100% Sonic The Hedgehog Mobius: Final Crisis / Chapter 4: Training: Act 1

บท 4: Training: Act 1

•Tails' Lab•

It was finally morning, and Tails was cooking some breakfast for him and Tom. The breakfast consisted of fried eggs, bacon, spam, sausage patties, and hash browns. Tails knew Tom was gonna be training his ass off today, so he decided to make a good breakfast for the both of them. Tom was still fast asleep, snoring away, probably dreaming about beating Lord X or something. The sky is still pitch black outside, and the outside is still littered with dead corpses.

Tails: "I must say, he's really enjoying that dream. I can tell he's really wanting to take down Lord X, maybe I should wake him." Tails walks, in and wakes up Tom by sticking a piece of bacon in his nose. Tom wakes up and bites the bacon, eating it fully. His razor sharp fox fangs chewing the bacon thoroughly. "Seems someone's hungry." Tails cheekily replied.

Tom Prower: "morning Tails!"

Tails sees that Tom is in a rush to train, he can tell something ignited a spark inside him. Tails was determined to train Tom, charging this spark, and turning it into a thunderstorm. When Tom is determined, he'll do whatever it takes to reach his goal.

Tails: "I see you're pretty excited to train."

Tom Prower: "obviously, I can't let Lord X rule the universe." Tom looks down and clenches his fist. "He's caused too much damage, and I'll stop at nothing to put him down!"

Tails: "I'm in the same boat as you, but you need to eat first. You're gonna need all that energy and stamina to train to your fullest."

Tom Prower: "you're right, plus I haven't eaten in the past few days."

Tails: "good to know you're hungry, I prepared quite the breakfast for both of us."

Tails leads Tom to the kitchen where a huge platter of food is waiting for them, loads of bacon, hash browns, spam, sausage patties, and fried eggs sitting there. The two foxes began eating, both of them haven't eaten in a bit, so they're tearing this apart like wild animals, even making small growls of pleasure. Their tails wagging like never before as they dig their sharp fox fangs into the meal.

Tom Prower: "wow big bro, this is delicious! Thanks a ton for this!"

Tails: "no problem bud!"

They keep eating, making more pleasured growling sounds as they tear everything apart. They eventually finish after a few minutes, letting out a big burp afterwards.

Tom Prower: "thanks big bro! This was exquisite."

Tails chuckles hearing this.

Tails: "no problem."

They hug and snuggle for a bit so they can bond, brother-to-brother, fox-to-fox. Tom needed this, bonding with someone he cared for is really easing him right now, and getting his mind off the immense trauma, tension, and stress, he's been dealing with. Plus it'll get Tom in the right mindset for his upcoming training, and Tails in the right mindset to train with Tom. This was essentially mediation, but more wholesome. They both wrapped their tails around eachother, really enjoying this embrace. Tails pets Tom a bit, treating him like a little brother, assuring him everything's gonna be okay. Tom nuzzles up against Tails a bit, enjoying the warmth, fluff, and, comfort of his older brother's fur. Both of them also start making fox noises. This brotherly bond lasts for 2 more minutes before they decide to get to training.

Tails: "that was a nice cuddle, now should we get training?"

Tom Prower: "yes big bro!"

Tom puts on a black broad shoulder tank top along with blue baggy sweatpants with a drawstring, this is his training outfit.

The two fox brothers head down a hall to a mechanic door with a lever on the wall. Tom looks around, expecting to see something like a dojo.

Tom Prower: "uh, where's the dojo?"

Tails: "right here, allow me to pull the lever." Tails pulls on the lever, opening up to a dojo around 50,000 square feet, making it the largest dojo on the planet.

•The Dojo•

Tom looks around the dojo, staring in awe at how large and wide it is. Plenty of room to put his skills to the ultimate test, with this he can definitely prepare for the incoming threat that awaits.

Tom Prower: "wow! This is huge! Did you build this?"

Tails: "why yes, I use this to train all the time, and now I'll be able to use it to train the both of us. Hope you're ready, Imma give you the most difficult training regimen of your life, prepare to be put through the ringer." Tails was willing to give Tom the greatest training regimen anybody on Mobius has ever been given, as an older brother it's his duty to prepare Tom to the best of his abilities.

Tom Prower: "you sure you can handle it big bro? I know quite a bit of martial arts."

Tails: "so do I, get ready."

Tails assumes an offensive battle stance.

Whilst Tom assumes a defensive battle stance.

Tails: "first, I'm gonna have you perfect your defensive capabilities. Fight like your life is gonna be on the line, Lord X is gonna do much worse!"

Tom Prower: "bring it!"

Tails snaps in front of Tom, and throws a right hook. Tom weaves out of the way and counters with a left hook, knocking Tails back. Tails does a backflip, assuming his stance again once he lands. Tails wipes off some blood from his mouth.

Tails: "impressive, I didn't expect you to react to that."

Tom doesn't say a word.

Tails: "how about this?"

Tails snaps around Tom to confuse him. However, Tom is able to sense and predict Tails' movements autonomously. Tom himself was confused, it's like he was looking into the future to predict Tails' movements, almost like precognition.

Tom Prower thinks to himself: {odd, for some reason I'm able to predict his movements. It's completely autonomous as well. I don't know what's going on, all I know is I gotta act...}

Tom hears Tails flash step.

Tom Prower: "now!"

Tom snaps over to Tails, and delivers a right jab to the gut, before sending Tails twirling back with a 540° kick. Tails gets up.

Tom Prower: "ya done with the warm up yet?"

Tails: "so you want to go to the real test now? Alright then, suit yourself!"

Tails perception blitzes Tom, and socks him in the jaw, sending him crashing onto the floor. Tom launches himself upwards, but is shortly met with Tails throwing a light speed jab. Tom's precognition subconsciously activates at the last second, and he intercepts the punch and attempting to knee Tails. Tails slaps the knee before the two clash with a tail whip, launching the other back, both of them landing on their feet. Tom is still questioning this, how is he able to comprehend and react to Tails' every move? Is it just a coincidence? No. Coincidences only happen once, there has to be some cause to this right? Or is this completely acausal? Tom has no idea. He doesn't have much time for questions, as Tails is going in for a rush of light speed dash attacks. Tom's precognition subconsciously activates once again, and he's instantly able to predict, and defend against Tails' attacks perfectly. Not a SINGLE one landing. His body is subconsciously defending itself. The precognition runs out however, and Tails gets a clean hit off, resulting in Tom getting sent flying back a bit before using his tails to propel himself at Tails, and deal a swift triple kick combo. Tails blocks and parries them, but Tom follows up with a 720° kick, which Tails narrowly avoids. Tails is testing Tom's speed, range, and reflexes. Making Tom put them to their utmost use. Tom throws a short barrage of punches which Tails slaps away, before throwing a roundhouse kick which Tails also slaps away. Tom throws a few spin kicks which Tails dodges, before trying to bombard Tails with more punches. Tails deflecting them all, before grabbing the last one.

Tails: "your moves are sloppy, you won't beat Lord X like this."

Tom Prower: "watch me!"

Tom moves his leg to sweep Tails, but Tails counters it by moving his leg slightly to block it. Tom breaks his right hand free and twirls around to backhand Tails, but Tails slaps it away. Tom goes for a triple back kick which Tails parries easily, before smacking Tom across the room with his two tails. Tom twirls back a bit before landing face first into the ground. Tom gets up slowly, and dusts himself off. He dashes at Tails attempting to throw a punch. However, Tails anticipated this. He blocks with a Pak Sau, and goes into a Lap Sau, before throwing a Fak Sau at Tom's shoulder, before putting another Fak Sau to Tom, protecting Tails' centerline, before dealing a left lower spade hand to Tom's groin. Before putting another Fak Sau, and finishing Tom with a powerful Pak Sau to the face, knocking him down. Tom jumps up and attempts to strike Tails with an aerial spin kick, Tails blocks and hits him with a chain punch combo known as "Straight Blast", where Tails throws a chain punch at Tom, whilst stepping over him, in other words he's punching Tom whilst pushing him back, before dealing Bruce Lee's famous one inch punch, blasting Tom into the wall behind him. Tom falls to his knees, coughing blood, and trying to catch his breath.

Tails: "you done?"

Tom tries to get up, but the moment he stands his body shakes and he falls back down.

Tom Prower: "pressure point strikes eh?"

Tails: "yes, you're correct."

Tom strikes his pressure points to allow himself to stand again, he's still in somewhat aching pain, but it's good enough so he can keep fighting. Tom is still trying to catch his breath, blood leaking out of his mouth. He growls.

Tom Prower: "AAAAGGH! HAAAAAAA!" Tom let's out a powerful yell, boosting his adrenaline.

Tom flies at Tails and continues to fight him, both fighters throwing a variety of martial arts techniques, even some Shaolin Kung Fu styles are thrown in the clash such as Big Flooding Fist, and other, similar techniques. After a few minutes of throwing punches and kicks whilst snapping around the dojo like a bunch of maniacs, both fighters land in the center of the dojo. Tails notices Tom's speed and skill have been adapting to what's happening around Tom, his movements have improved, his senses are getting better, and so are his reflexes. Tom decided to keep fighting, wanting to improve his speed and skill to the best he can, and even go beyond those limitations. Tails knew Tom's intentions just from the look on his face.

Tails: "if you want your speed increased, I'd suggest weighted training."

Tails hands Tom some weights that're above Tom's maximum lifting strength which is 2400 kilograms, the weights 4600 kilograms. Tom has a hard time lifting them at first, but continued to try and lift them. Veins popping on Tom's body, as he grits his teeth, showing his sharp fangs as he struggled to lift them. Tom roared as he started shadowboxing with them on.

Tails: "I can tell you're starting to get the hang of it." Tails hangs up a punching bag for Tom to strike.

Tom strikes it with his weights on, his moves being sluggish, but he continued pushing on, striking the punching bag with kicks and punches, doing so to the best of his abilities. Driven by anger and hatred towards Lord X, Tom pushes forward. Tails watches on, seeing as Tom is growing at an accelerated rate. Both of them are still oblivious as to how and why Tom is growing so fast, confused and trying to figure this out, Tails decides to tell Tom he's gonna head back to his lab to do some experiments, Tom nods as he continues training.

Tails walks out of the dojo and to his room where he does his experiments.

•Tails' Lab•

Tails opens up his laptop and tries to run an analysis on Tom's growth, he plugs it in to the surveillance footage in the dojo. The computer nearly overloads trying to analyze Tom's growth, almost as if Tom's growth just can't be measured by numerical figures. Tails is shocked and quickly downloads the data before the computer explodes. Tails does a few tests to see what could be causing it, and he discovers something shocking. Him and Tom share the same body, but they're seperate beings. Tails was confused, but then he thought.

Tails: {did Lord X transport Tom here and give him my body? And if so, is that why Tom is growing so quick? He's just figuring out how to use this body.}

Tails does more research on this for a few hours.

•The Dojo•

During these few hours.

Tom is in the dojo training his ass off, moving as fast and as proficiently as he can with the weights on. Dealing major strikes to the punching bag, so much his movements feel like a blur. He deals one last hit, blasting the punching bag into several pieces. Tom has completely broken his limiter for speed according to Tails' laptop.

Tom Prower: "guess I could try something else for training." Tom decides to go over to some dumbbells, and starts lifting with his weights still on. Now wanting to improve his strength, he continues to lift these dumbbells, that're about 10x heavier than his weights. Tom struggles but continues to lift them, doing full curls.

Tom Prower: "1...2...3...4..." With each curl he would count, he'd do this till he got to 100,000.

The hours have passed, and Tom is finished with his curls, breaking past the goal of how much he wanted to curl, and managed to do 137,276 curls, yes he counted. Tom sets the dumbbells down, feeling like a Greek god after doing that many curls.

Tom Prower: "so is this what Hercules feels like everyday? Shit, I must be new to this feeling."

Tails walks in to train Tom again. From his data, he figured out the reason Tom has been growing so fast in terms of skill and power was because Lord X gave him Tails' body, and Tom figured out how to use it. Tails still has his normal body for some reason however, that he couldn't wrap his head around. Maybe Lord X just has some power for that specific reason. No matter. Tails needed to get back to training Tom.

Tails: "alright Tom, I see you've been pushing yourself here. Even going beyond your previous limits.

Tom Prower: "yeah, I never thought at just 14 years old I'd be able to lift that much for such a long period of time."

Tails: "trust me, most people your age could only wish to do so. You're an exception though, a prodigy even."

Tom Prower: "a prodigy? You mean like an elite?"

Tails: "yes, you just need to learn how to use your power as an elite. Ever watch Spider-Man? You should know, with great power, comes great..."

Tom Prower: "stop right there. You can't platitude me to death."

Tails: "I'm just saying."

Tom Prower: "anyways, are you done with your research?"

Tails: "why yes I am. I came back to train you again, it's been a few hours and I wanna see how much weighted training has helped you. Land one hit on me and you win."

Tom Prower: "bring it then." Tom takes his weights off and throws them aside. The weights crash into the ground making small craters.

Tom and Tails both assume a battle stance and begin to fight. Tom's movements and attacks were much faster and stronger since last time, actually somewhat grazing Tails' level this time. Both foxes' attacks being faster than the eye can perceive, both of them snapping and flash stepping across the arena. Tom's paws and Tails' shoes hitting the floor as each fighter continues to clash with eachother. Electricity sparking with each hit, followed by decently strong shockwaves. Both fighters keep snapping around the dojo, leaving smoke and dust behind with each step and clash. They eventually deal one strong clash at the center of the dojo, dealing a strong explosion and shockwave, electricity sparking all across the dojo. Both foxes jump back afterwards, Tom looking at his right fist which was steaming from the clashes. Luckily the dojo was intact, and neither fighter was severely hurt. Tom was impressed he could output this much power, all that training really paid off. Tom decides to test his new speed, and creates 4 afterimages, all of which try to jump Tails. However, Tails handles them with no problem, little did he know that was a distraction.

Tom Prower: "Tom Prower Original..." Tom appears in front of Tails ready to kick. "Kick of The Imperial Dragon!" Tom's leg emits black and red electricity, as the special effect of a dragon appears behind Tom only Tails can see. Tom goes in for a fierce dragon kick, dealing a direct hit to Tails, and sending him flying across the dojo, crashing into a wall. What Tails didn't realize, is that Tom had landed several kicks quicker than he can see, the impact of those kicks occuring now, dealing some damage to Tails. Tails is bruised up pretty badly, worrying Tom.

Tom Prower: "BIG BRO!" Tom runs to Tails and checks if he's okay. "Tails, please tell me you're okay!"

Tails looks at Tom and pets him.

Tails: "I'm okay bud, that was a good strategy."

Tom hugs Tails tightly, Tails hugs back instantly, comforting Tom and assuring he's okay. Tails gets up.

Tails: "you did well. I'm proud as a teacher, and an older brother. You've got mad potential!"

Tom Prower: "thanks! You've taught me a lot!"

Tails puts his hand on Tom's shoulder and looks at him eye to eye.

Tails: "you're welcome little bro." Tails then decides it's time to train Tom in swordsmanship. "Alright, now Imma teach you how to use weapons, specifically swordsmanship. You're definitely gonna need this, just in case hand-to-hand isn't working." Tails grabs two wooden katanas, the ones used for training. He hands one to Tom, but also keeps one.

Tom Prower: "swordsmanship huh?"

Tails: "yup."

Tails goes to get Tom some heavier weights, these ones weighing 7600 kilograms. Tom has an easier time lifting these as his lifting strength has improved substantially, he has a little bit of difficulty but not much.

Tails: "seems you've gotten stronger, lifting wise."

Tom Prower: "yeah."

Tails: "alright, we're gonna engage in a sword fight to maximize your skills. Again, fight like you're gonna die. You're gonna need it once you face Lord X."

Tom Prower: "yeah, I understand big bro."

Tails: "strike me once and you win."

Tails and Tom assume similar stances, both assuming half offensive half/defensive stances. They dash at eachother and strike, their clash emitting a strong shockwave. Both of them snap across the dojo clashing the wooden katanas, Tails being a little faster due to Tom's weights. Tom goes in for some stab strikes, which Tails blocks with little to no difficulty, before sweep kicking Tom and attempting to deal a stab. Tom rolls out of the way and deals an aerial wheel kick to Tails, before slashing him with the wooden katana. Not cutting Tails since it's a training katana, but this would mean due to what Tails said before it began Tom won.

Tails: "I see, you're mixing hand-to-hand combat with swordsmanship. Impressive!"

Tom Prower: "thanks!"

Tails: "no problem bud." Tails puts his training katana back. "That's it for the sessions I have today, if you wanna train on your own though, go ahead. I won't stop ya."

Tom Prower: "yeah, I'm probably gonna practice Muay Thai, Taekwondo, and grappling techniques."

Tails: "alright then, Imma go do some experiments to hopefully make some equipment for us."

Tails exits the room.

Tom begins training with even heavier weights on, ones that weigh about 150 tons. In order to master all Muay Thai, Taekwondo, and grappling techniques and maximize them to the most. He even trained to learn some techniques the best of hitmen use, in order to become an absolute martial arts prodigy. He even trained to learn all Shaolin Kung Fu styles, just in case. He did this for a few hours, until he mastered them all down to a tee.

•Tails' Lab•

Tails had just got done making some weapons. The moment he finishes, Tom walks out of the dojo, sweaty, exhausted, and slightly bruised from the intense training.

Tails: "you ready?"

Tom Prower: "yeah."

Tom takes a shower, and gets out a few minutes later. Drying off, and heading to his room to put on a dark grey hoodie, and nearly black sweatpants with a black drawstring. Along with the same gloves, socks and shoes that Tails wears. The fox brothers exit the underground lab, ready to head out and face Lord X.

•Dead Hill Zone•

Sonic.OMT had just gotten done killing and mutilating Silver and Shadow with no difficulty, before reviving them, and turning them into slaves with his void powers. Enhancing their stats and abilities by 100x. The demonized hedgehogs turn to OMT.

Silver.EXE: "so... What're your first orders?"

Sonic.OMT: "assassinate Tom and Tails Prower!" Sonic.OMT uses his powers to show them what Tom and Tails look like. "I shall turn them into my undead slaves! Mutilate and torture them in anyway you like, just make them suffer and make their suffering intense."

Shadow.EXE: "will do... Master."

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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