45.45% Shadow Slave FanFic [Missing Piece] / Chapter 15: Hungry for some Action 18+

บท 15: Hungry for some Action 18+

Hunger is a word with many ways to describe it and define it. Because there are many feelings that it can be used for. "Craving" is one of those feelings. Beside the normal kind of Hunger every Human feels after having not eaten for a while there is the kind of hunger that some get after they haven't done a different kind of thing.

It is the result of craving another thing. Something that only another person can give them. For most people it's not important who that someone is, but for Nephis there is only one person in two, or to be more specific, every World that could saturate her hunger That she has been feeling for years now.

She craved him, longed for him and was driven mad by him not being there to saturate that almost painful feeling. But now he Is here, by her Side. Her world seems to be at peace. She no longer felt that irresistible craving anymore. Because now, she knew that it could be saturated whenever she wanted.

And that was a lot. The minutes turned into hours as the house that has been empty and devoid of life for years now bloomed with love and passion.

Laying in Sunnys bed Together is something she has dreamed of for years now. And now that her dreams have turned to reality she couldn't help but smile. She was overfilled with joy and love that her soft Facial Features couldn't help but contract into a permanent grin.

Sunny who was spooning her from behind had An arm around her while she grabbed it to hold it in place while tracing her fingers along his lean muscles. She rubbed her ass against his hips while Chuckling after Noticing that her plan had worked perfectly.

She could feel the grip around her tightening as his free hand traced down her naked body down to her most sensitive area. She bit her lower Lip and let out a satisfied Humm while she felt herself being spread wide open by his hand. Soon something entered and her world was once again in a Turmoil of Emotions.

The hours before Have been rough and uncoordinated, not that she didn't enjoy that time but now being treated as a soft flower felt intoxicating as well. His hips moved slowly while his lips brushed over her neck gently.

Nephis turned around her head barely managing to form a sentence.

"You…you are unbelievable…you know that?"

She said while soft moans escaped Her lips. Sunny nodded with a Chuckle and pulled her into a Passionate kiss. Her one free hand wandered down to where their Bodies joined and rubbed the little bump on her flower that was desperate for being taken care of.

Soon the moaning became louder and the air became much warmer. Their heartbeat rose and the sweat glistening On their perfect skin.

"So deep, I love it."

She moaned while Sunny pressed his hips tighter against her ass. His movement did not increase in speed but he became much more intense. While Nephis gradually Lost her mind, she plunged her fingers deep inside His arm to hold onto him, to never let him go again. To ensure that this moment will never end Again. While they both reached climax again which they have both lost count over did she feel The Condom made out of Shadows expand inside of her.

The Ones she had brought could not withstand the might Of a Transcendent, especially not that of a Titan. Luckily Sunny had more tricks up his sleeves than she had thought so in the end their issue had been resolved quickly.

Her mouth escaped one last loud moan while she pressed herself tightly against him with all her force she could still muster up after all those hours of intense physical exercise.

Their bodies fell limp to the bed while Sunny was still embracing her in a deep hug, their Body's were still joined together which Nephis enjoyed a lot. Sunny wanted to remove himself but instead Nephis pulled him closer again not letting him go.

He didn't resist of course, why would he? The most beautiful woman in every world insisted for him to stay where he was so he had no objections and just held her tightly with a soft smile on his lips.

"I love you."

He said calmly while massaging her breast from behind. Nephis was a little taken back by his sudden confession. Not that she didn't know that he did but hearing him say it in such a situation made her emotions run wild again.

Feeling her insides still being stirred by his Dick that was twitching from time to time she moaned subtly and whispered.

"Are you never getting soft again? How are you still hard?"

Sunny as a response pulled her even closer and whispered back with a Chuckle.

"For you I can keep it up for as long as I need to."

A normal human or even a Saint would get soft regardless after some time but Sunny has the Marble Shell after all. If he wanted to, he could keep it up forever. The only question was when Nephis would lose her strength and mind. From the looks of it that would happen pretty soon so they will have to take a break.

'Yes a break would be a good Idea…a short one.'

She thought with a Chuckle before finally gathering her strength to remove herself from Sunny. She turned around and looked at him with her eyes completely filled with love. She kissed him gently before she buried her head in his neck feeling like her body was light as a feather.

Sunny pulled Her closer by wrapping his arms around her and gave her a kiss on top of her head. That sent a Ripple through Nephis body which she could Not hide from him as her hot breath tickled His neck and her hard Nipples brushed against his Chest.

"You are so beautiful, I wish I still had my memories of you. Our past must have been special."

Sunny said with a dreamy voice. Nephis didn't know how to answer for a moment but soon she found the right words.

"You have no idea,"Special" is an understatement. We are not the most normal people in Two Worlds after All, not even close."

Sunny could only laugh heartily as he heard her words.

"Right, from the outside it must seem that we don't fit together at all but I can't shake off the feeling that we are just 2 sides of the same coin."

Nephis giggled while kissing his neck gently. She wanted to do it again when suddenly a weird sound spread through the Room.

"What was that?"

Sunny asked, confused before looking at Nephis embarrassed face.

"My…my stomach. We didn't have a chance to eat at the restaurant and before you could cook anything, well…you know."

Sunny chuckled and stood up from the bed. He Manifested some Clothes out of Shadows and gave Nephis a low bow before speaking with A hint of Sarcasm.

"OH my dear lady I will be delighted to Cook a Meal for you. So that your stomach no longer disturbed your peace."

Nephis stood up and laughed while looking for her clothes. She found them but Hissed after Noticing that most of her clothes have been torn to shreds.

"Jeeze, you really Weren't gentle at all. I will have to take some of your clothes."

She walked over to the wardrobe and picked a black shirt and shorts from it along with her white socks which were luckily still intact. The rest of her underwear though…

Both of them had messy and disheveled hair but they didn't plan on leaving the house for today anyways. It was deep at Night after all so there was nothing to do except to stay inside and enjoy each other's presence throughout.

Sunny had been cooking for a while now while Nephis laid on the couch after being banned from the Kitchen for trying to distract him again. She watched him with a bright smile while the aroma of his dish filled the house.

"That smells lovely, what are you cooking?"

"A rather simple dish that is perfect for regenerating once body after physical exercise."

Nephis laughed and said.

"What we did definitely counts as physical exercise. I never thought I would love exercising so much."

"If not for my sound proof Bedroom even the Neighbors would know how much you love exercising."

He Said amused while bringing the plates of food over to the Living Room Table. He sat down beside her and handed over some Silverware. Nephis looked at the Food and Sunny before starting to drool again. It would be hard to figure out what made her lose control more right now.

Before them were two plates with fried Rice and Cream Chicken. A dish similar to the one Sunny had cooked before but that was far in the past when they were Still Masters.

Nephis took a bite and immediately felt her mouth water up. The rice was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside While the spices worked perfectly with the Cream and Chicken. In no time their Plates were empty as they both laid back on the couch holding their full stomachs.

"I think even Effie Would have been full after that amount of Fried Rice. It was delicious. Sunny, you have become the best Chef in two worlds. Even better than me."

Nephis said, a little dazed with Her full stomach. She could barely move but still mustered up the strength to lay down on Sunny's lap. A place where she felt at ease. A place she could be herself. A place she could call home.

An hour later the food had comfortably settled in their Bodies which meant that they were both hungry again. Well… not for real food but rather each other.

Nephis slowly moved her hands to his pants and pulled them down, revealing Sunny's excitement instantaneously.

She grabbed his sword and began stroking it gently with her hands. Sunny laid back while looking into her gray eyes which stared right at him with an unbearable lust in the form of heat burning inside Of them. Soon Nephis moved closer and put her lips on the tip of his sword. She opened wide and swallowed most of it in one swift movement. While moving her head up and down did she continue to rub her hands over the shaft gently at first but soon a lot more firm.

Both closed their eyes while enjoying the Moment, sunny began to groan ever so slightly which became stronger and louder with each minute. He found it unfair that only he was having a good time so he moved one of his hands to her Flower again and plunged 2 of them inside.

Nephis whole body began to shake as a result but she didn't stop. On the contrary, her assault on him only became more furious and so did his own on her body.

They both fell into a sort of trance for a moment before they heard someone clear their throat all of a sudden.

They both froze because Sunny knew that it wasn't him and it sure as hell wasn't Nephis at the Moment so there Was only one possibility and that made their faces turn into horror.

Standing only a couple Of meters away was Cassie along with Rain and Effie. The only good thing was that Rain had her eyes covered by Cassie and she herself was blind. Now only the boisterous Huntress was left and she had no shame to speak of so she Was staring right at them with the biggest grin on her face.

"So you two have been having fun this whole time huh? Well that was certainly not what we expected when we decided to come here. Sorry for not knocking, but we used Cassie's anchor in the living room."

While Effie spoke Sunny got back a bit of composure and Manifested a wall out of Shadows in front of them. Nephis removed herself and wiped her mouth before she spat angrily.


"Sorry, But we certainly didn't expect something like this."

Cassie said a little Hurried and Embarrassed.

"Well the only good thing is that Rain didn't see any of this since she had her back turned at first. You can thank Jet for asking her when she will be back right before we left the Dream Realm."

Effie said while Chuckling. To her the whole situation was more than a little funny. She knew perfectly well how shy and awkward the two had been in the past so seeing something like this was a really special occasion.

Sunny had long pulled his pants up. Now both were sitting side by side on the couch with a foul mood while Cassie, Rain and Effie sat opposite of them. Rain was clearly uncomfortable, although she had not seen anything, The groans and moans clearly indicated what her brother and Nephis had been up to.

"So…are you two like together…or what?"

Both Sunny and Nephis sighed at Rain's excited question and gave her a nod.

"Yes we are. So it would be appreciated if there could be some knocking in the Future."

Rain nodded Slowly, immediately understanding the implication Nephis was making.

"I'm happy for you two…by the way. You came a long way to be able to have a working relationship like that."

Both Nephis and Sunny smiled upon hearing Rain's words. Only one of them understood the reality of just how complicated things have been between them before but Sunny had a rough idea knowing that Nephis was his Master before.


They both said at the same time.

Sunny and Nephis chuckled before giving each other a small kiss. Rain shivered as a response, a cold feeling creeped down her spine while she couldn't help but turn away.

"Ewww gross."

She spat while pretending to puke. She wasnt That disgusted by the scene but a weird feeling was present anyways. Although she only had been told by Neohis that Sunny is her long lost brother instead of just her Teacher she still felt a deep connection to him.

"OH stop it you baby. You can be glad that you did not have to see what the Two have been up to when we appeared in the living room. That was stuff of Nightmares for a Sister. That kiss is harmless in comparison."

Effie berated her with an amused tone. She spotted the still closed box Condoms and raised an Eyebrow with a smirk.

"Don't tell me you two have been stupid enough to not use protection while doing it. Even though I did it in Antarctica, it just didn't work as intended. That doesn't mean that you two shouldn't bother with It at all."

Sunny sighed and Manifested something that looked Like a sheet of paper made out of Shadows.

"I can manifest Shadows into all kinds of shapes and forms, by that you should get an idea for how we solved that issue."

Rain blushed a little and coughed awkwardly before turning Away.


All 3 of them said. Effie while grinning, Cassie a little fascinated and Rain while pretending she didn't see or listen to any of this.

"Now why did you come here anyways? I Mean I get it. You wanted to bring Rain back to the waking world. I hope you had fun and all but why is Effie here too?"

Effie chuckled upon hearing Nephis question and turned to Sunny. With a smirk she said.

"OH I wanted to ask your Boyfriend if he is interested in helping us with an upcoming mission. Several gates will open soon near A big City and the Government sends Me, Jet, Kai and the Wolf Army To defend it and kill whatever comes out Of those gates. Now that Sunny is back we can use his help very much."

Sunny stared at her for a good second before tilting his head slightly while frowning.

"Why would you need My help? Aren't 3 outstanding Saints of the Government and an entire Army not enough to defend against a couple of Gates?"

Effie was actually a little surprised by his question. She Expected him to be at least A little interested But from his tone She wasn't so sure if he wouldn't just outright tell her "No" if she would ask again.

"Well, maybe we would be enough to stop the Gates. Maybe not. It's at least one Category 5 gate, so we expect a Gate Guardian Of the Great Rank to appear. 2-3 more gates of lower Category should appear too."

Sunny chuckled and leaned back on the couch.

"Well, Great creatures aren't that bad. Anything below a Titan should be manageable by a Team of 3 Saints. I'm sure you will be fine."

Everyone was lost for words for a good minute.

'Did he just say that Great Creatures aren't that bad? Has he killed one of those before?'

Effie and Cassie had similar thoughts. Nephis On the other hand might even agree with his statement. A Saint alone should have no business killing a Great Creature of a higher Class. Beast, Monsters and Devils should be manageable though. There would be 3 Saints on the Battlefield so the Mission shouldn't be an Issue even without Sunny's help.

"Sunny…how many Great creatures have you killed so far? And what was the strongest One? Please wait A second before you answer because Effie is currently drinking something and I'm sure your statement will be outrageous."

Sunny would have loved to ignore Cassie's demand for him to wait but Effie would be spitting the content Of her mouth on HIS carpet so he actually held himself back for a Second. After Effie was done he took a deep breath and said.

"To be honest I kinda lost count. Well I remember the most important ones I have killed over the years of course. The Great Devil, that gave me my Lineage of a Daemon, I killed as a Sleeper for example or the Great Beast I killed in my…OUR 3rd Nightmare are the ones that instantly come to mind but other than that… OH yeah, I killed a Great Terror a while Back with the help of Fiend. That thing was truly Harrowing. Not as bad as the couple Of Cursed Creatures I have encountered over the years though."

Everyone looked at him with Wide eyes. Even Neph was surprised. She knew Sunny had become especially Powerful after becoming a Saint but Killing A Great Terror was still a little much. They believed him of course, they had no other Choice but to do so after all. Still it was a little surreal.

"I…I don't…I don't know what to say. Have you…lost your mind?"

Effie asked shamelessly. She should have thought better of how to choose her words since Nephis was giving her a look that could kill. To everyone's surprise Sunny just laughed.

"I have indeed lost a good Chunk of my Memories. Thanks for reminding me of something that I nearly forgot."

The sarcasm could be clearly heard in his voice.

"Let's make a deal. You fight the gates and I come to help only when it seems like you are having too much trouble. I don't need people disturbing my Peaceful life just because I helped to clear a Gate again. Mongrel was an Mistake or rather an Accident that I can very much live without repeating it again."

It wasn't exactly what Effie wanted but better than nothing. Knowing that Sunny would offer his help when the Situation turned South was calming enough to not have too much anxiety when laying siege on those Gates to protect the Civilians and the no less important Infrastructure.

"When will the Gates open?"

Sunny asked, curious. He had different objectives at the Moment so this distraction would certainly cost him the Attention of at least 3 Avatars.

'I need to bring that guy back to life after all. Ahhh… I guess Spider will have to take over the Task for a bit. She is sufficiently skilled in Weaving and will manage the Task while I'm obligated with other things. Hopefully Nephis does not want to add into the equation of Distractions.'

Effie stood up and waved at them while walking outside the Door so her Anchor wouldn't be inside his house for the next time she visited.

"In a couple of hours. Matter of fact, preparations are being made as we speak. I have to leave now to bid my Family farewell in case anything happens. I hope to see you on the Frontline, Devil."

With that she Vanished into a whirlwind of sparks. Now the only ones left were Cassie, Sunny, Rain and Nephis. While the 3 of them Looked At Sunny with an expectant look. Sunny noticed of course and sighed before admitting defeat.

"Alright I'm gonna send 3 Shadows. I can't have Little Ling losing his Mother after all. The little guy would be heartbroken."

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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