
บท 9: CH 9

<Emergency! Kira is broadcasting live on Sakura Tv.>

"What the fuck!?" Hikaru jumped, Light also got up and looked at his younger sibling. "Turn on the channel!"

A holographic screen turned on with a man sitting Infront of the Tv.

'In other words, we are practically reporting this news as the hostages of kira himself. This is not a prank, and the videos are not a hoax.'

Both Yagami twins watched in rapt attention.

'There is no doubt that the 4 cassettes mailed to the director of this show 4 days ago are real. In the first tape. the voice predicted the death of 2 arrested criminals Seichi machiba and seiji machiba. Later as predicted in the tape, they died of heart failure at 7:00 last night. Only kira is capable of doing something like that. Thus, we are certain that these are truly sent from kira.'

"If this is true..." Hikaru took a deep breath.

'Furthermore, he instructed us to broadcast the second tape today at 5:59 pm. we have not watch it ourselves, but the tape should validate the other tapes. As well as kira's message to the world.'

"No way, is kira... going to kill on live tv again?" Hikaru asked.

"It seems like it." Light looked closer at the tapes. A distorted voice soon entered the screen.

'It's now 5:59. the broadcast will now begin. I am Kira. if this tape was aired at exactly at 5:59 pm on April 18th it should be 5:59:38 right now... 39... 40... Please change the channel to Taiyou TV. The news anchor will die of heart failure at exactly 6:00 pm.'

A new holographic screen appeared. On it was a dead news anchor...

"No... Kira is doing a publicity stunt!" hikaru looked back to the Kira on the hologram.

'That was punishment for always speaking in cynical terms agenized me on television. Surely one person is not enough to prove my identity. So, I will take another sacrifice. the target is another commenter on the same network who always opposes my actions.'

the 2nd screen changed, and once again another poor man was put to death.

"We got to stop this!" Hikaru jumped.

"How?" Light asked.

"I-I've got no clue..." he took a deep breath. "i can't hack into the TV station, much less the emergency broad cast. If we have to stop it then we-"

'This just in, there is someone laying in front of Sakura tv stations front door. this is live feed from the front of Sakura TV station! we do not have a correspondent at the site but what you are seeing is a live feed from the front of Sakura Tv!'

"U-Ukita!?" light yelled. "No way-"

"How did kira kill him? Did he already know..." Hikaru froze...Looks like Misa was taking her stand.

'I can achieve a better crime free world. 'The paramedics are taking him away. it is very dangerous. viewers please do not approach the tv station'

"This is nuts... Just pain crazy." Light looked at the screen.

'The front entrance of sakura TV is eerily silent.'

"Great, keep talking." Hikaru cringed. "Do they have to showcase his death like that..."

"If they didn't, we'd never know what happened." Light sighed.


"What the hell!? who crashed an armoured car in the station?" Hikaru looked at it, shocked.

"That's one way to get in... but who?" Light looked closer.

"Maybe dad?" Hikaru joked.

"He's in the hospital remember." light looked over.

"Oh look, they are making a barricade!" Hikaru watched as countless officers formed a perfect cover.

'The police have created a barricade. the roads around the sakura TV station have been closed off. the police have shown that they are preparing to fight kira. they will not help him. They will fight him! The police have not acceded to kira's request but have taken an opposing stance instead! I... myself dare to say...That this is right! this is the proper stance for a country with a constitutional government to take! My name is Tanakabara Houku. I am NHN golden news announcer Tanaka Kouki.'

"Thats a brave news announcer..." Hikaru looked on. "This will help with the kira broad cast problem by a long shot."

"Hm." Light nodded.

"But what is with that kira... it was like he didn't need a name to kill." Hikari took a deep breath, silently and convergently adding information. "Is this... a second more powerful kira?"

Light froze and looked to his younger brother. "Explain."

"Well, if kira could kill without a name then obviously he wouldn't have needed to force the FBI agent to show their name. All he would need is to discover them, but this kira obviously doesn't need too." He explained. "The way he acted was also different from what the kira from the profile would do... this one is obviously more into the media then the original Kira, and this act may just be an attempt to get the original kira's attention."

"Thats..." Light had to freeze for a moment. "Thats completely possible."

"Hey, I'm smart sometimes." The youngest Yagami scoffed. (AN: Yea, it's totally not because you had information beforehand.)


"This 2nd kira is rather morbid." Hikari shuddered. "And how dare she want L's head! Just you wait you copy cat! "

"Calm down." Light sighed. "Also She?"

"You can't tell?" Hikari froze. "Oh, the beat of her voice. It's feminine, I thought you noticed?"

"No... when will we get in contact with L?" Light held his head, frustrated. His little brother was providing with so many useful and theories and he still can't get in contact to the investigation to Tell (brag) them of his little brother's findings.

ding Ring Ding

'Raito, Ryuzaki would like you and your brother into the investigation. If you both want to do so, please come discreetly at ***'

'Finally!' Hikaru rushed over to pack his gear. The gear was a personally enhanced laptop (White, grey, and purple theme of course), wireless earpiece (Purple), and a small personally advanced Minicomputer tower (same as laptop theme). Along with a taser pen, you can never be too safe after all.

"You're brining all your advanced gear?" Light asked.

"What? It's a super-secret mission you know, I'd bring a whole slew of spy gear... sadly i don't think L trusts us enough to allow that." Hikaru sighed.

"Hm." Light nodded and simply picked up his side bag. Inside was his own advanced laptop (just plain dull silver), wireless earpiece (black), his own Taser pen, and printed documents on all he acquired these past few days on the kira case.

"All set!" Hikaru picked up his white and purple backpack and hurried his brother out of the house.


"This place is fancy..." Hikaru looked around at the luxurious floors.

'Do you think L want a sugar baby?' - hikaru messaged

'Please, just no...' light

"Raito, Hikaru! did you guys wait long?" Matsuda rushed down to them. Light shoke his head, Matsuda wasted no time in calling L. "Ryuzaki, the twins are here. we'll be there in 3 minutes."

'Thats Touta Matsuda, the new guy in the office.'- Hikaru messaged

'You analyzed him?'- light

'You can too you know.'- hikaru

'Hush, we're going in.' - light

Mastuda opened the door to revel their 3 other people.

"Call me Ryuzaki here." L walked over.

"I'm Matsui." Matsuda said.

"I'm Aihara." Aizawa said.

"And I'm Asashi." Their father said.

"Does that make me and Light Asashi too?" Hikaru asked. "Hikaru Asashi... Huh, it actually sounds good."

"Raito Asashi, Huh." Light looked at Ryuzaki.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I'll call you Raito kun, and you Hikaru- kun." Ryusaki walked away with them in toe. "Only one of the people outside can contact me directly, though."

'Oh? Smart. Too bad you're not kira light!'- hikaru messaged

'Too bad, the plan would have been great if kira were in the task force.'- light

"First please take a look at these, then watch the tape that was not on the broadcast, please do not take notes or remove anything from here." Ryusaki said.

"Ah, wait I have this." Light took out the files. "It's everything The Ex- FBI agent told us along with some other theories. My little brother also found something about Kira or should I say 2nd Kira that may be helpful"

"....2nd Kira?" L asked.

"Yes, Hikaru found that the Kira broad casting killed in a way that the first Kira couldn't. Along with the means of spreading a message. He hypothesized that this kira might have an involvement in media of some form." Light said and looked to his little brother.

"This Kira seems like she's trying to get attention of the original Kira, if they were associated with each other then she wouldn't use this method." Hikaru put his hand on his chin. "I also thought of this, I think the original kira was trying to be 'god of the new world'. You know? I belive the original Kira would be disgusted with this copycat destroying his 'holy image'... However, it's kind of obvious that this kira is stronger than the original, something kira would want to take advantage of. If they were to meet... it'd either end in bloodshed or a partnership."

"Hm..." L stared.

"The... same..." Aizawa stared shocked.

"They even profiled?" Matsuda exclaimed.

"Oh? We also suspect a 2nd kira, however we didn't get into profiling." L nodded.

"You were testing us?" Light asked.

"I wasn't testing you both." he explained. "I was the only one who thought there was a 2nd kira, so I needed a 2nd or rather 3rd opinion on my side without any hints from me. I, however, didn't expect such analysis. Hikaru- kun, what's your base profile on this kira?"

"Young adult at least 18, Female or a feminine sounding male, at least somewhat involved in media. If this kira lived outside the kanto region then I'd guess she'd move here to get close to kira." Hikaru sat down in his L position. "As for personality then this Kira must be someone who works with death? Maybe gothic style? However, that may be just my own bias."

"Oh?" L thought. "Female or a feminine sounding male? How did you get that?"

"The beat of the words. Girls normally have a different tone when they speak, L if you compare your voice to this one then you'd see the difference." Hikaru explained. L walked over to the computer and spoke a few lines Kira did.

"I'm sure you won't doubt me when I say that I am kira." L spoke, he then put played the recording to them. "Play the Recording."

'I'm sure you won't doubt me when I say that I am kira.' with the 2 side by side, they started to hear the difference.

"I can't hear how it's feminine." Aizawa said.

"Here let me try, ehem." Hikaru walked over, L moved and allowed the younger Yagami to speak in the microphone. He spoke in his feminine sounding voice. "I'm sure you won't doubt me when I say that I am kira."

"???" their father looked at his youngest son, shocked.

"I've herd guys sound like that before." Matsuda said.

"That's a male speaking with a feminine one." Hikaru explained. "You can normally hear it when it's a guy speaking that way but not when a girl dose it."

Ryuzaki played it.

"Oh.... wow." Matsuda stared, shocked. "It really does sound similar."

"See?" Hikaru puffed his chest up proudly. Light was also proud, but the pride turned to a glare when he saw L. The detective was looking curiously at his little brother.

"You seem to know a lot about tone, Hikaru-kun." He asked.

"Yea?" Hikaru looked to the pale detective.

"Would it be possible for you to deduce what this voice would sound like without the filter?" L bit his nail.

"Sadly no... If I did, I'd be able to tell if it was a girl or a feminine sounding man." He sighed.

"Oh... Okay, our first priority is to stop the 2nd kira. the person is not very smart and probably idolizes Kira. So, she'd likely respond to a tape from a 'real' kira. If the 2nd kira is fake, then this plan is worthless. however, it's worth a try. And we must do it before the real kira." L looked to Light.

"That's a good plan," Light nodded. "It's the best course of action in my opinion."

"The I hope that Raito-kun.." L looked right to light. "Will help us pretend to be the real kira."

"...Pretend?" Hikaru snorted. "Hey, can we put sparkles in the background?"

"???" Light looked over then froze. "Really? A pun, really?"

"Heh." L scoffed. "I believe that's a sound request."

"You're kidding me." Light stared at them in disbelief.

'I see what you mean by soul mate.'- light messaged

'I know right? just you wait we'll be married in no time.'- hikaru

"Well, in any case we are running out of time. I plan on making our broadcast on the evening news so please start working on a draft immediately." L looked over to the rest and began to give out orders.

"What the hell am I supposed to write?" Light asked.

"Oh, I have an idea." Hikaru made light lean over and 'whispered' in his ear.

<Document sent>

'Why didn't I think of that?'- light messaged.

'You haven't explored the system enough; you should get working on that.'- Hikaru

'Yea... I really should.'- light

"Oh?" Ryusaki walked over and looked at them. "What are you talking about?"

"A super awesome Kira speech." Hikaru dragged Light to the table. Light was made to write on a piece of paper as his younger brother gave 'idea's'. L watched, curious.

"L is mine? Your serious?" Light asked Hikaru.

"What? We can't wright 'kill L' now, can we?" Hikaru argued. "Besides, this is a Kira VS L showdown, she'd probably think it's a guy showdown thing."

"Hm." Light continued to write.

"...A showdown." L mussed.

"Done, Ryuzaki is this good enough? We tried to be as 'kira' as we could." Light passed the paper to the hunched man.

"Oh? This writing style..." Ryusaki mussed. "Do you read WritingAI's works?"

"A-ah yea." Light froze for a moment. "You... read it as well?"

"Of course, the writer is a mystery genius. I've read all of his works so far" L said. "I'd have invited him as well, but he somehow managed to keep anonymous."

'Thank you for your patronage!'- Hikaru messaged

"Aihara-san, the draft is done. Please take care of the rest." ryuzaki passed the paper to Aizawa.

"Ok!" He rushed away.

"Oh, that's the font?" Hikaru laughed. "Kira is going to be pissed."

"Good." Light huffed. "Too bad we can't see his face under the blinding glitter."

"Ha." Hikaru took out his computer, Ryusaki froze and came over.

"I don't think I've seen this computer before." Ryusaki inquired.

"Made it myself." Hikaru typed in the password before opening the articles about models and media influencers. "Light has one too."

"Oh?" L sat Next to the younger Yagami twin, amazed at the processing speed. "You haven't applied this to any competitions..."

"Of course not, this is me and light's Super Spy gear." He typed a few keys that brought up a few dozen People. "These are the people that match the description I gave."

"Oh?" L looked at them.

"I'm most suspicious of Misa Amane." He said pointing to the gothic blond. "Her private accounts is all about Kira, she's a frantic supporter."

He pulled up her 'IwuvKira' email and went into its social media. The taunting of the news anchors and the downright brainless fangirling was a bit morbid.

"She fits my description to a T." Light walked over to look at his brothers suspect. Also shocked at how close the description followed

"Sadly, only time can tell." Ryusaki said.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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