All the Hawks shot down Simultaneously, towards the humans.
"FIRE!!!!" Robert yelled.
Countless bullets flew towards the Flock of Hawk with killing intent, to their shock, the bullets were completely useless, apart from one person. With every shot Miles released, An hawk dropped dead on the ground.
'It seems bullets are useless against these things.' Supreme thought. 'Apart from his though.' he stood calmly in front of the players and the charging Hawks.
All the players dropped their guns and draw out their weapons, getting ready; the next moment, they were all dumfounded as Supreme ascends into the air towards the Hawks.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" They all exclaimed out loud.
He shot into the air meeting them airborne. With a slash of his sword, two Hawks dropped dead.
"We can't let Supreme get all the kills!!" Leon yelled.
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