0.52% Sanctuary God / Chapter 1: Grandpa!

บท 1: Grandpa!

A silver-haired kid was jumping from tree to tree, doing small spins and backflips in between each jump, holding himself off of branches and swinging off of them onto another tree whenever his feet couldn't reach.

The kid found himself in a forest with a bag full of fruits tied to his back. The kid seemed to be around 162 centimeters in terms of height, he had sea dark blue eyes, and a white and black battling Kimono.

The kid stopped at a branch while slightly bending down before leaping upwards with force, destroying the branch behind himself as he launched above the trees stopping himself from going any further by grabbing onto the peak of one of the trees, causing the momentum he built up to suddenly stop as he was pulled down by gravity but with skillful acrobatic type abilities he was able to stop himself from falling off the tree.

"Weird, I couldn't find any sheep, goats, or cows to eat today, well I guess grandpa is gonna have to be satisfied with these fruits I found"

The kid said to himself before letting go of the tree as he pushed himself forward with his feet reaching higher into the air, doing small flips and spins in the air before landing with force against the ground.

The kid seemed to have landed on the backyard of a dojo, the dojo seemed simple and as any other dojo would look like, it had nothing special and it looked like nothing special.

"Grandpa I'm back!"

Yelled the kid while running towards the dojo kicking open one of the doors that seemed to be recently fixed, causing a grey-haired 47-year-old looking man to stand up from the floor.

"Shu you god damm moron, how many times did I tell you to not kick the door!?"

Yelled the man making Shu smile as he chuckled a bit laying the bag of fruits he had on the floor.

"Grandpa, I couldn't find any animals to eat in the forest, it seems like we ate them all. So I brought us these fruits!"

Replied Shu, as if ignoring the fact that the man he so calls grandpa yelled at him, showing off a smile as he held two apples on his hands showing them off to the man in front of him.

"So no animals? I guess we'll have to start hunting in another place then"

The grandpa replied while grabbing one of the apples and cleaning it off his clothes before taking a bite.

"Oooh, this tastes good, where'd you find it?"

The grandpa questioned while looking at his grandson with a gigantic smile as if he had just forgotten he had yelled at him.

"Well, since there were no animals to speak of, I went deeper into the forest and found these, they're great huh!?"

Said Shu while giggling a bit as he took a bite off of his apple enjoying the taste of it as well

"Woah!, the peaches were good, but this is amazing!"

Shu yelled while looking at his apple with a gigantic smile before taking another bite out of it

"Oh, by the way, Shu"

Said the man, while slowly sitting down on the ground as he continued to eat his apple

"Do you know what day is today?"

He added while looking up at his grandson, causing Shu to close his eyes beginning to think

"Oh!, it's January 6th, right?"

Replied Shu while opening his eyes with a big smile, causing the grandpa to smile back at him

"So. Do you know what that means?"

Questioned Shu's grandfather, making Shu close his eyes once more as he began to think

"It's January 6th!"

Replied the kid with all the confidence in the world as he began to chuckle.

"No you moron!!"

Yelled the grandpa with an annoyed expression as he then sighed laying on the floor while looking up at Shu

"It's your 14th birthday, so like I promised 5 years ago I'm gonna teach you the way to use your sanctuary energy to awaken your ability"

Explained the man with a warm smile as he closed his eyes expecting his grandson to jump all over the place with joy, but what he didn't expect was what he was going to get as a reply

"No, don't wanna"

Replied Shu while finishing his apple with the gigantic smile still on his face causing his grandpa to open his eyes wide in surprise

"What do you mean you don't wanna!?"

Yelled the grandpa while immediately standing up from where he was laying holding onto Shu's shoulders tightly

"As I said, I don't wanna, I prefer martial arts, it's way better"

Answered the kid with sincerity while looking away with his eyes closed

"Are you sure? I mean you can take what you just said back and we can head outside and help you awaken"

The grandpa tried to reason with Shu but was cut off by him.

"As I said, I prefer martial arts more, I feel more flexible and light when I'm just kicking and punching than just sitting around all day and meditating"

Explained the kid while grabbing the bag of fruits from the floor, placing it on a corner before stretching a bit as he smiled

"Anyway. Let's have a spar grandpa!"

Yelled the kid while clapping his hands together as his grandfather sighed, scratching the back of his head as he began to walk outside the Dojo onto the backyard

"Alright then, but I have a condition"

Replied the man while stopping as he stood outside of the dojo, waiting for his grandson to walkout

"A condition?"

Questioned Shu while tilting his head a bit in confusion but then proceeded to smile

"Sure, ok"

The answer made the grandfather smile as he placed his hands behind his back

"The condition is simple, if you don't make me use my arms in this spar, then you'll have to awaken by force, but if you do...then, I'll forget about the topic in its entirety, and never bring it up again"

Explained the old man as Shu walked out of the Dojo standing in front of the old man with a grin on his face

"Is that all?. Well ok then, that's fine with me, just don't regret it!"

Yelled the kid while all of the sudden disappearing in a burst of wind and speed, appearing above his grandfather's head preparing a kick full force towards the side of the old man's head. But the already mentioned man would simply dock down before using his legs to push his body backward, this would help him dodge his grandson's attack, but as he expected his grandson didn't stop, because as soon as his grandson landed on the ground he dashed towards the old man immediately preparing an uppercut to the man's chin

But, the man would just move aside with quickness before doing a bit of footwork making his body stand straight in front of Shu, kneeing Shu's stomach making him take a few steps back while holding his stomach in pain.

Shu would then brush the pain off, swinging his arm to a side as he dashed forward towards his grandfather sending a barrage of punches, which were easily avoided by his grandfather's footwork

"Come on Grandpa, stop moving so much, and fight me for real already!"

Yelled Shu, as he clutched his hands, stopping his barrage before disappearing in a blur appearing above his grandfather's head once more, but this time bringing his kick down, preparing to hit the top of his head instead of his side, making the man smile as he would send a kick of his own upwards against Shu's, clashing with him, causing a burst of wind to occur which caused Shu to be sent flying a few meters away, sliding through the ground before stopping himself with his hands.

Shu would then click his tongue in annoyance before dashing towards his grandpa in all fours. This made the man raise his right eyebrow in confusion, he never taught him this, where did he learn this? he thought, before being dragged out of his thoughts by a punch coming straight for his nose. The man would simply tilt his head with smoothness, dodging the punch with ease before Headbutting Shu's forehead, causing Shu to grab at his head in a bit of pain.

Shu then proceeded to back away before taking in a deep breath as he chuckled to himself looking at how his grandfather stood there waiting for him to attack

"Oof seems I can't fight you like this. Well alright then"

Said the kid before cracking his knuckles and neck as he exhaled loudly.


The man would just stare at his grandson, knowing what he was about to do. A blue aura began to float around Shu, covering every inch of his body, including his hair, while his blue eyes began to glow as his hair began to float upwards along with the blue aura that was surrounding him

"Spiritual Awakening: Martial mode-Taekwondo"

Exclaimed the kid before the aura that surrounded him suddenly bursted, causing a great amount of wind as well as dust to be shot all around the place.

After the dust cleared, Shu found himself in a new state, this time his hair wasn't silver, it was black, his skin was pale and his blue eyes were shining as the aura around him became stronger and more noticeable than it was when it first engulfed him

"Spiritual awakening? already? but the spar has just begun"

Said the man with a sarcastic tone as Shu would then, lean his upper body forward a bit before separating his legs, placing the right leg in front while leaving the other in the back, as well as letting his arms loose on the sides.

"Here I come"

Declared the kid before disappearing leaving behind a crater as well as a burst of wind which made the crater even bigger, as he appeared behind his grandfather, his aura leaving a trail behind every movement he made. Right now he was directing a right kick towards his grandfather's ribs

The man sighed not even preparing to dodge or move, receiving the kick at full force, causing the clash and force to create a crater below them, making Shu smile as he expect his grandfather to be sent flying, out of the dojo if possible

"Not good enough"

Heard Shu causing his smile to disappear, as his grandfather simply turned around looking down at Shu with a calm expression before, without making a sound, without causing any other destruction, appearing above Shu, stepping on his head bringing him down to the ground, shoving his head against the ground with the bottom of his foot.


Exclaimed Shu in pain as he placed his hands on the ground pushing them against it causing his hands to crush the ground, trying to force his head out of his grandfather's foot, which he eventually did, slipping his head out of the ground before taking a few steps back taking a defensive position, but before he could even think, his grandfather was behind him, again, no sound no destruction.

The man would then kick Shu's back, sending him flying forward while crashing and bouncing against the grounds, the man then appeared beside Shu, proceeding to kick him up in the air, appearing beside him yet again as he kicked him down against the ground, making shu's body fall at an insane speed, creating a crater on the ground, as the man fell afterward, landing on top of Shu's already hurting body.

The old man then proceeded to get off of Shu's body kicking it softly as he tilted his head with a small smile

"He lost consciousness if it's like this then-"

The man was interrupted by the feeling of another energy signature quickly approaching from above, heading towards the man at quick speeds.

The man would then grab Shu by his clothes, holding onto him tightly, as he caught whatever was heading towards him, creating a gigantic shockwave, which destroyed the Dojo entirely, along with half of the forest next to it leaving nothing but a crater

"Long time no see, Martial God Himura Yorujo. Oh, is that your grandson there?"

Said a man, with long black hair, reaching the ends of his back, with a gentle-looking face and red ruby eyes, the man was wearing nothing but an Elegant suit.

"I thought I said I didn't want your offer to become a god of hell, Lucifer. So why are you here?

Said the old man, now known as Yorujo, while holding onto his now unconscious grandson in a protective way

"Well, you can go against gods like Hercules, Thor, and even Zeus himself, not to mention you declined Odin's offer to become a God of war. They ignored your ignorance and let you be since you decided to live a peaceful life, but I, Lucifer gave you a chance and gave you 500 years to choose, and yet you wasted your time having a child and a grandson, how the mighty have fallen. You know, if you become a god, you can receive your youth back. Sanctuary energy can only keep you alive for a few thousand years, so throw that brat away and accept my offer."

Exclaimed the man now known as Lucifer with an irritated look, stepping forward towards Yorujo

"No can't do"

Said Yorujo, while taking a deep breath as he laid his grandson's unconscious body on the ground with carefulness

"Is that your final choice, Martial God?"

Questioned Lucifer with a bit of hope as he stared at him from afar

"Yes. It is"

Replied Yorujo with simplicity as his eyes began to spin while changing colors. The sclera turned into a dark purple, the iris turned into a dark blue, and the pupil into a bright red. His hair began to float upwards while a red aura surrounded the man. Unlike Shu, his hair didn't change color, and his skin didn't turn pale.

"Yes!!, those eyes!!, I couldn't get them from your son after I killed him but since you also posses them, it'll be easier for me to take them away and make them mine!"

Exclaimed Lucifer with a tone full of desire and a look of a maniac

"Spiritual Awaken: Martial God"

Said Yorujo, ignoring everything else that Lucifer had just said, appearing in front of Lucifer just like he did with his grandson.

With ruthlessness and a force, the old man docked, punching Lucifer's stomach as fast as his old body could go, blasting Lucifer's spine and back off while the shockwave of it all made the crater that was already there, even bigger.

But at a speed beyond that of light, he recovered it all, but before he could even do anything Yorujo simply kept punching, and punching him, raising Lucifer's body upwards

"Gravity increase"

Whispered Yorujo, as Lucifer's body became heavier and heavier, as he began to punch him and harder than before, but because his body had just increased in weight, it didn't move an inch.

While all the shockwaves that were being caused by each punch, made the crater bigger and bigger while separating the clouds themselves. The shockwaves were so strong, they reached and passed the atmosphere also reaching the moon before Lucifer snapped

"Alright enough!!"

From Lucifer's body, a huge amount of energy was discharged in an explosion type of way, making Yorujo take a few steps back, while Lucifer landed on the ground as the veins on his body became highly noticeable, breathing heavily as he smiled glaring at the calm looking Yorujo, who stared at him with a calm expression.

Both of them stared at each other for a few seconds, before all of a sudden without any notice, disappearing in a blur, appearing 17 meters in the air before clashing punches, disappearing once more, appearing by Shu, who was still unconscious, making Lucifer grin as he tried stomping on him, but before he could do so Yorujo punched his foot away, making him spin in the air before being slammed against the ground with a half forced punch, creating a crater that leveled the entire mountain they found their self's in busting Lucifer's entire torso from the right side, making him spit a gigantic amount of blood as Yorujo took that moment to move Shu to a faraway place, appearing in front of Lucifer's recovering body after a few seconds.

"Get up, you've played dead plenty of times before, not only have I experienced such tactics from you, but from your past subordinates. So get the hell up, and fight me like the god you think you are"

Taunted Yorujo, preparing to stomp Lucifer's unconscious looking body, before lucifer himself disappeared in a blur appearing behind Yorujo, preparing to cut his head off with a black colored transparent sword making Yorujo smirk, as he with swiftness and finesse docked down moving back a bit before punching Lucifer's ribs, making Lucifer slide through the ground while holding his side with pain. While that happened, more of the same sword that Lucifer was holding before were beginning to generate in the sky, hundreds of them, thousands even, covering the entire sky itself making Yorujo sigh as he stood straight, looking up at the sky while tilting his head slightly

"You have copied hundreds and thousands of abilities, but yet you still keep using that same skill, are you out of ideas?"

Said Yorujo while Lucifer smiled widening his eyes in delight

"Yes Yes, you are correct"

Replied the dark-haired man, while his nails began to glow a bright black, and after a few seconds of waiting, all of a sudden all the swords floating up in the sky began to fall like water drops, at supersonic speeds, as Yorujo began to slide through the ground, making use of his footwork to dodge most of them, while using his flexibility to doge the ones that got too close, while that happened out of Lucifer's fingers, energy began to be shot out as a stretching light that burned everything it touched heading over to Yorujo who was still busy dodging the swords.

And as if time had stopped, those bright dark lights began to close in, in Yorujo's eyes, forehead, and chest, but like as if he was expecting said attack he docked down, as the lights followed him down while he jumped upwards doing small flips in the air, as he used the swords that fell from the sky as a stepping ground to dash upwards, downwards and all around himself, while the lights kept following increasing in speed as they followed him.

"Goddammit, why won't you die!. It must be those dammed eyes of yours!. Adam's eyes, I don't know how you Himura pests got your hands on them, but it's annoying having to face off against those yes every god damm generation, so die! die! die!"

Exclaimed Lucifer while little purple balls of dark energy were formed around him, as said objects began to fly over to Yorujo, while Lucifer himself kept generating them none stop, which made Yorujo sigh in annoyance while doing a small backflip onto another sword moving his head to a side, dodging yet another sword as those new objects began to surround him, heading towards him, as Yorujo himself simply grabbed onto one of the swords with his right hand, using that sword to push himself into the air as he used his ability in his own body, making his body lighter, reaching above the swords themselves as he looked down at where he once was.

"Alright. That's enough, gravity increase!"

Yelled Yorujo while the sudden increase in gravity, brought everything that was around or above Lucifer against the ground, as all those swords disappeared, including the energy balls as well as the laser-looking lights.

Yorujo then turned the gravity back to normal as he let his body fall, descending towards the ground while looking down at Lucifer with his multi-colored eyes.

As the fight continued, Shu began to wake up, finding himself in a cave with quite a big headache holding his head in pain as he stood up slowly

"I think Grandpa kicked me around a bit too hard"

He whispered to himself while scratching the back of his head proceeding to stretch his arms and legs as he then cracked his neck, taking in a deep breath as he walked out of the cave

"More importantly though. What in the world is that loud banging, it felt like that cave was gonna fall down. Actually, how did I even get here"

He said to himself while looking at the sky trying to remember what happened

"So, I tried sparring against Grandpa, I got beaten to the brink of unconsciousness, and after that..uh, I'm here"

He said to himself while tilting his head to a side with an irritated look on his face, as he kept trying to remember

"Well, it doesn't matter"

He concluded before squatting down, jumping up into the sky as he looked around getting on top of the cave, walking towards a forest, as he shoved his hands inside of his none existent pockets as he whistled to himself

"This must be one of Grandpa's tests or something"

He said to himself, sounding sure of his answer as to why he found himself in this unknown place while the ground shook every second

"Ugh, but that annoying banging, is it an earthquake or something?"

He questioned to then shake his head, as he ran into the forest getting on top of a tree branch, beginning to jump off of tree branch after tree branch, doing small flips as he finally reached the end of the forest, and at the end was a huge crater, 5 times the size of a city, in and the middle of said thing was his grandpa, looking a bit tired as he looked down at a long black-haired man, who seemed extremely harmed and pitiful

"Hey uh—Grandpa, what's going on?"

Shu questioned while both of them turned to look at the confused kid, the older looking one staring at him with a concerned look, while the one in the ground looked at him with a greedy and malicious smile

"And what's up with your eyes-"

"No Shu get out of here!!"

Yorujo interrupted as a sword the size of a door was all of a sudden flying towards Shu, while Yorujo himself disappeared in a blur of speed appearing in front of Shu, catching the sword, crushing it with his hand as a vein popped from his forehead, he seemed angry, his hair began to float upwards violating

"That..that, you'll regret for life, Lucifer!!"

the man yelled while taking a step forward as he heard a voice from behind, whispering to him

"Will I?"

And all of sudden he felt something entering his body, passing through his bones and organs, coming out from his chest as he fell to his knees. It was a sword, looking like the ones he was dodging with ease earlier.


the boy screamed while trying his best to get close but all of a sudden an extreme amount of pressure made him kneel before the two men as if he was an animal, trying to crawl through the ground but the pressure increased making him ache his back as he opened his mouth delaying his painful scream.

"Calm down Child, you aren't the one I'm after"

Lucifer said while turning his head to face Shu, looking at him with disgust

"You aren't even worth my time"

Lucifer said while looking down at him before turning back to face the wounded Yorujo.

Lucifer had a huge smile on his face, as Yorujo's blood began to drip out of his wound onto the ground, as Lucifer then pulled out the sword from his body, causing Yorujo to spit out blood as he slowly turned his eyes towards Shu smiling kindly as he closed his eyes

"Adam, Father of all humanity, please listen to my prayer, as The Martial God, I Himura Yorujo sacrifice myself, in turn, please, I beg of you, protect my grandson"

When said words were chanted Yorujo's body began to glow a bright Red, while his muscles became dry as if his skin had expired, and out of his body a bright light colored in red began to emerge, revealing a red transparent naked man

"No!, No!, I was supposed to get those eyes!, I sacrificed thousands and millions of years to try to obtain them, I need them!, they belong to me!, so go away and give them to me, ADAM!!"

Lucifer shouted in irritation while the new man now known as Adam looked down at him with his head tilted, while a red portal was created behind him

"No. They don't belong to you"

The man replied , his voice echoed in three, as if a woman, a man, and a child were speaking at the same time

"Now, leave. A child of mine sacrificed his life and in turn, he asked for your punishment, thus, I, Adam, Father of all humanity, shall seal you away myself, you will not be able to leave hell for 10 centuries, this is your punishment for constantly attempting to rob me of my divine eyes of knowledge"

The man stated while the portal that was formed behind him began to pull Lucifer in as Lucifer himself looked up at Adam with infuriating anger

"Once I leave hell, I swear...I swear on the name of hell itself that I, Lucifer Bringer of stars will destroy your soul, Adam!!!"

He yelled while completely being sucked into the portal, as everything went silent for a few seconds leaving Shu and Adam alone

"Worry not my child, he will not harm you for the entirety of your life span, and as for your grandfather, he has gone to a better place, so please do not weep, as doing so will simply anger him, he does not wish to make you sob, which he said so himself before moving on"

Adam said with a calm tone and a warm smile as he petted Shu's head as Shu simply looked up at him with a lost look

"But what do I do?..grandpa was my only family, my only friend, the only person I knew"

Shu questioned with a low tone as tears began to fall from his eyes, down through his cheeks all the way to the edges of his jaw

"That is for you to decide child, I wish I could give you my eyes of knowledge, but unfortunately they had to be sacrificed to seal away Lucifer. I have no time left, this is where we say goodbye, I hope we don't see each other soon, as I am dead"

The man exclaimed while chuckling at that last part as his body began to vanish in what seemed to be particulars. Leaving the sobbing child in front of Yorujo's decayed corpse.

next chapter
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