Integrate Visual Reference Databases Of All Known Species Of Trees/Plants, their Fruits, Bark Roots and Potential Medicinal Uses.
Integrate Databases Of All Known Elements as well as Sensors to identify these elements within the Environment, their Properties, Symbolisms Worldwide as well as potential resulting interactions with other Elements.
Integrate Databases Of All Known Species Of Animals, their Physical Traits, Habitats and Ecological Interactions as well as their Methods Of Hunting and Special Quirks and Symbolisms specific to each Culture.
Integrate Geographical Maps to help people navigate their environment.
Integrate Language Translation Apps to allow people from different cultures to interact including the integration of Symbolism unique to each culture.
Include Solar + Lunar Cycle + Movement Of Stellar Constellations across the Sky. Based on the location of Solar + Lunar + Stellar Constellations, offer daily advice on how to navigate tasks.
To enhance Human Perception Of Their Environment in Realtime as well as to enhance Navigation and Communication Globally.
Goggles act as Realtime Identifiers for any Plants, Animals, Geographical Locations and Elements in one's surroundings providing extra info on each of these.
Goggles also provide advice based on daily Solar, Lunar and Stellar Cycles.
Goggles act as Realtime Translators for Multiple Languages during communication with international cultures.