40% Reincarnated in DC with a system / Chapter 2: Fighting!!

ตอน 2: Fighting!!

speeding toward Sam was four people on bikes, they were wearing the same clown masks as the people in the car that was just flipped

"Man, you'd think they'd have a little diversity in mask choice," Sam said as one of the people raised a bat and swung at Sam, but Sam quickly jumped to the side causing the clown-masked assailant to miss, landing on the ground Sam looked at the bikers, who jumped off of the bike

"Shouldn't you guys be helping your friends over there?!" Sam

"What good will we do? With you, at least we'll have a hostage," One of the men said as he swung his bat toward Sam's leg

"Shit!" Sam shouted as he spread his legs causing the bat to hit the ground in between them, not thinking, Sam's {Wild Fighting} Skill kicked in as he lunged towards the man grabbing him by the waist, without hesitation he lifted the man up into the air and slammed him onto the ground, mounting him, Sam began to swing his fist down onto the man but was cut off as a bat made contact with his head, sending him stumbling off the man

Trying to regain his footing Sam then got hit with another bat on his back, causing him to fall to his knees

"Man fuck a hostage, I might just kill you!" Another clowned mask man said as he walked to Sam's left, after he got close enough it was too late, as Sam shot up and uppercut the man with his right fist, but something wasn't right, as a horrible cracking sound rung out, and the man fell like a sack of potatoes

"Mike!" Another man shouted as he quickly froze in his position, turning his head Sam had a devilish smile on his blood-covered face

"Hehehehe," Sam only laughed as he slide something onto his left hand, which was already present on his right

"Fucking brass knuckles!?" A clown said when suddenly Sam charged at him, swinging his bat, the man aimed for Sam's head, but he didn't hit his target, Sam ducked under the bat, still closing in Sam cocked his right fist and shot it towards the man hitting him square on the jaw causing another horrible crunching sound, causing the man to also drop

"Uhh, uhhh," The last member of the clown bikers muttered as he looked at the man in front of him, his blood-covered smiling face, he couldn't help but want to run, but he knew that if he ran, he'd likely die to the Joker for leaving the others

"Just lay down," Sam said as his face turned serious, only for the man to nod and jump to the ground, causing Sam to chuckle, taking off his brass Knuckles he held his head, which was gushing with blood

"Damn, what a fucking headache," Sam said as he turned towards where the cars went, only to see nothing but darkness, having a fear of what it could be he looked up and saw a mouth

"...." Batman

"....It was self-defense," Sam immediately blurted out so as to not have his bones stolen by the Batman

"......" Batman

"......" Sam

"Why are you here," Batman

"I was sleeping and heard a commotion, so I came to check it out and arrived to get attacked by these four," Sam

"Hmmm. Samuel Seo, an Orphan, left this construction yard with his late parents," Sam heard coming from batman's ear causing him to think

'Oh thank fuck he's not going to steal my bones for loitering,' Sam thought as Batman only nodded when suddenly a couple of people appeared on bikes

"Not again," Sam said as he turned towards them, only to see people in latex outfits

"Batman, the safe houses are dealt with," Nightwing

"Who's this?" Red Hood

"You can call me Sam," Sam said causing both Nightwing and Red Hood to analyze him and the scene around him, putting two and two together they realized he fought the Joker's henchmen

"You need to get to a hospital, you've lost a lot of blood," Nightwing said as he stepped forward and examined Sam's head

"Uhh, alright, where is the closest one?" Sam

"Only hospital in Gotham is Gotham General, you're probably concussed," Red Hood

"Get in the back of the Batmobile, and I'll drop you off, you won't be able to stand for much longer," Batman said as he tapped a button on his wrist causing the Batmobile to drive over, with the back right in front of him, it opened up revealing two seats, sitting down Sam just did what they said as he didn't want any trouble, the back then closed leaving him to his thoughts

'I have somewhere to stay, that's pretty cool, it seemed a little run down, but it'll do fine, but seeing how Batman and joker's goons ran through the place, I might have problems with that in the future,' Sam thought as he took the time to take in everything that had happened today

'I hadn't even checked to see if I actually look like Samuel, god I hope I do, I don't want to be as ugly as I was in my past life, fuck, I was ugly, "Yawn" man, I'm getting a little sleepy,' Sam thought as his mind drifted off as his vision went black

'imma, just take a quick nap,' Sam


"So, Samuel Seo huh? why does that name sound familiar," Nightwing's voice came over an intercom as Batman was driving to the hospital

"He was Tim's upperclassman in Highschool," Batman

"OH!! That's where I recognize him from!! Tim used to crush on him!" Nightwing

"Huh, so he's two years older than Tim, he seemed to not be in any pain, was it the adrenaline? Or could it be something else?" Redhood

"Never be too careful nowadays huh?" Nightwing

"Hell no, there's been more and more meta's in Gotham every day," Red hood

"He isn't a metahuman, I would have been able to detect if he was, but, he does seem to be a decent fighter, from the looks of it, he doesn't lean towards any certain type of martial art, he probably just uses any fighting techniques he's seen, he also used Brass Knuckles, so this more than likely isn't the first time he's had to deal with someone," Batman said causing them all to think

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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