Months passed, then a year passed as I toiled away in my cave first building a functional workshop, then a forge, then metal tools, and from there my progress began to hasten at a much faster rate.
By the time another year passed since I arrived on the planet, I started building basic electronics and even a simple gun and gunpowder.
I even managed to build a simple robot that could mine and harvest recourses for me and from there my progress increased even further!
By the time the third year passed I already absorbed all the countless knowledge I got from my wish and managed to build myself a metal fabricator which I started using extensively to build better robot platforms and even a simple computer that reminded me of the bulky large computers of the fallout universe.
During this year I already had hundreds of Robotic Workers that I programmed with some of the basic artificial intelligence knowledge I gained from the Fallout Universe and modeled the robotic workers in an almost humanoid form.
They had four eyes that functioned as cameras, gray metallic skin, four arms, and two legs that would allow them to move like an Assaultron and do labor that far surpassed the protection robots that resided in the Fallout Universe.
I did not install personalities into any of the robots, however, since I wanted them to be as efficient as possible in their respective jobs.
I even went as far as to create combat robots that resembled the assaultrons greatly and they acted as both my hunters, explorers, and defenders.
I equipped them with better steel chassis and usually even projectile weaponry with the hunters using rifles and compound bows to hunt down large and small targets for me to eat or analyze.
Something I realized during my first year on this planet was that my body far surpassed that of a human.
My body was stronger, faster, more durable, and even healed much faster than a human body with most wounds appearing to heal at a very visible rate.
And with my wings, my mobility was even greater!
Now then, onto what I was planning.
I wanted to build a factory and base of operations so I could get to building a spaceship and an FTL drive, which I have still not chosen since I have multiple options that I have to go through and choose since each of the options are energy-intensive.
But enough about that though, I need to get back to work since I want to start working on building the framework of a Fusion Reactor and start making fusion cores since that will solve my current energy problem for a while.
Plus I wanted to start creating fusion cores to power large machines I had planned to build which would greatly help me.
Another year passed and now four years have passed since I arrived on this planet and I have finally constructed a large fusion reactor which I currently had powering more than a hundred different Fusion Cores and Fusion Batteries.
Once I have enough energy I can finally create a Matter Converter that was built by the scientists of Big MT in the fallout universe that would allow people to use energy and basic raw materials to create complicated items so long as there was a blueprint installed in the matter converter.
For example, so long as I had the materials and energy and a large enough matter converter I would be able to manufacture an ENTIRE spaceship within a week or perhaps just a few days!
[A/N: The Matter Converter I am speaking of are the Vending Machines that are found within the Dead Money DLC and frankly these machines are beyond OP!]
Once another year passed I have finally managed to build essential mines both in ore-rich areas and deep-sea ore deposits and was now finally gaining all of the raw ore that was required to build a spaceship.
I wanted to go with Protoss Design since their technology and knowledge, in general, was one of the most advanced that I had at my disposal besides the Forerunner.
[Art here]
Besides that, I have also built more sophisticated robots and have finally even managed to build a Synth Replicator from the Fallout Universe!
Synths or Synthetic Androids are robots that have the appearance of a person and the intelligence of one as well but can be deactivated, programmed, and controlled just like a normal robot making them quite good for labor and management.
The first group of synths that I made was assigned to a greenhouse and their jobs were to grow essential plants needed for science and medicine as well as research ways to increase the production, life, and/or health of plants through mutation or crossbreeding.
And through some inspiration from my previous life, I even managed to make them quite similar to cyberlife's androids from Detroit Become Human!
Except for the LEDs and Blue blood, I gave the Synths a large library of information, real-time analysis and scanning, and even the ability to connect to a network, just like that of the Androids from Detroit Become Human!
Of course, I made quite a few precautions to prevent them from becoming some kind of Skynet.
Their programming also made them fiercely loyal to me and as an extra precaution, I installed a deactivation code on every synth just in case something goes wrong I even went as far as to lock their programming onto their bodies preventing them from just leaving their physical bodies.
Other than that I also added a memory core to the Synths and if their physical bodies were to die, all of their programming and memories would retreat into the core and lockdown.
I also built a small matter converter which makes many components that I need as well as help speed up the process of my building.
I wanted to make a larger version to start the construction of my ship, but I wanted to first build up a large compound on this planet to act as a base.
And so long as there is no Mass Relay in this system or in a nearby one, the Reapers and me are probably the only ones in this galaxy that could make it here, making it pretty safe for me to build up and prepare.