Michael stopped on track, staring at the three men in front of him. One a human, another a beast folk, and the last an elf.
"How dare you destroy the academy which have stood for more than a century?!!" The first yelled with killing instinct.
Michael stared at him with a bored expression:
"I'm not here to answer questions, sorry, I don't have time."
The three looked at one another and summoned their weapons, an unknown energy started emanating from their bodies.
"Leave him to me, guardians!!"
The first, the beast folk, with the upper body of a lion, shot towards Michael.
The two were stunned, seeing Michael standing behind the man... Who walked for five seconds, before falling to the ground, his head rolling to the side.
"I told you, I don't have time to waste."
Wow!! Typhon will be out!!!