71.42% Reborn Into Game Of Thrones With A Long Name / Chapter 4: Ch 4 Magical Swordsman For Sale!

บท 4: Ch 4 Magical Swordsman For Sale!

[Great Hall Of Highgarden, End Of 280 Ac] 

. . . ."Presenting Ser Illian Norton, And Aestorius Sallerich Von' Drakkon!"

The noble cryer shouted out before the large doors slowly opened.

Just inside was a huge great hall with vaulted ceilings and colored glass mosaics upon the tall windows.

But what really caught my eyes were the two nobles who sat like Kings atop their high seats of power.

Strangely I was more creeped out than intimidated by their strange gazes as if I were a prized horse they were a bit too eager to buy.

Then I saw Lord Luthor turn to his wife and murmur something, to any other person his words would have been unintelligible but for someone with a Witcher's sense of hearing and crystal clear vision it was a cakewalk to make out his words.

"Far younger than I expecte..." Luther was about to speak but was quickly stopped by his wife, it seemed she noticed I was reading his lips...truly a formidable woman.

She eyed me like a hawk, and her curiosity was palpable yet her face remained perfectly emotionless.....someone without my heightened senses may not gave noticed a thing

Eventually we reached the base of the elevated platform upon which their high seats rested.

Ser Norton bowed deeply and spoke.

"My Liege Lord, My Lady, I come with Aestorius Sallerich Von' Drakkon as ordered." William spoke before rising from his bow and awaiting orders.

"I would like to see a demonstration of your powers Young Drakkon." Luthor blurted out, a bit unable to contain his excitement.

In his mind Olenna had stated that she wanted to see the powers before any deal was sealed but this was not the way to go about it.

Instantly they noticed the placid handsome face of the young Aestorius turn sour.

"I expected a greeting or introduction Lord Tyrell, But instead I receive demands to perform as if I were some sort of jester to throw trinkets at." I spoke aloud which instantly turned his face pale, and then an ever darkening red.

But before he could have an outburst, Olenna interrupted him by speaking to me.

"My Lord Husband meant no disrespect young Aestorius, He was simply eager to see your 'Prowess' in the Arcane arts isn't that right Luthor?" She spoke aloud while rubbing her husbands arm to placate him, She didn't want to lose such a valuable chess piece due to a very minor misunderstanding.

"Tell Him Of The Deal Luthor." Lady Olenna whispered to her husband.

"Ah yes.....Young Lord Drakkon, In Ser Norton's Reports he states you do not wish to return home. And If you wish to remain in Westeros We think that you might consider The Reach as your new Home." Lord Luthor spoke, his superficial anger fading as soon as it had begun.

"Would there be a reason to remain in The Reach specifically? I hear Dorne is quite nice this time of year...Or Essos where magic is abound." I spoke, my voice smooth and regal.

As soon as my words ended I could nearly see a glint in her eyes....It seemed he negotiations had begun.

"Well the answer is quite Obvious Young Drakkon. Because the Reach can give you a better deal than the rest.....Not to brag but every other one of the seven kingdoms is a half starved crime ridden shithole compared to our lands.....And Dorne a hot snake ridden shithole of both the human and reptile varieties....Do yourself a favor and settle in the Reach." She spoke crassly, Luthor lightly nodded at her words in agreement.

"My wife does not lie in the slightest, Just ask Ser Norton." He spoke and gestured to his Knight who nodded in agreement.

"What exactly do you offer?" I asked curiously, she certainly was right that the reach was one of the most pleasant areas of the seven kingdoms....Did I really want to live in the bleak Northern Wastelands, or the Mountain Clan infested Vale?

"For The Act of Slaying Forty One Pirates My Lord Husband can immediately grant you one of our finest Tyrell Vacation Manses Called Brightwater Keep, A Five Hundred Gold Dragons Per Moon, And A Knighthood... You are still quite young So a Lordship must wait a few years but I can grant you the Right Of Pit And Gallows upon any lands under your dominion." Olenna spoke.

The deal was decent, kill forty men and get a knighthood, money and lands....Marrying or Killing myself into a real lordship would soon follow no doubt.

"A Fine Deal Indeed but I Cannot Accept The Knighthood As of Yet." I spoke which flustered Lord Luthor.

"Why the Hell not?" He asked a bit offended.

"Because no one saw me kill those men.....People may cast doubts upon the veracity of such a claim and thus both my honor and the honor of House Drakkon would be Besmirched." I spoke steadily, My wit seemed to impress lady Olenna since a small smile developed on her aging face.

"How about a position as My Lord Husbands Squire? In name only of course, you'd not be required to shovel shit or polish his boots.....Squire until you prove yourself." She spoke to which I nodded.

"That is quite adequate however there is still one minor issue." I spoke.

"And that would be?" Lord Luthor Asked.

"I require Armor and a Horse, Sadly I only managed to bring my family blade from across the Serpent Sea." I spoke and gave Tir Tochair a gently rub on her pommel which caused it to Humm with power.

"Consider it done Young Drakkon, Now if you would please....Can I see that fire?" Lord Luthor asked excitedly which caused Olenna to roll her eyes but even she couldn't deny that she wished to see these flames which purportedly "Which Turned An Entire Birch Tree Into Ash" According to Ser Norton.

"It is only natural.....but I find myself a painter without a canvas." I spoke which caused Luthor to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

Olenna seemed to catch my drift however and turned to one of her guards.

"Bring Me Whichever Scum Has Been Condemned To Death From The Thorn Cells." She called aloud.

"Yes My Lady!" One guard shouted before disappearing with all due haste out a side door.

Before long a kicking screaming man was dragged in.

"PLEASE!!! PLEASE MI LORD!!! I DIDN'T DO IT!!!! I SWEAR!!!!" The raggedly dressed man screamed aloud.

Instantly I could smell the stench which emanated from the shackled man.....Blood, Woman's blood to be exact.

"Do you need to be told of his crimes?" Lady Olenna asked with a raised eyebrow when she saw me staring at the bound man while he was tied to a steel ring that jutted out of the floor.

"Would it make a difference?" I asked before pointing my palm at the man.

For a split second no one except Ser Norton thought anything would happen. . . 


Then their vision was filled with the a huge stream of sputtering white flames which engulfed the shackled man.

Lord Luthor flinched at the sight before his eyes locked onto the screaming man as he screamed at the top of his lungs while his skin blistered and bubbled before charring and exploding open from innumerable spots, Luthor saw the man's blood boiling and steaming off as his fat rendered and crackled.

And just as quickly as those screams started, they stopped and only the gentle roar of flames was heard as the shackled man was turned into little more than ash and shattered bones.

Ser Norton who stood nearby had his eyes wide at the result...'What if that Barro had attacked him our first day of travel....thank the mother we're alive' Ser Norton thought to himself before muttering a prayer.

Lord Luthor had his mouth to the floor as he watched the flames, He could now claim to be the only Lord in the entire Seven Kingdoms who had a Magical Swordsman as his service, Before this he was going to have a regular armorer make Aestorius's armor but now that wouldn't do.

'Only the best for this one' He thought to himself while also wondering which horse he'd give the Young Noble from his personal collection.

Before anything he turned to Ser Norton.

"Ser Norton for your valuable services to me I award you a House of your Own, Kneel and Arise Lord Norton Of Holton And It's Adjacent Villages For Ten Miles. Henceforth Your lands are inheritable to any future descendants you may have." Lord Luthor spoke.

Illian was in shock and just blinked a few times before I nudged for him to kneel after which he dropped to his knee instantly.

 "I offer my services Lord Luthor Of House Tyrell To You And All Your Descendants. I will shield your back and keep your counsel and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New." Ser Norton Spoke his oath.

"And I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth, and meat and mead at my table. And I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New. Arise Lord Illian Norton." Luthor Tyrell spoke with a pleased smile.

After swearing his oaths Ser Norton turned to me and walked up to me.

"I have a feeling we'll see ourselves before too long Young Aestorius, You are always welcome into my home as an honored guest." He spoke before patting my shoulder and giving me a solemn piece of advice.

"I can already foresee the Lords of the Kingdom vying to tie you up in a marriage to their rotten daughters, all I can say is choose wisely when time comes because us knights tell stories and half of them are worse than prostitutes." He spoke before being escorted away by a steward, presumably to receive his newfound paperwork and titles of lordship

"Do I need to swear something like that?" I asked both High Nobles, The Idea of kneeling was just disgusting.

"Do they have the Seven or the Old Gods Where You're From?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, our oaths usually require a minimum of five human sacrifices, but Twenty are usually recommended." I spoke which seemed to shock Lord Luthor a bit but Olenna didn't seem phased in the slightest.

"We will deal with your Oath later then Young Aestorius, My Lord Husband and I shall retire soon however. Do not fear for your comfort, The Steward will set you in one of the castle wings since we have no other visitors as of now." Olenna spoke before turning to Harald, The steward in question she was speaking of.

"It Shall Be Done My Lady!" The man spoke and bowed so low that his head nearly hit the floor.

"And get him the prettiest maid we have to take care of his needs, He's at that age after all." She spoke which caused me to blush slightly, something that didn't escape her hawk like eyes.

"Lady Olenna I do have one request that you allow me to choose the maid myself." I spoke, I'd not want one of those annoying cunts like the ones which were trembling at the mere sight of my eyes or some used up slut that reeked of....well you know what they reek of.

"It Shall Be Done Young Lord Drakkon." The Steward spoke and bowed deeply after getting a nod from Lady Olenna.

Before Long I was escorted away by the steward who seemed quite nervous being around me after seeing the way my flames turned a man into little more than ash.

Before long we reached a large room.

"If the Young Lord would please wait here I will go bring all the maids." He spoke while not daring to meet my gaze.

"Go on and be quick about it." I spoke with some disdain as any Lordling should.

It wasn't too long until I heard a veritable army of footsteps approaching down the hall, I had already found a comfortable chair at the end of the room which faced a window and I stared outside while watching the distant lights of the town below.

From behind I heard the Steward enter the room and spot me at the end of the room.

"Go on line up. Hurry, Hurry." The Steward whispered to all the maids who scurried up and got into a long line, something none of them had ever done before.

Then the stewards footsteps sounded as he scurried up to me.

"My Lord Drakkon, The Maids Are here For Your Choosing." He spoke from behind me.

"Took you long enough." I spoke before standing up and straightening my collar before turning around and inspecting the goods.

The maids had assumed I was a Targeryen of some kind and most of them were excited of the prospect of being chosen since there was a hundred dragon bonus for the maid who was.

But upon turning around I saw most of their faces become pale, One of the younger maids shrieked and ran out of the room before the steward rushed out and pulled her back in, Afraid it would upset the Young Wizard if she did leave.

Before long he returned with the girl by the arm and set her in line again.

I gazed over the selection and I couldn't deny that all of them looked absolutely delectable.

But my sensitive senses told another story which my eyes couldn't.

I slowly walked up to the first maid in the lineup, A buxom redhead with short hair down to her chin and sizeable melons.

She didn't seem scared of my eyes, In fact she gave me a seductive smile and wink.

Any normal man would have been unable to resist such move by a woman as sexy as her but my senses did not lie and I'd not have another man's leftovers when there was better fare on the table.

So I moved on to the next one.

This one was the girl which had run out of the room, She smelled far nicer, Perhaps only one or two lovers but her trembling was an instant turn off so i moved on to the next.

I continued down the line until finally coming upon the least 'pretty' of the maids, She was not ugly in the slightest but was a simple beauty with plain features, Porcelain white skin and dark straight hair which reached to her waist.....Best of all was that she was still pure.

'Absolutely Delectable' I thought while looking at the maid.

"What's Your Name Girl?" I asked while looking into her dark brown eyes. 

"Emlyn My Lord." She spoke and gave a small curtsy.

"Well met Emlyn." I spoke before taking her hand and bringing it up to my face.

Her hands were slightly rough from working as a maid but still elastic and soft in a way, I gave her smooth skin a whiff and could almost taste it's sweetness. An untouched ripe fruit just waiting to be devoured.

"This one Steward." I spoke and the man bowed deeply before herding the other maids out of the room.

"This one will need to collect her things and move to the Pearl Wing My Lord, In the meantime I can guide you there." He spoke with a bow.

"Lets go then." I spoke and followed the steward who seemed relieved nothing went wrong so far.

[A Few Minutes Later]

The Steward had finally dropped me off at the Pearl Wing, A large collection of rooms and amenities designed for visiting High Lords.

 I opened the door to the Master Bedroom, A sprawling room decorated in the finest silks and gold inlaid wood.

Before Long I wandered over to the bed and sat down on it the soft mattress which seemed just as good as those back home.

All this for and more for "Impressing House Tyrell's Power" Upon the other nobles was more than a fair trade.

And Having a powerful Patron such as the Tyrells was a double edged blade but with many more benefits than downsides in my opinion.

I was more than happy with the results of negotiations.

Before long there was a light rapping knock at my door.

*Knock *Knock *Knock *Knock *Knock 

*Knock *Knock *Knock *Knock *Knock 

I looked to the door for a moment before a light voice was heard.

"Milord, Your Bath Is Ready...." The soft female voice from outside called from just outside.

"I didn't order a fucking bath yet." I murmured to myself before preparing my palm to shoot out a blaze of fire in case I found a faceless man outside my door.

I opened the door ready to strike only to reveal a buxom pretty maid with brown hair and eyes which smelled of rosewater, she held a basket of folded clothes, upon seeing my face her eyes widened and cheeks flushed red, a bit taken aback by my looks.

"You're definitely not the one I ordered, Do I need to kill that steward." I murmured to myself but the maid didn't seem to hear me.

"P...Please follow me My Lord" The maid spoke with a respectful bow of her head and her suddenly quickly beating heart sounding clear as day in my sensitive ears.

"Lead the way." I spoke and before long I was being guided to the baths.

As we walked I noticed the maid had begun to exaggeratedly sway her hips with every step as if to get my attention but it just seemed as if she were trying too hard.

Plus I wasn't interested in this particular maid in the slightest.

It wasn't because she was ugly, on the contrary...this maid was particularly delectable in proportions with a big plump ass and noticeable bosom....But even if that were the case, I could just smell that her purity had long since been taken which didn't seem appetizing when there's cleaner table fare.

If I were going to play the role of a Noble Scion of an Ancient house I should at least have some standards no?

Well Used peasant pussy was simply not something I wished to stoop down to for now.

Eventually we reached the baths where the maid set down the stack of clothes while wiggling her bottom in my direction.

Next she walked over to me before grabbing my belt and starting to undo the clasp while pressing herself onto me, I noticed she'd undone two of her shirt buttons while turned away from me and her milky white breast skin was out in the open air.

"Oh stop it and just Bring me the other maid. I am not interested in used women such as yourself." I spoke rather disdainfully before pushing her away from me lightly.

She froze before looking up at me with a baffled look, then her bafflement turned into a seething anger as her face scowled into a snarl.

"RUDE BASTARD!!" She shouted.


Her small soft hand flew at my face but instead of impacting, I caught her wrist just before she made impact.

I saw her eyes widen then look at my hand which held hers tightly.

"UNHAND ME BEFORE I TELL MY FA....." Was all she managed before I gave her pretty face a light slap.


"Alright you unruly bitch, seems you lack some discipline." I spoke with a sigh before dragging the uppity maid with me by the wrist as she tried her best to pull away.

Eventually we reached one of the stone benches which were in the bath and I sat down upon it.

She struggled to free herself while kicking at me and shouting.



She flailed and shouted for a few moments until I threw her over my legs and had her Plump Bottom faced the sky.

I could almost see the disbelief when I placed my hand on her butt.

"What in Seven Hells do you think you're doing!!! Do you know who I am!!!" She shouted out but almost instantly I gave her ass a firm slap.


"Ahhhh!" She shouted and flailed to free herself but to no avail.

"What an uppity maid, Seems you need to learn some important lesso..." I began to speak but was quickly interrupted by her shouts.

"FUCK YOU!!! THE ONLY LESSON IS GOING TO BE HOW YOU SCREAM WHE...." She began her tirade once more but I'd Have none of it.





After a few hard slaps she became even more indignant so I had no choice.

I reached down and pulled up her dress above her perky butt, Instantly I noticed the green silk panties with golden rose embroidery.

"Stealing Your Noble Lady's Panties Eh? You Really Are A Bad Maid." I spoke which made the maid's face completely red with anger and embarrassment.

"Apologize for your behavior and this can stop." I spoke flatly but was met her trying to spit in my face and shouting more indignations.

"FUCK YOU!! I BET YOU HAVE A TINY COCK THATS WHY YOU DONT WANT TO FUCK ME!!! BASTARD!!! WHITE HAIRED BASTAR.....AHHHHH!!!!~" She Started her cussing but was quickly cut off by my hand flying down upon her smooth elastic butt.

"So Be It." I spoke in resignation before delivering her well deserved punishment.









Before long I noticed that her screams of pain started to morph into desperate, erotic moans of pleasure as much as pain.

I continued to spank the uppity maid for a few more minutes as she continued to resist, but this slutty bitch couldn't help herself and before long she began drooling and her legs quivered and spasmed until finally it was too much and she popped.

*POW! *POW! *POW! *POW! *POW! 


She screamed out so loudly that I was certain the damn walls shook as her warm love juice squirted through her green panties and soaked her thighs and my hand completely.

Once that was done she closed her eyes and shivered for a few long moments before I finally let her get off me.

During her first attempt the maid found her legs shaking and nearly collapsed but before long she scurried out of the room in equal parts anger, shame, and a strange feeling in the depths of her womanly parts.

"What the fuck just got into me....." I wondered after the entire situation, it was something I would've never normally done.

It was then that Tir Tochair hummed with power.

~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


"What is it girl? My new bloodline?" I asked aloud before I stopped in my tracks and looked at the blade which still sat in it's scabbard.

"Did you just talk to me?" I asked the fearsome blade but there was no response.

"Must be fucking hallucinating I guess." I spoke to myself before starting to undress.

It was then that I saw all the still bright red scars which peppered my otherwise untouched ivory white skin.

"Man....Fuck those Ironborn bastards, If I ever fight some again I'm gonna skin them alive." I spoke while scrubbing the majority of the dried dirt grime and sweat off my body.

Once clean enough I walked to the tub, it's water was extremely warm, floating inside were rose petals which scented the water sweetly.

As I stepped inside it was as if a hundred years of sore and aching muscles vanished and were replaced with pure unadulterated bliss.

"Finally....Whew...." I exhaled before closing my eyes and relaxing for a few long minutes as the hot water soothed my sore muscles and energized my tired body. . .

[Don't Worry A Real Lemon Will Be Coming Quite Soon!]- Author Chan

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[3984 Words Count]

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