered in this mysterious space, there's something distinctly unique about them. Their colors and levels indicate their extraordinary potential:

One Yellow: Typically representing a 100-year spirit ring level.

Two Purple: Indicating 1,000-year spirit rings

One Black: A 10,000-year spirit ring

One Red: A 100,000-year spirit ring

One Red with Five Orange Lines (orange):500,000-year spirit ring

One Gold:1,000,000-year devine spirit ring

One Seven-Colored: This could represent a spirit with diverse abilities, possibly embodying a fusion of different elemental or spiritual powers.

One Nine-Colored: Likely the most powerful of the group, embodying a culmination of supreme spiritual attributes.

I don't need to worry about the usual limitations regarding spiritual power because, within this space, I have a unique advantage. This space will help me contain and manage these soul spirits, even if my spiritual power is not initially sufficient for all of them. However, you will still need to meet the spiritual power and body strength requirements at the time of fusion, such as needing Spirit Sea realm spiritual power to fuse with a black-level soul spirit.

After fusing with the soul spirits they will remain in this space, ready to fight alongside me whenever i wish, much like any other spirit soul. This constant presence and readiness add a significant tactical advantage in battles.

Finally, the space itself, like the technique you discovered, does not have a name, but its functions are unlike anything you've encountered in any novel from your previous life. The first function you discovered is incredibly broken—something that surpasses the most powerful abilities you've ever read about. It's a space that not only stores these extraordinary soul spirits but also enhances and supports their integration with you in ways that defy the norms of the Soul Land universe.

This space indeed offers an array of extraordinary abilities and benefits that go beyond the typical limitations of the Soul Land universe. Here's a detailed breakdown of its remarkable features:

I can conjure entities or puppets to teach you various skills. For example, if I want to learn the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, I can summon Tang San to demonstrate and teach me. These entities, while emotionally neutral and devoid of personal experiences, are highly effective for skill acquisition.

The puppets are purely functional for teaching skills. They do not provide historical context or personal experiences, and they remain silent except for demonstrating their skills. I only need to imagine the purpose or skill you wish to learn, and the space will conjure the most suitable instructor based on the context.

The space can generate individuals based on my needs, whether i require a combat trainer, a master blacksmith, or any other expert. It pulls from all timelines and knowledge available within its scope, allowing me to learn from the best practitioners across different eras.

The energy within this space is immensely pure compared to the external world, providing a substantial advantage for cultivation.

The space supports rapid cultivation and mastery of martial skills and laws.

It can absorb various forms of energy, which further enhances its utility for cultivation and skill development.

And this is just the beginning. Each transformation in the 9 Transformations will unlock even greater capabilities within this space.

I'm exhilarated by the potential that lies ahead. With a sense of awe and determination, I declared,

"From now on, this space will be known as the Heavenly God Space, and the technique will be called the Heavenly God 9 Transformations."

next chapter
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