4.16% Revolutionary against the revolution / Chapter 1: New Life
Revolutionary against the revolution Revolutionary against the revolution original

Revolutionary against the revolution

นักเขียน: Roasin

© WebNovel

บท 1: New Life

''My prince it's time to wake up.''

I heard a gentle voice and I immediately opened my eyes.

I looked around and Immediately saw that this was not my room; I was laying in King sized bed with white sheets around me, even the room itself looked fancy with white walls and countless paintings hanging on the walls it even had chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, to the left side there were three big windows starting from the floor and ending with a small arc near the sealing.

I panicked, was I kidnapped? But what kidnaper would put his hostage in such fancy rooms? Or maybe I was dreaming? Yeah…I probably was…it's a dream.

Then I turned to my right and saw a thin old man in a black suit standing near me, he had brown eyes and his grey hair was slicked back, a perfect image of an elderly gentleman.

"Who ar-AHHHHH!''

I gripped my head in the unbearable pain, then in my mind like a quick film flashed, places, names and people, but I didn't know any of them, the further the images flashed through my mind I started to realize that those ware memories of mine, no they were the memories of this body.

Just as the last memory the pain has stopped and I breaded a sigh of relief, but still felt a slight pang going in my head.

''My prince!''

I heard and then two men wearing red coats, black pants and black boots barged into my room with their muskets aimed, they were the famous Swiss Guard that was in charge of defending the Royal Family.

''Quick call the Court physician!''

The old man shouted to them in a panic.

''That won't be necessary, I'm fine now.''

I said calmly.

''A-Are you sure, my Prince?''

The old man asked me with fear in his eyes; I imagine that if something happens to me his fate would be sealed as well.

''Yes, I feel good now.''

I said to him and then turned to face the two soldiers.

''You may leave, everything is alright.''

I said to them, and then they bowed and left closing the door.

''Are you sure you are alright, my Prince?''

The elderly gentleman asked me.

Of course, I wasn't I was freaking out inside after seeing those memories I think I'm not dreaming anymore, was I was reincarnated? I admit I was old; well my other body was real, but Gods really like to joke to send me to a body of 15year old, oh and did I forget to mention that this body belongs, well belonged, too Louis-Auguste de France or better known as Louis XVI of France.

''Yes, I'm alright, Aldric, I assure you that.''

I said to Aldric, from the memories that were forced to me he was my personal servant that took care of me since the day I was born and he is really good at his job apparently.

He led out a sight, probably happy that his life is secured for another day.

I then stood up from my bed and started to undress from my pajamas, note to self to burn this ugly thing.

I wanted to dress but immediately stopped, firstly I didn't know where my clothes were and secondly, it was a servant's job, so instead I waited for Aldric.

He quickly went to work, dressing me in black pants, a white shirt with a blue jacket on top and lastly finished by black shoes.

Then he brought a large mirror and for the first time, I looked at myself.

I was quite good looking, tall, healthy, fit, with short silver head and silvery eyes, talk about the combination.

After I was satisfied looking at myself I gave him a nod and he quickly put the mirror at the corner of the room.

Then he opened the door and bowed to me, with one of his hands extended outside.

After I walked out I was greeted by a beautiful and long corridor.

The red carpet was stretched across it, with chandeliers hanging on the sealing and countless paintings on the beautiful walls.

Aldric gently closed the door and told something to one of the maids that were nearby, probably to clean my room or something.

''What is on the agenda today?''

I said to him as he joined me, actually, he was behind me fallowing like an obedient dog.

''Yes, firstly is breakfast, after breakfast there are lessons with sir Duc de La Vauguyon, after dinner, there will be a hunt with his Majesty Louis XV after supper is free time.''

At the mention of Duc de La Vauguyon I felt a shiver down my spine, the famous "Gouverneur des Enfants de France" (governor of the Children of France), what I got from the memories that he was really strict, but I believe he is not that bad, how strict he can be? I later regretted my words…

''Wrong, wrong, wrong! You have to wait for me to release you from further attendance!''

A tall man said to me, he was dressed in all red, with only his boots being white; his brown eyes peered down on me as he shook his black-haired head.

''Now once again.''

He said and I started again. We were practicing Ball manners especially the dances, currently, I have to ask Duc de La Vauguyon, who was acting like a woman, for a dance. It wasn't going so well as I hoped too.

''Miss Maria, can I ask a bit of your time for a dance?''

I said to him with the gentlest voice I could muster, even though deep in my mind I want to curse out loud.

A lady usually never asks a gentleman to dance; instead, she waits for an invitation from him. A man must first ask permission of the lady herself, or her chaperone, to dance and if granted he must keep his appointment.

''I would be happy your Highness''

He replied and now we moved on the next step.

In round dances the man supports the woman with his right arm around the waist, taking care not to hold her too closely. Her right hand is extended, held by his left hand, and her left hand is on his arm or shoulder, her head erect.

It was weird to say at least with him being taller than me; I ended up staring at his chest instead of his face.

We then spun around the room for a view times imitating a dance, now for the last part.

At the end of each dance, the lady's partner will offer his arm, and conduct her to her seat; then bow and she releases him from further attendance, as he may be engaged for the next dance.

I offer him my hand and he took it then we moved to the only table with a chair in the room, I gently guided him to his seat as Duc de La Vauguyon sat down I bowed to him.

''If you would excuse me.''

I said and waited for his approval as soon as I got one I spun around and started walking away.


He said calmly as he stood up once again, even if I started to hate him I had to respect this man, He entered the public service aged 12 and fought in the last campaigns of the Seven Years' War, even if he was strict he taught me well.

''Now let's move on to the table manners.''

Why this nightmare has to continue?

I feel like I'm at school again with Duc de La Vauguyon as a teacher, a really strict teacher, I had to pay attention to even smallest details and if I did something wrong I had to start over and over again until it was like second nature to me, I crammed so much information that it made me dizzy.

Dinner was a nightmare for me, but at least with the memories and Duc de La Vauguyon teachings I somehow pulled through.

There was a large number of dishes, which were brought to the table in "services" at staggered intervals. The soup and starters were followed by roasts and salads, then puddings and finally fruit. With each service, a different procession of officers from the Services for the King's Mouth brought in dishes in gold, silver or silver-gilt. The best goldsmiths worked to produce new forms that would keep the food warm for longer, this was a really interesting piece of info I managed to get from the memories of the previous host of this body. Glasses, which were ordinary items, were only provided upon request. The meal lasted less than an hour.

And it was the first time that I saw my grandfather and the current King Louis XV, he was well… Old, with wrinkles on his face and a grey wig on his head, I shouldn���t be surprised really as he is now 60 years old, he wore a red dress with a French Royal Blue colored piece of cloths wrapped around his chest, a sign of monarch.

I was seated on his right on this long rectangular table, while the King was seated at the end to show his higher standing, on his left, were seated four children, two boys, and two girls.

One boy was like me had silver hair, brown eyes and he was a bit chunky, his face still had baby fat or he was just fat judging by his belly, he wore a simple white costume and white shirt. He was my younger brother, Louis Stanislas Xavier

Next to him was a taller boy with black hair and brown eyes, he had a really angry face and as far as I can remember, or this body remembers, he always was like this. He was Charles Philippe another brother.

My sisters, the two girls, were really beautiful, one had light brown hair and gentle green eyes, she was Marie Clotilde. The other one had auburn hair and brown eyes, her name was Elisabeth and she was the youngest of us just 6 years old, both of them wore white dresses.

Dinner was a quiet affair; everyone ate silently with silent whispers going around siblings. I made a note that I should talk to them later.

After dinner it was time to go on a hunt, I redressed myself into brown pants and brown shirt and walked towards the stables, I only have the memories of this body and the hunt, but for me, it was the first time I'm going hunting and I'm really nervous.

Only when I saw the horses did I remember that I have no riding experience what's so ever, so I was green as a leaf in the summer, wonderful…

The stableman brought me towards my horse it was a white mare, she was quite calm I even managed to touch her snout and gently pet her while the guys from the stables finished putting on the saddle.

An interesting thing happened as I got myself comfortable, thinking that I will fail miserably and embarrass myself, I instead calmly trotted out of the stables, my body going on instinct as I guided my horse to where Louis XV and a couple of more men were waiting for me.

''Today I'm hoping for a big catch so let's move!''

The King ordered everyone and we trekked forwards the forest, only for me to forget that I have no weapons…As if reading my mind one of the Swiss Guards got closer to me on his brow horse and presented me with a crossbow.

I nodded at him, thankful for the weapon.

I inspected the crossbow and it was really smooth to the touch, masterfully crafted now even a splinter or any kind of inaccuracy can be seen on this fine piece of equipment.

We walked around the forest for about an hour and could see the King getting more and more impatient, he scowled and started cursing for the bad luck.

Then we heard branches on the ground being broken and the King immediately stopped us with his hand and shushing us to silence.

We carefully listened; I reckon it's coming from the left of us judging by the sound.

''Deer and a big one!''

The King said with a wicked grin as a soldier handed him a spear and he silently urged his horse to go to the direction of the sound.

We closely followed and soon I saw a tint of brown at the distance, I could see the antlers moving up and down, it was my first time seeing a wild deer.

''Stay here and don't get in a way of my kill''

The King said with a threatening aura, I gulped and kept myself silent as a grave, for the first time that I came here was I feeling afraid, so valuing my life I stayed silent.

The King was too eager for a trophy and made a lot of sounds making the deer snap his head at our direction, he immediately saw the king and started running away.

''After him!''

King shouted and spurred his horse into a run quickly chasing the running deer.

I opted to leave behind with two guards than following that hunt crazy grandpa.

I will catch my own gain.

So we walked around the forest and I found a nice clearing, it was small, but should be enough to attract some wild animals and land a decent shot.

''Do any of you have some bread or anything eatable?''

I asked my guards and they gave me a confused look at first until one of them gave me a loaf of bread out from his bag.

Satisfied I dismounted my horse and left it with the guards, then I walked to the middle of the clearing and crushed the bread, then I spread it around and calmly walked back, hopefully, this will work.

You know hunting is no different from wishing in my opinion; you just sit here and watch at one dot for hours upon hours, wishing even for a little movement of any kind. I don't know who finds it relaxing to concentrate and watch one dot for a whole day.

I'm getting really bored…I don't know how much time has passed, judging by the sun at least a couple of hours and nothing, not even a twitch, it's starting to get on my nerves.

I wonder whether the king had any luck with his deer.

God if you hear me please send something, anything!

Then I saw a brown ball of fur moving towards the bread, then it stood on two legs and my heart melted at the sight of a cute rabbit looking around and carefully walking towards the bread, guilt shot through my soul as I aimed the crossbow, I don't want to do it!

Then I released the arrow, it soared through the air towards the unsuspecting rabbit and missed.

Thank God I missed- I mean curses I missed!!

Yes, I definitely didn't miss purposely, definitely not, yes!

And so after I accidentally missed we started waiting again for the next target which was a boar and a big one for sure.

I once again aimed my crossbow and released the arrow and it hit its mark I saw the boar fall on its side and I started feeling guilty, Louis XVI had killed animals on previous hunts, but for me, it was still a new experience.

Nonetheless the guards tied the boar and one of them put it on its horse and we went back, hopefully, the king will be back as well.

To my surprise, yes he was back and managed to catch the deer and it was really big twice my size.

''What took you so long?! Let's get back I want deer for supper!''

The King said to me.

''I apologize, I was hunting on my own.''

I said as I gestured to my catch on the guard's horse, the king saw it and nodded.

''Good, means that you're not entirely useless after all.''

I felt the silence, I didn't expect that and started wracking my brain as to why did I deserve those mean words.

Ah, I see, my father has died early, my brother as well; both of them were bright and promising rulers while I was practically nobody. I was overlooked because Louis's parents favorited the older brother and their first son than me, who was regarded as bright and handsome, but died at the age of nine in 1761. While I was an overly shy person, who excelled only in studies, additionally the teachers before Duc de La Vauguyon were really, and I mean, really bad.

They shaped me into an indecisive person. One of the teachers, Abbé Berthier, practically brainwashed me into believing that timidity was a value in strong monarchs, and Abbé Soldini, my confessor, instructed me not to let people read my mind, the last one is good when sitting on the negotiations table, but in life it was just bad, nobody wants to talk to a person who is always sitting calm and acts like robot. Humans are social creatures by nature, they want to see, they want to touch, they want to communicate with each other and if you act like a robot who push others away, you will become a social outcast.

It was a good thing that Louis XV noticed that and fired those two, but sadly the damage is done, or was done at least because if I'm here I can shape myself differently, yes, I have decided, I will become the best king!

Then came supper, we had the promised deer and a little bit of boar, accompanied by salad and fruits as ever.

Now I was free so I strolled around the palace, looking at the beautiful paintings and sculptures. I even managed to walk around the beautiful garden, when the sun was getting down I had Aldric guide me back to my room, I entered my chambers and looked around, nothing changed except, my bed was tidy, probably the work of the maids.

Then I saw in the corner of the room a table, a simple brown table with a chair that had red cushions on it.

I walked forwards it and saw an outline of a book, it had a brown almost black cover and was quite thick.

''Sworn Book Of Honorius''

It was written in Latin, but I understood it perfectly, thanks to this body being well versed in this particular language.

I then noticed a red cloth sticking out so carefully I opened the badge that it was in.

''Soul transfer''

The page title read and my breath stopped, no way, no way that's possible, I started freaking out my heart started breading my pupils were wide, my head went into overload.

No way, that's impossible!

I managed to relax, even if it was just a bit; I quickly hid the book under my pillows and went to sleep, thinking that this was all just a weird dream and tomorrow morning I will go back to work.

A/N: This is the first story that I ever have written, I have no experience doing this what's so ever, so any tips or pointers are much appreciated, though a fair warning that my first language isn't English so if you see any mistakes pointed them out I will fix them as quickly as possible. If you have questions will free to ask!

next chapter
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