"You could've gotten people killed, you dolt!"
"Stay the hell away from my little sister!"
"I should kill you, Nora could've died because of your choice!"
Those was the word's ringing throughout Jaune's head as he wondered through the streets of Vale with a distant look in his eyes.
Earlier that day Jaune confessed to his closest friends about his faked transcripts. The guilt of lying ate away at He and he had to confess. He thought he could trust them, but he was wrong.
When he said he lied his way into Beacon all of them turned their back on him not letting him have a chance to explain why he done what he did.
Yang punched him and threaten him to stay away from Ruby as she dragged her away. She didn't even resist. Blake just walked away with a look of disgust in her eyes and Weiss just gave a very colorful words before leaving.
Surprisingly, Ren punched him in the face and he had a very angry look on his face as he dragged Nora away.
As for Pyrrha she just walked away, not before calling him a disgrace.
Word got out that he faked his transcripts rather quickly. He was bullied by everyone except the Professor's. He then had to mail his sword back home since his father disowned him much to the shock of not only the teacher's, but the rest of his family.
As he walked down the streets of Vale it began to rain. Seeking shelter Jaune walked into a store that looked like dealt with the occult.
Shopkeeper:"Greetings welcome to my humble shop." Said the owner.
He had white hair, slicked back, and a beard just as fine. He had no mustache, and the wrinkles on his skin were visible. But his eyes held a mischievous glint, as he was a child about to pull a excellent prank.
Jaune looked around and saw many things like a pair of staffs with wings, a strange black blade that looked like something a exorcist would use, but what caught his attention was something rather simple.
Cards. 9 of them in total.
Shopkeeper:"Ah, are you interested? he said as he eyes Jaune. "Oh yes, you maybe the most interesting one yet!"
Jaune:"I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?" Jaune asked curiously
Shopkeeper:"Oh don't worry about that," he waved it off then pulled out 7 cards that where similar to the one's on display.
Shopkeeper:"Come have a look at these! Just one of these cards can make a hero out of anyone especially you! It comes with my personal guarantee, a young man like you did the same!"
Jaune blinked hearing this. It sounded completely absurd. Becoming a hero with just a card? Still.... It wasn't as if he had any more to lose. So, he sighed, and went to the counter.
The man grinned, first gesturing to the leftmost card. It showed a knight a knight holding a sword.
Shopkeeper:"First is the Saber Class, a heroic spirit that wield a blade, who strives to protect the innocent and vanquish evil"
Jaune nodded and starred at the card, finding kinship with it. It what he desired to do every since he was a small child. To wield Crocea More and be a hero. To vanquish Grimm, the evil of the world, and To protect any innocent. Human, faunus, it didn't matter to him. So as long as they are safe.
For a moment the card seemed to sparkle, before it died down. He thought he imagined it.
The man then move to the next one. It showed a man in light armour and a lance in hand.
Shopkeeper:"The second card, Lancer. Agile, excellent at close combat, and are partially skilled in hit-and-run tactics.
Jaune starred at the card and nodded. He understood it. Not all battles are won with taking hits. He seen that in combat class enough. Sometimes you had to play it smart and wear down your opponent.
Once again he swore he could've sworn the card sparkled.
He then moved on to the next one. It showed a young woman with a bow in hand and a quiver on her hip.
Shopkeeper:"Archer, the third card. Warriors who add all in the use of projectile weaponry, not only bows. Highly effective as scouts, but most importantly they are free sprites and often travel as they please.
Jaune's eyes lit up at that. Freedom. It was a beautiful thing, and something he could understand wanting. To be free and not shackled by others. Being the master of your own future. To make your own choices.
Shopkeeper:"Number 4, Rider. Heroes most famous thanks to their mounts. Like a great general that commanded a army, or who rode into battle on a horse. The hero will always rush into battle to fight for what they believe in.
Fighting for what they believed in... Jaune could relate to that. It's why he applied to Beacon at all. He believed that maybe he could make a difference. it drove him to want to be a Huntsman. To be a hero.
The rider card glistened softly, so softly Jaune didn't notice.
"Assassin, the fifth."
Jaune:"Wait, Assassin. I don't mean any disrespect, but how in Oum's name is a Assassin a hero?"
Shopkeeper:"Assassin's rule in the darker parts of the world. They do the dirtiest of work many hero's dislike: killing humans in cold blood. Some do it out of joy, some out of sadness, but many do it out is duty. For sometimes only the vilest of scum can fall to the hands of an assassin."
This made Jaune pause. strangely he could understand. He recalled during the last king of Atlas, The Blood King, died to an assassin. After his death the assassin willingly gave themselves up. They had lost everything due to the cruel Kings actions and sought out to end him to stop the suffering from spreading.
Jaune:"I see..." he said truthfully. Sometimes assassination was the only option.
He then looked at the sixth card. It showed a man in robes holding a staff.
Shopkeeper:"Sixth, Caster, one who focuses primarily on wielding powerful forces, the forces of magic. They create barriers, heal wounds and bring ruin."
Jaune while he wasn't a big advocate on ruin he was fascinated on healing and being a shield. He understood that the need to bring ruin was necessary.
Moving to the last card. It showed a human wearing a beast-like mask and a claymore in hand.
Shopkeeper:"Lastly, Beserker. One who tried to find a path on any of the others, but ultimately fell into madness for one reason or another. Obsession, lost of a lover one, betrayal." That struck a chord with Jaune.
He was like the berserker. Betrayed by his family and friends, the people he trusted. He could understand why someone would fall into misery, and rampage.
Jaune:"I'm sorry," he whispered in a genuine voice. This time he was certain the card sparkled.
Shopkeeper:"I'm in a generous mood tonight. So, you can take any of them you want! Just tell me which!"
Jaune looked over the card. Considering the pros and cons of each one. A minute passed and he had his answer.
Jaune:"All of them," he said surprising the man.
Jaune:"If it's not to much trouble... All of them," he repeated as he took out his wallet. He was willing to pay for them he felt that the cards was special. He wanted to take them.
Shopkeeper:"All of them... ALL OF THEM" He said in a giddy voice surprising him.
Shopkeeper:"Yes, you truly are interesting." He said as he laughed out loud scooping up the cards.
Shopkeeper:"Yes, Jaune Arc, take these cards! Always keep these cards with you at all times! Shall you lose one it shall always return to you! They shall be very useful to you in the future! Now go, you don't want to miss the last bullhead to Beacon!"
Jaune's eyes widened as he checked his scroll.
Jaune:"Your right! Thank you for your help!" He said as he stuffed the cards in the bag and ran off to the bullhead.
It was only once he was on the bullhead and he thought of the man.
A chill ran down his spine.
I never told him my name.