"You hate me, I presume?" Leo asked.
"Yes I do. What does that have to do with your promise?" Clara asked.
Looking into her eyes, Leo would have thought she's kidding, if he didn't know that he will be last person Clara will kid with.
Reality dawn on him immediately. This woman is still very naive. She's still immature, despite the heavy responsibility she's carrying on her shoulders.
He wish she could just give him a chance, so that he could share it with her. It must have been why she still resent him.
She's very naive to let it go. She must have felt that, if she forgives him so easily, all her struggle in the past was for naught. She need someone to vent out those angers on.
She need someone to blame for everything, and Leo is the victim of that.
Leo wanted to tease her more, but after discovering the possibility that his assumptions were correct, he pitied her instead.
Have u vote for Leo and Clara today?
I know the answer. this is just a shameless reminder. please vote for our couple.
if Clara is still getting on your nerves, how about considering Leo
love lotss