A crude spear whistled through the air, slicing past the thick trunks of ancient trees before embedding itself into the earth with a dull thud. The scent of damp earth and pine filled the air as the group of adventurers had set camp, their cheerful chatter abruptly replaced by chaos.
The dwarf, sturdy and unyielding, reacted without hesitation, raising his shield just in time to deflect the incoming projectile. The wood creaked under the impact, a testament to its durability. What kind of trouble have I stumbled into this time? Dreven thought, his heart racing as adrenaline surged through him.
Suddenly, a cacophony erupted from the forest as over twenty little green men burst forth from the underbrush, their rough patchwork leather armor gleaming dully in the muted light. They screeched at the top of their lungs, their crude language punctuating the air with a mix of high-pitched war cries and guttural growls. "Gah! Kreeb-bob! Splotch the hu-man!" one shouted, its voice squeaky and filled with a savage glee. They sound more like animals than anything else, Dreven mused, a chill running down his spine.
The dwarf swung his one-handed warhammer, the weight of it crashing down on the first green man. The sickening sound of bone crunching echoed through the clearing, and the creature's skull caved in with a wet, squelching noise. Nearby, the archer loosed two arrows in quick succession, the twang of his bowstring mingling with the whistle of the arrows slicing through the air. Both projectiles found their marks, impaling two more green men who staggered back, eyes wide with shock. One of them screeched, "Oof! Me no like!" as it fell, panic evident in its voice. These adventurers fight like warriors. I could learn from them, he noted, his instincts urging him to act.
The mage, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air, unleashed a series of fiery orbs that exploded against the bodies of their foes. The flames lit up the twilight, casting flickering shadows across the forest floor and bathing the chaos in an eerie glow. The acrid scent of singed leather and charred flesh mixed with the earthy aroma of the forest, creating a volatile atmosphere thick with tension. Such power, Dreven thought, awe mixing with an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. I could have used abilities like that back home.
Dreven quickly maneuvered through the fray, feeling the adrenaline surge through him. As he darted behind the green men, he couldn't help but notice their twisted, unpleasant features: large, bulbous eyes that bulged with fear and rage, sharp teeth bared in snarls, and skin mottled with grime and scars. These vicious creatures were the perfect opportunity for him to introduce himself to this new world, a chance to gain favor and perhaps avoid immediate hostility. If I show my strength, maybe they will accept me. Perhaps I can find a place here.
With a sudden burst of strength, he emerged from behind one of the green men, grabbing it by the neck. The creature's legs flailed helplessly, its eyes bulging in terror as it gasped for breath, the scent of sweat and panic wafting off it. What am I doing? I've never fought like this, he thought, an unexpected thrill coursing through him. Dreven tightened his grip, feeling the satisfying crunch of its throat and spine beneath his fingers. He wasted no time; without hesitation, he swung the lifeless body against the next nearest green man, the impact resonating like a dull thud as it crashed into the tree trunk. The body crumpled to the ground, instantly dead, leaving a smear of blood against the bark. I didn't know I had this kind of strength left in me!
With fierce determination, Dreven turned to the last creature near him. He hurled the first body towards it, the momentum sending them both slamming into another trunk, the sickening sound of flesh meeting wood echoing in the clearing. If only I could stay in control, stay strong, he reminded himself, the fear of his own power creeping in as he noticed the blood splattering on the ground.
By this time, the adventurers had dispatched the last of the green men, their eyes shifting to Dreven, weapons still at the ready, uncertainty written across their faces. Now, I must be careful. They might see me as a threat.
"What an inconvenience," Dreven remarked with a casual shrug, bending down to strip the loincloth from one of the larger green men. The rough fabric felt gritty against his skin as he strapped it around his waist, a makeshift garment to shield his nakedness. At least I'm not completely exposed. Small victories, I suppose.
Satisfied with his modesty, he turned to the party. Growing up with decorum, he decided to give a small bow, cupping his fist to his chest, a gesture of respect. The dwarf exchanged glances with his companions, their expressions a mix of caution and curiosity. I hope they can see I'm not a foe. I just want to belong somewhere, anywhere.
"Hello!" Dreven waved confidently, his voice cutting through the lingering tension.
The dwarf turned slightly to the wizard behind him, muttering something inaudible. The red-headed mage responded with a puzzled look, shaking her head in disbelief at the unexpected turn of events. What are they thinking? Will they attack, or am I safe?
Pointing to himself, Dreven decided to introduce himself. "Dreven," he declared, his tone assertive.
The dwarf lowered his shield, setting it down but keeping his warhammer firmly in hand. Behind him, the wizard stepped forward, approaching with a curious but cautious demeanor. Is this the moment they decide I'm not a threat?
Dreven remained still, choosing to let them make the first move. The girl held out her hand, a comforting smile breaking through the uncertainty, as if inviting him to join their circle. This feels different. Maybe they see something in me?
When he took her hand, she drew a series of shimmering runes in the air above it, each symbol glowing with a faint purple light. As the last rune settled, a flash of energy surged between them, momentarily illuminating the forest. Magic… it's more wondrous than I ever imagined.
A moment later, Dreven blinked in astonishment.
"Hello…" he stammered, realizing he understood her words.
"Hel—" Dreven widened his eyes in surprise. "I can understand her!" he muttered aloud, a mixture of disbelief and wonder coloring his voice. This changes everything!
"Of course you can! This is a rather simple spell for most mages," she replied with a bemused smile, as if his reaction amused her.
Dreven looked at the young mage in shock. He had never heard of such a thing in his home world, where magic was far less forgiving. What if I can learn from her? From all of them?
"I apologize, milady! I am new to meeting people from around here and wasn't sure how to deal with proper decorum."
The mage nodded, her expression softening. "It was a bit surprising to see a naked... err, man in the middle of Nortaberg Forest."
"I didn't even know this place had such a name," he replied, bowing slightly again. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dreven Sorrowmoon."
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