25% Sonic The Hedgehog Mobius: Final Crisis / Chapter 1: Hill: Act 1
Sonic The Hedgehog Mobius: Final Crisis Sonic The Hedgehog Mobius: Final Crisis original

Sonic The Hedgehog Mobius: Final Crisis

นักเขียน: ASonicFanNamedTom

© WebNovel

บท 1: Hill: Act 1

12 years after the original Sonic PC Port, and Lord X is still enacting his plan to enslave humanity.

Lord X: "all these souls to play with yet none of them can give me any significant entertainment... Seems I need a new one..."

Luckily enough for him, he finds out about a 14 year old boy named Tom, what makes this all the more better is that Tom is a massive Sonic fan, he's played every Sonic game, read every form of Sonic literature, watched all the cartoons, movies, anime etc., he's so much of a Sonic fan to the point where he's made Sonic his religion of some sorts. Guess you could call him a Sonic Stan, who would defend Sonic over any small criticism. He just cherishes the blue blur and his pals, they were his heroes in a sense. His favorite character was always Tails, Tails was kind of his comfort character, an elder brother figure to him. Lord X realizes how he could take advantage of Tom, and since Alan was getting too boring to play with; Lord X decides to erase Alan's very concept, leaving him as nothing but a blacked out version of Tails, with black eyes, red pupils, and blood dripping from them. He now decides to trap Tom inside the game as Tails to play with him instead.

Lord X: "this kid seems like he has potential; he'll be fun to play with..."

Lord X lifts his finger, causing a ring portal to open in the sky of green hill zone, this portal leads to Tom's world, and will bring him here.

•Tom's house•

It's currently 2:30 AM, and a ring portal opens under Tom as he's asleep, he has just went to bed an hour ago after binge playing a marathon of Sonic games. Sonic Frontiers, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Mania Plus, Sonic Dream Team, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Forces, etc. and had passed out from exhaustion caused by playing so much. The ring portal causes Tom to slowly descend into Lord X's world, and turn into an older version of Tails, being a bit taller and having fox markings to not confuse him with the real Tails.

Tom slowly lands in green hill zone, still asleep.

•Hill: Act 1 Part 1•

Tom wakes up a few hours later, and looks around, wondering where he is.

Tom Prower: "what the heck? Where am I?" Tom's voice sounds similar to how Tails sounded in Sonic Prime, but a bit more masculine. And just when he thinks this couldn't get any more strange, Tom then looks at his body, realizing he looks just like Tails, but a bit older; which he could tell from the fox markings. Not only that but his clothes are gone. "What happened to my body?" Tom says out of sheer confusion.

Tom walks around Green Hill Zone, trying to look for answers. But after a few minutes, he begins realizing he's slowly getting faster as he runs, like if he was playing an actual Sonic game. The more he runs, the more his new tails propel, just like how Tails did in the classic Sonic games, it's almost like he's playing as Tails in the first person view. He then sees some badniks and jumps on them, rolling up into a ball, and one shotting them, just like how Sonic or Tails would do in the games. It then hit him, he's gained all the mechanics that Tails has in the games. He can fly, run at speeds leagues faster than light, one shot robots, and is really agile. He also realizes he has all the memories, knowledge, and intelligence Tails has.

Tom Prower: "I must say this has to be the best day of my life! I never thought I'd see the day where I was my favorite Sonic character, LIVING in Sonic's world!"

Tom was ecstatic, he treated this like a blessing, a gift from God himself even, a present from the universe. He could not be happier, he feels like his life was complete, like he just succeeded in accomplishing his number one goal.

A Buzz Bomber then zaps Tom from behind, catching off guard, but doesn't damage him too badly, only leaving a minor bruise, despite the fact Tom has no rings. He's confused about this at first, but then shrugs it off as him just being leagues above the Buzz Bomber before blitzing, and punching the Buzz Bomber into a mountain.

Tom Prower: "don't mess with the almighty Tom Prower!" Tom says cockily before chuckling, and running off. Finding a wide open plane shortly afterwards.

Tom Prower: "guess this would be a good place to train and learn how to use my powers more! Once that's done, I'm probably gonna go whoop Eggman or check on Sonic, who knows?" Tom says before he starts learning how to use his new abilities to their fullest extent, practicing martial arts moves and mixing his powers in his attacks. Doing a roundhouse kick, tail whip, spin kick juggle combo; followed up by smacking the person to the ground before finishing it with a powered homing attack. However, once he performed the homing attack, he realized his body emitted some orange electricity, kinda like how Tails did in the movies.

Tom Prower: "whoa! Talk about a burst of power! I swear I felt like I almost set off a nuclear explosion when I landed! None of my enemies are surviving THAT if their caught in it!" Tom rubbed his nose shortly after. "Nah, let me calm down!" Tom starts laughing innocently, before getting right back to training for the next 7 hours. Making new moves, styles, and techniques; plus thanks to Tails' memories, he also remembers some styles Knuckles taught Tails, mixing those styles into his techniques. And thanks to his immense adaptation from being Tails, he's hands down become the greatest martial artist on Mobius.

He then notices a crabmeat and throws a punch at said crabmeat from a few feet away, trying to scare it, but instead calls Tails' magic glove technique from Sonic Battle. It seems he doesn't have good control over this skill.

Tom Prower: "that was random..." Tom said with a shook expression. "But still badass nonetheless!" Tom keeps training until he notices a shadow flash from the corner of his eye.

•Hill Act 1 Part 2•

Tom Prower: "what the?" The moment Tom turns around and assumes a battle stance, the environment changes.

The grass becomes dead, turning into a brownish grayish color.

But what freaked Tom the most, was the dead animals and broken robots littered around the area.

Some animals had their intestines ripped out of their bodies, lying in a puddle of blood, some hung by said intestines, others with their eyes gouged out, some literally impaled by their own spinal cords, and some already decaying.

Tom gagged from seeing this, but resisted throwing up. Not long before deciding to walk around the now dead green hill zone, trying to search for who did this.

He then starts to hear the voices of all the souls from the countless lives who got mutilated here. Tom keeps his guard up, being absurdly weary of his surroundings, making sure nothing sneaks him. After a few minutes, a darkened Tails body with its head cut off flies at Tom, Tom immediately dashes away from it, flying at incredible speeds in pure fear, flying faster than Tails has ever flied in any of the games.

Tom Prower: "wait what am I doing?" Tom flies back to the Tails body, and deals a fierce spin kick at speeds great enough for his leg to ignite on fire, but in doing that, he gets jump scared by a hallucination, causing him to lose control of his flight and fall to the ground.

He gets up shortly after, and immediately dashes forward, making sure something like that doesn't tag him again. After a few minutes of flying, he reaches a dead end.

Tom Prower: "good thing I can fly!" Tom propels himself upwards at hypersonic speeds, reaching the top of the hill and continues running.

After a few hours of running, Tom stops due to exhaustion.

Tom Prower: "that...*hah*...was...*hah*...a lot..." Tom is about to collapse but before he does, that shadow flashes past him again, changing the environment once more.

•Hill Act 1 Part 3•

The sky becomes orange, and more mutilated animals appear around the area, swimming in a pool of blood.

Tom Prower: "okay what the hell is going on?!" Tom says before he notices someone off in the distance, it's Sonic.

Tom Prower: "Sonic?! Oh thank God you're here!" Tom walks to Sonic, but as he does he feels fear, and moves slower, as he hears a static noise. He ignores it and eventually gets to "Sonic".

Tom Prower: "everything's just been crazy man, I need your help badly!"

Lord X: "seems you're finally here..." Tom realizes right away from the voice that that's not Sonic, but something much worse.

Tom Prower: "y-you're not Sonic! Who are you?!" The moment Tom finishes his sentence, Lord X lunges at him but vanishes before he reaches him. Tom is shocked and thrown back out of pure fear, landing on his behind. Tom stays there for a minute, trying to process the turmoil that's happening around him, just trying to figure out how and why this is happening. It hits him, could it have been the "Sonic" he ran into? It had to have been right? His demonic voice, the way he lunged at him, not to mention the shadowy figure. Tom connected the dots, and realized it was that fake Sonic who was behind all of this.

Tom Prower: "one thing's for sure, he's not getting away with this!" Tom says before flying back, looking everywhere for the fake Sonic. "Where could he possibly be hiding?" Tom asked himself, but suddenly, a darkened Tails body with its face ripped off flies at Tom. Tom notices this out of the corner of his eye, and he flies quicker, attempting to lose the Tails body. After a few minutes of flying, the body was still on Tom.

Tom Prower: "just how fast are these things? They just won't stop!" Tom continues flying at full speed, trying to out maneuver the body. The body swings and almost gets Tom, but Tom dodges just in time, still trying to lose the body. But then, Tom gets an idea; he quickly twirls himself around, and catches the Tails body in the cyclone, sending him twirling upwards. Tom then finds a fire shield item box; he quickly takes it and shoots a fireball at the Tails body, incinerating it to it's last atom. "Guess that's it!" Tom says before he continues flying forward.

Tom Prower: "now time to find that fake Sonic!"

After about an hour, Tom confronts Lord X on a wooden bridge, above lemon yellow water, surrounded by trees with alive coconuts, having mouths, same with certain flowers that have both mouthes, and some are just one eye with yellow petals on them.

Lord X: "seems you finally made it, Tom."

Tom Prower: "how do you know my name?!"

Lord X: "I know everything about you... Your name, the date and time your mother gave life to you, your memories, your past, present, and future, and so much more..."

Tom growls.

Lord X: "anyways, I'll reveal my plans to you another time, but for now, bye bye."

Tom prepares a fireball due to the power up he got from earlier, before a tentacle rises from the water and smacks him directly, smashing him through the bridge, causing him to bleed.

•Hell Zone•

Tom appears in a completely corrupted, monstrous shell of Green Hill Zone. The terrain is faded and dull with bleeding holes in the soil, the palm trees are even more withered with dead flickies hanging off by their entrails, the plants now bear hideous fruit such as skulls and teeth, piles of dead flickies even more withered than before litter the ground, and the bridges are made from dead wood and covered in blood. The water in the background is now hyper realistic blood, the sky is pitch black with Lord X's features near the top, limiting Tom's vision, and the clouds are faded to the point where they're barely visible. Tom isn't in any better shape, he's battered up, covered in cuts, bruises, scrapes, his own blood, and holding his left arm which is heavily bleeding; blood literally dripping from his hand, and his fire boost power up gone. His gloves are also damaged, revealing his fingers and the paw pads on his hands.

Tom Prower: "damn it... where am I now? And just how hard did he hit me?!" Tom looks around, trying to get an idea of his surroundings. "It's hard to see..." Tom tries to adjust to the dark and misty area. "Am I still in green hill? If so just what the hell happened? Doesn't matter... What matters is that I get out of here and find that fake Sonic!" Tom can at best run or slightly hover above the ground due to his injuries, and he does so quickly. Just barely evading obstacles, and doing whatever he can to live through this, and confront Lord X. "my injuries don't matter right now, finding that bastard does!" After a few minutes, Tom collapses due to exhaustion, and slowly bleeding out. He tries to get up but before he knows it, a giant worm that looks similar to Knuckles The Echidna with blacked out eyes, and razor sharp yellowish teeth slowly starts crawling up to him. Tom hears this and turns around to see it and quickly runs on all fours to get away from it, but runs into a dead end. The Knuckles creature closes in on him, and gets ready to swallow him whole. Tom is way too injured and tired to fight back, struggling to even remotely catch his breath, trying his utmost hardest to not lose consciousness. The Knuckles worm lunges at him with its mouth wide open, about to bite down onto the fox, ending his life. In an act of pure hopelessness, Tom throws a punch at the worm's nose the hardest he can, this does some damage to the worm and causes its nose to bleed. Tom tries to catch his breath once more, but then grits his teeth, baring his fangs and let's out a fox like growl, as saliva and blood drip from his mouth. The animal side of Tails' body is taking over, giving Tom an adrenaline boost and encouraging him to fight till his last breath.

Tom Prower: "hey. You off brand lovecraftian entity, you wanna piece of me? Cuz I intend to give you the full course meal!" Tom assumes a battle stance as his eyes become dilated, his animalistic side taking over completely, emitting a fearful aura. "So open wide!" Right after this, Tom grabs a spike from the ground, and blitzes the creature before it can react, slicing it in half with the spike, coming out covered in the blood and organs of the worm. He immediately turns around and uses the spike to continuously rip and tear into the worm, leaving behind a bloody mess, with organs and bones swimming in it. Tom then begins to breathe heavily, after a few seconds of this he regains his stamina. He runs off to find Lord X, and put an end to this nightmare. He continues avoiding obstacles, evading potential clones of Lord X, until eventually running into Lord X on another bridge.

Tom Prower: "I've found you at last!" Tom immediately assumes a battle stance, but before he could launch an attack, Lord X lunges at him at blinding speeds, jumpscaring him, and vanishing before he reaches him. Tom is thrown back a bit but continues onward, as an illusion of Lord X appears behind him. After a bit of walking, Tom runs into a cliff, which crumbles below him, causing him to crash onto the ground below, adding to his injuries. Tom continues running however, powering through the pain of his injuries. After a couple minutes of running, Tom steps on some ground that crumbles below him, leading him into an underground section of green hill. He walks around for a bit before a clone of Lord X grabs him by the tails, turning around, and slamming him onto the ground, injuring Tom even further. The clone dashes to him and attempts to stomp on his head, but Tom pushes himself off the ground to the left, dodging the stomp, and retaliates with a horizontal aerial wheel kick; but the clone vanishes before the kick can land. Tom realizes he's pretty much trapped in this cave section, and he's too exhausted to fly either; he looks around the area, trying to maybe find an exit. He then gets an idea; he takes off his gloves, shoes and socks, and sets them to the side. He begins to use his hands and digs into the ground like how a fox would to calculate how fast he can dig, he counted that he can dig out 2,100 pounds of dirt in 3 seconds, but it does cost him a bit of stamina; and figuring how exhausted he already is, he won't be able to do it rn. His plan is to dig under the hill, and then burrow out of said hill, to make it back to the surface. He writes on a wall how much distance he'll need to dig, how quick he's able to dig out the most amount of dirt in the least amount of time, calculate how much time it'll take him to get out, and if he'll have the stamina to endure it. Which he doesn't rn, so he walks away from the hole and first pees in a corner since he's been needing to use the restroom for a few minutes now. After he's done he finds a comfy spot, curls up into a canine sleeping position, snuggling his two tails, and dozes off. Wanting to regain as much stamina as possible for tomorrow.

During his nap however, he has a nightmare. He's in a darkened area, the only light source being a street light from above, he hears the voices of Knuckles and Tails calling out to him.

Tails: "help us!"

Knuckles: "defeat this guy!"

Tails: "he did this to us!"

Knuckles: "save us!"

The voices are begging Tom that he takes down Lord X, and saves mobius from this purgatory.

Tom Prower: "I will!" Tom yells out. "But I need to know who the hell this guy is, and how I could reach him! Can you gimme some answers?"

The voices of Tails and Knuckles cry out in despair, saying they can't, because if they did, the person Tom was after would wipe out their very concept, and kill Tom right then and there.


???: "if that's truly what you want..."

Tom turns around to see Lord X standing there, staring him down. Tom immediately assumes a battle stance and swings on Lord X, but Lord X vanishes behind him. Tom tries to deliver a back kick, but Lord X vanishes again. Tom keeps trying to harm Lord X, every time Lord X would vanish, making sure Tom couldn't land a blow. Tom eventually throws a right jab, Lord X grabs his hand, and kicks him down. Tom coughs blood as he falls down, but quickly gets back up, and tries to throw a hook kick, but Lord X once again, vanishes before it hits. Lord X appears behind Tom, punching him before grabbing him.

Lord X: "you can't run kid, you're in my world now."

Tom Prower: "I'm not here to run, I'm here to kill you!" Tom says before he swings on Lord X again, Lord X once again teleports behind Tom, and kicks him, knocking him upwards, having him crash onto the ground. Lord X then appears in front of Tom and slams his hands into Tom's abdomen, piercing Tom, causing him to cough blood. Tom grabs Lord X's hands before Lord X could tear him apart, allowing Tom to retaliate with a double feet kick, finally hitting Lord X, but only dealing some knock back, being unable to damage Lord X. Tom gets up and assumes another battle stance, but before he could make a move, Lord X jumpscares him, waking him up.

Tom Prower: "it was just a dream?" Tom said before looking down at his stomach, seeing the same wound Lord X caused him in the dream. Tom knew he had to get out of here and fast. Tom goes to the hole he was digging into the night before, and starts digging under the hill, and after about 3 minutes of digging, he manages to get back to the surface. Tom gets out of the hole he burrowed out of, and urinated off the hill as he scratches his ear with his hand, he was kinda itchy. Tom finally finishes urinating, and runs forward to get out of green hill zone. After a few more seconds of running, more decayed and mutilated animals litter the ground. Tom ignores it and after 20 more seconds of running, he runs into Lord X, standing where the goal post usually is, waiting for Tom.

Tom Prower: "enough of your games you fake Sonic! What're you trying to accomplish with this?"

Lord X: "you'll find out..." Lord X replied opening his mouth wide, revealing a razor sharp tentacle, which lunges at Tom, and piercing his right eye. Tom blacks out from the pierce of the tentacle, and his previous injuries.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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