50% Sinful Tales of Konoha(Lemon) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Prologue (Part 1)
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Sinful Tales of Konoha(Lemon)

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Chapter 1 - Prologue (Part 1)


Clan Days and Konoha's Founding


A little less than seventy years before Uzumaki Naruto started his ninja journey, one of the most powerful and respected ninja to have ever existed, was born. His name is Sarutobi Hiruzen. In history books, the re-telling of Sarutobi Hiruzen's life describes him as a very kind, respected and powerful ninja and leader of Konoha. Hiruzen's accomplishments on the battle field and his strategic and genius leadership, made him famous world wide, and it earned him the respectful nickname "The Ninja Professor". While it's true that Hiruzen does deserve all the praise he receives written within Konoha's history books, not everything about Hiruzen's life is told in the history books. There are some things about his life that is not praise worthy and he would rather the history books not tell about that part of his life. To explain that, we have to take a look at Hiruzen's life, starting with how he grew up.


At a very young age, before he even started attending the ninja academy, Hiruzen started idolizing and looking up to two brothers who were members of the Senju clan. They were Senju Hashirama, the first hokage, and Senju Tobirama, who later on became the second hokage. Apart from Madara from the Uchiha clan, there were no ninja who came even close to them in terms of power and ninja skills. If you wanted to become the strongest ninja in the village, those two were the ones you had to surpass. The two Senju brothers must have seen something in Hiruzen as well, because after Hiruzen had nagged them both to train him for a while, they both agreed to become his teachers.


Hiruzen then became the apprentice of those two legendary ninja, before he even started attending the ninja school. As a result, he got to know the both of them a lot better, learning about some of their good sides, and some of their not so good sides. Their good sides were things that everyone already knew about, such as their incredible strength, Hashirama's kindheartedness, Tobirama's ability to get things done no matter what, and both being great and respected leaders.


When it came to their bad sides, most of those things were not common knowledge, with an exception for Tobirama's hatred of the Uchiha clan. That side of him was something that was even written about in the history books. What was not written in the history books, was the fact that both of them were incredibly popular with the women in Konoha. They were so popular with the ladies that they could have anyone they wanted, whenever they wanted, even if that woman was already the girlfriend or the wife of another man. Being popular with the ladies would normally not be something bad, but the reason why Hiruzen calls it one of their bad sides, is because they didn't hesitate when it came to taking advantage of their popularity.


It became a contest between the two Senju brothers, to see who could take the most lovers and who could sleep with the most women in one night, who could steal the most women from other men, and so on. The two of them were without a doubt degenerate sex addicts, who had little to no care about the consequences of what they did. All they cared about was getting stronger and getting laid, preferably with a new woman every night. The way they acted, wasn't common knowledge, but it if it were, it would be a night and day difference from their otherwise stain free reputation. In the history books, they are mainly told to be almost Godlike ninja, who did everything they could to protect the village.


If Hiruzen overlooked the part where they hooked up with women who were already with other men, Hiruzen wouldn't have counted their sex addiction as something negative. The problem was that there was a lot more to the story than just that. For starters, Hashirama was married to a woman by the name of Uzumaki Mito, during all that time. She was a part of this whole mess as well. That was not only because she was married to Hashirama, who constantly cheated on her, but also because she was just like the two Senju brothers. Uzumaki Mito was a very alluring and flirty woman, who Hiruzen would describe as a nymphomaniac, above all nymphomaniacs, who made other nymphomaniacs look like nuns in comparison.


Hashirama and Mito met long before they got married. They even met each other before Konoha was founded. Back then, during the clan days, Mito was married to a man who was the leader of the Uzumaki clan at that point, Uzumaki Ashina. She and Ashina had a child together, who would become the new Uzumaki clan leader, many years later. Mito's son then had a few children of his own, one of which was a very beautiful young girl, with long red hair, who also ended up in Konoha. Her name was Uzumaki Kushina. Kushina is someone who Hiruzen got to know very well later on in life.


Long before Mito's son became the new clan leader, and even longer before Kushina was born, Mito and Ashina would often have meetings with their closest allies, the Senju clan. Sometimes the Senju clan would travel with a party to an island, located south east of the Land of Fire, where the Uzumaki clan had it's own hidden ninja village, the Whirlpool Village (Village Hidden by Whirling Tides). Their hidden village was formed long before the hidden village of Konoha was formed. That means that the Uzumaki's, who had a whole ninja village and island for themselves, were considered a lot more powerful and dangerous back then, compared to clans in the Land of Fire, who operated alone.


The Uzumaki's were feared and envied for several reasons. It wasn't that the Uzumaki's were feared because they were powerful fighters, instead it was due to what Uzumaki's were able to do with their sealing techniques. The Uzumaki clan were the best seal users the Elemental Nations had ever seen, and they were able to do things with seals that other ninja could only dream of. Easily sealing away a powerful chakra monster, like the tailed beasts, is one of them. The source of envy came from the Uzumaki clan members all being born with incredibly large chakra reserves and greater stamina than other people. They were also born with self healing abilities, which would heal wounds that weren't life threatening, in a very short amount of time. This healing ability is the main reason why Uzumaki Mito and Kushina, later on became "Jinchuriki's" (Human Sacrifices), who had the nine tailed fox sealed inside of them. They would be able to survive an extraction of the tailed beast, unlike other humans.


Lastly, they also lived a much longer life than a normal human, and they aged much slower as well.

An Uzumaki who is in their thirties or forties, often doesn't look much older than he or she would if they were still in their early twenties, or someone in their late teens. By the time an Uzumaki is around 60-70 years of age, they will start appearing as if they are in their thirties. Once they reach the age of 100, they will start to look middle aged. By the time they reach the ages between 130 and 200, they finally start looking old, although still a lot younger than their actual age. Most Uzumaki live to be somewhere between 150-200 years old, unless they are killed in battle or as a result of a disease, or something along those lines.


When Mito first met Hashirama, she was in her fifties, but still had the appearance of someone who was in her mid twenties. Hashirama in turn, was still a young man, who was the same age as someone who would have been a senior in the ninja academy, in the Konoha of present times. Mito met Hashirama and his brother, Tobirama, during one of their clan meetings at the Whirlpool Village. It is Hiruzen's understanding of events, that Mito and Hashirama took a liking to one another very early on, and started sneaking out to see each other, in secret. Hiruzen were also told that Hashirama were no longer a virgin, by the time the meeting was over and the Senju clan left the Whirlpool Village to return to the Land of Fire.


The two of them had started an affair, which would continue every time they saw each other, which in turn, was about two times a year, for about a week each time. Most of the time it would be the Senju clan visiting the Uzumaki's, but a few times the Uzumaki's would come visit them in the Land of Fire as well. The latter scenario was mostly due to Mito nagging her husband for them to go on a trip to the Land of Fire. Her husband were always none the wiser, when it came to their affair. He didn't find out about it until Mito divorced him, a week after Konoha was formed, many years later. She then traveled to Konoha to marry Hashirama instead, leaving behind Ashina and their son back in the Whirlpool Village.


Ashina was obviously sad and heartbroken when he learned of it. He wasn't going to let this ruin their alliance and cooperation with the Senju clan though. They still needed them for protection, in case one of the other newly formed hidden ninja villages, decided to declare war against them. What Ashina did as a result, was that he came up with a lie, a lie that the public believed and is written in all the history books. His lie was that he and his wife divorced as a result of him meeting a younger Uzumaki woman. Mito was then offered to the Senju clan, to marry Hashirama, to strengthen the bonds between the two great ninja villages. He made it seem like it was just a political marriage, instead of a heartbreaking affair, in his case. Mito and Hashirama had no objections to Ashina's lies being spread, as they were just happy to be together. Especially Mito, who had more reasons than just being in love with Hashirama, to be in Konoha.


If Mito's story had ended there, then you could almost describe the way she and Hashirama got together to be romantic or poetic, as not even marriage could keep them away from each other. The story did not end there though, and a lot of important things are still left out of the story. For starters, Mito did not just fall in love with Hashirama when the Senju clan first visited them, she also fell in love with his brother, Tobirama. Whenever she wasn't sneaking around with Hashirama, she would be with Tobirama instead. In other words, she had been cheating on Hashirama from the start. That meant that she was hardly a victim, when Hashirama did the same thing to her, later on in their marriage.


When Konoha was formed, their affair continued, as Tobirama would sleep together with Mito whenever Hashirama was out on a mission, or was busy working in the hokage office. At this point, Hashirama already had a harem of willing women, who would satisfy his every need and do anything to please him. He also got to sleep with Mito whenever he wanted as well, so there wasn't really any reason to feel sorry for him either.


Hiruzen got caught up in their mess around the same time that he started his second year in the ninja academy. At this point, he had already been trained under Tobirama and Hashirama's guidance for a few years, and he idolized and looked up to them more than ever. He wanted to be just like them, in pretty much all regards. That includes having hordes of women as lovers, just like they did. He wanted to become the strongest ninja in Konoha and have a harem of beautiful women of his own some day. That was Hiruzen's dream when he was younger.


At the start of his second school year, Hiruzen could never guess just how similar to his teachers, that he would end up becoming. After leaving school that day, Tobirama asked him to go to Hashirama's home, to help Mito with some chores. Instead of doing chores, Hiruzen were dragged into the woman's bedroom. He lost his virginity that day and gained his first lover, out of many to come. The Uzumaki woman had made a man out of him, and given him a memory that he would never forget, and would always look back on fondly. That day was something Hiruzen could only describe as magical, or maybe extremely dirty, hot, passionate and erotic. The same goes for all the other times they hooked up, which was something they did a lot, especially whenever Tobirama or Hashirama wasn't around.


Mito remained as his lover for about a decade, which was around the time that Hiruzen became a jounin. Back then, Hiruzen didn't know why it had stopped so abruptly, especially since Hashirama had unfortunately passed away in battle a few years earlier, which meant that Mito only had Tobirama to cheat on now. All Mito told him when she put and end to their affair, was that he was "no longer her type".


Hiruzen did not feel sad about it having ended for very long though, as he soon thereafter met his future wife, Biwako. It wasn't until many years later, when Mito was not only very old, she also appeared her age as well, that she told Hiruzen why she had ended their affair. She didn't have much time left, and she was about to let the nine tailed fox be sealed into another, much younger Uzumaki instead. Uzumaki Kushina was the young Uzumaki who would be burdened with becoming the new Jinchuriki. Before Mito had the fox removed, she told Hiruzen about her life, explaining all the strange things about her past.


She just wanted to clear the air, by telling someone who was around back then, what was really going on. That was how he found out about how she met and fell in love with the two Senju brothers. Hiruzen also learned that he was not her last lover, as she had invited countless genin aged young men into her bedroom, after the two of them stopped being lovers.


It all started making sense to Hiruzen after hearing her story. He now understood what she meant by "you are no longer my type". The Uzumaki nymphomaniac was not only a cheater, she had a thing for younger guys as well. She was a sex addict who may have been worse than both the Senju brothers combined.


Hashirama never learned of his wife's affairs before he passed, but he probably wouldn't have cared so much about it anyway. He was a very carefree and positive individual, and he also had hundreds of lovers on the side. Tobirama most likely knew that she was sleeping with Hiruzen, but he may not have known about all the others. Tobirama passed away five years after Hiruzen was promoted to jounin. After Tobirama passed, it was time for Hiruzen to take up the mantle of being the hokage.



The First Great Ninja War


When Hiruzen became a jounin, his life changed a lot. One of the changes were the already established change of him and Mito having stopped being lovers. Another change was that he met and start dating a beautiful young brunette kunoichi, whose name was Biwako. Biwako was the complete opposite to Mito, as she would never commit adultery and partake in any immoral sex gatherings or sex acts, such as orgies, group sex or swinging.


She was a very loyal and kind woman, who Hiruzen loved very much. The one thing that she had in common with Mito, was that she was without a doubt a nymphomaniac as well. Although, she wasn't as wild and fun in bed as the older Uzumaki woman had been. Biwako being a sex loving nymphomaniac, was what sealed the deal for Hiruzen, when it came to his decision to ask her to marry him.


At this point in time, Hiruzen were stronger than ever and his popularity among jounin and chuunin kunoichi colleagues, was equal to that of Tobirama's and Hashirama's popularity with the female village population in the past. He was a very sought after man, who a lot of women wanted for themselves. Publicly, Biwako ended up being the one that Hiruzen choose to marry and he was now taken and was no longer on the dating market. Secretly, that was not the case at all. He still wished to be just like his teachers, in almost every single way. As a result, he took advantage of his popularity and slept with any attractive kunoichi that he would team up with while out missions.


Hiruzen was looking for women who were as wild and fun as Mito had been in bed. Even better if they were nymphomaniacs like her as well. When he went out missions, he started asking girls that were assigned to the same team as him, in which he was often the leader of, due to his excellency in the ninja arts, to have sex with him. It wasn't an order, it was just him asking. He did it the same way that Hashirama and Tobirama always invited their hordes of women to have sex. They never forced anyone, or ordered anyone, they only slept with those that did it willingly. The willing ones were the majority of the ones being invited to have sex them.


Hiruzen asked his colleagues the same way, as he as well wouldn't force someone or order them to have sex with him. There weren't many who said no, resulting in Hiruzen taking many lovers while out missions, during his years as a jounin. It was also during this time that Hiruzen learned that the things that happened in the past, involving his deceased teachers and his former lover, with their constant cheating and affairs, was not something that was unique just for them. It was so normal among the people active in the ninja force, that you could almost say that it was the norm to cheat. Especially when you are out on missions. There is an old saying in Konoha, which goes "what happens on a mission, stays on the mission".


When Hiruzen was back in the village, his infidelity didn't stop, since when he didn't spend the night with his wife, making love to her, he would often be out all night, with the most common excuse to his wife back then being, that he was having important meetings with Tobirama Senju, who was the hokage at the time.


This continued when Hiruzen eventually became the hokage, a title which he held for several decades. He became the hokage five years after becoming a jounin, due to Tobirama passing away, after he had protected Hiruzen and his other teammates during the first great ninja war. Tobirama sacrificed himself, stalling their enemies, allowing Hiruzen and his teammates, Danzo, Koharu and Homura, to retreat back to the village. Tobirama's last action as their hokage, was to hand over the hokage hat to Hiruzen, making him the third hokage.


As the hokage, instead of being the leader of just his teammates and good friends, he now was the commanding officer to the whole ninja force. This meant that Hiruzen was now able to easily contact and get information about every single active kunoichi in the village. That in turn lead to Hiruzen asking any kunoichi, who he was attracted to, if they wanted to have sex with him. Considering that Konoha has always been full of beautiful kunoichi, Hiruzen had a very large pool to choose from. Just like when he was a jounin asking his teammates for sex, most of his subordinates accepted to have sex with him when he was the hokage as well. As the hokage, he also had a lot more believable excuses to tell his wife, such as emergencies and important meetings that would keep him in his office late into the nights.


There sure were a lot of "emergencies" that Hiruzen had to deal with during his time as the hokage, at least as far as his wife was concerned. As for if she actually knew what was going on? Hiruzen doesn't know for sure, but he suspects she may have known the truth all along. She never brought it up or complained about it though, and the love he had for her was real. He didn't leave her sexually unsatisfied either, as he took very good care of his wife, satisfying her every needs.


The years he and Mito had been lovers, Mito had taught Hiruzen so much about what women likes in bed, that he considered himself to be a master in the sexual arts. Since most the women he sleeps with always comes back for more, and they would also usually spread rumors about his excellency in bed to other women, Hiruzen knows that he is at least doing something right in bed. He is very confident in his ability to make a girl feel good, often giving them series of multiple orgasms, while he makes love to them. During the early years of Hiruzen's reign as the hokage, he had yet to find a woman who were even close to as wild and fun in bed, as Mito had been. He will search for a woman like that for as long as it takes though.


Other than finding women to have fun with in bed, Hiruzen had a few more goals which were a bit more respectable than that. For starters, he wants to avoid any further wars at all costs. During the first great ninja war, he had witnessed the worst kinds of atrocities that people could commit against other people. Pointless murder, sexual abuse, assaults and humiliating acts, Hiruzen had seen it all. It was the kind of things that Hiruzen didn't wish on any person, not even his worst enemies.


Ninja's who were defeated on the battle field, would be nothing short of lucky, if they were to be killed, especially if you were a kunoichi. Most of the times the the winners of the battles would take their time to have their way with their defeated enemies, before killing them. Kunoichi getting raped was a given, especially if they were attractive. That was not the worst part of it though, as defeated ninja would often be used for entertainment, by performing the most humiliating and vile acts, or get tortured in the most twisted ways you can imagine. Then if they were lucky, they would get killed. If they were not lucky, their enemies would take them captive, to be used as sex slaves or for future entertainment, by being humiliated and tortured over and over again.


Kunoichi had it worse, for several reasons. The first being that there are a lot more male shinobi then there are female kunoichi, who fight in wars. The second being that women are usually a lot more compassionate and forgiving, than men are. There does exist a good amount of evil and twisted kunoichi who are no different from the worst of men as well, though. Hiruzen had seen it for himself, and he had heard many stories which would give most people nightmares.


One of the worst things he had seen in his life, was something that happened to a former classmate of his. The classmate was a girl from the Uchiha clan, who had the most beautiful eyes that Hiruzen had ever seen at that point. Her name was Uchiha Temari, and she was Hiruzen's first crush. He never had a chance to confess his feelings for her, due to Mito snatching him up for herself, before he had a chance to tell her. After they graduated, Temari and her new genin team were assigned to head out on a simple C rank mission. That simple C rank mission couldn't have gone more wrong, as she and her team were ambushed by an unknown group of enemies. Her teammates and her jounin teacher were killed and left behind at the scene, while Temari went missing. This happened before the first great ninja war, when the Elemental Nations were still enjoying "peaceful" times.


No one heard anything about Temari after that, for over thirteen years. It was assumed that she had been killed as well, shortly after the others. Never could Hiruzen imagine what had actually happened to her. Thirteen years after she went missing, he found her in the cellar of a large palace within a compound in the middle of the desert of the Wind Country. That palace and compound belonged to one of the Wind country's daimyo's (lords). When he found her, some of the men working for the daimyo were in the middle of abusing her, in both a torturous and humiliating way. What he saw, and what he eventually heard from her, once she told him the full story, changed Hiruzen. She has had things done to her which Hiruzen didn't think people were capable of doing to another person. (1).


After freeing Temari and the other fifty or so girls and women, one of which was Temari's daughter, who she had given birth to while in captivity, Hiruzen took them all back to safety. With the help of nearby villages within The Land of River, he was able to get most of them back to their families. The others who they couldn't identify any family members of, was taken back to Konoha where they could live a safe and free life for as long as they wish. Temari and her daughter, who sadly had also been abused, were both brought to Konoha as well. Hiruzen brought Temari back to Konoha, even though she had begged him to leave her behind, so that she could end her own life.


Hiruzen refused to let her kill herself. After returning her to Konoha, Temari spent years at the Konoha's hospital, mainly being treated for mental health issues, caused by all the abuse she had to endure for all those years. A few years after her return to Konoha, she showed incredible strength that really impressed Hiruzen. She started living a normal life again, together with her daughter. She was able to live a peaceful life, living in a sizable house within the Uchiha clan compound. She lived long enough to see her daughter get married and later on give birth to Temari's grandson. Temari eventually passed away, of natural causes, a few years before the Uchiha massacre. Her grandson, Uchiha Obito, didn't have the easiest life either, but that is a story for another time.


The humiliation and torture which Temari had to endure, was among the worst things that Hiruzen had ever heard of back then, during the first great ninja war. The same could not be said about the kidnapping and sexual abuse that she also had to endure, due to that being something Hiruzen had gotten used to hearing about, or seeing for himself during the war. He had freed thousands of girls and women, who had been kidnapped or taken captive, just like Temari. The strong, powerful and wealthy, prayed on the weak. Even peaceful village people, who had nothing to do with these wars, were not safe from these horrors.


Other than the sexual crimes, kidnappings and torture, another obvious negative part of war is the many lives lost. All five great ninja villages had lost so many ninja after just one great ninja war, that Hiruzen couldn't help but think, just how many more lives are going to be lost the next time?


It's because of these hideous crimes, and all the lives lost, that Hiruzen wants to do everything in his power to prevent further wars from happening again. He is very aware that he will not be able to prevent wars from happening on his own, but he can at least do whatever is within his power, to better this rotten world a little. He would do so, starting with Konoha and his own ninja force, where there is a lot that can be done as well.


One of the first actions Hiruzen took when he became the hokage, was to outlaw torture and sexual abuse of their enemies. The only exception to that law was for the members of the torture and interrogation force, who still could use any means necessary, to interrogate their prisoners. What this law was meant to stop, was Konoha's own bad apples, disgusting men and women, who abused their defeated enemies for no other reason than their own pleasure and entertainment. Some of them even abused their own teammates as well, using the old saying "What happens on a mission, stays on the mission" as an excuse. Sadly, their teammates wouldn't even report them, due to them also living by that creed. This should have been a law which should have existed already, most would argue.


That was not the case due to Konoha not really being any better than the rest of the ninja villages, apart from a select few clans, who wouldn't let shit like that slide either. The Nara clan is one of them, and they even invented the world "Troublesome", after hearing about all the degeneracy going on. Hashirama would have most likely wanted this law to exist, but most likely got push back from some of the clans that had just joined the newly formed village. Tobirama on the other hand, were a lot more ruthless than Hashirama. He couldn't care less about what happened to their enemies. He also had an unhealthy hatred for the Uchiha clan, and most likely wished all their clan members suffered similar fates as their enemies.


Hiruzen didn't create this new law to prevent his ninja force from killing, since that is something that will always be a part of wars, and even most ninja battles. It's the unnecessary abuse and humiliation before it, that he wanted to get rid of. Hiruzen got all clans of the village behind him, supporting him in his decision to create this new law. But just because every clan leader supported him, that didn't mean that some ninjas within their clans were completely against the new law. There were actually a large number of ninjas within the active ninja force, who Hiruzen would refer to as "bad apples" or "scum". Those bad apples were the ones that gave Konoha a bad reputation, and made their enemies hate them even more.


Their enemies were no different though, they were just as bad, or even worse. After the first great ninja war, Hiruzen started removing the "bad apples" from the ninja force, by either throwing them in prison or just revoking their Konoha ninja status, whenever they were caught breaking the new law. While Hiruzen tried his best to clean up his ninja force, other ninja villages wanted revenge. They hated Konoha due to what happened during the war, where Konoha won major victories, mostly thanks to the two Senju brothers and Hiruzen. As a result, Konoha ninja always had a target on their back, especially Konoha kunoichi.


Ninja's from the other villages would pretty much always rape, kill or kidnap any Konoha ninja who they defeated. The only good thing that has come out of these awful circumstances, is that the overall strength of Konoha's ninja force has improved. The weak part of the ninja force would be taken out quickly, while only the strong with great potential remain. It's an awful way to look at things, but it is an awful reality that they live in. Due to these circumstances, Konoha's kunoichi had to become stronger in order to protect themselves. There was one kunoichi, who stood out from everyone else, as she showed the others that kunoichi could become just as, if not more, powerful than men. She happened to be one of Hiruzen's students.


A few years after Hiruzen became the third hokage of Konoha, he surprised the higher ups in the village when he told them that he wished to teach a genin team, consisting of three freshly graduated genin from the ninja academy. He told them that he saw a lot of potential in all three of them, and was convinced that all three of them could surpass even him, if he was allowed to train them. After hearing that, there were no complaints from the higher ups about him taking on a genin team, even if that meant that someone else would have to stand in for Hiruzen sometimes, to do his hokage work for him, while he is out on missions with his students.


While what Hiruzen had told them was part of the truth, it wasn't the full truth, as is often the case. He had selfish reasons to take on this team as well. Senju Tsunade is one of three students that he wants to teach. She is the granddaughter of Hashirama and Mito, meaning that not only is she related to Hiruzen's former lover, she is also part Uzumaki. After sleeping with countless women over the years, without finding anyone who resembled Mito in bed, Hiruzen had a theory about Uzumaki women being the ones who are special in bed. Maybe they are all as wild and fun as Mito had been? Hiruzen couldn't know for sure, but he sure as hell wouldn't mind finding out, as long as Tsunade was game. It didn't hurt that Tsunade was a rare beauty, who later became known as the princess of Konoha, either.


That was actually a nickname which she was first given by Hashirama and Tobirama, as the two of them would always call her that, while they also spoiled her to no end, giving her anything she wanted. Tsunade never understood the value of money due to that, and as a result started gambling with her money, later in life.



The Second Great Ninja War


The first day Hiruzen met his new genin team, they had introduced themselves before Hiruzen gave them their genin test, which was the good old bell test. Two of them passed with flying colors, while one of them had failed miserably, acting like a clown while doing so. Tsunade and Orochimaru were the ones that had passed, working together to steal a bell each from Hiruzen. They are also the reasons why the team had passed the genin test, since the two of them had showed amazing skills and good use of teamwork.


Jiraiya was the one that failed miserably, as he challenged Hiruzen to a one on one battle, which ended with Jiraiya losing in a humiliating and rather comical way, before being tied up to a wooden post. Hiruzen choose to pass him as well, mainly because he had high hopes for this team, but also because Jiraiya shared a certain personality trait with him. He is also a shameless pervert, and unlike Hiruzen, he does nothing to hide that from others. That's why he passed, because Hiruzen kinda digs his style. Jiraiya would later be the one who Hiruzen got along with the most, out of his three students. As for the other two, well..


Starting with Orochimaru, he may have been a ninja genius, who had the potential to become just as strong as Hiruzen one day, but he was also probably the weirdest guy that Hiruzen has ever spoken to. The guy didn't talk much, but when he did, he said the strangest and rudest things you could imagine. He was an anti-social weirdo, in Hiruzen's opinion. Often when he opened his mouth, it was to insult one of his teammates, telling them that they were lacking in skills or lacking in something else. The only times he didn't piss off his teammates, was whenever he kept his mouth shut.

Then lastly, there is Hiruzen's third student, Tsunade, who is the the main reason why he wanted to become their teacher in the first place. She had shown excellent skills during the test, and she had been very excited and energetic the whole day. She was also very polite for the bigger part of the day. But she showed another side of herself when Orochimaru out of nowhere, called her a "barbaric woman", and Jiraiya started calling her "flat chest", due to her having made fun of him for being tied up. That was a nickname that Tsunade hated more than anything, because she was very self aware of the fact that she had a very small chest. That was the first day that Hiruzen got to see just how violent Tsunade could be. The girl had a temper, that's for sure.


Seeing her stomp her two teammates into the ground, didn't scare Hiruzen enough not to ask her to stay behind, after Jiraiya and Orochimaru had left. He then proceeded to ask her if she wished to have sex with him, out here at the training grounds. A minute later, Hiruzen was on his way back to the village, to visit the hospital, in order to get his nose fixed. The beauty of the Senju clan had punched him in the face so hard, that she had broken his nose with one hit. She had then stomped off, leaving the training grounds, while voicing what she thought of Hiruzen.


"You ugly old lecher! Why would I ever want to do something like that with a disgusting old man like you? If you ever ask me something like that again, then I will.." she said in a threatening manner, clenching the same fist, which she had already broken his nose with. Hiruzen figured she was just playing hard to get, and thought that she might change her mind come tomorrow.


He found out the next day, that was not the case at all. Instead, he had to make another visit to the the hospital, this time to heal both a broken nose and several broken ribs. Still, Hiruzen didn't give up. He asked her the same thing every day he saw her, if he ever had a chance to speak with her alone, without Orochimaru and Jiraiya overhearing his shameless question. After a month, he made some progress, as Tsunade would stop attacking him in favor of completely ignoring him. A month after that, she started rolling her eyes at him, or look at him with a disgusted expression. Sadly for Hiruzen, he never made any further progress than that. Even today when he asks her the same question, the few times that they do run into each other, she will just roll her eyes at him, or show him her middle finger.


It later on became very apparent to him why Tsunade never accepted his invitations to have sex with him, which had a lot to do with him being "old and ugly", which she often reminded him of. That's because Tsunade only had one guy on her mind from the start, meaning that Hiruzen never had a chance. This guy who had stolen her heart, was someone who Tsunade loved more than life itself. She would do anything for him, just like he would do anything for her. Unlike Hiruzen who is a lot older than Tsunade, the guy who she loves, is several years younger than her. The one in question is none other than her younger brother, Senju Nawaki.


When Tsunade had just graduated, which was when Hiruzen started bothering her with his constant invitations, Tsunade had not fallen in love with Nawaki yet. She still loved him, but just as any older sister would love a younger brother. It was pure innocent sibling love back then. Nawaki had just started his first year in the ninja academy as well, back then.


Tsunade's feelings for her brother changed about two years later. Tsunade suddenly had a ridiculous growth spurt, with her chest growing the most. She was now the owner of the biggest pair of knockers in all of Konoha, and most likely the Elemental Nations as well. That didn't go unnoticed by anyone, especially not her perverted teacher and teammate. Her younger brother didn't miss it either, as he would no longer keep eye contact with her whenever they spoke to each other, in favor of blatantly staring at her chest. It also just so happened, that Nawaki, being a Senju, was a bit of a pervert, just like his legendary ancestors.


The way he kept grinning perversely, while blatantly staring at her chest, melted her heart and she thought he was the cutest thing she had ever seen. Sometimes when she was working out at home, wearing tight and skimpy training clothes, she would notice him peeking on her, checking her out. At first she was annoyed, thinking she had to correct the little pervert's behavior, just like she corrected Jiraiya on a daily basis, with a hard punch to the nose. She never did though, as she didn't have it in her to actually strike her cute little brother. Instead she pretended that she never noticed him, and would instead just stop training for a while, until he lost interest. She would then resume her training when he had gotten bored and left her alone.


Then one day, Tsunade received some news from Nawaki, which was a big turning point. Nawaki had come home late that day, even later than Tsunade who had been training with her team all day. When asked what he had been up to, he showed her a cheeky smile, before telling her that he had been on a date with a female classmate. When Tsunade heard that, she completely froze.


"Nee-chan, what's wrong?" Nawaki asked in a worried tone, while rushing over to her. He saw her clench her fist, but otherwise didn't move.


"Nee-chan? Did I do something wrong?" Nawaki tried again, without getting any response.


While Tsunade stood there frozen, with her hand clenched into a fist, her mind was raising.


"Date.. Date.. Date.." she repeated in her mind "Is some little slut, trying to steal Nawaki-chan from me!? My cute younger brother!?" she thought, before finally moving.


"Nee-chan?" Nawaki said in a worried tone, watching her walk out to the backyard, in a robotic fashion. She then proceeded to punch her fist into a tree, completely decimating it.


"Crap!? I'm in trouble aren't I?" Nawaki said, shivering, while Tsunade turned around to face him. Surprisingly she did with a sweet smile, having returned somewhat to normal.


"A date huh? How wonderful" Tsunade said, with the same sweet smile, which unknowingly to Nawaki, was a very forced smile "What's your girlfriends name?".


Nawaki breathed out in relief, realizing that he was safe for now "She is not my girlfriend, we have just been on one date so far".


"And her name is?" Tsunade repeated, while still smiling the same way.


"Inuzuka Tsume-chan, she is a bit of a tomboy, but can be really sweet!" Nawaki said with a toothy grin.


"Inuzuka huh.." Tsunade said with an evil smirk "I would like to meet this wench sometime" she added, with a vein popping on her forehead.


"She's not a wench" Nawaki said with a frown "You're acting weird, Nee-chan. What's gotten into you?".


"Hmpf!" Tsunade huffed, ignoring his question, favor of walking passed him, back into the house "Baka Nawaki!" she yelled, before rushing up the stairs, heading towards her bedroom. She left an even more confused Nawaki downstairs, while she laid down on her stomach on the bed, whining about her current misfortune.


"How did this happen!? Nawaki-chan belongs here with me! And now this stupid Inuzuka girl is taking him from me!" She sniffled out. After a while she calmed down, while sitting up in her bed. With a smirk on her pretty face, she said "You haven't won yet, I will prove to Nawaki-chan that I am the most suited to be his woman".


From there on out, Tsunade's love for Nawaki changed from a sisterly love, to a love of the romantic kind. She had now realized that she was in fact in love with him, and that surprisingly, didn't bother her at all. Instead it just made her happy. The thought of being together with him like that, warmed her heart. But more importantly, she was now determined to gain his affection, and make sure that she doesn't lose him to Inuzuka Tsume. With that thought, she changed into a much skimpier outfit. She now only wore a pair of skin tight blue shorts, and a very skimpy and small white stomach shirt. Her white stomach shirt didn't do much to cover anything but half her breasts, and a tiny portion of her upper waist. In other words, she was showing a ton of cleavage.


Wearing her new outfit, she headed downstairs to begin a training session, in the living room. Soon enough, Nawaki was standing in the doorway, peeking on her like always, just like Tsunade had expected. This time, Tsunade did not stop training when he arrived, instead she got down on all fours, raising her butt up, before doing very slow push ups. Nawaki had a perfect view of her tight round ass, while she did her push ups, which Tsunade was very aware of. That was the whole point of this. What Tsunade did not expect to happen, was what Nawaki did after a minute of watching her. He had ran up to hair, then spanked her ass, while yelling "Nice ass, nee-chan!". He then giggled as he ran upstairs to hide in his bedroom.


Tsunade lost her balance, falling down on the ground, landing on her stomach. She had a dumbfounded expression, while thinking "What just happened? Did that perverted little brat really spank my ass just now?"


While Tsunade had ventured down here to the first floor, with the intention of putting on a show for Nawaki, teasing him a little bit, she could never imagine that he had the balls to do something like that. Sure, he has always been a bit carefree, and somewhat of a knucklehead, but he of all people should know how Tsunade handles perverts. She thought it was her duty as his older sister, to teach him that he shouldn't be treating fine ladies like herself, that way.


With a smirk, Tsunade got up on her feet, before heading upstairs. She then entered Nawaki's bedroom, finding him laying in his bed, mostly hiding under his quilt, but his head was peeking out, looking at the door.


"GAH-AH!" Nawaki exclaimed in fear, before bouncing up, to stand on top of the bed. He struck a fighting pose, glaring at Tsunade "You begged for it, Nee-chan! Pointing your ass at me like that!".


"You little pervert" Tsunade said with a playful smile. She wasn't fooling Nawaki though, he thought she was just acting, and was sure that she had come here just to punch him through the wall.


"Stand back, Nee-chan!" Nawaki yelled with his fists raised.


Tsunade giggled, while walking over to the bed "Don't worry, I am going to let that slide this time".


"You are?" Nawaki asked with a very confused expression.


Tsunade nodded "Uh-huh. Your birthday is in a week, and it would be a shame if you had to spend your birthday with broken legs, arms and ribs, wouldn't it?" she said in a rather dangerous tone, while showing him that sweet smile again. Nawaki started to realize just what that smile meant. It was a bad sign, to see her smile like that, as she was most likely pissed off. That meant that she was probably pissed off earlier as well.


Nawaki gulped "Y-yeah, it would" he said nervously.


Tsunade smiled the same way, while crackling the knuckles on her fingers "Instead, I would like you to think of something that you want for your birthday. Think long and hard of what you want, because it might be the last thing you ever get" she spoke through gritted teeth "You perverted brat!" she added in anger, before surprising Nawaki with her next action. She leaned over and planted a kiss on his forehead, before leaving his room.


Nawaki was stunned, as he watched her close the door behind him. But he wouldn't let her fool him. He figured she was just playing tricks with his mind, as he shivered in fear, before going into hiding under his quilt again. He thanked the ninja Gods that he had gotten away with what he did, without her breaking any of his bones as a result. Even if she did, it would have been totally worth it. God damn, if she didn't have a nice ass. With those thoughts, Nawaki fell asleep, with a shit eating grin on his face.


Due to how Tsunade had just threatened him that night, Nawaki was certain that he only had one week left to live. As a result, he avoided Tsunade as much as he could, since he didn't want to do anything to piss her off again, which could shorten his young life even more. Normally this was something that Tsunade would think was unacceptable, for Nawaki to avoid her. But she had big plans for his birthday, so she waited patiently for that day to arrive.


Nawaki's birthday did eventually arrived, a week after that incident. It started out normally with Tsunade cooking breakfast for him in the morning. She made him waffles with jam and cream. Since Tsunade and Nawaki lives alone together, due to both their parents have suffered the same fate as most of the Senju clan, which was them passing away in battle, Tsunade is always the one cooking, if she has the time for it.


After breakfast, Nawaki's day continued like normal, starting with him going to school. Tsunade spent her day training with her teammates, who both noticed that something seemed off with Tsunade. She wasn't being her usual energetic and excited self, instead she seemed rather timid and nervous. Tsunade refused to tell them why, since the reason she acted that way, was that she was very nervous about what she had planned for tonight.


After training, Tsunade bought food at a sushi restaurant, which she brought back home. Sushi is Nawaki's favorite food, so she bought it for them to have as dinner, since it's his birthday. When she came back to the their house within the Senju clan, Nawaki was standing in the hall way. He was bowing his head, while holding up a letter "Nee-chan, here are all the reasons why you shouldn't kill me. Please read it!" he begged.


Tsunade rolled her eyes "Put that thing away, you won't escape your fate that easily" she said, before smacking the letter out of his hands. She then smiled brightly at him "Let's eat! I got you sushi!".


"Sweet!! Thanks, nee-chan!!" Nawaki said, drooling at the sight of his favorite food, instantly having forgotten about his worries of his life soon ending.


While they were eating dinner, Nawaki couldn't help but notice that Tsunade was missing something.


"Am I not getting a present from you this year?" Nawaki asked, pouting while chewing a piece of sushi.


"You are getting two presents this year" Tsunade said with a mischievous smile.


"Oh?" Nawaki exclaimed in excitement "Usually you just get me one!".

Tsunade nodded "I did get you one, but I also told you to think really hard about something you would like me to give you".


"Oh yeah.." Nawaki said with a cheeky grin "I kinda forgot, because I was busy worrying all week, thinking you were gonna kill me today"


Tsunade sighed, then shook her head "I would never harm you, Nawaki-kun".


"-kun?" Nawaki asked with a raised eyebrow.


Tsunade nodded with a bright smile "I think you are too old for me to still use the '-chan' suffix for you. '-kun' suits you a lot better".


"Okay" Nawaki said with a raised eyebrow "I don't mind that, you can call me whatever you want as long as you don't beat me up for what I did to you last week".


"Last week?" Tsunade said with that sweet smile of hers, which was now a smile that terrified Nawaki.


"I already forgot about that" Tsunade said, while nonchalantly throwing a piece of sushi into her mouth. Nawaki didn't know what to respond to that, he was just happy that she seemed to have forgiven him.


After dinner, Tsunade told Nawaki that she would take a bath, before she would give him his presents. She asked him to wait for him in his bedroom.


About fifteen minutes later, she came into his bedroom, only wearing a big over sized white t-shirt, which went down to her thighs, and a pair of black panties. Nawaki who sat on his bed, couldn't see her panties, and just assumed she was wearing shorts together with that t-shirt. What he did take notice of though, was the lack of a present, yet again.


"Ready for your presents?" Tsunade asked, grinning.


Nawaki nodded "Yeah.." he said, while wondering where she kept the presents. He feared that his two presents, were going to be two punches or something.


Tsunade sat down on his bed next to him, then said "First, let's start with the present you want me to give you. The one I asked you to think about".


Nawaki laughed sheepishly, while scratching the back of his head "I told you earlier, didn't I? I kinda forgot about that..".


"Think of something now then, I'm sure there is something I can give you, or" Tsunade tugged at the collar of her T-shirt, pulling it down a little bit "Show you" she said, staring intently at her younger brother.


"Hehehe" Nawaki giggled perversely "Since I know that your second present is most likely you punching me through the wall, I have nothing to lose".


"Yeah?" Tsunade said licking her lips "Then tell me what you want, Nawaki-kun" she added, staring at him with an expression of pure lust.


"Nee-chan!" Nawaki said, standing up in the bed, before screaming at the top of his loungs "Can I touch your titties!?".


Nawaki was completely red faced, keeping his eyes closed, awaiting the incoming inhumanly strong punches. But they never came. Instead, he heard his sister giggle "Okay, but I don't think you can touch them from up there. Sit down again".


"Huh?" Nawaki asked, before flopping down on the bed again "Are you sure?" he asked.


"Thirty seconds" Tsunade said, while scooting closer to him "That's all you get, before I give you your second present. Make the most out of it, because what I will do to your afterwards, will change you forever" she said with an evil smile.


Nawaki gulped, while staring at the large melons in front of him. Even though she wore that T-shirt, he could see the shape of them, and the shape of her nipples. He figured this was a test or something, or her baiting him into doing something stupid, just so that she could punish him later on. He just didn't care. This was an opportunity that he may never get again in his life. He had his big sisters perfect titties in front of him, and within his grasp. Without hestitation, Nawaki grabbed her breasts, with his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her huge melons.


"Mmhm!" Tsunade moaned, while biting her lip. Nawaki avoided eye contact, while he focused on moving his hands to grab and play as much as he could with them, while he still had time. He really went at it, groping her aggressively.


"Time's up!" Tsunade said, while still biting her lip.


Nawaki didn't stop when he heard that, he continued to grope her chest, while looking as if he was in some kind of trance like state. Tsunade then scooted back, while lightly pushing Nawaki away, because he followed her, trying to dig his fingers into the soft flesh again


"Damn, those thirty seconds went by too fast" Nawaki said after having snapped out of it. He then laid down on his back and sighed "Okay, I can die happy now. It was totally worth it. You can kill me now, nee-chan".


Nawaki then closed his eyes. Soon thereafter, he felt a pressure on his waist. He opened his eyes to find Tsunade on top of him, straddling him.


She stared at him with such an alluring and beautiful expression, that Nawaki found it hard not to blush. Tsunade then pulled her T-shirt over her head, exposing the twins that Nawaki had just groped, for his eyes to see.


"Nee-chan!?" Nawaki exclaimed in surprise.


"I told you I was going to change your life forever, didn't I?" Tsunade said, with a noticeable blush.


"Y-yeah" Nawaki responded nervously, while blushing "H-how are you going to do that?".


Tsunade didn't respond for a while, before she leaned down, to stare into his eyes, with their faces close. She then whispered "By giving you your present..".


"Is this my present?" Nawaki asked, while his hands returned to her chest, groping away at them.


"Ah.." Tsunade moaned "No, I am your present. I am giving myself to you, and I am going to change you forever by making love to you! From now on you're no longer my cute little brother, you are my man!" she exclaimed before she kissed him, wasting no time to get her tongue inside his mouth, for a hot and wet french kiss.


That evening was the start of Tsunade and Nawaki's secret incestuous relationship. In public they were still brother and sister, back home they were lovers, who had sex whenever they had free time. They did it all over the house when they were alone, and Tsunade allowed Nawaki to make all his perverted dreams come true. She did everything for him, and she loved it. Some of Nawaki's most perverted requests made Tsunade discover her love for two things. The first was her love of sucking cock, which was something she would do every chance she could, when she was alone with Nawaki. It didn't matter where they were, if she saw an opportunity to get his cock inside her mouth for a while, then she would do just that. The other thing that she enjoyed, was the taste of cum and drinking cum. She couldn't get enough of it, and always sucked up every single drop of Nawaki's cum.


Needless to say, Nawaki never went on any more dates with Tsume after he and Tsunade got together, or any other girl for that matter. The two of them had planned out how they would live together for the rest of their lives. First they would keep their relationship secret, while they continue their ninja work as they had been. Both of them still had dreams that they wanted to reach, such as both of them wanting becoming the next hokage. Tsunade also had aspirations to become the best possible medical ninja that she could be. She always thought it was a shame that Konoha never had any reliable medical ninja out on the battle fields, they could have saved so many lives during the first great ninja war.


They also shared a mutual dream of starting a family together. Tsunade wanted a lot of children, who would become the future of their clan. She also couldn't help but think that it would be very fun to have several little Tsunade's and Nawaki's running around. They both agreed that they would first try to reach their dreams as ninja, before they would start trying to get Tsunade pregnant. Nawaki wanted to earn himself a promotion to jounin first, at the very least.


A few years later, Tsunade and Nawaki were still together in their secret relationship. At this point in time, Nawaki had already graduated and was one of the genins who people looked forward to see fight in the next chuunin exams. He was at the top of his class, when he graduated. Tsunade on the other hand is already one of Konoha's most powerful and well respected jounin. The same goes for her two teammates, who may be even stronger fighters than herself. She was no pushover in a fight though, and her main skills as a ninja, was her medical skills. She was now regarded as the best medical ninja and doctor in all of Konoha, along with being the strongest kunoichi alive.


It was around this time that Tsunade and Nawaki had started getting a lot more daring with their relationship. They had almost been caught in the act several times, by Tsunade's teammates, or Nawaki's friends. In order to prevent any rumors spreading about them, Tsunade thought up a plan to prevent that. It involved her dating someone else, someone who she would be able to easily deceive, in order to make him believe that their relationship was real. Because it wouldn't be real at all, it was going to be a completely fake relationship, that served as front for Tsunade, hiding her real relationship.


During a jounin meeting, Tsunade met a man who she thought would be perfect for the role. It was a man by the name of Kato Dan. He was a very kind and somewhat old fashioned man. A kind man like that would be easy to deceive, and he probably wouldn't mind taking things slow. Tsunade had no intentions of doing anything other than holding hands, or kissing the man on the cheek in public, with hopes that others saw them together. The whole point of it all was for others to learn of the two dating, after all.

When Tsunade asked Dan out on a date, he was surprised at first, but obviously accepted to go on a date with her, as most straight men would. Tsunade had been correct about him, as he was a kind gentleman, who wouldn't even try to do anything with her on any of their dates. Instead she was the one who had to initiate it all, even asking for them to hold hands and such.


In public she was now dating Kato Dan, while secretly that relationship only served to spice up her and Nawaki's sex life. They would often get daring, secretly doing it whenever Dan is over at their house, or if they are out somewhere with him. He never caught on to them, and he never suspected a thing for as long as he was alive. He never complained to Tsunade about their relationship not going any further than holding hands either. He was just happy to be together with such a beautiful and "pure" woman.


About a year after she started her fake relationship with Dan, the second great ninja war began. That was the beginning of the end of everything for Tsunade, everything that made her happy and everything that she cared about. A few months into the war, she received the first bad news. Her fake lover, Kato Dan, had been killed in battle. Even though Tsunade didn't love him, and had been deceiving him all this time, she didn't wish any harm to befall him. The news saddened her, but she had to act a lot more sad then she actually was, in order to keep the lie safe.


Then just a week later, she received the news that completely shattered her. It was Jiraiya and her former teacher, Hiruzen, who brought her the bad news. Her brother and lover, Nawaki, had passed away on the battle field. It was Jiraiya and Orochimaru who had found his dead body and brought him back to Konoha, to get a proper burial.


When Tsunade heard the news, she cried her eyes out and broke down. Jiraiya and Hiruzen tried their best to comfort her, but she just kept crying. She just wanted to wake up and realize that this had just been a bad dream. Sadly, that wasn't the case, as she continued to cry for several hours, in the arms of Jiraiya who comforted her. After a few hours of Jiraiya and Hiruzen just sitting there with her, doing her best to calm her down and comfort her, she told them about her and Nawaki. She told them about their true relationship, and about the fake relationship with Dan.


Jiraiya was shocked to hear the news, as he couldn't believe his ears. He didn't judge her or anything, as he thought the relationship was kinda hot in a kinky way, he just had not expected it. He was also a bit jealous, since he had been in love with Tsunade ever since their team was formed. For the most part, he just felt bad for her though, putting his owns feelings to the side for now. Hiruzen on the other hand wasn't surprised at all. He just figured that Tsunade and Mito had a lot more in common than just sharing blood. He wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it turned out that Tsunade also had a thing for younger guys.


After spilling out the truth to her teacher and teammate, who were the only ones there, Jiraiya carried the grieving woman back to her home. Jiraiya would visit her every day for a week, just to see how she was doing. He had even completely stopped flirting with her and didn't even tell her any perverted jokes. He was just looking after her. Sadly, Tsunade turned to drinking and gambling as a way of dealing with her recent loss of her brother, her soulmate. Even though they were still in the middle of the second great war, she just kept gambling away all her money and she always drank a lot while doing so, passing out drunk every night.


About a month after Nawaki passed, Jiraiya was over at Tsunade's home, drinking with her. That night the two of them stopped being friends, as they became fuck buddies instead. Every night, during the second great ninja war, they would have drunken messy sex. The sex was great, especially for Jiraiya, as Tsunade was very experienced and knew what she was doing. Jiraiya had some experience as well, having slept with some single women he had teamed up with, and quite a bit of "ladies of the night" as well. Jiraiya knew that Tsunade was only sleeping with him as a way to help her stop thinking about Nawaki, though.


There were maybe one other big reason why she continued to sleep with after the first time. Jiraiya happens to be hung like a horse. At this point in time, there were no man alive who was even close to his size. It was huge, even compared to other men who were considered big. It was also the only part of, and anything about Jiraiya, which Tsunade loved. She still had no romantic feelings for him, and she had no intentions for the two of them to become a couple. Tsunade had also laid down some ground rules that Jiraiya had to follow whenever they did it. She wouldn't allow any talking during sex, unless it was the most vile dirty talk.


She also didn't allow any kissing or hugging, as she only allowed positions where they could avoid that. Even though she refused to kiss Jiraiya's lips, she had no problem kissing and sucking on Jiraiya's absurdly large cock. That was what she spent most of the nights doing, as she almost worshiped his cock. His cock and his sperm were also the only thing she complimented him about, as she would often tell him that the only good quality about him was his huge cock. (2)

Due to Tsunade being a total sucker when it came to gambling, and her love for sucking dick, Jiraiya started calling her "The legendary sucker", in private. It was also a nickname she had earned, since no other woman was able to take Jiraiya's full size down her throat, not even the most experienced hookers, who Jiraiya had slept with in the past, could manage that.


Their daily rutting continued for another year, until the end of the war. During that year, Jiraiya lost a lot of respect that he had for his former jounin teacher. Since he was pretty much always spending the night at Tsunade's house, he was there in the mornings as well. One morning, about a week after Nawaki passed away, Hiruzen came to visit Tsunade. Jiraiya hid in the living room, but couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.


"Good morning, Tsunade-chan" Hiruzen said, smoking his pipe.


"Sarutobi-sensei.." Tsunade said with a tired and angry frown.


"How would you like to have sex with me on this fine morning?" Hiruzen asked, as casually as one could.


Tsunade them slammed the door in his face, before yelling "Burn in hell, you old pervert!"


Hiruzen then went on to find someone else that might sleep with him, with a lot more success. He had thought that the could take advantage of Tsunade grieving, and maybe get inside her pants that way. That obviously didn't work out for him. Although, Hiruzen was still certain that she was just playing hard to get.


Jiraiya got used to Hiruzen coming over in the mornings after that, to ask Tsunade the same questions. Tsunade then revealed to him that Hiruzen would ask any attractive konoha kunoichi to sleep with him, starting when they graduate from the academy. That didn't sit well with Jiraiya. He knew very well about the hooking up culture that exists among teammates, team leaders, jounin teachers, and genin students of the ninja force. It wasn't unusual at all for a jounin teacher to hook up with one or more of their genin students. Jiraiya never did things like that, he never slept with anyone who had a boyfriend or a husband either. Sleeping with someone much younger than him, was something he just couldn't do, even as a super pervert. There were just some lines he thought a man should never cross, no matter how tempting it could be.


He hated all the blatant cheating going on even more. He just didn't see the point of it. If you can't stay loyal to your partner, then just break up with him or her, or have an open relationship or become swingers or something like that. There was no need for the sneaking around, betrayal and heartbreak. That was just hurtful and unnecessary. Hiruzen was guilty of both things that Jiraiya didn't like, and that's the reason why he lost a lot of respect for him. Not to mention his disgusting sexual invitations to all good looking girls who are genin age or above. There just has to be some kind of limit to someone's degeneracy, in Jiraiya's opinion. And that's coming from the self proclaimed super pervert. A super pervert who might be one of few men in Konoha who is actually a pretty decent guy, with at least a hint of some form of moral standards and principles.


The second great ninja war ended soon after Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru had fought a long battle against Hanzo of the Salamander, the leader of the Rain Village. They had not been able to defeat the powerful shinobi, who was one of the strongest ninja alive at that time, but they had gained his respect. He dubbed them as Konoha's "sannin" or "The legendary three" after the battle. Soon after that battle, the war ended. It was also around that time that the three members of the legendary sannin started splitting up, going their own ways. Tsunade returned to the village, to focus on educating more medical ninja, while Orochimaru had some secretive experiments that he worked on, in an underground lab.


Jiraiya on the other hand, had run into three orphans in the Rain Country, who were orphans as a result of the second great ninja war. Most of the battles of that war had been fought within the Rain Country, and it was the people living there, that suffered the most. Jiraiya felt like he had to look after these three orphans, at least until he had taught them enough in order to defend themselves. He started living together with them, in a small house, somewhere in the Rain Country. He gave them a place to call home, and he also took them on as his ninja students. The name of those three orphans were Yahiko, Konan and Nagato.


Yahiko was a very confident and outspoken guy with spiky orange hair, who seemed to be the leader of their group. Konan was a beautiful young girl, with short blue hair, who was a bit shy, but also very kind and sweet. Nagato was a quiet young man, with dark red hair. He was also the owner of a pair of very strange set of eyes. His eyes had ring like patterns, which reminded Jiraiya of the "Rinnegan", the powerful eyes that the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, were also the owner of. When he learned of that, he got really excited about training them. (3)


He ended up staying in the Rain country, training and looking after them, for three years, before returning to Konoha. He was sure that those three would be able to take care of themselves from now on, and expected them to grow up to become great shinobi. When Jiraiya returned to the village, his and Tsunade's drunken night adventures resumed. Although, now he was lucky if she and Tsunade hooked up more than once per month. Even though he wouldn't have minded if it happened a lot more often, the super pervert weren't exactly complaining about this outcome. A few years after that, Tsunade started showing signs of her old self again, after meeting a young Uzumaki woman. Jiraiya in turn, had started taking on yet another student, a blond brat who goes by the name of Namikaze Minato.



Pre-Third Great Ninja War


Both Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina grew up in Konoha as orphans. Minato never met his parents nor does he know who they were, if they were good people, or if they even wanted him in the first place. The very first years of his life, he was raised in one of Konoha's surprisingly many orphanages. There were a lot of orphans like him and Kushina in Konoha, as a consequence of the two great ninja wars, and regular dangerous high ranked missions, where shinobi always risked their lives. As an orphan Minato had no choice when it came to whether he would attend the ninja academy, or the regular civilian school. All orphans had to start attending the ninja academy, but could decide later on whether they wanted to their ninja education, or transfer to the civilian school.


Minato was glad that he wasn't given any choice, because at the ninja academy, Minato found a purpose for his life. He now knew that he was born to become a shinobi. He was a quick learner, who mastered every technique and fighting style his academy teachers taught him. In his third year of attending the ninja academy, he was unfortunate enough to run into Konoha's self proclaimed super pervert, Jiraiya. He did so while walking by an indoors, yet roofless, hot springs, where he spotted the perverted hermit sitting in a nearby tree, peeking into the hot springs with the help of binoculars.


For fun Minato threw a kunai at him, thinking it would serve such a shameless pervert right. Jiraiya didn't even bat an eye at the incoming kunai, while he casually caught it by sticking his finger through the hole at the back of the handle.


"That's not nice" Jiraiya said, while he spun the kunai around his finger for a few seconds, before throwing it right back at Minato.


Minato grabbed a new kunai, which he used to deflect the incoming kunai away from him. He then glared up at Jiraiya asking him "Are you looking for a fight, pervert?".


"No" Jiraiya said while giggling "I'm busy looking at these five wonderful young ladies inside that bath house, you should see the figure on the brunette lady" he said, not knowing that the brunette in question was Inuzuka Tsume.


Minato shook his head in disgust "People like you should be put behind bars" he said, before he started walking away.


"Why do you say that?" Jiraiya said with a wide grin "Do you have something against beautiful women, kid?"


Minato halted when he heard that, then turned around to face Jiraiya again "How did you even come up with that assumption?" he asked.


"Well" Jiraiya said, before jumping down from the tree, landing in front of a startled Minato. Jiraiya crossed his arms in front of his chest, then said "You seem to have a problem with me appreciating and praising their naked bodies".


Minato's eyebrows started twitching "That's.." he started to say, when Jiraiya interrupted him "Do you dislike beautiful young maidens so much that they don't even deserve praise from a mighty man such as myself?".


Minato completely lost his composure, as he shouted "What are you even talking about, you freak!".


"Freak!?" Jiraiya repeated with a high pitched voice, while making a funny expression "Now that's uncalled for, I'll have you know that I am no freak, I am the mighty Jiraiya, the toad sage, and Konoha's very own super pervert!".


Jiraiya then proceeded to perform a little dance, while singing a short introduction song about himself, who hailed from Mt Myobuku.


"You're Jiraiya?" Minato asked, giving Jiraiya no reaction to his introudction and dance, causing the man to face fault. Minato, just like every other academy student, knew about the sannin. Everyone had heard about their impressive accomplishments during the second great ninja war.


"Indeed I am" Jiraiya said before laughing loudly "Although, that's Jiraiya-sama to you, brat!" he added, before he turned around to leave.

"How about that fight, Jiraiya-sama?" Minato asked with a confident smile, causing Jiraiya to glance back at him with a frown "Not interested, now shoo, shoo" he said, while swatting him away as if he was a fly. Jiraiya kept walking, but Minato wasn't done with him yet.


"Hey pervert!" Minato yelled out "Either you spar against me, or I tell those women in there what you did. One of those women in there happens to be Inuzuka Tsume, she is the current clan leader of the Inuzuka clan. She is not someone you want as an enemy!".


"Oho!?" Jiraiya said with a huge smirk on his grin, as he turned around to face Minato again "And how do you know that, huh!?" he asked accusingly.


Minato started sweating a bit, as his eyebrows started twitching again "I.. I saw her earlier, walking in there!!" he tried. Truth was he had taken a peek over the walls earlier, before he had spotted Jiraiya. He was just a little curious is all.


"Bwahaha!" Jiraiya laughed out loud, pointing at Minato "I like your style, kid! I changed my mind, I'll spar against you!".


Minato face palmed when he heard that, realizing that Jiraiya had approved of him, as a fellow pervert. That day Minato became Jiraiya's new apprentice. Later that same year, his class was getting a new student in the form of a transfer student, a girl who grew up in the Whirlpool Village. As soon as she entered the classroom and the teacher asked her to introduce herself to everyone, Minato had fallen in love. It was love at first sight, as he had never seen a girl more beautiful than that red headed angel. That girl was Uzumaki Kushina.


Kushina had arrived in Konoha only a few days before she started attending the ninja academy. She was going to live here in Konoha permanently from now on, with the goal of becoming a kunoichi. The main reason for her having moved from the Whirlpool Village to Konoha, was that she would replace Uzumaki Mito, as Konoha's jinchuriki. The nine tailed demon fox, the kyuubi, would soon be sealed inside of her.


Kushina had a verbal tic, which meant the she would add a strange phrase at the end of each sentence she spoke, whenever she felt embarrassed, excited or nervous. The phrase was "dattebane" or "tebane/ttebane", the latter example, she often used when her phrase somehow combined with a word. Minato found her verbal tic to be lovely as well. In fact, there wasn't anything about Kushina that he didn't like. The more he learned about her, the more he liked her.


Kushina did not fall in love with Minato at first sight, she started paying attention to him for other reasons. The first thing that made Minato stick out from the others, were the fact that he was by far the strongest in their class. Unlike some of the other girls, who would praise Minato to no end as his loyal and loud fan girls, Kushina wanted to surpass Minato, so that she could take the title as the strongest ninja in their class. In other words, for Kushina, Minato was nothing but a rival who she wanted to surpass.


The second reason why she started noticing Minato more, had something to do with their class having a few bullies. As soon as Kushina joined their class, these bullies would start teasing her about anything they could. She was the new kid, so she needed to be messed with, for some reason. Often they would make fun of her unusual hair color, which was of a wine red color. Nicknames such as "Tomato" or "Tomato head" was something they would call her. When they started bullying her, calling her by those nicknames that she hated, she would often turn red faced in anger, before using wrestling moves such as the German suplex, to handle her bullies.


Kushina was stronger than them and had no problem at all to deliver some payback for all the teasing. She was quite the tomboy back then. She was also very mischievous herself, so she didn't hesitate to get her bullies back, either by opening a can of whoop ass, or by setting them up for pranks. Those pranks would often end up with her bullies either getting hurt, get their clothes wet or covered in paint, or anything else that the whole class could laugh at.


Due to the way that Kushina's face tuned red when she was angry, or when she felt embarrassed, such as when she messed up or let her verbal tic slip out, they also started calling her the "Red Hot Habanero". That was a nickname she hated even more than the previous ones.

next chapter
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