100% San Francisco ⎢NH⎢ / Chapter 2: Chapter 1

บท 2: Chapter 1

It was 3 pm and I just got out of my psychoanalysis lesson. As a halftime model junior psychology student in Harvard, I can easily say that I was burned up with all the running and of course, the finals. Thank god the weekend is here. I'm so glad I dropped out of the volleyball team last year, because I can't even imagine having another goddamn match on my freaking free time! There were obviously some complications about my scholar ship, but I managed to not get kicked out or pay more than I am paying now, by working my ass off. And, since dropping out of volleyball, I could finally had the time to follow my dreams and put more effort on modeling. It is paying off. I am even thinking to become a full-time model since the finals are over, at least this semester. Now I have a long weekend ahead of me and I'm not planning to waste any time. Another specialty of this day is that I'm going to my first celebrity party! I mean the first party I'm invited by some of my model friends whose friends know some rich celebrities.

I am so fucking nervous, thanks anxiety for this gift you bitch! Ok, let's see. Am I gonna have another panic attack? Nope. At least I don't think so. I have been regularly taking my meds. And there weren't any big stressors. And I don't feel that much nervous. Or am I? Oh, shut up. You're overthinking again. Everything will be alright. Calm down and just get ready for the party. Liz will pick you up at 6 pm? Yes, 6 pm. Liz is my bff. We met at the first day of modeling. We were both new, so we bonded pretty quick. She is gorgeous, a goddess. She is heather. Her dark skin tone makes a great contrast with her blonde hair and blue eyes. I did have a crush on her when we first met, but nahh she is my one and only best friend. She is however not that bright, but she is my dumb ass. Also, Liz is one year smaller than me, which makes her 19 and I'm also 19. I know that makes no sense, but I was born in 28th of December and her being born in 21st of February kinda makes us at the same age. But I'm still one year older than her looking up to the year I was born in, 2001. I am still jealous of her though with her size 2 body. I mean ok, I am also a model but im not that fit. Firstly, im shorter. Secondly my body is muscular, like I can beat the shit out of you muscular. I still love myself and my body so freaking much, and I am OK with my size.

I get out of my bed and walk to my wardrobe in my tiny apartment. It is on the eleventh floor which is quite high, but worth to an incredible view of the Charles River. Has one bedroom, one bathroom and a joined kitchen with the living room. It is quite small but enough for me and obviously better than my old dorm. My roommate was a total bitch. I don't even wanna think about her, aghh. I still don't know any of my neighbors, but I will probably face them soon since winter break is coming. I looked through my reflection on the mirror on my wardrobe. I look really tired and bored. I really am. This party is gonna be the best thing since months. I looked through my colorful dresses. This is going to be hard, because one I'm bad at deciding, two I need to look classy, but party classy. And maybe a little bit slutty since I'm single as fuck right now. Yes! I found the one. It is a soft neon green dress with black butterflies on it. It stops few inches above my knees, and is a little open in front, perfect. Black high heels, my light creamy pink purse and my black leather jacket will be great with this dress. I have exactly an hour and a half. Time to shower. I opened my One Direction playlist and begun to my concert with "Little Black Dress".

One hour left. I looked through the foggy mirror and started to comb and cream my short curly brown hair. After putting my curl amplifier, I ran to my room to change. Damn I look sexy! Now makeup time. After an intense argument with myself, I decide to go with light creamy pink eye shadow with a thin layer of eyeliner and some glitter. For the lipstick same color as my purse and eyeshadow just a tone darker so my lips will look plumper. Oh shit, "No Control" is playing, I need to do the dance. Some big hoops are needed to be seen through my fluffy curly hair. And of course, my irreplaceable black septum ring to my nose. Yup, I'm ready now. Let's see, I have about 15 minutes till Liz comes. I can water my plants, do a little homework, go through Instagram to see if anyone... was that the doorbell?

I quickly paced to the door and opened it without a beat, thinking it was Liz. Surprise! It was not Liz. A tall white man with light brown, almost golden eyes and round glasses was standing right in front of me with a camera hanging round his neck. I can say that we are at the same age by his blue stripped brunette hair. He didn't waste any time to explain in order to not create any awkward tension.

"Hi, sorry to bother you. I'm Derek. Derek William Allen" he had a higher voice than expected but he looks pretty decent, I think. "I'm moving next door, so I guess we will be neighbors from now on. At least, until I graduate. I just needed to ask the password for the entrance, because I'm going out and my forgetful ass forgot the password."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Derek William Allen. My name is Aurora Mira Wilson, but you can call me Rera or Roe, or whatever you want. And the password is 998787. It's pretty easy, I believe you will have memorized it until this week ends." I say sarcastically. Who tells their full name at first meetings? Well I did, but that was for mocking him.

He looked at me with a confused face. "Rera? So, what's the story of your name?" Okay, he is straight into it, but I like his enthusiasm and curiosity.

"I would really want to explain it but its long and I gotta go. I promise I will tell you someday though, no worries. Se ya!" yes I might have brushed him over, but I don't want to socialize right now, and I'm sure Liz is waiting outside. She gets mad when she is being waited.

I got back inside to grab my purse, phone and keys of course. When I got outside, I realize Derek is long gone. I pressed the circle down button and wait for the elevator. As I was getting inside, I get a text from Liz saying she is waiting outside. I reply "👍". ı get out of the elevator and walk to the entrance. When I get out of the second door, I hear the distinguishing voice of Liz. She does have a high pitched voice, but weirdly in a very soft tone.

"What's up bitch? You ready?" she yells. Why is she yelling though? sometimes I really can't understand or stand her. She better be glad that I'm in a good mood today. She was wearing a silver bustier and denim jean with silver hoops. 10/10 on her outfit. She was standing nest to her grey Audi. I don't know shit about cars, but I know it is expensive and a great car.

"Yup, lizard I am all in for tonight. We have to party the fuck out and get wasted girl!" I said. Okay, the party girl is coming out and I'm not nervous at all. That seems good. For now. Damn, it is cold outside. I mean what was I expecting it is 29th of November. Shit, my birthday is coming. Ahhh, I hate my birthday. At least after what happened on my birthday. Never mind. Tonight is about getting loose and not thinking, so stop thinking and keep smiling.

"Good Rera. So you are doing fine, right?" she asks with hesitation knowing I don't want or like talking about the topic. I get into the car with her, without replying and the engine starts. The party is at 10 pm, and we have nearly a 4-hour ride to New York. Fortunately, I love long rides unless I'm driving. The view is always worth it.

I break the silence and finally answer her question knowing she is just worrying about me. "Yeah, I'm doing alright. I mean the finals are finally over. I still have a report to finish as my term project, but its deadline is till the end of December. So, everything is alright." I continued to look at the trees and not make any eye contact.

I can feel she is looking at me. "I'm happy for you Rera and so proud. You're doing great compared to last year. Your grades are better. You are better. And you are finally happy." She says in a calming tone. Oh, she is getting to that. "Has Alex called you again?" she asked. My crazy son of a bitch ex. She was a nightmare.

"No." I keep my answer short as possible and hope she doesn't dig deeper. To change the subject, I ask "Who is the host at the party? I know they are rich and a celebrity but that defines 70% of New York." I turn my face back to her ice-blue eyes.

She keeps her focus on the road as it slowly gets darker every minute. "I really don't know, and don't care. Girl, we are going that's the point. Don't ask too many questions and ruin it. Have fun. You know how these celebs can get all secreted and closed up. You don't wanna piss anyone." she warns me to not think too much. She has a point. It is a miracle we get invited, why would I wanna ruin that by opening my goddamn mouth and messing up, again.

*start playing They Don't Know About Us by One Direction*

I open the radio and a wide smile appears on my freckled face as "They Don't Know About Us" starts playing. Gosh I love this song! It has so much meaning, and the power it holds among the Larry fandom. While I was jamming through the song Liz starts being a bitch.

"Can we change the song? I'm so sick of One Direction. We always listen them." She complains. I just settle, with my deadly looks right into her eyes and say nothing. She immediately stops after realizing she has crossed THE line. Come on Liz. Who doesn't like One Direction? A sudden wave of tiredness hits me as my eyes starts to close slowly. I manage to look at the time before I fall asleep. We are going to be on the road for another 2 hours. I wonder what the party is going to be like. Will there be any celebrities I know? Maybe I'll see one of the Kardashians. They do come out of everywhere so...

"Rera? Come on wake up. We are here." I hear the soft voice of Liz, and slowly wake up as she keeps shaking me gently. I look up. We are parked in front of a modern designed mansion with 4 floors. I wish I had a house like that. We were at the suburban. I can tell that we are not far from the city due to the intense light coming behind the house's direction. It is still cold outside, but I can stay inside. What is that smell? Chlorine, there is a pool?! Yeah, like you are going to swim in the middle of the night at winter. Genius. There are more cars coming. God, how many people are coming? I slowly get out of the car after I quickly redo my makeup and fix my hair. I am ready, but the nervous feeling is back eating me inside. We plan to crash at a friend's house for the night, or at a motel. It doesn't really matter. And lots of friends has a house in New York unlike us. Well they have been modelling since they were kids, so obviously they are rich.

"You coming bitch?" Liz says. I realize I was standing still, and I ran to her. I don't want to be left alone. I know nobody, nobody knows me. Not the perfect mix. Anything can happen, especially bad things if I'm not careful enough. The closer we get, the clearer I could hear the music. That's Zayn. Zayn is playing, "LIKE I WOULD" to be exact. The entrance was decorated with simple but elegant white lights and some rocks. It is hard walking on rocks and grass with these hell heels, but they look so beautiful. I hope there won't be any mud at the end of the day.

*play LIKE I WOULD by Zayn*

"I can't believe you slept on the way to a party. But again, I am not surprised." Said Liz in a mocky tone as we get into the front yard, we can see the house properly now. The walls were painted white, and windows. Massive windows covered the rest of the walls. Basically, the windows were the walls.

I know I sleep a lot, but I was tired and needed a refill before the party.

"Come on Lizard. I was tired. Remember, I am working and studying. You stay at home unless there is a shooting." Eat my ass Liz. You didn't win any collage shit.

"Okay, okay. You win. Lets just find Lissa. She probably knows the host and where the drinks are." Lissa or Melissa is our friend. She is actually really nice and has the softest heart, but when she is around people, she changes her personality upside down and becomes a mean bitch. She knows everyone everywhere. She is the reason we get invited in the first place, so I owe her to stand her one night. We get inside and the music is nearly blasting my ears, shit. The house is decorated so nicely. White themed furniture lighted the ground floor, and some black leather seats were placed near the window. Through them you could see the pool at the backyard with an unnecessary amount of trees, garden decorations.

Liz headed to the kitchen while talking to her phone, I follow her. I didn't even realize when she got on her phone, I was too busy thinking and admiring the beauty of this house, or should I say mansion. There are people everywhere. Some talking, some flirting, some drinking, some dancing... omg they are making out. Stop looking that's creepy.

"Was that Lissa?" I ask as we entered the kitchen. The table joined with an oven was right in the middle of the room, so you could walk around it. There was a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The cupboards were pinned to the walls painted in light, very light grey. The furniture was again white themed. There weren't drinks as much as I expected. Weird. The music is coming louder from somewhere around here. But where? There is a door, and colorful lights are coming from it like in a club. Where does the door open though? To another room? I can't tell. Maybe to the garden. Some people are coming in and going out of the door, but it isn't cold. So, I am going with a room. Damn, this house is getting bigger and bigger.

I need to take my jacket off. It feels like the middle of august. There she is, Lissa. Standing near the fridge and chatting with some group of people. All the attention was on the red headed girl wearing a slim black dress covered with silver stones on the sleeve. The stones give the impression of a choker. Her dress is so short that I can nearly see her butt. And again, what was I expecting?

"Liz, Rera! You are finally here. We have been waiting like 40 minutes. Where were you –" Liz cuts her sentence and end our misery.

"It's nice to see you too Lissa." Gives a fake smile "So, where is this party happening because I can't find it here." She points out a great topic. They told us this party was going to be epic with a bunch of celebs, yet I didn't even see the models at our agency.

Lissa keeps her annoyed smile and says, "Right behind that door." She points to the door where the lights are coming from. "Come with me. I'll show you the drinks and the dancefloor." Holy shit there is a dancefloor. Great place to get wasted then.

As we entered the door my eyes couldn't believe the size of this place. It's like a second house near the mansion covered with glass. Oh, it's snowing outside. But, here because of the dancing and the people and thank to the heaters I don't need to wear my jacket. It's more comfortable like this rather than being covered with sticky leather. There is a medium sized dancefloor right in the middle of the room next to the long horizontal bar, where the drinks were. Omg, there is also snacks! Thank god. I'm starving. When I turned my head to the right, I realized there was a DJ. Cool, cool, cool... The lights were placed to the corners of the winter garden, brightening it and coloring people. At the end of the left corner was something that surprised me. A VIP box with 5 men and 2 women chatting and drinking, also some smoking something. I can't tell if it weed or just a cigarette. This room is much more crowded and chaotic.

"Holy shit! Look at this place." I say with amazement. "Liz. Drinks. Now." I point to the table as wide and surprised smile appears on Liz's face. She really wasn't expecting that. Well, neither did I, so let's jump straight in.

Lissa turns around and says "I see you like this place Rera. I like this version of you better than the overthinker control freak. You should loosen up more." And the bitch breaks her leash. You just couldn't shut up for a minute. Now I don't want to drink for fun. I need a drink to forget, everything, and who I am. I feel Liz's long arm over my shoulder as she pulls me away from the evil bitch. I can see Lissa's face rolling her eyes and continuing her life like she didn't just roast me, and put dirt on me over my grave in front of all these people. God knows how many people I got myself embarrassed. Aghh, don't even say about the celebrities because they are here. I will try my best to ignore her and don't run across her tonight. I just want to have a little fun. Is that too much to ask?

"Don't listen to her Rera, you are so much more than what she said. You are better." Says lizard to cheer me up, but I am still those things, aren't I? We get to the table and Liz starts to examine the drinks and talk with the bartender. She's more experienced than me at these kinds of things.

I hit her shoulder softly and say "Girl, do you think I'll let that bitch into my mind that easy? Do you know me?" yes she does, and I did let her in, so what's the weather like? I eat some of the complimentary crackers on the table. She hands me a clear liquid in a shot glass with her other hand holding two limes. Tequila. Okay. I don't like tequila that much but whatever. I'm down for anything right now. She puts some salt to the back of my hand and I quickly lick it clean. Then, take the shot and drink it up in one sip. Oh, I can feel the bitterness of alcohol and the burn on my throat. And here comes the lime. This actually tastes better than I remembered. I think I want to dance.

"Wow. You are going fast." Says Liz "Wait we don't need to pay any of this right?" she asks to the bartender. He shakes his head and a feeling of relief and happiness hits me. We can drink anything we want as much as we can, and still keep our money in our bags. I mean I'm a student paying rent. This is the greatest night of my life. I hope I didn't say that too early and regret something. The night is still young. As speaking of time, what time is it? 12:03 pm. It's midnight. Party time then. I can feel the alcohol's effect slowly making me more reckless and stupid.

"I know I'm going fast because I want to go fast and get wasted, and, and, party you know?" I answer Liz and eat few more crackers. I wonder if there is something like sandwiches. A sandwich would be great to end my stomachs misery. And, who are those people in the VIP box anyway? Probably the host and their friends, but still why the need of a private box at your own house. They must be really famous and rich celebs to have a need to isolate themselves from us. I feel poor.

"I want to dance." I shout to Liz as a familiar song starts to play. Is that Rihanna? QUEEN! I was a huge Rihanna fan when I was at elementary school. Liz puts another two shots but different ones in front of me. I don't even wait a second to think, just drink it all. One last thing left before I go on to that fucking dance floor and rock the fuck out.

"Is that the host?" I point to the box while asking to the bartender. He must know, right. He did get hired by them.

"Yes, with his friends and girlfriend." He answers shortly unlike his body. He is really massive.

"Who is he anyway? Is he an old rich dude or something?" I ask without thinking that the people at the box are not even old. Stupid.

"No. He is actually 26." he answers with a confused face. "But who is he?" I insist. I need to know.

"Zayn Malik."


It is over midnight and we have been chatting for hours. Louis and Harry are fonding together freely without the stress of being caught by the paparazzi. Aww, they are literally melting my heart. Harry is wearing light blue trousers with a soft red shirt with some white-navy flowers on it, which is open till the end of his bird tattoos. Of course, all Gucci. And, louis on the other hand, is matching Harry with his light blue sweatshirt and navy trousers with white and red stripes. God, I love Larry so much. Zayn was wearing light denim jeans with a plain white shirt and a colorful matcha green oversized jacket. Gigi was sitting on his lap and wearing high waisted matcha green trousers and a white turtleneck. She isn't wearing her matching blazer right now because it is burning here. I can see the love, passion and excitement in both of their eyes with their recent made up. Yeah, of course they are matching too. Liam and his younger girlfriend Maya are sitting next to me on the big black sofa listening to what Gigi is saying. Honestly, I have no idea of what they are talking about. My thoughts caught me up and it's probably couple stuff, so that can be one of the reasons why I'm not in this conversation. Liam was wearing dark olive-green trousers and a black plain shirt. Maya was wearing a long strapless plain black dress. Great. Everyone is matching, except me. I am wearing light brown scotch plaid trousers and a white patterned shirt with a brown blazer, but of course I am not wearing the blazer. It is boiling.

Maybe, I feel this hot because I'm overwhelmed by my thoughts and emotions. It's been months since we broke up, yet I still can't get her out of my goddamn mind. Every second is about her, every thought is wrapped around her. Wow, that rhymes very good, maybe I'll put it in a song or something. I feel so alone. Everyone has somebody to talk, to hug, to be with. And, look at me. All alone, again. It's like every time I get into a relationship, somehow it falls apart. Either my hearts get broken, or it doesn't work out. At least this time, it was a mutual break up and she didn't break my heart. When you think, I don't want her. I just want somebody. Chasing an old love just to feel love is no good for me. And, since being a solo artist, me and the boys are not talking like we used to be. Yes, we meet on occasion like this, but I miss my friends. I miss not pretending to be someone I am not. I miss myself. And, I miss her. No! no, no, no... Here she comes again. You broke up, get over it already. I need another beer. I look at Harry and realize his worried face is looking at me. He gets up his seat and comes next to me to talk. He figured out. He always does.

"Hey, what's wrong Nialler?" he says in his soft low voice quiet enough to not be heard by anyone else. Man, he really knows me well. However, I don't really know what to say to him. I mean it's been long, but we can always talk like the last time was yesterday. I don't know what to say to him, not because we haven't spoken in a while. But because I forgot how to talk about me to people. It's been too long since I have spoken honestly.

I get up and say "I'm gonna get another beer. Come with me?" as tipping my head to the bar's direction to point. He gets up and follows me. We get through thousands of people. Aghh, to many people, to many. We walk past the crowd through the dance floor. Thank god! We sit next to two girls chatting loudly, who I think are pretty drunk. I order two beers and Harry decides to break the silence.

"Niall. What is wrong? You seem off. Like really really off. And I know it's been a while, but this Niall is far apart from the Niall I know. Tell me what's going on, on that pretty used to be blonde now brunette head of yours." He says softly with his concerned puppy eyes. He is too good at reading people. This little question even made me happier. At least, my best friend still cares about me. I know all of them do, but Harry has a different place due to his graceful questions and undying care.

"I don't know, mate. I have been off since we broke up. Each time I close my eyes, she is in there running wild. I need to forget about her. Distract myself from her and my thoughts. And it's not only her. I missed talking to someone without pretending. I missed talking to you and the guys." I say honestly letting it all out.

"Then, we shouldn't let this much time and space come between us to talk again. You can call me anytime you want Niall. You know that right?" he asks while sipping from his beer.

"Yeah. Of course, mate. It's just... it's just you know; it's been too long since and I didn't think-" he immediately cuts me off.

"You didn't think I would talk to you. Aghh, Nialler. I'm sorry for making you think I wouldn't talk. Come on." He opens his huge arms for a hug. I hug him in a second, tightly. I can never reject a hug. Especially from Harry. He continues with my ex issue "Didn't you broke up months ago?" he asks.

"Yeah. We did." I take a big sip from my beer. "Maybe I need a new angel."


OMG! We are at Zayn's party with all of the boys. Breathing in the same fucking room! BITCH WTF! I drank few more shots to comprehend the information I learnt few minutes ago. And now, NIALL and HARRY came sat next to us. Is this a dream or did I drink too much? I slowly look at them who are sitting behind Liz. She has no idea that they are next to her. I need to say something to them. It would be a shame not talking to them when I had the opportunity. But I really don't want to interrupt their conversation, or to be seen as a huge fan girl, who is the definition of me. Think. What could you say to two celebs who you are crazy for? Wait, I have an idea. I get up and take Liz's arm to go to the dance floor. However, I choose to walk right in front of them and stop to say "Hey Harry! Loved your nails." He had purple nail paint on. They both look at me in the second I said, 'hi harry'. Niall looks surprised or kinda shocked, frozen. I don't know why though. Harry on the other hand, quickly looks at his nails and says "Thank you. And I loved your hair." With a genuine smile. I shortly say thanks to not be rude and run to the dancefloor.

Liz hits my shoulder, hardly and says "Holy shit! They were sitting right next to me! And, and you talked to them! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" unable to process the shook. THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!PERIODT!!!

"I... I, I can't even think properly." I say. She looks at me and laughs. I think we are broken, put us on rice. We stay still for a moment just looking at to each other. When I look at to the bar, I realize Niall is still looking at us and Harry was talking with him. As another song of Rihanna starts to play, I decide to do what I have been planning all night. Dance like it's the end of the world and have fun.

*play Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna*


"Niall? Niall. Mate, are you ok?" Harry asks, but I am unable to answer. Wow, this place just got a thousand times hotter. Who was that? Why I can't take my eyes of her? Her light pale skin looks like she is made of porcelain. But I can tell she is not fragile. The way she walks and stands gives bad bitch energy and confidence. She has the thinnest waist I have ever seen. She is not that tall but I'm guessing she is a model. And, her face. Agh, perfect symmetry. Her black septum ring on her tiny pointy nose. Her brown almond eyes covered with long black lashes. But not just any kind of brown. Dark brown with a hint of caramel near the pupil. She and her friend are talking right now. I can see her excitement. It's like I have seen her before. "I think I saw you in my dreams." I murmur quietly. She starts dancing as Rihanna plays. Holy shit. She looks cute and sexy while dancing. She looks carefree and loosen. I look back at Harry and see that he is smiling at me.

"What?" I ask. Oh, I know exactly why he is smiling.

"So, you like her." He implies.

"Maybe I do. What about it?" I say not refusing but still not knowing what to do. She shook my head.

"Go talk to her. Or dance. Or, sit on your stupid ass and do nothing." He says. He is right. I just need a new distraction and I like the way she's dancing. What's holding me? As I was getting up to talk to her, Zayn comes to talk to me. Perfect timing buddy. You just couldn't wait for a second.

He had a serious face"Hey Nialler! Look I'm gonna be straight with it" he says. Oh god, what is he going to say? Is it something bad?

"You know we haven't been in touch. Me and the boys, and you since I left. Louis and I had a fight. Now we are better, but still not like we used to be. So, I wanna really make it up to him for his birthday. Help me. Please?" he begs.

Ok, I wasn't expecting this but I'm happy for the fact that they are getting closer again. And of course, his effort.

"Of course, buddy. I think you should get something you both care about like from a significant memory. It doesn't have to big or expensive. Something memorable and only you two could really understand would be more than enough. And obviously an apology." I remind him to apologize. He knows exactly why. Oh, I need to buy a gift too.

He smiles with a proud face and says "Thank you Niall. Thank you so much. I owe you." He has an idea. Great. Now I need to find her. I look back at the dancefloor and realize her friend is gone. Now is your time Nialler. And she is talking with some dude. Never mind. Maybe later. For now, I'm just gonna go and sit with the boys. Fortunately, from where I am seated, I can easily see the dancefloor and the bar. So, I can keep an eye on her. How can I not keep an eye on her and yet I still don't even know her name.



Me and Liz were dancing like crazy. God, I haven't danced for so long. Maybe too long. Ow, Liz is dancing with someone. He is very handsome and tall. He has a tanned skin. He looks like a guy who would play the boss in a mafia movie. Great. I gave Liz the looks and she says something to our mafia boss to come talk to me.

I take her a little further away and say, "That dude is hot, and he is totally hitting you lizard."

"I know right!" she says and stops for a while with a guilty face. What is she planning again? And she continues, "He asked me to come to his apartment.". Oh, hell na! She is ditching me! Again.

"Rera you would be ok, right?" no I'm not ok and won't be. I cross my eyebrows, and she says "Look I know you are mad, but I can't say no to that face" while pointing to our mafia boss. I roll my eyes and sigh loudly. She leaves after saying "I'm sorry. Promise to make it up to you." What a wonderful night all on my own. Drinks, I need drinks. As I was on my way to the bar a guy gets in my way and I bump into his chest.

"Whoa! Man, watch out!" I bark. I am already angry with Liz. He better gets away from my fucking way, as fast as he can. He looks like a douche. He has the dick smile. PERFECT! He is obviously taller and stronger than me. Well that's not scary at all!

"Hey baby girl, you have great moves." Agh, is he talking about my dancing?! Get away dude. And wtf is a baby girl!

"Back off, dude!" I bark not looking at his face. He must know that I'm not interested by now.

How the hell did he get in anyway? He doesn't seem the type Zayn would invite. However, I'm also not the percept candidate either. I go straight to the bar and order a gin-soda mixture with raspberries. Someone sits next to me. The douche dude who called me 'baby girl'. What does he want from me! Is it so hard to be left alone tonight?!

I turn to him "What do you want baby gorilla? Are you blind or something! Can't you see that I'm not interested?" I bark rudely. He deserved all of it.

He looks pissed off and says "Well then a girl like you shouldn't have left alone and dance like that. You basically asked me to." WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY!

"WHAT THE HELL MAN! One, take no as an answer for once. And two, my dancing and presence is NONE of your FUCKING business!" I yell and drink all of my gin mixture. Wait. Why does this taste different? Did they do it wrong, or... I don't feel so good. Oh, I feel dizzy. NO, no, no, no... God no! please this can't be happening. My drink was spiked. I shouldn't have drunk it all. Oh shit. I look at the douche, and realize he is smiling widely. But, how? I didn't take my eye off him for a second. I look at my back and see another man standing. He spiked my drink. I look back at the douche and he says

"Looks like you are coming with me anyway." With a cheeky smile.

Suddenly, my eyelids become heavier. Everything slows down. Everything gets quiet. He grabs my arm and tries to take me with him. I shrug a little but I'm too weak with all the alcohol and the drug. I try to scream, to ask for help. But no word comes out of my mouth. I'm helpless. He pulls me out of the winter garden to the kitchen. I can feel the warmth of my tears slowly tracing down from my cheeks. Still no sound comes out. My steps get heavier and now even walking is nearly impossible. Everything happened so quickly. I can't catch up. Even the adrenaline rushing through my blood is not enough to make me alert and awake. I look around, and see there are few people left inside the house. The majority is at the winter garden, and the others have left as it's getting late. The people left can't see me. They are wasted. I have really no escape, do I? We leave the house and the coldness hits me. Shit, it's too cold. I'm shaking. Of course, he doesn't care. He keeps pulling me harshly. My arm is hurting so much. I think I'm going to pass out soon. Oh god, what is he going to do to me? I can't step anymore. I look at his face. He looks mad at me because I can't walk anymore. Why me? Why?

I hear the front door open. Thank god! Please somebody help me! I turn around and surprise to the face I'm seeing. Niall. He looks so pissed off and concerned. Somebody came. He came.

"Oi mate! Let her go." He commands.

"Mind your own business. Wont ya? She is just a little drunk. Nothing more." The douche lies. No Niall don't believe him. Help me.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!" he yells. "You really didn't think anyone would see you spiking her drink, did ya?" he says while getting closer to us. The douche's face turns to white. He lets me go and says

"Whatever, man." While walking away.

Niall comes to me and holds my back, so I don't fall down. He looks right into my eyes with a concerned face. He puts his blazer over my shoulders, realizing I'm shaking. And he says

"Hey. You are safe now. He can't hurt you. You are safe." Softly to calm me down. I still can't say anything or stop my crying. But he saw me. He saved me. He looks scared. He is still holding me, and he is right to do, because I can feel my sight getting blurry and dark. Everything stops. The last thing I can feel before I completely pass out is Niall's warm strong arms holding me tightly.


Holy shit, she passed out. I'm glad I realized the fucking prick quickly and saved her before it was too late. I slowly put her down and rest her head on my knees, so she will be more comfortable and doesn't fall and hit her head. I know she is unconscious and can't feel anything, but I'm still anxious about something happening to her. She is still shaking. Well it's snowing. I cover her up with my blazer. I am planning to take her back inside after I calm myself a little and clear my mind. She can get sick by a weather like this. Wait. Is she breathing? I put my hand under her tiny nose to check her breathing. I can feel the warmth of air on my hand. Thank god! What am I going to do with her? I hear the front door opening and hear the noise of a group of people. I look back and see the boys are here followed by Harry. I can tell that they are very confused since I literally started running out of nowhere.

"Niall why did you ran?" Liam asks while they come closer. After seeing her he says "Okay. What?" very shocked. Well so am I.

Harry comes near to see her clearly and sighs loudly meaning he recognized her. "Isn't that the girl who came to talk to us?" he asks knowingly. I slowly nod my head as a yes. "What happened? Why is she unconscious?" he asks terrified.

"A prick spiked her and tried to take her. Fortunately, I saw what happened. That's why I ran without saying anything. I didn't had time to explain. Sorry." I explain in a summary. No extra details are important, like how I was kinda stalking her.

Gigi and Maya come in front of us to see if she is alright, the second I said she was spiked. Zayn is pacing fast knowing he is responsible for what happened because he is the host, while Liam and Harry are trying to calm his nerves down. Gigi takes her bag and opens it. Probably searching for any kind of identification. Gigi takes her phone. Maybe we can call someone.

She clicks the button but there is no sign of any light. "Ah, shit. Her phone is dead." Maya rolls her eyes and takes the bag while Gigi persistently tries to open the phone. Maya keeps searching the bag and drags something out. A card. More of an ID.

"Aurora Mira Wilson. Phycology student at Harvard. Wow, she is smart." Maya reads out loud.

"Harvard? That's like 3 hours away. What are we going to do?" says Louis. I just keep looking at her. How peaceful she is looking when she is sleeping. If we take her to the police, I know she would be very scared and confused when she wakes up, due to the memory loss she is going to experience. I think I have an idea. It's not the best idea, but we really don't have any options. Therefore, one is better than none.

"What if she stays at my house for tonight. We would know she would be safe."

Everyone stops what they are doing and looks at me. "Of course, I will sleep on the guest room, I'm not a pervert. And I will explain everything that happened when she wakes up."

They continue their judgmental looks. "Look guys, we need do decide before she has hyperthermia." I remind the weather and refer to her shaking. They look at each other trying to decide. After a moment of silence Harry speaks for the group.

"Okay. But lets us know about her." Louis completes his sentence "And cheek her every hour to see if she is having trouble breathing, or if anything is wrong." I nod my head and write a note in my head to set an alarm. We say goodbye to each other as I carry her between my arms on my way to my car. Harry comes with me to help me get her into the car. He opens the door of the black Range Rover. I lay her slowly to the back seat, very carefully and gently. I close the door and hug Harry for a goodbye. God only knows when we will see each other again, but I'm hoping for the soon. My house is not that far, so it will take approximately 30 minutes.

*Play Long Way Down by Tom Odell*

I park the car on the driveway. Its nearly 4 am. The roads were icy so it took nearly an hour to come. I open the house's doors first so I can easily take her to my bedroom. I'm taking her to my bedroom rather than the guest room because my bed is more comfortable since it's a queen sized bed. I come back to my Range Rover and take her under my arms in the bridal style. It's easier to carry this way.

I walk the door and head through my left for stairs. I turn right to the hallway upstairs and walk to the second pair of stairs. The bedrooms are on the third floor with bathrooms joined. I turn around the glass stair rail and walk to the end of the third floor. I open the white door as quiet as possible. I know she can't hear anything, but still I don't want to wake her up right now.

I put her on my bed on the right and cover her up, so she won't be cold at night. She is not shaking anymore. Good. I sit onto the cream armchair on the left side of the room facing the bed. God, I'm exhausted. So many things happened today. I talked with my brothers for the first time in years. I realized how lonely I was. And I saw her, Aurora. That's a pretty name. The name of a princess. Sleeping Beauty to be exact. Haha, the irony! And, then she fell into her deep sleep. The moon is shining brightly tonight, and the snow is gaining more power and covering everything into its blinding whiteness every second. The moon's light is reflecting on her pale face, sleeping without any stress. All of this night feels like a fever dream, to be honest. I can't say if it's a bad dream or a good one, but I can say that the ending is good for now. I get up to check her breathing and say "Goodnight Sleeping Beauty. Have the greatest dreams and gain all of your energy, because tomorrow will be a rollercoaster for you. Sorry about everything." While pulling her hair from her face. Goodnight to you too Niall. I set my alarm and leave the room.

Rain0323 Rain0323


oh my god! this was hard to write since its my first time.  I'm sorry for the douche. ı tried to make I'm as uncomfortable and disgusting as possible. and Niall's heartbreakness, but remember all of this is inspired from Niall's songs. so it's not my fault that he has sad and lonely songs. but at the same time my heart broke when i was writing Niall. also arent they sooooo cute. 

What do you think of Aurora?

What do you think of Liz?

help me find a ship name pls coz i have no idea

who is your fav so far?

let me know your opinions :) Lots of love - Y

next chapter
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