50% Sonic The Hedgehog Mobius: Final Crisis / Chapter 2: Hide And Seek: Act 1

บท 2: Hide And Seek: Act 1

•Hide And Seek Part 1•

Tom wakes up on angel island, but completely burnt and set ablaze, more dead and charred animals litter the island, the plants are corrupted just like they were in green hill zone.

Tom Prower: "what the hell did that bastard do to me? Why am I here? Why is everything burning? Ugh... There's no time for questions, right now I gotta get out of here- wait, isn't this angel island?" Tom walks around observing his surroundings for a bit. "It is! Maybe I can find Knuckles here, he could surely help me take this guy! But first I need to get to somewhere safe and fast!"

Tom knew he had to get out of there, and fast. He walks to a small winding tunnel that he has to spin dash through, he did so, and after a few curves, the tunnel landed him on another portion of the island. He checked his surroundings, sniffing as well like a fox would to sense something, but all he could smell was smoke, so he just ran on; keeping his guard up.

Tom Prower: "seems that fake Sonic isn't here, and neither is Knuckles. Wouldn't Knuckles have done something about this? I mean, it IS his island. Guess I could ask him once I get to him."

After some slopes, and small hills, he ran into a section with upper platforms he'd have to get up to. He wasn't agile enough to jump onto them, he tried doing so several times, he had to fly. Which he couldn't due to his injuries, but he then realizes there's some weak rubble he could spin dash through, and he does just that, breaking through it with ease, but after a bit of rolling, realizes it leads to a dead end, meaning he'll have to fly.

Tom Prower: "c'mon body... Don't let me down now!" Tom charges some electricity throughout his body, the same orange bolts he emitted during his training. And flies upwards, but having to land on the platforms instead of flying all the way up, still not having the stamina and endurance to push through.

He flies up to the next, then the one after that, then another, and another. He does this at least 10-15 times before he reaches the top. He runs through a small tunnel into an open and long plane, which he runs across slowly due to his injuries.

Tom Prower: "crap! I don't have enough stamina to run at full speed; oh well, this will do." Tom continues running on despite the pain, powering through it like he's never done so before, pushing his fox body to its utmost limits. Until...

A familiar voice: "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Lord X was on his tail, and his laugh indicated it. Tom ran faster, whilst being in immense pain, knowing he can't take on Lord X now. The pain felt like he was getting stabbed by a billion knives, but he pushed through and ran as fast as his fox body could carry him. Tom was going past his limits, meanwhile, Lord X was quickly gaining on him, if this keeps up, Lord X will catch up to him.

Lord X: "you're body won't last much longer boy...so make this game fun for me..."

Knowing this info, Tom, despite the pain he's in, forces his tails to swirl and spin like a helicopter, and with every last ounce of adrenaline in his being, Tom blasts forward, going at dangerous speeds. Lord X speeds up too, equalling Tom in speed, getting extremely close to him. However, they both reach a fiery pit, which Tom manages to fly over, leaving Lord X behind. Tom keeps flying, not looking back, but suddenly.


A coconut bites one of his tails. Tom yelps in pain before aerial kicking the coconut into the fire, saving his tails. Tom tumbles to the ground due to this, but he runs on all fours, granting himself a more efficient form of travel. However, Tom trips on something, causing him to skid across the ground. Tom tries to get up, but nothing helps him do so. However, Lord X just passes him, Tom found this weird, why didn't Lord X kill him? Was he toying with him? Or is it something else?

Tom Prower: "now time I beat it..."

Tom gets up and runs the opposite direction where Lord X went, after a few seconds of running; Tom runs into a dead end. Tom looks frightened at first.

Tom Prower: "a dead end? Damn it... This can't be it!"

Lord X appears behind Tom, and goes to grab him. Tom collapses due to exhaustion just before Lord X could grab him, Tom now realizes Lord X behind him, and immediately throws a roundhouse kick. Lord X appeared behind Tom and impaled him with his right hand. Causing Tom to collapse, still alive, but playing dead. Lord X assuming Tom dead, flies off, leaving Tom there to bleed out.

Lord X: "seems he didn't last that long... How sad..."

•Lord X's Castle•

Lord X sits down in his throne, monologuing about his plan, which is to awaken the black sun and melt all mobians with the heat of the black sun. As for the robots, and/or corrupted mobians. They will all be under Lord X's control, becoming his slaves for all of eternity. With the black sun, Lord X will rule the entire Sonic Multiverse and all of its timelines. Whether it's the Archie timeline, IDW timeline, it doesn't matter. Lord X will be able to control them all, and eventually; the black sun will help him take control of the real world, and enslave all of creation. The laws of mathematics, physics, and the concepts that govern all of reality will bend to his whim. Whether those concepts were dimensionality space time or something in between. All logically possible and logically impossible worlds will be under Lord X's control if he awakens the black sun.

Lord X: "Knuckles, come in..." Knuckles The Echidna walked into the throne room. Knuckles had weird bags under his eyes, his fur was slightly darker, and his pupils were glowing red, having a black X cross his pupils, same as Lord X's pupils.

Knuckles: "is there something you need X?"

Lord X: "yes, there is something I need, bring me the Master Emerald from your island, I couldn't pick it up due to that fox."

Knuckles: "that Tom kid? What about him?"

Lord X: "nothing important, I already killed him... Now all I need you to do is collect the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds, in order to turn the Chaos Emeralds into Super Emeralds. Once I've siphoned the negative forces of both powers, I'll be able to enslave all logically possible and impossible possibilities. My powers will be completely beyond logic itself, no one will be able to comprehend my absolute power..."

Knuckles: "understood..." Knuckles vanishes to the burning angel island, in search of the Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds.

•Hide And Seek Part 2•

Tom finally gets up, assured that Lord X left the area.

Tom Prower: "that was a close one... I'm surprised he fell for that..." Tom breathes heavily, still fatigued from his wounds. "That bastard did a number on me... I'll make him pay double for it! But for now I need to get the hell off this island!" Tom runs across another open path. Once walked said path, he notices a familiar figure, it's Knuckles. Tom runs up to him, happy.

Tom Prower: "KNUCKLES! Oh am I glad I ran into you?" Knuckles turns to him, realizing that was the fox Lord X was talking about. Knuckles looks Tom in the eye, and right away Tom knows something is off. He gets an eerie feeling from looking into Knuckles' eyes, but this was Knuckles, just that he was working for Lord X. "Knuckles... How could you?"

Knuckles: "out of my way..." Knuckles puts his palm in front of Tom, and pushes him back with his mere battle aura alone. Tom blocks it, but is still struggling to stand his ground. Tom puts one hand on the ground, struggling to keep consciousness. Knuckles goes to grab the Master Emerald, but Tom notices this, and throws a branch he found on the ground at Knuckles. Knuckles snarls and turns to him, walking down the steps to fight Tom. Tom assumed a battle stance.

Tom Prower: "you're not getting the Master Emerald with me around!"

Knuckles: "with the condition you're in I wouldn't assume that." Knuckles' fur darkens more as his schlera becomes pitch black just like Lord X, and his teeth turn into the same set Lord X has. Knuckles then gains an aura completely made of dark matter.

Tom Prower: "what the hell is that power?! It's in a whole nother plane of existence!" Tom blocks the pressure of the aura, struggling to stand his ground.

Knuckles (Demonized): "prepare to die!" Knuckles snaps in front of Tom and punches him across a mountain, shortly before sending two clones after Tom. Which kick him up into the air before Knuckles vanishes behind him and dealing a sledgehammer attack, slamming Tom onto the ground, causing a seismic explosion. Knuckles dives down and delivers a punch to Tom, severely damaging him. Tom gets up barely, concerned as to how he's still alive.

Tom Prower: "how am I still alive?"

Knuckles (Demonized): "you have great potential in you..."

Tom Prower: "potential? What does that have to do with anything?"

Knuckles (Demonized): "when I struck you that time, some electricity activated at the last second, protecting you from the blast, allowing you to escape death. It seems your body was subconsciously defending you; almost as a last resort brought out from your sheer will to live." Knuckles looked at Tom eye to eye, reverting from his demonized state. "Meet me in 30 days, we'll battle for the emeralds. If you win, I will hand them to you. If you lose, your life is mine."

Knuckles: "train hard... Get strong... Then..." Knuckles opens a portal, showing the scrap brain zone. "Our final duel will be held there... Until then, see ya fox." Knuckles takes the emeralds and vanishes. Just then, a ring portal opens up in front of Tom, and Tom jumps through it, keeping what Knuckles said at the back of his mind.

•Broken Rules Zone•

Tom lands in a level similar to the lava reef zone from Sonic and Knuckles, but this time the zone is covered in a crimson mist, similar to the color of the water back in green hill zone. But with actual platforms Tom will need to parkour across, which he does so right away. One of them however, moves up and down, so Tom had to time this jump and calculate when the right time to jump would be, and he did so with absolute precision. He reaches the end of the platforms, this time walking on a flat plane, and eventually walks down a small flight of stairs. Until reaching a pool of lava, which he doesn't fall into for obvious reasons. Tom sees this as a dead end and just before he can react, Lord X appears behind him, and grabs his head.

Lord X: "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE, WHO BREAK THE RULES!" Lord X thrusts his arm forward.

In a massive burst of adrenaline, remembering the battle against Knuckles, and what was on the line here. Tom presses his foot on Lord X's stomach, and does an axe kick movement, slamming Lord X into the lava. Some of the lava burning small portions of Tom's leg, but not enough to do severe damage. Lord X bursts out of the lava, and flies at Tom.

Lord X: "since you wanna make this hard, you die here!" Lord X boosts at Tom, and spears him across the zone, causing mass collateral damage, decimating the lava reef zone. Tom emits electricity and powers up, a new motivation has sparked in him, and that was killing Lord X.

Tom Prower: "we will see who dies! HAAAH!" Tom charges at Lord X and throws a thunderous right hook, Tom then proceeds to combo Lord X with a flurry of attacks. Some attacks having good synergy with others, and some being downright unpredictable. Little does Tom know, Lord X is taking zero damage and is toying with him. After a minute of Tom rushing Lord X, Lord X deals a rush of spin dash attacks, dishing out some heavy damage to Tom. Tom tries to power through it, but the spin dashes overpower him, sending Tom crashing into a hill. Lord X flies to him and follows up with a gut punch. Tom throws a punch, but Lord X teleports behind him and slams him down by ejecting a hand out of his mouth, grabbing him, and violently throwing him. Lord X then summons two clones to hold Tom still, as Lord X traps Tom in an energy blast, detonating the blast, and then motioning his fingers in certain ways, dealing slash attacks to Tom. Tom endures all of this and flies up to Lord X, throwing a roundhouse kick, knocking Lord X up a little bit, but not dealing much damage. Lord X then emits a tentacle out of his stomach and tries to impale Tom, but Tom dodges it, and only gets a paper cut sized wound. Tom throws a triple kick/question mark kick combo, followed up by a small combo of punches, axe kicking Lord X to the ground, and finishing it with a powered homing attack, emitting a continent sized shockwave, obliterating the broken rules zone, even atomizing certain portions of it. Tom jumps out of the rubble, and it looks like he won. But Lord X was completely unphased by his moves, and emits an array of tentacles from his mouth that wrap around Tom. Lord X then stabs Tom with them and tries to suck his blood, but before he can Tom grabs the tentacles, pulling Lord X in, and dealing an enraged gut punch, smashing Lord X into a pipe system, causing a decently sized explosion. Tom is about to power up, but his injuries get the better of him, and his body collapses due to the amount of strain and damage out on it. Tom couldn't handle anymore, and was on the ground, bleeding, struggling to breathe. Blood gushing out of him, his body aching to the point where he's almost crippled. Lord X gets up and fires a crimson energy explosion out of his eyes called Soul Blast, completely obliterating Tom, and atomizing the area around him.

Lord X: "seems our fun has ended... You should've thought twice before challenging me." Suddenly, an orange bullet speeds past Lord X, it's Tails, and he's flying to get out of the lava reef zone, Lord X has been after Tails as well.

•Broken Rules Zone Part 2•

Tails landed in a more dystopian version of the lava reef zone, the debris and destruction caused by Tom and Lord X's battle. The layout of the area was similar to that of green hill zone, difference being there's more dead animals and badniks littered across the area, swimming in pools of blood or oil.

Tails: "I need to get to somewhere to hide, and fast. That Lord X guy has been causing mass havoc to Mobius, and I currently have no way to stop him. Maybe if I just make a bunker and forge some plans in there I could figure out how to stop him." Tails looks around lava reef zone, trying to find an area that could work as a bunker for the time being. He can't find anything in this area, so he moves on to another section of the zone, looking around closely and carefully, trying to evade Lord X. After a few minutes of looking, the area alters in a flash, dead animals littered everywhere, puddles of blood covering the area, blood even splattered on some of the hills. Lord X is nearby, and Tails knows it. Tails decides to hide in a bush, hoping nothing notices him. However, Lord X isn't the one causing this, he hasn't even made it to the area yet. It was Knuckles who did this, he was ordered to find Tails and finish him off, which is what he's doing right now. Knuckles looks around the area, searching everywhere for Tails. Knuckles then starts sniffing to see if he can track Tails that way, Lord X granted Knuckles maxed out senses before he went to angel island, meaning his hearing, sight, taste, touch, and smell are all enhanced to the max. Knuckles finds the bush Tails is hiding in, and opens it. However, Tails wasn't there anymore, rather there is a gaping hole in the ground Tails most likely dug into.


Tails was underground now, realizing this is an open cavern, perfect for a bunker to go into hiding. Tails fires an energy ball at certain portions of the cavern, blocking off tunnels so no one could get in. However, does the little fox know that Knuckles is slowly crawling into the bunker. Tails blasts one of the tunnels open and goes into it so he can hide, it was a small tunnel area so Tails couldn't go far, but this also means nothing could catch him off guard and kill him. Tails blasts the roof again, blocking up the tunnel with rubble.

Tails: "maybe this could protect me from Lord X, I can't be up there right now..." Tails stays silent as Knuckles lands, sniffing for Tails, knowing he's down there from the loud explosions. Knuckles luckily can't sniff out Tails due to the rubble blocking off his location. Knuckles growls, and decides to start punching the blocked off tunnels till Tails is found. Knuckles punches the one to the far right, Tails isn't there. He punches the middle one, Tails isn't there. The far left tunnel is where Tails is hiding, which is the last one Knuckles punches. However, Tails fires off an energy ball from his arm cannon at Knuckles, knocking him into the wall of the cavern. Knuckles gets up.

Knuckles: "you brat..." Knuckles snarls at Tails and powers up.

Tails: "Knuckles? Oh shit I didn't realize it was you-" Before Tails could finish, Knuckles punches a strong blast of wind at Tails, sending the fox crashing into the wall of the tunnel he was hiding in, causing the cavern to collapse on him. Knuckles smiles thinking he finished Tails, but Tails lifts one of the rocks off of him, and stands up to face Knuckles. Tails notices something off, this is definitely Knuckles, but his aura is different, and the way he sounds is a little bit deeper than usual, not to mention the glowing red pupils and the bags under his eyes. Tails immediately assumed a battle stance, realizing he's gonna have to fight Knuckles to get out of here alive.

Knuckles: "you will come with me now fox..."

Tails: "and if I don't?" Tails uses his magic hook attack from Sonic Battle, knocking Knuckles down a bit.

Knuckles: "if that's how it's gonna be you'll die right here and now!" Knuckles goes into his demonized state, and blitzes Tails, punching him through the cavern. Tails crashes onto the ground, bleeding, and bruised. Tails gets back up and fires a huge energy stream at Knuckles, dealing huge damage, and nearly killing the echidna. Knuckles retreats out of the area, realizing Tails isn't one to be fucked with. Tails flies out of the area, and wipes blood from his mouth.

Tails: "that was a close one... He almost had me there, luckily I drove him off." Tails lands. "Alright, now I gotta hit the jets and get the fuck outta here." Something is just behind Tails as he says that, and it's none other than...

Lord X: "greetings fox..." Tails jumps forward and turns around.

Tails: "Lord X!"

Lord X: "indeed..."

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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